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July 12, 1962 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1962-07-12

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Im A A"" Amirlmlo



Says Urban Future
To Come Piecemeal

SEA'T'LE-The future of metro-
politan government depends on
"decades of pragmatic process in
muddling through to specific solu-
tions, rather than any program-
matic approach which appeals to
specialists," Prof. Arthur W. Bro-
mage, chairman of the political
science department, said yester-
"Let us recognize frankly that
netropolitan governments involve
interests, vested or otherwise;
constituencies; recourses to action
either overt or covert; and always
two or more sides to public is-
sues," Prof. Bromage continued.
"For these and other reasons,
no one expects that many of our
metropolitan areas will, in the
near future, have federated super-
governments with a neat division
of aspects of functions between the
upper-tier council and the on-go-
ing local units."
Difference in Approach
Speaking at a Seattle luncheon
meeting of the 2 7th annual Insti-
tute of Government, sponsored by
the University, Prof. Bromage said
that voters fail to see the basic:
problems confronting metropolitan
planning as do the experts.
But this is not the only diffi-
culty. "Metropolitan leaders are
lacking, politically speaking." In
view of the independence of local
jurisdictions within the urban cen-
ter, "even a central city mayor has
small chance of integrating the
political whole."

Hits Usage
Of Words
In Health
The Institute on School Mental
Health Programs last Tuesday
heard a psychological consultant
deliver several sharp criticisms of
"fuzzy words" used in describing
children's mental health, plus an
unfavorable opinion on advanced
classes in school.
J. Clayton Lafferty, president of
the Michigan Psychological Asso-
ciation, decried the "extremely
mystical" terminology in his field.
"For instance, the educational
term 'under - achievement' tells
nothing about why or what 'under-
achievement' really is."
This lack of clarity "makes it
difficult" to pass along the special
skills teachers need in handling
children with problems involving
mental health.
And he criticized the idea of
putting children in special classes
according to intelligence, pointing
out what he called an injustice
to the less gifted students. "Evi-
dence shows that all students do
better when put in the class with
the bright pupils."
Lafferty also said that 10 per
cent of the school age population is
sufficiently disturbed as to war-
rant special help, and that )ne of
every 18 will spend some time in
a mental hospital.

Construction Resumes

Across Campus


A summer speech conference,
held under the auspices of the
speech department and Extension
Service, begins with registration at
9 a.m. today in the Rackham Bldg.
Prof. Emeritus Lucy Barton of
the University of Texas wil speak
on "The Significance of Costume
in the Theatre" at 11 a.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Luncheon will follow at noon
in the Anderson Rm. of the Mich-
igan Union, with an address by
Prof. Waldo Braden of Louisiana
State University. He is also the
president of the Speech Association
of America.
Back in the Amphitheatre at
2:30 p.m., Dr. Frederich S. Brod-
nitz of the voice and speech clinic
of Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York
City will speak on "Voice Problem
of the Child and Adolescent."
Prof. Barton will then deliver
another lecture, at 3:30 p.m. in

the same room, on "Theatrical
Truth in Costume."
Area meetings on various related
topics will be held throughout the
building at 9:45 a.m. and 3:45
p m.
* * *
Administration .. .
Prof. Larry Borosage of Michi-
gan State University will lecture
on "Communication" at 8 a.m.
today in the West Conference Rm.
in Rackham. The talk is part
of the Midwest Community Col-
lege Leadership Program, spon-
sored by the University, MSU and
Wayne State University.
* * *
Matemaics ...
Prof. Anatol Rapoport of the
Mental Health Research Insti-
tute will deliver a speech at 2 p.m.
today in Aud. C on "Mathematics
and the Behavioral Sciences" as
part of the Mathematics Educa-
tion Summer Lecture Series.
Russia .. .
David Burg of Harvard Univer-
sity, and formerly a student at
Moscow University, will lecture on
"Current Soviet Literary Politics"
at 4:10 p.m. today in Aud. A. His
talk is given under the auspices
of the Summer Session and the
Center for Russian Studies.

FULL SPEED AHEAD-Work on the new Physics-Astronomy Bldg. on E. University St. is continuing
again after a strike in Detroit last month had delayed shipments of materials. Masonry work is
being done in the ground level framework (left), while other workmen (right) six floors up maneuver
themselves among girders and the derrick.

... metropolitan muddling
However, he predicted that "sin-
gle or multi-functional authorities
to executive administrative tasks,
such as water and sewage sys-
tems," parks and transportation,
seem sure to spread."
Structure Vital
The legal basis for these gov-
erning boards is vital, he said, and
may have to represent a compro-
mise between direct election and
state appointment of board mem-

As various metropolitan func-
tions pass under the control of SelleckTo Direct

Study Gypsum
In Michigan
A team of University researchers
is conducting the first public
scientific analysis since 1904 of
gypsum deposits within the state.
As part of an overall study by
the Institute of Science and Tech-
nology of evaporite deposition in
Michigan, the researchers are
examining aspects such as the fac-
tors in the formation of gypsum,
the types of environments in
which it can be found and some
of its physical characteristics.
To help in compiling statistics
from well cores and figuring pat-
terns of deposition, much of the
data is being classified and stored
in a computer, Frank Moser said.
He is one of four researchers
under the IST directly working on
the gypsum project, which is ex-
pected to continue through the
next few years.

By The Associated Press have some reservations concerning
WASHINGTON - It's too early the second.
to say about 1962, but information Although the statistics for cal-
just now available indicates that ndar 1961, ficialsited atnwere
1961 must have been a year of Economic Commission for Europe

Cotton Cord

the area-wide authorities, it is
wise to make the centers of power
functional. "Otherwise, metropoli-
tan aspects become splintered
among various agencies."
Prof. Bromage defined metro-
politan government as the merger
of units or services of government
within an urban area. This term-
inology could include city-county
consolidation, authorities t h a t
control one or more metropolitan
functions, or a federated super-
government administering t h e
services as a whole.

School at Hospital
Ruth Selleck will take over on
Sept. 1 from Mildred Walton as
director of the Hospital School, a
unit under the University Hos-
pital which provides regular school
lessons and recreation for hos-
pitalized children.
Miss Selleck is currently work-
ing on her PhD and assisting in
the special education department
of the education school. She has
taught rural schools in Lapeer.

disappointment for the Marxist
economic planners of most East
European countries.
The tempo of boom that char-
acterized 1959 and 1960 in those
countries changed in 1961 from
rapid to slow.
E The Communists may immedi-
ately retort that the same was
true for non-Communist Western
Europe, and that their statistics
will show a greater average rate
of growth than those of the cap-
italist part of the continent.
No Quarrel, They Say
United States specialists would
have no great quarrel with such
an argument. The first, they say,
is unquestionably true. Thev do

East Europe Economy Slacks Of f

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Play Jeans
2 pair 5.00
Charcoal-Grey and Blue


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
The Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
has announced two programs of re-
search fellowships in the Fed. Republic
of Germany and in West Berlin, for
faculty members in all areas. Details
may be obtained in the Fellowship Of-
fice, Room 110, Rackham Bldg.
New or Returning Residence Credit
Students who did not get their plastic
identification card during registration
may get it by applying at Window A,

port Shirts
$125 $144 m$188
Assorted Colors
Whites Many Materials
Sam's Store
122 E. Washington Street


lobby of the Administration Bldg. hours
8-12 and 1-5, Mon. through Fri.
Doctoral Examination for Dean Frank
Berry, Bus. Admin.; thesis: "The Orga-
nization and Administration of Cen-
tralized, Corporate Staff Personnel Re-
search Units: A Descriptive Study of
the Process of Personnel Research Ac-
tivities in Selected Firms," Fri., July
13, 516 School of Bus. Admin., at 3:00
p.m. Chairman, G. S. Odiorne.
Doctoral Examination for Alan Keith
Graham, Botany; thesis: "The Sucker
Creek-Trout Creek Miocene Floras of
Southeastern Oregan," Fri., July 13,
1139' Nat. Science Bldg.,, at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, C. A. Arnold.
Lecture: Thurs., July 26, 4:10 p.m.,
Aud. A, Angell Hall. Herbert Howarth,
Associate Prof. of English, University
of Manitoba, "Lawrence Durreil and
the Tradition of the Novel." Sponsored
by the Dept. of English and the Sum-
mer Session.
Detroit Edison Co., Detroit, Mich. -
Womangraduate to be Statistical Clerk.
Degree in Bus. Ad., or Math or Psych.
major. Exper. not required. Clerical
assistant to company psychologists with
career opportunity to work into data
processing or psychology. Will work ini-
tially on statistical computations.
Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y.
-Various openings including: Engineers
(Mech., Chem., Indust., & Electrical);
Chemists, Physicists; Ac't.; Mktg.;
Econ.; Stat.; Math; & Indust. Admin./
Mgmt. Locations in Rochester, N.Y.;

Kingsport, Tenn.; Longview, Texas; and
New York, N.Y.
Washington State Civil Service-Posi-
tion as State Examniner for grads with
major in Acc't., Bus. Ad., Econ., or
Finance. Must have at least 45 quarter
hrs. in Acc't. Also 1 yr. exper. in acc't.
or auditing. More exper. required for
higher level positions.
Dept. of Navy, Bureau of Naval Weap-
ons-Many & various position openings
including: Engineers, Math, Physicist,
Microbiologist, Illustrator (tech. equip),
Metallurgist, Indust. Hygienist, Short-
hand Reporter, Staff Nurse, Librarian
(cataloging), etc. Positions located
throughout U.S.
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB,' Ext. 3544.
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies for the school year
Adrian, Mich. (Girls Training Sch.)
-Elem. or Sec. (Ungraded classes) -
Man or, Woman. Must have teach. cert.
Aimont, Mich. - 7th grade, Comm.
(including Shorthand), Inst. & Vocal
Battle Creek, Mich. - Jr. HS Libr.,
Engl. (10-11).
Bay City, Mich. - Math (Calculus/
Trig/2nd yr. Alg.-MA & Exp.), Engl.
(12th Gr.-MA & Exp.).
Clio, Mich.-4th grade, Jr. HS Math
& SS, HS Math.
Coleman, Mich.-HS Engl/SS. SS, 9th
gr. Gen. Sci./Biol. One of positions in
comb. with Head Ftbl. & Asst. Bsktbl.
Deckerville, Mich.--El. Vocal/HS Vo-
Detroit, Mich. - Bus. Educ., Elem.
Homeroom, Girl's PE, Ind. Arts, Libr.,
Math, Elem. & Sec. Sci., Span., Ment.
Retard, Deaf & Hard of Hearing, Elem.
& Sec. Vocal Mus.
Drayton Plains, Mich. (Waterford
Twsp. Schs.-Waterford-Kettering HS)-
Bus. Educ., Vocal Music, Libr.
Gobles, Mich.-Comm., Jr. HS Sci/
Math, HS SS/Track/Asst. another sport,
HS Vocal & Inst. Mus., Ment. Retard.,
5th grade, 4/5 grade.
Howell, Mich,-Diag., Visit. Teach.,
Sp. Corr.
Madison Hts., Mich. (Lamphere Schs.)
-Sp. Corr. (1-12).
Mason, Mich.-Latin, Art.
Muskegon, Mich. (Mona Shores Sch.
Dist.)-6th grade, Elem. & Jr. HS Libr.,
Jr. HS SS, Jr. HS Engl/SS, HS Engl/
Hist. or Hist/Engl., E. Elem. Type "A,"
Sp. Corr.
New Baltimore, Mich. (Anchor Bay)

-HS French, German, Math (Alg/Gen.
New Haven, Mich. - Kdg., 1st gr.,
Elem. Vocal Mus., Jr. HS Spec. Ed.
(Ment. Retard.).
Lacon, l1. (Mid County Unit No. 4)
-E. Elem.
« *
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB,
Ext. 3547.
On Fri., July 13, Stevensville, Mich.
will be at the Bureau to interview can-
didates for the 1962-1963 school year
in 1st grade, 3rd, 4th, 5th grades, 8th
gr. Math, 8th gr. Engl. For appointments
and additional information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB,
663-1511, Ext. 3547.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 SAB Monday thru
Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til
5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Bob Hodges, at
NO 3-1511, ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
1-Senior or Grad student with Elec-
trical background and interest. Will
be setting up experiments. Some ex-
perience in ordering, purchasing
materials helpful plus technical
1-To cook for one person and live in.
Bus runs by house.
1-Dental assistant. Must be able to
work full-time Thurs. and an equiv-
alent to 8 hours the rest of the week
-16 hrs. total. Must be able to type
well. Permanent position.
French Club, Weekly Meeting, July
12, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.

(ECE), and are the latest and
best available, they are based on
data submitted by the Communist
countries themselves and at least
some of them were obviously con-
cocted for propaganda purposes.
Another reason for reservation;
is more scientific. The basic prin-
ciples of statistics are applied
more loosely in the Communist
countries than in the West. There-
fore, Communist statistics of na-
tional income or indexes of in-
dustrial and agricultural output
are often useless for purposes of
economic analysis or for making
comparison between the Soviet
bloc and the West.
U.S. Experts Complacent
For this second reason, United
States economic experts are satis-
fied with ECE's handling of the
statistics, which consists of com-
parative percentages only. These'
percentages clearly point out
t h e deceleration of economic
growth in 1961, caused mainly by
the debacle of agricultural pro-
duction in what used to be central
Europe's breadbasket.
According to these figures only
three nations out of.the eight can
boast of an increased growth in
1961: Poland, Romania, and Al-
Agriculture was doubtless the
major factor to the acceleration
in Poland, the only Communist
bloc country which has "decollec-
tivized" its farms. Romania, on
the other hand, is the only coun-
try in the area which enjoyed pro-
gress in industry and trade, main-
ly in oil. The favorable figures in
Albania are somewhat of a mys-
tery considering the tiny "peo-
ple's republic's" increasing isola-
lation within the European Com-
munist bloc.
Basic Agrarian Problem
The real trouble in 1961 was in
agriculture. The serious drought
in most countries depressed pro-
duction in the first year of virtu-
ally complete collectivization (ex-
cept in Poland) throughout the
While the "socialist sector" of
agriculture, that is the arable land.
cultivated by collective and state-
owned farms, was only 13 per cent
in Poland, it was between 86 per
cent (in Bulgaria) and 99 per
cent (in the Soviet Union) else-
where. The fact that only Poland
- and again Albania - were the
exceptions to the general picture
of stagnation in agricultural pro-
duction might be a great satis-
faction to those who maintain
that no indoctrination or pressure
can "persuade" the farmer to toil
harder on the field which does
not belong to him,
Annual Growth

poultry and egg production, while
importing whatever the country
needs in grain.
Common Market Concern
This, on the other hand, ex-
plains Poland's greater concern
about the Common Market. For-
ty per cent of Poland's exports go
to the capitalist countries and the
Common Market's external tariff
wall, protecting the agriculture of
the six member nations, could
have disastrous consequences to
the economy of Poland.
Diplomats of these two coun-
tries do not conceal their con-
cern. They hint that loss of their
Western markets could force Po-
land 'to seek closer economic ties
with Moscow,
Rather Gloomy and Appalling
Although the agricultural pic-
ture was and remains rather
gloomy in the area in general,
there is no question of people go-
ing hungry, officials caution.
There is enough to eat, but the
quality of the products is appall-
ingly low even in such a well-
favored agricultural country as
But while nobody is starving,
there is-and always has been
since the Communist takeover in
the late 1940's--a frustrating lack
of one commodity or another.
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The following table
region's global output
ture, again in annual
rates of growth:

shows the
in agricul-

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Country 1959 1960 1961
Albania 20 -'7 22
Bulgaria 18.1 3.1 -2.4
Czechoslo'kia -1.1 6 1
East Germany Not Available
Hungary 6 -5 -1
Poland -1 5.4 10.2
Romania 21 1.1 0
Soviet Un. Not Avail. 2.3 2
The Polish phenomenon is worth
some explanation. Beside the hu-
man factor, the Polish farmer's
obvious greater interest in toiling
on. his private plot, the regime of
Vladyslaw Gomulka has recogniz-
ed that it could secure a more
stable growth concentrating on
animal husbandry, especially pork,


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El jueves 12 de Julio de 1962
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