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July 19, 1962 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1962-07-19

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brg 0an va tsity
Seventy-Second Year
"Where opinions are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


Local Discrimination Persists


'New Frontier'
Needs Depth

THE STUNNING defeat of President Kenne-
dy's medical care for the aged program in-
dicates that it is time to extend the "New
The victory of the "New Frontier" platform
committed Kennedy to his program and on the
whole he has tried to carry it out. Yet the spirit
and commitment of the "New Frontier" has
failed to, permeate Congress whose support
Kennedy needs to effect his broad program.
In the campaign of 1960 Kennedy presented
a broad program of social action to take the
United States off dead center and to start
"America moving again." It included many
welfare measures long neglected during the
Eisenhower regime and others necessary to
meet changing conditions of a modern urban,
industrial society.
However, Congress still resides in the past,
thinking of the status quo, of special interests
and of political power. It is essentially a paro-
chial body, thinking about a myriad of local
and special interests rather than of the nation-
al welfare. Occasionally there are far-seeing
leaders like Senators Paul Douglas, Estes Ke-
fauver or Hubert Humphrey, but these men
are few and far between.
THUS THE demise- of medicare, is another
event in a lengthening series of Kennedy
administration legislative failures. The trend
is especially noticeable this year. An urban
affairs department to coordinate and aid the

needs of cities was vetoed by the House. A
farm bill with a proven program for cutting
massive surpluses while aiding the farmer died
in the same chamber.
Key money-producing provisions of Kenne-
dy's tax program get sliced off like a salami
in the Senate Finance Committee so that only
a give-away to financial and business interests
remains. Only Kennedy's trade program re-
mains unscathed as the Congressional tornado
devastates the Kennedy legislative program.
Kennedy must take several political steps to
insure the success of his program. He must en-
courage reapportionment- so that his urban
supporters, a majority of the country's citizen-
ry, can get their rightful representation in Con-
gress. This will smoothen Kennedy's legisla-
tive program, for reapportionment will replace
conservatives from safe status quo districts
with liberals from urban areas anxious to splve
the problems that face them.
MORE immediately, Kennedy must campaign
for a Congress of his supporters. He should
encourage his allies to run for Congress wher-
ever possible, not discourage them as he is
reportedly doing in Illinois. Only through this
method can he gain the votes to enact his
program now.
The coming campaign will be a test of the
"New Frontier." If it is to succeed, Kennedy
must now recruit more New Frontiersmen.

Daily Staff Writer
RULE NINE, the anti-discrimin-
ation law pertaining to real es-
tate transactions, is currently be-
fore the Michigan Supreme Court,
where a decision will soon be made
concerning its legality. As long as
it is inoperable segregation prac-
tices cannot be prosecuted. And,
discrimination is being practiced
as a matter of form.
A new real estate venture called
Lake Columbia is currently being
promoted. And Ann Arbor is be-
ing flooded with advertisements
for it. Not only are there many
advantages to buying land there,
the ads say, but, to protect your
investment, the area is restricted.
The exact definition of restrict-
ed is not made clear over the ra-
dio. It might refer to zoning re-
strictions or to building require-
* * *
of the Central Realty So. in Lans-
ing, and the man in charge of the
Lake Columbia Development Co.,
says the following: "The prime
policy of the Lake Columbia De-
velopment Co. is to keep from em-

barrassing either Negroes or 'our
people' by not offering our prop-
erty to them,"
A case in point: a telephone
salesman, selecting names from
the phone book, called up Harry
Mial, a Negro, chairman of the
Ann Arbor Area Fair Housing As-
sociation, and arranged to show
him the property. When the com-
pany's representative approached
the Mial home and saw four chil-
dren, two white and two Negro
playing in front, he asked, "Which
of you are the Mial boys?" He
then hurried into the house and
told Mr. and Mrs. Mial apologet-
ically, "I don't think I can interest
you in the property." When Mial
pressed the point, the realtor said,
"I might as well be frank, I can't
show you the property."
The telephone solicitors "try to
tell by listening to them" whether
their prospective customer is a Ne-
gro. "We can't always tell," one
of them said, but if we make a mis-
take, after investigation, we can-
cel the appointment. The restric-
tion is for "business reasons."
* * *
THIS ACTION by the Lake Co-
lumbia Development Co. is possi-

ble only in light of the present in-
junction against Michigan's con-
troversial Rule Nine. This rule al-
lows the revocation of licenses is-
sued to real estate brokers and
salesmen if they use a potential
buyer's race, color, creed, or na-
tional origin as a basis for dis-
criminating in property transac-
Atty. General Frank J. Kelley
Tuesday appealed the injunction
to the State Supreme Court. He
said that Rule Nine "was not con-
ceived in a vacuum." Rather, he
said, "the decision to issue such a
rule came from recognition of the
need to regulate certain real es-
tate brokers and salesmen's prac-
tices which are contrary to the
law of the land and the public
policy of the State of Michigan."
The Ingham County Circuit
Court declared the injunction void

on the grounds that the Corpora-
tion and Securities Commission
lacks the power to impose such
restrictions. This decision by Cir-
cuit Court Judge Sam Street
Hughes permitted real estate
agents to discriminate as they
wished. Hughes said that the real
question "is not the right or wrong
of prejudice or bias. Sometimes,
'closed occupancy' is 'for' a good
cause and not 'against' anybody,
just for the sake of b e i n g
* * *
ANDREWS justified the restric-
tions on the Lake Columbia lots
by pointing out that many people
rebel when property is sold to Ne-
groes. We do not condone this, he
added, but it is a fact in Michigan.
Prof. Nicholas D. Kazarinoff of
the mathematics department and
secretary of the American Civil

Liberties Union in this area, spe-
cifically asked the Lake Colum-
bia representative about restric-
tions against Negroes. He was told
that there were no written restric-
tions but the spokesman indicated
that the area was not integrated.
A clause in the property con-
tract, Prof. Kazarinoff said, pro-
vides a thirty-day option for the
company to match the price, if a
property owner wishes to sell. This
means that they could, if they
wished, buy the land back from
any owner planning to sell his lot
to a Negro.
The attorney general's briefs up-
holding Rule Nine demand imme-
diate attention or the practices of
the Lake Columbia Co. and others
like it will go unchecked and the
integration efforts of the Federal
Government will be hampered by
the State of Michigan.



'Queen and the Rebels'
Reigns Supreme

Middle East Must Seek Rapport

A RECENT announcement from Jerusalem
has broad implications for Middle Eastern
peace. The governments of Israel and Jordan
have established a joint border committee to
seek ways of preventing further frontier in-
Important, is the fact that spokesmen from
these governments sat together at the same
table and agreed upon a plan. Previously, no
Arab government would discuss any problem
with the government of Israel. They did not
approve of the establishment of the state and
have, in the past fourteen years, refused to
recognize its existence.
There have been indications in the past that
Honorable Men
GOOD NEWS from Washingtonl Our Con-
gressmen have agreed to process a few
appropriations bills!
Previously, all money measures had been
tied up in a debacle of the highest complexity,
most serious overtones, and most far-reaching
implications. In other words, Clarence Cannon
wanted to stick his little fingers into Senate
He's the chairman of the House Appropria-
tions Committee, and had' gotten his dander
up when the parallel group in the Senate
wouldn't let him be co-chairman of the con-
ference committee, as had always been the
WELL SIR, the two committees squabbled
and argued and got nowhere. Each side
refused to budge, and for a while it looked
like appropriations bills, which were supposed
to have been reported out July 1, would never
see the light of day.
But now it appears at last that the feud
has finally simmered down, and our leaders
can get back to business.
The Representatives will get to co-chair
some of the conference sessions. "We were
willing to make some concessions to solve this
important matter," Sen. Richard Russel con-
fided to the Associated Press.
THEY HAVE ALSO set up a special commit-
tee to look further into how the two com-
mittees can get along better. All the meetings
will be held in the old Supreme Court chamber
-which just happens to be halfway between
the Senate and the House.
And so the noble art of compromise con-
tinues to grease the skids for our democratic
way of life. All is now sweetness and light.
"If you ever decide to send back our shirt,
please have it laundered first,"'Russel cryp-
tically chortled to several members from the
That's a fine suggestion. Maybe they'll put
some starch in their thinking, now, too.

some of the Arab states would be willing to
break the Israel boycott. But pressure from
Egypt through the Arab League has blocked
moves in that direction.
BORDER incidents between Israel and her
neighbors have been increasingly frequent
in the last few years and the United Nations'
Mixed Armistice Commission has been ineffec-
tive in coping with the problem. Now, at least
Jordan has become aware that another major
border incident in the area could bring in the
big powers.
Jordan's recognition of Israel in the present
manner has opened the door to future cooper-
ation between the two countries. Created in
1924 by Winston Churchill, Jordan is an arti-
ficial state with one seaport on the Gulf of
Aqaba, a terrain which is mostly unarable des-
ert, a dirth of natural resources, and a monarch
who is being kept on the throne by the sup-
port of Great Britain. Before the Arab-Israel
conflict, Jordan had access to the port of Haifa.
THE CLOSED frontier also poses problems
for the Israelis. In the Jordanian sector of
Jerusalem the Hebrew University and the Ha-
dagsah Medical Center are perched on Mount
Scopus. According to the terms of the Armis-
tice, Mount Scopus is Israeli property and there
should be free access to it. This, however, is
not the case. And Israel has had to construct
a new University and hospital in her sector
of Jerusalem. Meanwhile, millions of dollars
of medical equipment and a vast library are
going to waste. There is no reason why these
facilities cannot be used to benefit the popu-
lations of both the countries.
There are, unfortunately, the interrelations
of the Arab States to deal with before any
close cooperation can be accomplished. The
competition between Cairo and Baghdad is an
ancient and ever-present fact.
Both Kassim and Nasser are vying for the
top position in the Arab world and they con-
centrate on wooing the various uncommitted
Arab states into their camps. At the present
time, Iraq appears to be under Communist in-
fluence, while Egypt is walking the narrow
tight-rope between East and West.
HOWEVER, regardless of their position in
the Cold War and their alignment in the
Arab world, the unifying 'factor for the Arab
League has been a professed hatred for Israel.
The only time the League could act as a unit
was in the 1948 fight against Israel. Recently,
the League has been riddled with intrigue and
factionation has been its only accomplishment.
Now that they are not really bound to live
up to the stand of the Arab League, individual
Arab countries may go about making their
peace with Israel. Jordan has cast the first
stitch on what could become a well-knit agree-
ment for Israeli-Jordanian mutual aid. Both
sides have a lot to gain.

"THE QUEEN and the Rebels"
reigned on the Trueblood
stage last night and will continue
to do so through Saturday.
There were several unfortunate
aspects of this production but by
far the most unfortunate is that
this show and this review form a
farewell address for the director,
Andrew Doe. During his two-year
stay here, Mr. Doe has directed an
entirely different kind of show,
usually in an entirely different
manner than anyone else in the
speech department. And this, lest
anyone misunderstand, is to the
The shows have been mainly
"avante-garde" and large, usual-
ly ensemble rather than virtuoso
casts. For me they have been the
most enjoyable shows of the two
seasons. For those who have seen
most of the productions during
this time, they have included "The
'Visit," "The Trial," "Faces of
Malta," and this.
* * *
NOW BACK to this production
of Ugo Betti's "The Queen and the
This show is also an ensemble
show with major responsibilities
resting on Thomas Manning, Nan-
cy Enggass, Janet Watson, Her-
bert Propper and David Hirvela.
All of them did an excellent job of
carrying off this responsibility and
this show.
A large portion of the other un-
fortunate aspects of the produc-
tion also rest on their shoulders
though. Fortunately for the audi-
ences yet to see the production,
most of these aspects will un-
doubtedly be cured by tonight's
* * *
THE TWO which stood out most
were a constant stumbling over
lines, particularly on the part of
Thomas Manning, who played
Amos, and the inaudibility for
most people of one of Herbert

Propper's (Riam) longer speeches.
Both these things can most likely
be attributed to the fact that this
was opening night.
Another difficulty which rests
on both these people and isn't
likely to be cured is an unfortun-
ate consciousness of the hands.
For Manning this is manifested in
practically immobile hands and in
the case of Propper by gestures
much too tense, staged and osten-
However, even if sometimes
talky, this--is. an extremely pow-
erful play, with exceptional act-
ing and one of the most important
elements of any play, solid, con-
tinuous, visual unity. This is the
' result of superb direction accented
by complete control of all the
visual aspects of the stage.
This control has been one of
the identifying characteristics of
all of Mr. Doe's productions and
is particularly noticeable in the
crowd scenes. The moment a
crowd intervenes is usually a high
point and with Mr. Doe it always
forms a stage picture worthy of
the point it's trying to make.
* * 4'
THIS control and visual quality
results in some of the most beauti-
ful bits in the production. Inter-
acting with and changing the well
done set it completes the meaning
and the power of the stage.
A simple chair sitting inconspic-
uously in the center of the stage
is turned into a throne with all its
glory and pride.
A cluttered and dirty room is
turned into a simple and lonely
throne room and then a bare and
foreboding courtroom.
A whore moves upstage and
becomes a Queen.
It goes on and on with power.
It is a worthy, dramatic, and
perceptive farewell address. Listen
-John Herrick

l' .;r
O4M SCe} . I uL
Presents Alumnae P ostion

'Molly Doesn't Float
'THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY BROWN," now at the Fisher Theatre
in Detroit, is not as ship-worthy of the entertainment seas as the
title would indicate-but it is an enjoyable, fast-moving vehicle for the
talented newcomers, Karen Morrow and Harve Presnell.
Attractive Karen Morrow gives an ingenious quality to the loud,
unfinished Molly Brown which makes it believable that a back-woods
girl from Hannibal, Missouri, could conquer international high society.
She has a flair for musical comedy-plus the talent which is often
missing since many non-singers have taken to musicals.
HARVE PRESNELL, similarly, is a welcome addition to the inade-
quate list of accomplished musical stars. He is extraordinarily good-
looking, sings with a voice obviously trained on the world's opera stages,
and has enough energy so that after a vigorous dance with many high
leaps he can still sing a tedious
but difficult soliloquy.
Unfortunately, the play is not as 'No Doub
good as the players. The book is a wT hat the O A 1Ne
curious mixture of out-dated musi-
cal comedy cliches and new musi-
cal devices which writer Richard
Morris could not handle. For ex-
ample, the attempt to strengthen
Molly's character, when she real-
izes her frivolity, comes off at best
as sentimentality, at worst as a
reminder of just how superficial
the play is.
varies from "Li'l Abner" corn to
"The Music Man" marches-which
is fine if tempered with excellent
love songs. However, an insipid
melodywith adolescent lyrics
I knew/What /he n a
in her song./If I knew/Why the
mea ow is sweet ay long./
Then I'd know/How the mountain-
t .._ ._, ,,, i 1 , . .

To the Editor:
Winter's recent editorial about
the Alumnae Council resolution on
the Office of Student Affairs re-
He takes exception to the fol-
lowing statement in our resolu-
tion: "We believe that the Uni-
versity has a responsibility to for-
mulate clearly and make known
widely rules based, on such con-
duct as is acceptable in adult so-
I agree with him that this might
have been expressed better. By
adult we were thinking of this
word as a synonym for mature
which can surely be challenged as
some adults never grow up and
some adult society is so far from
admirable that they would supply
no adequate criteria.
THEN, what principles should
guide students in order to make
the formative undergraduate years
as effective as possible? In at-
tempting to answer this I am
bound to express some platitudes
that everyone has heard over and
t About It,
peds Is New Blood'

over. I make no apology for this
as fundamentals are apt to seem
so commonplace that they are oft-
en forgotten. My first platitude is
that life has meaning and stand-
ards that are far too fundamental
to be cast aside safely by those
who would allow each generation
to make its ground rules govern-
ing conduct to suit itself.
But, saying that life has mean-
ing and standards is still too
vague to make a satisfactory guide
to conduct. Somewhere during my
undergraduate days I encountered
a statement of Immanuel Kant's
that has always seemed to me the
wisest rule of conduct that I have
ever found.
He tells us to do nothing that
we would not be willing to have
everybody else do under the same
circumstances. This would imme-
diately rule out such things as
cheating on examinations, food
riots, panty raids, excessive drink-
ing, licentious conduct and a lot of
other things. To universalize any
of these would be unbearable.
fectively Kant's maxim rules out
anti-social behavior. Some young
people have become the victims of
the philosophies of the last few
decades that emphasize the "right"
of the individual to do as he
I find it difficult to believe that
this has ever been practical for
anyone except, possibly, Robinson
Crusoe on his desert island before
he encountered his man, Friday.
And, even then, the realm of na-
ture would have promptly termin-
ated his experiments if he had in-
sisted upon attempting to stand
on the ocean floor where the wa-
ter was over his head.
I am sure that most Alumnae
would consider the following ex-
cerpt from the OSA Report a rath-
er reckless over-statement: "Stu-
dents should be actively encour-
aged to question, to accept nothing
uncritically or submissively." Does
this mean that they should start

having quite a battle today and I
should be very sorry to see the lat-
ter lose it. Doesn't it seem reason-
able that self-expression gains
enormously in validity if it is pre-
ceded by an apprenticeship of dis-
ciplined learning?
Now, about the Dean of Women.
The Alumnae Council voted 602
to reaffirm their position urging
the Regents to continue the office,
They did so because they believe
that the prestige of this high of-
fice will make it possible for the
Regents to secure someone of the
highest calibre to act as "guide,
mentor, and friend" to the women
It is interesting to note that the
office of Dean of Women was dis-
continued in 1926 and three "ad-
visers" of equal rank were ap-
pointed. Evidently this did not
work well for the office of dean
was re-established in 1930.
-Katherine Chamberlain
AlumnaeCouncil, Chairman
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The.
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
Tonight, with performance through
Sat.: Ugo Betti's "Queen and the Reb-
els," 8:00 p.m. Trueblood Aud., Frieze
Bldg., presented by the U-M Players,
Dept. of Speech. Tonight: $1.50. 1.00;
Fri., Sat.: $1.75, 1.25. Box office open
10-8 daily.
Doctoral Examination for George
Richard Marzolf; Zoology; thesis: "Sub-
strate Relations of the Burrowing Am-
phipod Pontoporeia affinis Lindstrom,"
Fri., July 20, 1139 Natural Science Bldg.,
a 9=a a - m hr.D. Cn . mnder

NAACP Modifies HUAC Stand

THE NEW position of the National Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Colored People
on the House Un-American Activities Commit-
tee is better than last year's stand.
At last year's convention the NAACP de-
manded the abolition of HUAC. At this year's
convention, which has just ended, the NAACP
passed a resolution calling on the nation to
A--A. -1 44 +1- r~n 11e, t ivi- fs i. o

judgement to the people rather than gives the
impression (as last year's resolution might
have) that the NAACP shall make the judge-
ment and the people shall follow along or else.
THIS COUNTRY'S health and vigor depend
on an informed electorate that shall make
judgements for itself on the questions of the
dav The NA ACP has asked a pertinent ques-


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