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July 03, 1962 - Image 1

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Sticky today,
Chance of showers.






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Algerian Civil War Looms
As Moslem Leaders Split

City Council Rejects Plan



Housing Ordinance

By The Associated Press
ALGIERS - Algeria was threat-
ened with fratricidal civil war last'
night as rebel units of the victor-
ious nationalist army turned
against theirs moderate civilian
Regular Algerian troops seized
key positions for defense against
any armed uprising by the rebels.
French officials said about 4500
armed fighters supporting disident
Deputy Premier Ahmed Ben Bella,
a foe of continued ties with France,
have massed south of Algiers.

Heavily armed troops under or-
ders of the nationalist government
of Ben Youssef Ben Khedda took
over official buildings in Algiers,
prepared to react quickly to a
dissident attack.
Military Support
The move by Premier Ben Khed-
da's forces apparently had the
support of the French military
command. France hopes that Al-
geria, which overwhelmingly (99.6
per cent) voted Sunday to end
132 years of French rule, will

CIVIL STRIFE-Youssef Ben Khedda (left) is faced with the
threat of a civil war as he prepares to take over governmental
machinery in Algeria. United'Arab Republic President Gamal Ab-
dul Nasser (right) urged Moslems in Algeria to cease their internal
toview Disarmament;
NAACP SetsPicketing
WASHINGTON-The Western powers taking part in the 17-na-
tion Geneva disarmament conference plan a general review of their
disarmament proposals before the conference resumes July 16. United
States officials said preliminary talks among United States, British,
Italian and Canadian disarmament experts will probably get under
way in Washington late this week.
* * * *
ATLANTA-The National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People voted resoundingly yesterday to picket segregated ho-
tels here as its convention gained

maintain strong ties with France.
Some quarters also fear Ben
Bella's call for a socialist state
in view of the huge French invest-
ments in Algeria.
Ben Khedda has arranged with
Paris for the French government
to proclaim Algeria's independence
tomorrow, officially ending more
than seven years of bloody struggle
against France for self determina-
tion in the Moslem land.
To Confer Today
Ben Khedda is to arrive in Al-
giers during the day from Tunnis
where his rebel government in
exile directed the Algerian revolt
against the French. Observers said
they hope Ben Khedda's authority
and prestige may swing wavering
elements of the 60,000-man na-
tionalist army to his side and thus
prevent bloodshed and turmoil.
From Tunis, Ben Khedda called
for national unity and indirectly
denounced Ben Bella and his fol-
lowers for their defiance of gov-
ernment policies. Ben Khedda said
the Algerian people will never
"listen to demagogues and will
never give obedietnce to adven-
The grave developments came
as thousands of Moslems paraded
chanting and cheering through
Algeria's cities and towns, cele-
brating their new independence.
Nasser Steps In
Meanwhile, in Cairo, President
Gamal Abdul Nasser of the United
Arab Republic called on Tunisia
and Morocco to join him in trying
to avert Moslem conflict in Al-
He said he had received mes-
sages from Ben Khedda and Ben
Bella and had sent replies. Ben
Bella had opposed Khedda's order
dismissing the Algerian nationalist
army chief of staff, a supporter
of Ben Bella. Ben Bella then fled
from Tunis to Tripoli.
One well-informed source said
in Algiers high French naval of-
ficers met early yesterday to dis-
cuss possible emergency evacua-
tion of French troops and civilians
in case of an outbreak of civil
French President Charles de
Gaulle had planned to make the
proclamation by tomorrow. The
sudden army revolt raised a possi-
bility that the proclamation might
be delayed, thus making French
military action against the Ben
Bella forces at least theoretically
From 50,000 to 60,000 French
troops are believed stationed with-
in a 50-mile radius of Algiers.
They have been confined to bar-
racks since Sunday, except for oc-
casional patrols.
In other developments, a State
De'partment official said the Unit-
ed States will soon "recognize Al-
geria as an independent nation,"
while Britain is also expected to
grant official recognition, al-
though not in the immediate fu-
NEA Leader
Fears Unions
DENVER ()-The executive
secretary of the National Educa-
tion Association said' yesterday
that organized labor is spending
heavily to unionize public school
teachers, a move which he said
could destroy the 812,000-member
Carr said the education organ-
ization's board of directors has
given highest priority to strength-
ening membership and services in
the nation's big cities. It is in the
metropolitan areas that the labor
unions have made their largest
gains in the teaching ranks.

. joins the vigilantes

Ann Arbor
May Join
Tax Group
Ann Arbor tentitively added it-
self to the critics of Detroit's in-
come tax last night as the City
Council approved Mayor Cecil 0.
Creal's plans to investigate aiding
the Vigilance Tax Committee of
suburban Detroit mayors.
Creal said that a number of
local residents who worked in
Detroit had complained about the
tax and had asked for city hall
help in the matter.
"I would ask that my office, and
the office of the city attorney,
check with' the suburban organiza-
tion to find out if there is any,
help that we can give in its legal
protest and especially if it has to
go to the Supreme Court for de-
cision," Creal said.
Group Thwarted
The Vigilance Tax Committee's
legal efforts to invalidate the tax
hit a snag yesterday when Wayne
County Circuit Judge Neal E. Fitz-
gerald upheld the tax as con-
Fitzgerald called the tax, which
went into effect Sunday, "an ex-
cise. I find no invalidity or un-
constitutionality in the act."
He also upheld the right of
Detroit to tax non-residents work-
ing in the city, a sore point with
most of the tax's critics.
No Study
Democratic Councilman Lynn
Eley called Creal's decision pre-
mature, saying that the Council
had not studied the impact of the
tax on Ann Arbor residents or the
effects of its action on other Com-
He called the city income tax
regressive and said that a g tate
income tax would better the state
and its cities. But, he said "as long
as their is mal-apportionment of
the State Senate, cities will con-
tinue to suffer discriminatory
practices in taxation and fiscal
Meanwhile, Detroit's mayor Jer-
ome P. Cavanagh expressed satis-
faction with the Circuit Court de-
cision, validating the city income
Confident Cavanagh
eI am gratified that the city's
arguments in favor of the income
tax ordinance prevailed in Circuit
Court. I had the utmost confidence
that the validity of our arguments
would be sustained on the basis of
law," Detroit's mayor Jerome P.
Cavanagh declared.
Berkley mayor George W. Kuhn,
head of the suburban Vigilance
Tax Committee, which brought
suit against the Detroit tax, said
his committee of suburban m, ;ors
will meet Saturday in Pleasant
Ridge to determine whether yes-
terday's decision will be appealed
to the state Supreme Court.

GENEVA (IP)-Red China yesterday accused the United States
of worsening the entire Southeast Asia situation by sending troops
to Thailand and by increasing "armed intervention" in South Viet
Nam and the Formosa Strait.
Chinese delegate Chang Han Fu, backed by the North Vietnamese
delegate, made the charges at the opening of a new session of the
14-nation Laos conference. W. Averell Harriman, United States As-
sistant Secretary of State for Fart
Eastern Affairs, protested that the Ace
conference rules had been broken
by raising an issue not involving
Out of Order From Reds
Turning to North Vietnamese.
delegate Hoang Nguyen, Harriman VIENTIANE (IP-The new Lao-
said the question was out of order
"just as it would be for me to tian coalition government yester-
raise the question of foreign mili- day gave tentative approval to aI
tary personnel who are well known $600,000 aid offer from the Soviet
to be present in North Viet Nam Union and decided to recognize,
as wel a,, Certain oth.r ni hbor- I

ing countries."
Red Chinese units have been
reported stationed in North Viet'
The North Vietnamese repre-
sentative insisted the success of
the conference was "seriously
threatened by the presence of
United States troops in Thailand."
No Pretext
The Chinese delegate said the
original American motive for send-
ing the troops into Thailand was
an "utterly groundless pretext"
and said their presence "poses a
threat not only to Laos but to all.
its neighboring countries."
Thai Ambassador Derek Jayan-
an said the presence of United
States and SEATO troops was
purely defensive.
"My country seeks no advantage
from the situation in Laos . . . it
only seeks to protect itself," Jay-.
anan said.
Delegate Work
After the flareup, the delegates
unanimously agreed to leave the
main part of the negotiations on
Laos to the conference co-
chairmen, Britain and the Soviet
Union. No date was set for a new
conference session.
But the general feeling clearly
was that a failure, or even a great
delay of the conference was un-
likely now that the three feuding
Laotian factions are united in a
single government of national

five more Communist countries.
The acting premier, pro-Com-
munist Prince Souphanouvang,
also indicated that American pris-
oners held by his -Pathet Lao
forces would be released a few
days after the 14-nation Geneva'
conference agrees on a Laotian
treaty, United States embassy
sources reported.
The Geneva conference, barring
complications, is expected to have
a treaty by mid-July.
Souphanouvang, addressing a
meeting of government department'
heads, said the coalition regime
will accept "unconditional aid"
from all countries. The United
States announced following forma-
tion of the coalition regime that
it was resuming its monthly $3
million aid payments.
The decision to recognize Red
China, Poland, Czechoslovakia,
North Viet Nam and East Germany
raised the prospect of a break in
relations with three anti-Red re-
gimes: West Germany, Nationalist
China and South Viet Nam.
Claims Band
Enters Cuba
MIAMI (P)-An Anti-Castro or-
ganization leader said last night
"20 specially trained guerrilla ex-
perts penetrated Cuba's coastal
defenses to land in the province
of Matanzas."
Frank Fiorini, an American re-
portedly heads the international
anti-Communist brigade, said an
all-Cuban exile group made a
landing from a 40-foot boat on,
the northern coast of the province,
east of Havana, "to support and
extend anti-Castro uprisings in
that area."
Matanzas has become a trouble
spot for the Fidel Castro regime,
which sent troops recently to Car-
denas to cope with anti-govern-
ment demonstrators.

... deals with Russia
Nielson Veto
By The Associated Press
MADISON-An embittered Re-
publican majority in the Wisconsin
Senate overrode last night Demo-
cratic Gov. Gaylord Nelson's veto
of a GOP-sponsored plan to re-
apportion the state's legislative
and congressional districts.
.The plan was worked out in a
special session called after a panel
of three federal judges ruled it
would assume supervision of the
redistricting unless the lawmakers
got on with the job.
The issue was taken into the
courts by Atty. Gen. John Rey-
nolds, leading Democratic candi-
date for governor, when the law-
makers failed to act during their
regular session last year. The
state's constitution requires re-
districting after each decameral
federal census.
The Senate overrode Nelson's
veto on a straight party line vote
of 19-8. However, the proposal to
override the veto must be approved
in the Assembly by a two-thirds
vote before the plan could become
In the similar situation in Mich-
igan, the state Supreme Court is
continuing to study the suit by
AFL-CIO state president August
Scholle to force a reapportion-
ment, although the court took no
definite action yesterday.

China, U.S. Trade Charges

New 'Draft'
HRC Recommends
Careful Analysis
Of 'Fair Practices'
The Ann Arbor City Council last
night accepted the recommenda-
tion of its Human Relations Com-
mission and junked a non-dis-
crimination housing ordinance
proposed by Democratic Council-
man Lynn Eley, but took steps to
draft its own ordinance.
The Council decided to meet
with the commission next week,
then consider an ordinance at its
monthly session July 23.
By a 6-4 vote, the Council re-
jected a proposal of Councilwom-
an Eunice Burns to set up a com-
mittee of three Council members,
two Human Relations Commission
members, the city attorney and
Mayor Cecil O. Creal to prepare a
rough draft of a fair housing ordi-
nance by July 23.
Debate Timing
Mrs. Burns noted the importance
of the measure and said it ought
to be worked out before the work-
ing session.
Creal, however, declared "I
think it is proper to have the meet-
ing first."
"The commission has given
careful consideration to this ordi-
nance and because of objections
to certain procedural aspects
therein does not recommend its
(Eley's) adoption by Council,"
HRC Chairman Paul Wagner said
in a letter to the Council.
Action Needed
"However, the commission be-
lieves that the Council should take
the steps deemed necessary for the
adoption of a fair housing ordi-
nance to eliminate discrimination
in housing in Ann Arbor," the let-
ter continued.
It said that since the HRC was
charged with studying the Eey
proposal, it could not recommend
a specific ordinance, but it would
be willing to work with the Coun-
cil in devising one.
The Eley ordinance, referred for
study to the HRC last Nov. 13,
barred discrimination in the rent-
ing and selling of multiple hous-
ing developments of four or more
units, single family units in oub-
licly financed housing or by finan-
cial institutions.
Go to HRC
An aggrieved party would com-
plain to the HRC which wuld in-
vestigate the complaint, attempt a
conciliatory settlement, hold pub-
lic hearing on it and issue if neces-
sary a cease and desist order. Tf
this werenotheeded,the HRC,
under the Eley proposal, would
take its case to the City Council
for appropriate action.
Rooms rented in private homes
and religiously sponsored housing
would be exempted from the Eley
proposal provisions.
In 1960, a joint committee of
the commission and the Council
worked out a draft for a fair hous-
ing ordinance. It was less elabor-
ate than the Eley proposal and
did not refer to Council as a final
course of action.
Hear Charges
On 'U' Project
For Housing
The Ann Arbor City Council last
night heard two letters complain-
ing about the undesirability of the

Oxford Rd. women's housing proj-
ect now under construction, and
was told that the city can do noth-
ing about it.
Mrs. D. Hall said that the 42G-
inhabitant project would create
dangerous traffic problems around
nearby Angell Elementary School.
She also wrote that the project
would spoil the neighborhood by
driving its current residents away
and making it prey of rooming

Warns Russia
To Aid China
If Attacked
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-Soviet Premier Ni-
kita S. Khrushchev ignored his
ideological differences with Red
China yesterday and pledged the
Soviet Union will fight anyone who
attacks that vast country.
Referring to the tension be-
tween Chiang Kai-Shek's Formo-
sa and mainland China, Khrush-
chev said:
"Now we declare once again: He
who dares to attack the Chinese
People's Republic will meet a
crushing rebuff from the great
Chinese people, the peoples of the
Soviet Union, the entire Socialist
No Doubts
"And let no one," he added,
"have any doubts on this score."
However, Secretary of State
Dean Rusk said "it shouldn't sur-
prise anyone" that Khrushchev
has committed Russia to backing
Communist China in case of at-
"If the Sino-Soviet security pact
means anything, it would seem to
mean that," Rusk said in response
to reporters questions about
Khrushchev's statement on the re-
newed military maneuvering in the
Formosa Strait.
Optimistic on Europe
Commenting after a lengthy
meeting with the House Foreign
Affairs Committee, Rusk saw no
insoluble problems to prevent the
"writing of a new chapter" by the
Atlantic community.
Rusk said his discussion with
Western leaders in the last two
weeks left him "convinced that
NATO and the commitments to
the alliance are solid and strong."
Wishes To Cut
y 'CjartP TFnitg.

impetus with a call for full citizen-
REGINA - Emergency medical
centers, many staffed by physi-
cians on a voluntary and no-fee
basis, operated throughout Sas-
katchewan last night amid a doc-
tors' strike against this province's
two-day-old compulsory medical
insurance plan.
TOKYO-Final returns yester-
day gave Prime Minister Hayato
Ikeda's Liberal-Democratic party a
decisive victory in Sunday's upper
house election.
LONDON-Fugitive spy Robert
Soblen gained strength against his
will with every passing hour yes-
terday following an unsuccessful
suicide attempt, but remained too
weak to travel immediately.
passed and sent to President John
F. Kennedy late yesterday a com-
promise sugar act extension bill
increasing the share of the Ameri-
can market allotted United States
* * *
NEW YORK-The stock market
closed yesterday with its third con-
secutive decisive advance. Stand-
ard & Poor's 500-stock index was
up .99 to 55.74.

IST To Assist in Analysis
OfArms Treaty Violations
The Institute of Science and Technology will take part in a
study to analyze "The types of violations and their consequences"
in an arms control system, Norman Thoburn of the IST said last
Most of the work, however, will be done by the Ann Arbor-located
Bendix Systems Division, as it received a $95,000 contract from
4,the United States Arms Control
land Disarmament Agency re-
rThe IST will probably start in

... explains the rules




Graf Cites Methods in Exceptional' Education
By DENISE WACKER one of the most effective means of strengthening United States educa-
There is a mounting fear that mass education, necessitated not tion, Graf said.
only by an increasingly large population, but also by the need for "Honors programs were usually established for departments, and
sknlyedyorkerinesinglyspcalizfiep ldsntilsuythnsacrificing generally were dependent upon high grade-point averages. However,
skilled workers in highy specialized fields, will result in srthere has been growing awareness that boredom takes its toll in many
quality education for "mass mediocrity." cases; often college means a quest for grades rather than a quest for
is is especial true o arge p excellence. This has also marked honors programs.
selective processes are more restricted than in private schools and col-
leges."But, today at the University, there is a marked emphasis on
However, the assumption that such "mass mediocrity" will occur excellence, not on grades," Prof. Graf asserted.
ipa .. n .-.-.nA[ for . *iv "Pxoentinal" Problems of Selection

next week on the new project,
Thoburn said, as four men will
attempt-with much of the work
in mathematics-to analyze the
military responses of treaty viola-

Bendix Aspect
Bendix will study the relation-
ships between the type of defense
the United States needs underj
any disarmament agreement, as'
well as view the possible viola-!
tions in an overall political, mili-1
tary and economic context.
Sample agreements which might

is raise, since already provisions are Deng mae 10-LitCAVoUIa
student not only in college, but for those still in high school or at lower
levels, Honors Council Director Otto Graf said yesterday.

He declared that the theory of honors courses raises several major
problems. Among these perhaps the most difficult to resolve is selec-


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