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July 19, 1962 - Image 1

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,43 a t I'D

Little temperature change;
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Military Junta Takes Over in Peru

LIMA W)--A four-man militar
Junta arrested President Manue
Prado yesterday in a bloodes
coup and seized the governmen
of Peru in an atmosphere charge
with high tension and the threa
of widespread violence.
Disorders broke out quickly an
police had to use water canno
and gunfire to throw back dem
onstrators. Three stone-throwini
students were reported wounded i
a clash between a crowd of youn
demonstrators and police.
Tense thousands - many boo
ing and some cheering - watche
in the square before the Govern
ment Palace as the junta swor
itself and its military cabinet int
office, hours after the pre-dawi
takeover. Police manned water
cannon trucks and others move
in on the crowd to hold back the
threat of violent demonstrations
Crowds Gather
Even after the new militar
government left the palace in the
Plaza de Armas, crowds mille
about and armored cars remainec
there on the alert. Most of the
crowd seemed angry at the event
but there were some cries of "viva
army!" on its fringes.
Police clashed sporadically witl
small groups of students, clubbing
the demonstrators on backs and
heads with rubber truncheons
Near San Marcos University, po-
lice fired tear gas bombs to break
up a student crowd running down
the Peruvian flag to half staff.
Threats of a strike by the Con-
federation of Labor, representing
75 per cent of the nation's labor
force, added to the tension.
Military Moves
The armed forces chiefs moved
suddenly at the height of a crisis
touched off by the June 10 presi-
dential elections in which the
military's long-time political foe,
reform-minded Victor Raul Haya
de la Torre, ran first.
The joint army, navy and air
force junta claimed it acted be-
cause the elections had been frau-
dulent and denied its action was
designed to keep Haya and his
leftist but avowed anti-Communist
American Popular Revolutionary
Party (APRA) out of power.
But there were unconfirmed re-
ports immediately that Haya fled
to asylum in the Venezuelan Em-
bassy. It was a repeat perform-
ance, if he did. He was in asylum
in the Colombian Embassy for five
x' years after Gen. Manuel Odria
seized power in a coup in 194a
Orders Seizure
The military junta ordered Jose
Enrique Bustamente Corzo, presi-
dent of the election board which
certified the ballotting, to surren-
der himself. He has been reported
near nervous collapse at his Lima
home, after resisting army de-
mands to recommend nullification
of the elections.
The drama began at about 3:15
am., and,- the coup was accom-
plished in less than an hour after
the military sent troops to sur-
round the presidential palace.
Shortly afterward, tanks
rumbled into position. An army
colonel stood before a loudspeaker
on one of the tanks. He ordered
President Prado "in the name of
patriotism" and for the sake of
avoiding bloodshed, to surrender
Prado emerged from the palace.
He was ushered swiftly into a mili-
tary car which sped away. One re-
port said he was taken to San Lor-
enzo Island off Callao, Lima's sea-
port. Another said he was held in
the naval armory in Callao itself.
Doctors Drop
Plan Demand
SASKATOON WP) - Saskatche-
wan's striking doctors gave in
yesterday on one key point in

their holdout against the pro-
vince's compulsory medicare pro-
But they remained firm in their
demands for important changes
before returning to normal prac-
Dr. H. D. Dalgleish, president of
the Saskatchewan College of
- ' Physicians, told the ruling So-

To Adopt Laos Treaty
Protecting Neutrality,
GENEVA () - A 14-nation conference yesterday approved the
final version of a treaty designed to make Laos a neutral - off limits
to any foreign forces seeking a base of aggression.
The conference will meet formally Saturday to record the agree-
ment. The ceremony of signature by the foreign ministers was set
for next Monday. The treaty provides for withdrawal of all foreign
military personnel from the strife-

-Ar wirephno
MANY TANKS TO PERU-A Peruvian tank and an army vehicle move in front of the Presidential
Palace in Lima during the military takeover which occurred yesterday. The United States and
several Latin American nations have expressed their disapproval of the action and it has been
threatened that the United States will withdraw financial support from Peru.
Disapprove Takeover in Peru

By The Associated Press
The United States and some
Latin American nations have re-
fused to recognize the military
junta that overturned the civilian
administration of President Man-
uel Prado in Peru Wednesday.
Among them are Colombia, Ven-
ezuela and the Dominican Re-
Two other important nations,
Brazil and Mexico, said they
awaited further clarification of
developments in Lima.
Disapprove Takeover
The United States, through
State Department spokesman Lin-
coln White, voiced severe disap-
proval of the takeover by Peruvian
military leaders.
"We deplore this military coup
d'etat . ." White said, adding,
however, that the State Depart-
ment was watching developments
closely and is awaiting more com-
plete reports from United States
Ambassador James Loeb in Lima.
"Meanwhile, our diplomatic re-
lations with Peru have been sus-
pended," White said.
Loeb will remain in Lima but
will have no contact with the new

The act also included a halt in
any new Alliance for Progress
aid, which Peru has been receiving
at the rate of $75 million a year.
However, United States aid pro-
jects already under way there are
to continue.
The government of Colombia
followed suit in announcing a sus-
pension of relations.
Foreign Minister Jose Joaquin
Caicedo Castillo called the mili-
tary action "a grave blow to the
future of American democracy."
Colombia also recalled its am-
bassador from Peru.
Issue Communique
Venezuela's foreign ministry is-
sued a communique repeating that
nation's policy of not recognizing
governments achieved by military
"Sovereignty is in the people,"
the communique said.
Venezuela took similar action
when military leaders in Argen-
tina overthrew the regime of Pres-
ident Arturo Frondizi in March
and installed a civilian, Jose Maria
Guido, as president.
In Brazil, Foreign Minister

Afonso Arinos said Brazil "always
condemns the use of violent
methods to resolve problems with-
in an established democracy."
The Mexican Foreign Minister
said it is studying the situation in
Peru and that it would not issue
a statement.
Bretton Calls
Plans 'Stunt'
Plans laid by Rep. Gilbert E.
Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) for a
meeting between Defense Secre-
tary Robert S. McNamara or
members of his department and
the Joint Legislative Committee
on Economic Growth were termed
"an election stunt" yesterday by
Bursley's Democratic opponent in
the November election, Prof. Hen-
ry L. Bretton of the political sci-
ence department.
Last week, McNamara reported-
ly criticized state Republicans for
blocking an income tax, thus he
felt, depriving the University of
funds for scientists and facilities
it needs to compete in the race
for defense research grants.
But Prof. Bretton claimed that
"nothing constructive can be ex-
pected from a committee whose
chairman (Bursley) went down
the line with the very party which
the secretary holds responsible"
for the research dilemma.
McNamara had said that uni-
versities on the East and West
coasts were drawing away most
of the lucrative defense contracts
in these new fields, as well as si-
phoning off some of the Univer-
sity's top scientists as the Mid-
west research climate becomes
more and more barren.

torn jungle kingdom within 75
days from the signing.
To Supervise
The withdrawal will be super-
vised by the Canadian-Polish-In-
dian Control Commission for Laos.
The commission also is to check
the borders to prevent re-entry of
foreign forces and armaments.
The United States has military
advisers in Laos. Communist North
Viet Nam has several thousand
combat troops there, but whether
they would be withdrawn is anoth-
er question, since their presence
never has been acknowledged by
the Communists. .
South Viet Nam and Thailand
have become increasingly con-
cerned about Communist infiltra-
tion from neighboring Laos.
Under the treaty, the Laotian
government pledges to remain
neutral. The United States, Brit-
ain, France, Russia, Communist
China and the other eight confer-
ence participants pledge to respect
Laos' neutrality, sovereignty and
political independence.
Realize Desire
Also recognized is Laos' desire
not to be protected by any mili-
tary alliance, including the South-
east Asia Treaty Organization
The Western powers failed in
their original attempt to get a
provision that the private Laotian
forces would be reintegrated into
one limited national army. 'The
head of the coalition government,
neutralist Prince Souvanna Phou-
ma, insisted it was for the Lao-
tians alone to decide how to com-
bine his army and those of right-
ist Prince Boun Oum and pro-
Communist Prince Souphanou-
This failure was a disappoint-
ment to the Western nations, but
they gave in rather than jeopard-
ize the conference.
Souvanna will make his govern-
ment's formal pledge of neutrality
Saturday and it will become part
of the conference record.
Congress Lifts
Aid Restriction
WASHINGTON (P)-Senate and
House conferees dropped from the
foreign aid bill last night pro-
visions which would have restrict-
ed' United States assistance to the
United Nations and to 'Iron Cur-
tain countries.
They reached agreement on a
compromise $4,672,000,000 aid bill,
which still is subject to approval
by both branches of Congress.
The House conferees agreed to
drop a House provision which
would virtually have doomed
President John F. Kennedy's re-
quest for authority to buy up to
$100 million of a $200-million
'Jnited Nations bond issue.
The compromise measure au-
thorizes a 4-year, $2.4-billion pro-
gram of development loans to
Latin America under the Alliance
for Progress program, $600 million
for this and each of three succeed-
ing years.

Resigns Post
In Iranian
TEHRAN, Iran M)-Premier Ali
Amini resigned in a financial
crisis yesterday, blaming the
United States for slashing aid to'
Iran - "America's only sincere
friend in this part of the world."
For four days the premier,
brought in a year ago to fight
corruption and institute land re-
form, has been struggling to get
the government budget in balance.
He failed by $50 million.
Amini told a news conference
United States aid to Iran was far
lass than that given other coun-
tries of comparable size and needs.
He said it was particularly unfair
to cut out all United States aid
'to Iran's army, which he said
must be kept strong for security
Member of CENTO
Iran is a member of the anti-
Communist Central Treaty Or-
ganization (CENTO) along with
Pakistan, Turkey and Britain. The
United States is not a full mem-
ber but has membership on the
military and other committee.
Amini said he will continue in
office until the Shah can pick a
Amini said the United States
gave only $30 million in grants
and some $88 million in loans
during his 14-month, term, and
most of the loans were approved
before he took office.
15 Per Cent Cuts
Informed sources said 15 per
cent cuts in all nondefense minis-
tries were unable to achieve Iran's
goal of its first balanced budget.
Amini said he hoped the Shah
will appoint one of his cabinet
ministers as the next Premier. He
was referring indirectly to Dr.
Hassan Arsanjani, minister of ag-
riculture, rumored to be next in
Land Reforms
The premier's term was marked
by sweeping land reforms-backed
by the Shah-and sporadic demon-
strations for a return to parlia-
mentary government. After Amini
took office May 5, 1961, the Shah
dissolved Parliament to give him
a free hand to combat Iran's in-
ternal problems.
Amini described his own cam-
paign against corruption among
high officials as about 60 per cent
effective. The Shah began break-
ing up and giving away large land
holdings of the royal family, and
some 600 villages were freed from
landlord control despite resist-
ance from large land owners.
During his term, however, Am-
ini evaded constitutional require-
ments for new elections, and this
caused antigovernment demon-'
strations. The university in Teh-
ran was closed for a few months
after student protests became

Morris also said he will intro-
duce a joint resolution and a bill
authorizing the modified enact-
ment of Constitutional Convention
districting provisions now instead
of in 1970.
The joint resolution would put
the redistricting proposal on the
November ballot as a constitution-
al amendment. If it passes, the
Senate would have 90 days to re-
district on the 20 per cent area
factor, 80 per cent poplation for-
mula of the convention, Morris
said. A special commission would
redistrict the Senate if the Leg-
islature failed to do so, he added.
Same Effect
The law would have the same
"The majority opinion gave a
little indication that the court
would accept something less than
two to one variation districts,"
Morris said.
The Morris proposal will meet
opposition from the Democrats,
Dzendzel (D-Detroit) warned.
"The Democrats will advocate
equalrepresentation as close as it
can be achieved," he declared.
Swainson Veto
Dzendzel said that Swainson
wouldnveto any plan that did not
meet the Court's directions.
The committee is also consider-
ing an appeal to federal court,
Morris added.
He hoped that an appeal would
give the Senate a little more time
to redistrict.
The attorneys defending the
Senate and the state elections di-
rector will appear before the com-
mittee today to discuss the cur-
rent legal situation, Morris said.
Ask Adjournment
Meanwhile, Con-Con delegate
Lee Boothby (R-Niles) said he will
ask the convention when it re-
convenes Aug. 1 to adjourn until
Aug. 20-the court's deadline date
-and then take action to the
United States Supreme Court.
Boothby said Con-Con would
present itself as "the highest sov-
See SENATE'S, Page 3

Committee Meet's
On Court Order
Tribunal Voids Apportionment,
Calls for Rearrangement Aug. 20
Republican senators set strategy to meet the effects of
the state Supreme Court decision striking down the appor-
tionment of the Senate yesterday.
The Senate Judiciary Committee urged legislative leaders
last night to call the Legislature into session next Tuesday
afternoon, Sen. Carlton Morris (R-Kalamazoo) annouced.
Senate Minority Leader Raymond Dzendzel (D-Detroit)
indicated that Gov. John B. Swainson would send a message
urging the Legislature to meet as soon as possible and to fol-
low the Court decision.
Court Decision
The Committee met yesterday afternoon to review the
effects of the Court decision invalidating the apportionment
of the Senate, ordering its re->
districting on population lines
by Aug. 20, or an at-large pri-
mary Sept. 11 and election of
32 senators Nov. 11. The court'
also annulled a 1952 constitu-
tional amendment establish-!
ing the 34-seat Senate on a
population-area basis.

... new plans

CdrCongress Tells Agreement
By The Associated Press
MADISON - The Republican-controlled Wisconsin Legislature
reconvened yestedray afternoon, ostensibly to consider Democratic
Gov. Gaylord Nelson's veto of the latest reapportionment program.
WASHINGTON - The warring House and Senate Appropriations
Committees struck their battle flags yesterday and announced an
agreement permitting H o u s e
members to share in the chair-
manship of conference sessions on ARICAN
money bills.

'Court Votes
To Redistrict
The state Supreme Court by a
4-3 party linevotestruck down
the current districting of the state
Senate yesterday and ordered the
Senate to redistrict by Aug. 20 or
face an at-large election of Sen-
In deciding the three-year-old
Scholle vs Hare suit, the court also
nullified the Aug. 7 Senatorial
primary and set a Sept. 11 special
election in its place.
Present Six Opinions
Six opinions were presented on
the case, the controlling one was
written by Justice Thomas M.
Kavanagh. Supporting the major-
ity view were Justices Eugene F.
Black, Otis M. Smith and Theo-
dore Souris, all former Democrats
on the non-partisanly elected
court. In the minority were Chief
Justice Leland W. Carr and Jus-
tices John R. Dethmers and Harry
Kelly, former Republicans.
The seven-point action said:
1) The 34 frozen districts creat-
ed by a 1952 constitutional amend-
ment are null and void as tfley
violate the "equal protection"
clause of the 14th Amendment;
Lack of Validity
2) There is no valid apportion-
ment under which an election can
be held;
3) The Aug. 7 primary for
state Senate is cancelled by a
writ of mandemus issued against
Secretary of State James M. Hare;
4) Past laws are valid as the
Court recognizes the present a
"de facto" legislature until the
end of current term;
5) The legislature and governor
are notified that apportionment
legislation is "urgently needed" on
the basis of the 1908 Constitution
provision for 32 districts of equal


* * . .
LONDON - Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan yesterday ap-
pointed Peter Rawlison, a noted
criminal lawyer, to be solicitor-
general in his heavily reshuffled
government. It was the last im-
portant post to be filled.
* * *
ALBANY, Ga.-Teams of young
Negroes tried unsuccessfully yes-'
terday to desegregate lunch coun-
ters, a swimming pool, a tennis
court and a recreation center in
the second day of a massive inte-
gration drive. The Negroes were
rebuffed at every place, but there
were no incidents and no arrests.

Cites Past as Cause of Political Activity


Lack of a feudal past and anti-ideological bias were cited as
the historic causes of the political inactivity of American youth,
by Prof. Kenneth Keniston, lecturer in social relations at Harvard,
yesterday in his lecture on "American Youth in Politics."
Since the U. S. did not have an aristocracy, oligarchy, colonial
rule, or land monopoly, groups lacked clear and obvious targets for
movements. Individuals had no one to blame but themselves, Prof.
Keniston said.
Prof. Keniston clarified two existing images of American youth.
The first considers adolescence a time of apprenticeship for mobility

However, Keniston emphasized that adolescents are not simply
either the first or second image, but that a certain ambivalence
existed. They can be free, careless participants in one situation, and
serious, dedicated citizens in another.
Campus Politics Vague
Campus politics bear only a vague resemblance to real politics,
Prof. Keniston said. Instead of being a preparation for the real
thing, campus politics are a deterrent to participation.
Prof. Keniston divided student political organizations into two
parts, the right wing, notably Young Americans for Freedom, and
single issue groups.

6) If new districts are not
created by Aug. 20, a special pri-
mary for filling 32 at-large seats
is ordered for Sept. 11 with an at-
large Senate election Nov. 7; and
7) The court retains indefinite
jurisdiction to insure its decision
is obeyed.



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