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June 29, 1962 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1962-06-29

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Comment Differs on Problems of Homosei


(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the second of a two-part series on homosex-
uality and the University.)
There is little indication that the police are planning to stop their
biennial investigations of campus homosexual activity.
In 1958, 1960, and again this year, two or more officers were
assigned to oversee activities in men's rooms throughout the central
campus area.
Each time a crack-down has occurred, there has been a notable
and understandable reaction on the part of University officials,
students and private citizens interested not only in the medical
problem of homosexuality, but in the legal and moral questions
which are necessarily raised by mass arrests and convictions.
Varied Opinions
When homosexual behavior-a psychological problem rather than
a willful or violent crime-is regarded as a felony punishable by a
prison term, there inevitably will be strong and often contradictory
opinions as to how convicted homosexuals should be treated.
For the police or others involved in law enforcement, there is
little admitted conflict about how to handle homosexuals and homo-
sexual activities.

"It's a sex crime spelled out precisely by the law. When we get
repeated complaints of offenses being committed in men's rooms, we
have no choice and must move in an attempt to curb violations,"
Police.Capt. Walter Krasny, who headed the 1962 investigation, said.
His attitude appears to be typical of policemen dealing with the
The Need for the Law
William Ager, Washtenaw County prosecuting attorney, explained
the rationale of the statute making homosexuality a crime.
"It-and the investigations as well-are designed to protect both
the public and the offenders. Especially in a university community
where there are a lot of young men, most of whom are unmarried,
the homosexuals have to be stopped.
" We hear of cases all the time where some boy was 'lured' into
homosexuality by an older man. Sometimes, it's just an experiment
at first, but it doesn't always end with experimentation," Ager
Homosexuals Beaten
He added that sometimes four or five high school boys will
attempt to "pick up" a homosexual. One of the boys enters a men's
lavatory and, if approached, agrees to engage in homosexual activities.
However, before any such activity can take place the other three
or four boys attack the procurer.

"There have been cases where a man's money and valuables, or
where his car will be stolen, and in almost all cases he's too embar-
rassed to come in and report the crime. Often, too, the boys beat
these people very badly and can still get away with it because no
one wants to report it.
Prevent Initial Contacts
"And we really have to protect the homosexuals from these
attacks. There seems to be no other way than by preventing them
from contacting the youths in the first place," Ager said.
Both Ager and Krasny denied that in the arrests "entrapment"
was used. Entrapment is an illegal means said to be used sometimes
by police, in which the officer either attempts to procure a male
partner or else responds if another man makes it clear that he
wishes homosexual activity.
For University administrators, who have often met and dealt with
accused or convicted homosexuals on an entirely different level than
the police, the problem and the conflicts are niot quite so readily
resolved. It is difficult for, them to sever personal relationships and
feelings and view faculty and students merely as felons or social
Homosexuals Disqualified
"There is a fairly clear policy that the University has about
these people: it's always been regarded as disqualification, although

each case is handled individually," Executive Vice-President Marvin
L. Niehuss said.
"Every arrest and conviction is a serious matter. And every
felony is a very serious matter.
"Let's have no mistake that it's a sickness like appendicities-
no, it isn't like that. There aren't very many cured, and people have
incipient tendencies.
"It just is not appropriate for the University to have on staff
such encouragers," Niehuss admitted.
Handled by Deans
Niehuss added that the dean of the school or college where the
convicted homosexual works, handles the case. The dean speaks to
the man after his conviction and decides what he wants done.
In all cases to date, those convicted have resigned from the
University. If they had not, and the dean wished action taken, then
names would have been sent to the tenure committee of the Univer-
sity Senate, which would further investigate the situation.
"What the University is concerned with is the possibility that
normal boys might be pulled into homosexual behavior, Niehuss
See VIEWS, Page 3

See Page 2


Si4r itau

:43 il

Sunny today,
Thundershowers tomorrow.

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


GOP Sets
Draws Attention
City Editor
Special To The Daily
LANSING-In an obscure par-
liamentary maneuver last night,
the Republicans in the Legisla-
ture pre-guessed the governor and
the state Supreme Court, voting
to extend their final adjournment
date until Dec. 27.
Eyeing the state Senate appor-
tionment case (Scholle vs. Hare),
due to come up before the court
on Monday, the Republicans did
not want to be caught short by an
adverse decision.
State AFL-CIO President August
Scholle charges that the state ap-
portionment is illegal and uncon-
stitutional and asked that the up-
per chamber be re-districted im-
mediately. If he is successful on
both counts, the Senate would have
to be redrawn before the primary
election, now set for Aug. 7, could
be held.
Argue Constitutionality
Unlike his predecessor, Paul
Adams, (now state Supreme Court
justice) Michigan Attorney Gen-
eral Frank Kelley will argue that
the districts are unconstitutional,
but he will not ask for their re-
apportionment until after the No-
vember election.
If the Legislature were to ad-
journ and then have the court
order immediate reapportionment,
only the governor could call the
lawmakers back into session. If he
chose not to do so, the entire state
Senate might be forced to run at
. The Senate itself also took steps
in the matter, appointing Senators
Carlton E. Morris (R-Kalamazoo),
John W. Fitzgerald (R-Grand
Ledge), and Paul F. Younger (R-
Lansing) to argue the case for the
Senate before the court.
Turns Down Francis
In other action, the House turn-
ed down an attempt by Sen. Lynn
0. Francis (R-Midland) to tack
$500,000 onto the state's capital
outlay budget, earmarked for
Wayne State University. The Sen-
ate had earlier approved the
Francis offered the amendment
to expand the WSU medical pro-
gram in order that it might ac-
commodate up to 200 students, but
the House balked.
After some discussion, the Sen-
ate backed down, and the capital
outlay budget, in its original form,
went to the governor.
Blacklist Case
Won by Faulk
NEW YORK (A)--John Henry
Faulk won a verdict of $3.5 million
libel damages last night for his
claim that false pro-Communist
labels ruined his broadcasting ca-
The award, in a case which bar-
ed television blacklisting practices
of the mid-1950's, was believed to
be one of the largest libel verdicts
in New York history. The trial

Reality, Marxist Ideas
Conflict in Soviet Union
"Fundamental tensions in the Soviet Union stem from the contra-
dictions between the theories and promises of Marxism and the reali-
ties of Soviet life," Harold Schwartz, New York Times Russian expert,
said yesterday.
Schwartzspoke at the opening address for "Tensions in the So-
viet Union," an inter-departmental Summer Session lecture series.
Schwartz's lecture was concerned with the political and economic
pressures which currently exist in the USSR. The contrast, Schwartz





Freshmen in Honors


Cites Need for Less Reward

Soviet realities
To approve
New Budget
At Meetingy
The Regents will hold a special
meeting, closed to the public, be-
tween 10 and 11 a.m. today to give
formal approval to the University's
operating budget for the next fis-
cal year.
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher said last night that the
meeting will be very short. "It will
simply provide official authoriza-
tion to formulate the budget."
Administrators and the Regents
have already decided internal fi-
nancial allocations and other
budgetary aspects, but had to wait
until the final appropriation came
from the state Legislature. A sum
of $36.7 million was enacted by
the House Wednesday.
(At their June meeting, the Re-
gents authorized the administra-
tion to continue with the '61-62
budget if the appropriation did not
conie by July 1.)
President Hatcher also indicat-
ed that the Veterans Readjust-
mert Center has no chance of sur-
viving. The Legislature refused to
allot ts customary $246.000 ap.
pronriation, and there is appar-
ently no hope for obtaining other
meanis of support.
With today's session limiteddto
the budget the Regents will de-
lay consideration of other Univer-
sity matters until their regular
July meeting. At that time, they
are expected to devote much at-
tention to proposals for changes in
the Office of Student Affairs
Expect Peace

explained, between Marxist Uto-
many cases gives rise to great
pianism and Soviet reality, in
cynicism, especially among the
younger generation.
He quoted from "The New Class"
by Nilovan Djilas that "The most
revolutionary thing that could
happen in the Soviet Union would
be an application of true Marxist
principles in government."
Eventual Results
The fundamental question will
not be resolved in a short time,
but eventually the democratic
processes within the Soviet Union
will produce results.
"We must not expect to wake up
one morning and find that a revo-
lution has taken place in Russia
replacing Karl Marx with Adam
Smith," he commented.
Until only recently, Schwartz
had been touring Eastern Europe
with Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev and made the obser-
vation that the Soviet leader is
beginning to lack the stamina and
zest which characterized his visit
to the United States in 1959.
Basic Conflict
A basic source of conflict are
the shortcomings of the Soviet ag-
ricultural program. In order to pro-
vide the farmer with necessary
incentive to produce, the govern-
ment has found it necessary to pay
them higher wages. The source of
this needed capital is the urban
industrial worker. Urban workers
naturally resent this.
Above all, Schwartz said, we
must work for a release in ten-
sions between the United States
and the USSR. As long as there
i is such a great degree of fear per-
vading the atmosphere of Ameri-
can-Soviet relations the trend to-
wards democracy in Russia will be

.--tariff cuts
House Sets
Trade Plan:
passed President John F. Kenne-
dy's sweeping new trade expansion
bill yesterday after bowling over a
Republican move to continue the
present program.
The bill was sent to the Senate
by a vote of 298 to 125.
Passage of the measure came
quickly after a 252-171 vote against
substituting for the Kennedy pro-
gram a Republican-sponsored bill
which would have provided for a
one-year extension of the present
trade law with its depleted bar-
gaining power.
On this key vote 43 Republicans
joined 209 Democrats in defeat-
ing the substitution move while 44
Democrats and 127 Republicans
were recorded for it.
The triumph for the Kennedy
Administration came exactly one
week after the White House suf-
fered, a stunning House defeat on
the Kennedy farm bill.
The new trade program would
give Kennedy unprecedented au-
thority to cut tariffs, in some cases
tc zero, and would set up a sys-
tem for helping firms and workers
hurt by imports.

"The amount one learns is not
dependent on motivation, as com-
mon sense might first indicate,"
Prof. Delos D. Wickens of Ohio
State University said Thursday in
the initial lecture of the summer
series in mathematics education.
"In fact, over-motivation, too
great a reward, may decrease per-
formance," he said, referring to
several experiments in his field,
experimental psychology, which
indicate that when the motivation
is too high, the reward or fear of
punishment too great, there is a
definite downward trend in per-
"An optimium point seems to be
reached, at which the motivation
is enough to improve performance,

Rice Resigns
'U' Position
For UC Post
Louis C. Rice, assistant dean of
men for fraternities, is leaving the
University late next month to be-
come assistant dean of men at the
University of California at Berke-
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea said
last night that a successor would
not be appointed until after the
July Regents meeting, when the
structure of the Office of Student
Affairs may be revised.
Rice expressed deep regret for
having to leave the University, but
said "it was an offer I simply
couldn't pass up."
In his new post he will still
be primarily concerned with fra-
ternities, but will also handle some
of the other duties of a student
affairs office, including areas of
scholarships, discipline and hous-
He noted that he might also
have to face touchy problems of
fraternity membership selection, as
in 1964 a California law banning
discrimination on public institu-
tions will become effective.
Rice took his University position
in 1959, when William Cross trans-
ferred to the University of Florida.

but not so great as to inhibit it,"
he added.
Referring to learning familiarity
with some of the new subject mat-
ter, even if only superficial, defi-
ntely aided learning.
"Experiments have been con-
ducted in the teaching of lan-
guages in which the students
learned sounds in the new lan-
guage without having to attach
meaning to them, then later were
introduced to meanings."
Although it is impossible, he
indicated, to learn a language
merely by hearing many hours of
repetition of the sound units that
the language uses, such repetition
does make it easier, later, to iden-
tify the meaningful units of the
language when expressed as a
combination of the sounds.
"When new problems can be
analyzed in the light of previous
experience, their solution becomes
much easier. Many perceptions
and responses that we take for
granted are based on learning,"
Prof. Wickens asserted.
He cited studies in which per-
sons who had grown to adulthood
blind had gained their sight. "Al-
though they had learned to dis-
tinguish geometrical objects by
touch, they could not distinguish
them visually. This form of per-
ception must be learned at an
early stage, before one can ver-
balize or remember them," he said.
"Teaching machines are really
misnamed," Prof. Wickens admit-
ted. "They serve to acquaint the
students with the material and to
prepare them for the learning
process. "
In this fashion, he said, they
build up a background with which
they can associate the new mater-
Flies to England
After Fracture
ston Churchill is being readied for
a flight back to England in an
ambulance plane today following
a fall that broke a left leg bone
at the hip joint. The fall occurred
early yesterday morning as he was
getting out of bed at his hotel.

To Integrate
'Great Books'
Into Course,
Class Would Combine
Lecture, Recitation,
Fulfill Humanities
Freshman students in the liter-
ary college Honors Program will
no longer be required to take
English 123 and 124.
Instead, they will have to take
a year-long combined great books-
English course which will satisfy
not only the English composition
requirement, but the literary col-
lege humanities requirement as
The nevi course is one of two
major changes in the freshman
English program, the other being
the introduction, on an experi-
mental basis, of lecture-recitation
section instruction.

..' motivated learning


Israeli Police
,Arrest Soblen
TEL AVIV P)-Israeli policear-
rested convicted Soviet spy Robert
A. Soblen in a tourist hotel near
the Mediterranean yesterday, less
than 60 hours after he jumped
$100,000 bail in New York and
flew to Israel.
Soblen was ordered held for in-
vestigation on a charge of illegal
entry into Israel. Competent Is-
raeli legal authorities expressed
belief he would not be allowed to
The United States asked Israel
yesterday to turn over Soblen.
The State Department announc-
ed the United States request was
conveyed to the Israeli ambassa-
dor, Avraham Harman, by Phillips
Talbot, assistant secretary of state
for Near Easter nand South Asian,
Press Officer Lincoln White re-
portedsthe ambassador told Talbot
"that he would be in touch with
his government and would keep
the United States informed."
The State Department has an-
nounced earlier that Soblen was
now in a Tel Aviv prison hospital.

Hospital Bureau Awarded
$54,396 for Health Study
The Bureau of Hospital Administration has been granted $54,396
from the United States Public Health Service to conduct a two-year
study of the relationships between any community's social, economic
and demographic characteristics and its needs for hospital beds and
health programs.
At present, the bureau is performing research on these facility
requirements in Kalamazoo County and Port Huron, Thomas B. Fitz-
patrick, acting director of the
bureau, saidlast night. 'WHERE'S THE B
The new grant will be used to
refine* techniques for making such
studies, so that a community of
any size (can eventually possess,

Lectures and Recitation
The new great books course will
be taught on a lecture-recitation
section basis with a professor giv-
ing the lectures and experienced
teaching fellows or pre-doctoral
instructors teaching the recita-
tion sections, Prof. Hubert M.
English of the English department
said yesterday.
Prof. English, who supervises
the teaching of English 123 and
124, said that the new arrange-
ment will not decrease the quality
of composition instruction. There
will be greater emphasis on writing
than in the non-honors great books
course. The size of recitation sec-
tions will remain the same, he said.
"The quality of compositions will
be improved," Prof. Otto Graf,
head of the Honors Program said,
"because it will be based on the
reading of common texts, lectures
and elaborate class discussions.
These serve to point up the issues
and provoke a reaction-the b-st
condition for verbal or written ex-
The year-long course may be
applied against the 12 cre.dits
needed under the new humanities
requirement that goes into effect
this fall. Beginning with this
freshman class, students are re-
quired to take a sequence in one
of three humanities groups-- lit-
erature, fine arts and philosophy-
and a course in another.
The English department is also
offei'ing 18 sections of English 123
and 12 sectionsofEnglish 124
under a lecture-recitation section
In English 123 the lectures w ill
,cover rhetoric and in English 124
literature will be discussed, Prof.
English explained.
No Special Requisites
There are no special require-
ments for taking the lecture
course. Freshmen may still select
Irecitation-onlysections if, they
wish, he said.
"The course provides more sub-
ject matter and less technique for
study." It is experimental and if

Receptionist Leaves Post

"practical working methods for de-
termining its need for hospitals
and other health facilities," he'
Fitzpatrick criticized the "rule
of thumb" process currently em-
ployed in hospital planning. 1
"Not only do such rules maket
insufficient allowance for region-'
al and local differences in popu-
lation desires, needs and resources,l

ITVut i

By CYNTHIA NEU When a faculty member was in
"May I help you?" Egypt,' a former University stu-
For the past 14 years, Dorothy ident came up to him in the Cairo
Legg has been asking this ques- airport and handed him a package
tion and answering numerous to be delivered to Mrs. Legg. The
others in her job as receptionist content was a white feather fan.
for University News Service and People-Watching
Public Relations. Mrs. Legg says the Administra-

tion, however, she has found she
gets many interesting (and sur-
prised) reactions.
At a luncheon given for her
yesterday, Mrs. Legg received gifts
from collegues, including a vase
from Holland, dog biscuits and


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