J.S. High Altitude H-Test
tor Device
Nationalist Emissaries
Confident over A lgeria
Ben Khedda Forces Predict Reconciliation
With Ben Bella as Abbas Remains Neutral
ALGIERS (,P) - Officials of the moderate regime of Premier
Youssef Ben Khedda expressed confidence yesterday talks with dissi-
dent Deputy Premier Ahmed Ben Bella in Morocco will lead to speedy
reconciliation of Algeria's quarrelling leaders.
Ben Khedda called a mass rally of his supporters in Algiers sports
stadium and nationalist sources said he would seek support for his
Soviets Call
Pacific Sky
HONOLULU (AP) - The United
States exploded a missile-borne
hydrogen device more than 200
miles above the Pacific Sunday
night, the highest thermonuclear
blast ever achieved.
The massively powerful blast
lighted up thousands of miles of
Pacifie sky, from tiny Wake Island,
to New Zealand, and aroused
prompt and angry denunciation in
Moscow and Peiping.
Some Disruption
Some disruption in Pacific com-
munications was reported but not
as much as had been feared.
The megaton-plus device was
fired with a force of more than a
million tons of TNT 15 minutes
after its booster Thor missile
blasted off from the Johnston Is-
land test base. It exploded precise-
ly on schedule at 11 p.m.
The magnitude of the flaring
flash was so great that it filled
heavy clouds over Hawaii with a
brilliant glare fading into a glow
of rainbow colors, lasting six min-
'utes. Honolulu is 750 miles north
of 'Johnston Island.
People Surprised
In Auckland, New Zealand -
3,300 miles south of Johnston and
4,000 from Honolulu - people
were startled by glowing light
sweeping across the clear sky from
northern to southern horizon.
Auckland watchers saw a wid-
ening red band of color, shot
through with quivering white
shafts off'light.
At Wake Island - 1,500 miles
northwest of Johnston - the more
than 200-mile-high blast was seen
as bright lightning. Watchers in
the Fiji Islands - 2,000 miles
away-saw a rainbow glow chang-
ing through green, blue and yellow
and finally to orange and red.
The successful test followed two
attempts that failed because of
missile malfunctions June 4 and
June 19 and four postponements
of the third try that worked out
Moscow radio called the high al-
titude hydrogen device blast a
"The United States exploded its
nuclear device In space despite the
decisive protests of all mankind-
precisely on the day when the
world congress for general disarm-
ament began its work in Mos-
cow," the broadcast said.
ACLU Offers
Witnesses Aid
Witnesses without counsel who
are called before the House Un-
American Activities Committee
may receive free legal aid from
the American Civil Liberties Union
if the hearings are in Washington
D.C., or in Southern California.
Branches in these two areas,
Rolland O'Hare, head of the De-
troit Branch of the ACLU, ex-
plained have recently announced
this policy. The Southern Califor-
nia branch announced it during
HUAC hearings there last May
and at the semi-annual convention
of the ACLU last June the Capital
Branch declared a similar policy.
"Since 90 per cent of HUAC's
hearings are held in Washington,
this offer practically provides free
counsel to anyone needing it,"
O'Hare declared.
JOHNSTON ISLAND BLAST - This is one of a series of nuclear
explosions which culminated in the detonation Sunday by the
United States of a megaton range hydrogen bomb 200 miles above
this Pacific testing area.
British Medical Expert
To Advise About Strike
REGINA W) - Socialist Premier Woodrow Lloyd called in a Brit-
ish expert and both sides carried their battle to newspaper ads yes-
terday in the doctors' strike against Saskatchewan's medical care plan.
"I will try to help both sides reach an understanding," said 51-
year-old Lord Taylor, a member of the House of Lords, as he pre-
pared to leave for Saskatchewan.
Premier Lloyd said, however, that Lord Taylor is not coming as
a mediator. He said he believes the Briton's advice will be useful to
Scientists Claim Bomb
May Upset Ionosphere
LONDON (A') - A United States
high altitude hydrogen blast -
whose fiery glow turned the sea
blood red 3,200 miles away in New
Zealand - triggered a chain re-
action of Communist denunciation
From Peiping to Moscow, such
epithets as "atom-maniacs" and
"American criminals" were heaped
on the United States for the great
blast 200 miles above Johnston
Island in the Pacific.
Western scientists were divided
on whether the shock will upset
the balance of radiation high
above the earth. But those within
looking distance were plainly
dazzled by the man-made aurora
that danced in the skies over the
News Reaches Congress
News of the high test shot
reached Moscow on opening day
of the Communist-led World
Peace Congress, which was
promptly turned into a carnival
of anti-United States propaganda.
"It is a gift to the Congress,"
Georgi A. Zhukov, a commentator
for the Communist Party news-
paper Pravda, said.
Speaker after speaker mounted
the rostrum in the Kremlin to de-
nounce the American tests.
Scientists Assail Tests
Tass, the Soviet news agency,
brought out a number of Soviet
scientists to assail the Pacific ex-
Prof. Nikolai Dubinin of the So-
viet Academy of Sciences said the
high altitude blasts create artifi-
cial radiation belts hazardous for
Alexandra Profofyeva-Belgov-
skaya, head of the laboratory at
the Institute of Radiation Biology,
said "the future of mankind will
be in danger if the ionizing radia-
tion background around the earth
continues to increase."
Red China Charges
A broadcast from Communist
China charged the test was con-
ducted "in defiance of strong,
worldwide public opposition."
In London, afternoon papers
spread the story across front
pages. The conservative Evening
Standard said the test was neces-
sary to develop anti-missile mis-
siles, adding:
"Since the cost of ; anti-missile
systems is going to run into bil-
lions it is as well to find out how
vulnerable they are before break-
ing the bank."
Fears have been expressed by
B r i t i s h scientists, notably by
famed astronomer Sir Bernard
Lovell, that the high altitude shot
might irreparably disturb the Van
Allen Belt of radioactive particles
surrounding the earth.
Readies .Bill
Judiciary Committee yesterday an-
nounced tentative agreement on
a hotly disputed bill to tighten
federal policing of the prescrip-
tion drug industry.
The measure, drastically amend-
ed to knock out or alter many pro-
visions proposed by Sen. Estes
Kefauver (D-Tenn) was ordered
reprinted before it is submitted
to the committee for a vote.
Kefauver told reporters the
measure "represents some improve-
mnent" over existing law. But he
said he would lead a fight on the
Senate floor to strengthen some
"watered down" provisions.
In it present form the bill re-
quires the registration of all
prescription drug manufacturing
firms, instead -of the licensing
Kefauver had'proposed. It gives the
government wider powers to re-
quire manufacturers to supply in-
formation about possible side ef-
fects of their medicines.
Therbill has been shorn of tough
anti-trust provisions which Ke-
fauver had contended would re-
duce the price of medicines by
requiring more competition.
Sen. James O. Eastland (D-
Miss), Judiciary -Committee chair-
man, said the committee would
meet again this week to seek a
final decision on the bill.
Thedcommitteetannounced it
had adopted four more amend-
ments this morning to the already
much-changed bill.
One of these, approved 6-4, elim-
inates what Kefauver had called
its "advertising control" section.
The section would have required
that advertising of medicines in
medical journals must contain
statements about possible side ef-
fects as well as claims of ef-
Protest Violation
Of Cambodia Sea
PHOM PENH, Cambodia OP) -
The Cambodian government an-
nounced yesterday it has protested
against what it called violations of
Cambodian territorial waters by
the South Vietnamese navy.
... bill watered down
views from Algerians living outside1
Rabat, coming from Cairo, and
immediately went into conference
with Ben Khedda's emissaries, In-
formation Minister M'hammed
Yazid and Minister of State Ra-
bah Bitat.
No Indication
There was no indication wheth-
er they were authorized to make
commitments on Ben Khedda's
behalf. But one official in Algiers
"You can assume they will have
no difficulty in reaching an under-
The well-trained Algerian army,
equipped with modern Czech and
Soviet weapons, was in control of
virtually all the new nation except
the capital and the Kabylie Moun-
Stationed Troops
The troops, totaling some 45,000
men, had been stationed in Tu-
nisia and Morocco until the nation
became independent last week.
They were apparently still obeyingt
orders from their former chief of
staff, Col. Houari Boumedienne.
Boumedienne, an avowed admirer
of Communist Chinese President
Mao Tze-Tung, was fired by Ben
Khedda on the eve of independ-
ence, allegedly for plotting a mili-
tary dictatorship.
Ben Bella and another deputyt
pr em i er, Mohammed Khider,
broke with Ben Khedda in protest
against Boumedienne's dismissal.I
But at the root of the dispute lay
sharply differing views on the fu-
ture political alignment - or non-c
alignment - of Algeria, and the
degree of western-style democracyv
to be practiced in the new state.
There were rumors in Algiers
that Ben Khedda might eventuallyc
pave the way for such a solution
by resigning in favor of a neutral
leader such as former exile Pre-
mier Ferhat Abbas. Abbas said last9
week he considered Boumedienne'sa
dismissal ill-advised, but he hasr
not taken sides in the more funda-.
mental differences between the
two factions.
FRB Reduces
Stock. Margins
Street was handed a psychological
prop yesterday when the Federal
Reserve Board reduced stock mar-
gins - or down payment require-
ments - from 70 per cent to 50
per cent, effective today.
The prop could prove more than
psychological, in fact. An investor
now will be able to buy $2,000
worth of stock with a down pay-
ment of $1,000, compared with
only $1,429 worth under the 70-
per-cent rule in effect since July
By allowing greater use of credit
in the market, lower margins
could stimulate heavier purchases
of stocks. Increased buying, in
turn, would put upward pressure
on share prices.
the capital. Ben Bella arrived in
. .. confident
world News Roundup
WASHINGTON -- Representatives of western powers at the
Geneva conference met in Washington yesterday for a review before
the Geneva meeting reconvenes next week. United States authorities
said the disarmament specialists from Britain, Canada, Italy and the
United States probably would wind up their consultations today.
The Washington session is reviewing western disarmament pro-
posals to see what has happened in the disarmament field and what
changes, if any, might be made when the Geneva conference recon-
venes July 16 after its month-long summer recess.
* * * *y
CAIRO - President Abdul Nasser opened a nine-day conference
of developing nations yesterday with a statement that the conference
"represents a hope for progress and peace." The United Arab Repub-
lic's leader told representatives of 35 countries attending that the
gathering "is not in any manner of means directed against the more
advanced" countries of the world. Members of the conference do not
represent an alliance and hold no grudge against more prosperous
nations, he said.
* * * *'
WASHINGTON - The Senate formally ratified the new three-
year international wheat agreement yesterday by a vote of 79 to 0.
The agreement, signed in Washington last spring, is aimed at
assuring supplies of wheat and wheat flour to importing countries and
providing markets for exporters at equitable and stable prices.
To Postpone
Final Action
In Health Bill
ate decided yesterday to postpone
final action on the health care
for the aged bill until next week
but reached an agreement to limit
After a long round of negotia-
tions, majority leader Mike Mans-
field (D-Mont.), won unanimous
consent for an agreement expected
to bring final action on the mea-
sure next week.
The crucial preliminary vote will
come July 17, on a motion to table
and thus kill the Kennedy Admin-
istration's Social Security health
care plan.
The debate limitation agreement
takes effect tomorrow but Mans-
field said all the rest of this week
will not be devoted to the health
legislation. It will be put aside
temporarily for other important
matters, he explained.
The agreement provides for four
hours of debate on the Adminis-
tration's proposal in the event it is
not 'tabled next Tuesday.
It also allocates four hours each
to two Republican substitutes to
be offered by Sens. Leverett Sal-
tonstall (R-Mass.), and by Pres-
cott Bush (R-Conn.).
Governor May
Call Troops'
To Quell Klan
ATLANTA (P) - Gov. Ernest
Vandiver angrily threatened yes-
terday to call out the National
Guard if necessary to quell any
future Ku Klux Klan attempts
at staging rallies on state pro-
Vandiver denounced the hooded
order for a clash with state troop-
ers Saturday night at nearby
Stone Mountain.
"I will not in the future allow
any demonstrations on state pro-
perty whether they be by the
NAACP or the Ku Klux Klan,"
Vandiver said.
His threat of armed force was
answered by two Klan leaders.
"We will use all peaceful means
to protect our rights," Georgia
Klan Dragon Calvin Craig of At-
lanta, said, "even if the governor
calls out a thousand armed na-
tional guardsmen or has his friend
United States Atty. Gen. Robert
Kennedy bring in the Federal
Imperial Wizard Robert M. Shel-
ton of Tuscaloosa, Ala., disputed
Vandiver's statement that Klans-
men "stuck women and children
out in front to lead their fight" in
tangling with troopers.
the public, the doctors and the
government. Lord Taylor, adneuro-
psychiatric specialist, played a
leading role in drafting Britain's
free medical care plan in 1948.
Taylor commented on the Sas-
katchewan plan in a recent letter
to the British medical magazine
"Lancet." He said one aspect of
the program seemed to give the
government undue control over
doctors. That is the argument of
the practicing physicians of the
province, most of whom have been
on strike since the plan became
effective July 1.
The act, designed to provide
medical care for everyone, is 1-
nanced by single-person and fam-
ily assessments and by general
taxation. While there is freedom
of choice in doctors, the doctors
must accept state regulated fees
from the government.
Austrian Doctors
Strike New Fund
VIENNA (P) - Austrian doctors
staged a 24-hour strike yesterday
and ran into limited counter-
action following denunciation of
the doctors' walkout by Austrian
trade unions. The doctors said
they struck because the Vienna
sickness compensation fund was
unfair to them in the matter of
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