See Page 2
Yi t e
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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
I43 ait
Scattered showers
late this afternoon.
Unions Threaten Strong Action
OnH Nei
CHICAGO (I) - The nation's
railroads said yesterday that econ-
omy work rules changes they plan
to invoke Aug. 16 for,200,000 em-
ployes will be more drastic than
those ordered earlier.
The surprise shift came as five
operating unions pressed for a
court ban on the railroads' ex-
pense-paring move set for next
The carriers dropped plans to
institute modified work provisions
suggested in February by a special
Presidential study commission and
said they will, instead, adopt a
work code for on-train employes
voting Polls
Open Today
Approximately 1 million of the
state's 3.7 million voters are ex-
pected to go to the polls today as
the primary campaign comes to an
Few major state and local races
highlight the elections which will
test the relative strength of GOP
gubernatorial hopeful G e o r g e
Romney against incumbent Gov.
John B. Swainson, both of whom
are running undpposed.
Locally, interest centers on the
sheriff's races in both parties and
on the Democratic state Senate
Sheriff Race
An estimated 20,000 voters are
expected todecide under rainy
skies between incumbent George
A. Peterson, a n d challengers
George Stauch and John L. Tice
on the GOP ballot and Elmer
Klunipp and John W. Powers on
the Democratic ticket.
Local Democrats will choose be-
tween Prof. Robert Niess of Ro-
mance languages department and
Dick Wakefield, who is under
investigation to determine his
proper residence, for state Sena-
torial nomination. Wakefield's
eligibility is being studied after
* local Democratic leaders claimed
that Wakefield was not a proper
resident of the district and there-
re f ineligible.
The winner will face Sen. Stan-
ley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) who
is unopposed.
Two Will Lose
Three Republicans are battling
to become Romney's running
mate. All candidates concede that
former Lt. Gov. Clarence A. Reid
of Detroit is the man to beat. Also
running is Sen. John Stahlin (R-
Belding), who was recently in-
volved in a contempt of court
action growing out of a libel suit
against him by 14th District GOP
chairman Richard Durant, and
conservative Constitutional Con-
vention delegate Rockwell T. Gust
(R-Grosse Pointe).
Former Congressman A v i n
Bentley of Owosso has no compe-
tition for the Republican nomina-
tion for congressman-at-large.
Former state Democratic Party
Chairman Neil Staebler has an
equally easy path to the Demo-
cratic nomination for the post.
Few of the state's Congressional
delegation face primary chal-
lenges. The tightest race is in the
Fourth District where four Re-
publicans are running for the
nomination to fill the seat of re-
tiring Rep. Clare Hoffman (R-
Hutchinson Favored
All candidates admit Con-Con
Vice-President Edward Hutchin-
son (R-Fennville) is the man to
b e a t. Con-Con delegate Lee
Boothby (R-Niles), St. Joseph At-
torney Chester Byrns, and Speak-
er of the House Don R. Pears (R-
Buchanan) are also seeking the
Two Detroit Congressmen face
an "elect three to Congress" drive
Snub Request
To View ADC
A request by Gov. John B.
Swainson for a special session of
the Legislature to consider state
participation in the federal Aid
to Dependent Children and un-
employment programs received a
cold shoulder from GOP leaders,I
Senate Majority Leader Lynn 0.'
Francis (R-Midland) indicated;
Swainson sent telegrams to
Francis, Senate president pro-tem
Perry Greene (R-Grand Rapids),
Speaker of the House Don R.
which was proposed Nov. 2, 1959.
However, rail men said the res-
urrection of the original notice
was primarily a move to forestall
destruction of management's econ-
omy program on technical legal
One spokesman said the strin-
gent rules schedule probably never
wil come into force. Nor, he said,
was it expected to precipitate any
stoppage of rail operations.
It 4ncludes unilateral employer
power to asign workers to un-
accustomed jobs, to determine
train crew size and to lengthen
crew runs and , to abolish yard-
road demarkations--all of which
were rejected by the Presidential
Drop 40,000 Jobs
The shift, in effect would elim-
inate some 40,000 jobs of firemen
employed on diesel locomatives in
yard and freight service. The rail-
roads had announced July 17 they
would drop only 13,000, retraining
another 27,000 senior firemen.
The railroads also would- make
more drastic revisions to cut out
jurisdictional conflict of specific
jobs by requiring some employes to
to do chores now handled by
others, and would require longer
train-run mileage without crew
J. E. Wolfe, spokmsman for the
railroads, said the move was forced
upon the carriers by a suit of the
five operating brotherhoods for a
declaratory United States district
court order banning application of
the less drastic changes.
He told a news conference he
believes the move will bring a
Presidential emergency board rec-
ommendation along the lines of
that made by the Presidential
Wolfe accused the unions of
"callous contempt for the public
interest" in attempting to block
rules changes.
The federal court suit, he said,
"is another of their familiar stal-
ling tactics and obviously is de-
signed to derail the possibilities
of settling the featherbedding
Perry to Decide
Judge Joseph Sam Perry, who
heard arguments on the suit, took
the matter under advisement to
review legal aspects until today
when, he said, he will announce
his decision.
Wolfe said that, because of the
nature of the union's court attack
upon the proposed changes, "this
method is used to avoid inter-
minable litigation."
The more drastic rules changes
originally announced, he said, are
free of technicalities raised by the
unions in their attack upon the
work rules formulated by the Pres-
idential commission.
If he turns down the unions'
challenge, the organizations could
call an nationwide strike. In such
an event, President John F. Ken-
nedy would likely name an emer-
gency board to review and clarify
issues of the dispute, invoking an
automatic 60-day delay of strike
Britain's Entrance Postpo
... on to Washington
To .Par ley
On Defense
Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor) and two other members of
his Joint Legislative Committee
on economic growth will meet in
Washington next Monday with a
Defense Department aide in
search of more defense contracts
for Michigan.
Bursley, Senators John Stah-
lin (R-Belding) and Raymond
Dzendzel (D-Detroit) will meet
with Robert Steadman, the Pent-,
agon economic adjustment ad-
"The committee will discuss
complaints about the midwest and
why research contracts are given
to certain areas," Bursley explain-
ed. He noted that defense pro-
duction contracts tended to follow
defense research with defense in-
dustries built around university
To View Research
Complaints about inadequate
research facilities and lackrof
Midwest interest in defense pro-
duction will be investigated, Bur-
sley said. He added that the com-!
mittee will discuss with Stead-
man the problem of overhead
costs on defense research con-
tracts. d
(The University recently indi-
cated it might refuse defense con-
tracts if the 20 per cent overhead
limit established by the House
becomes law.)
Bursley predicted the state may
provide funds to meet overhead
costs if federal money is not avail-
Also Retraining
The committee will also see if
retraining could make more man-
power suitable for defense em-
Steadman recently completed a
survey of defense contracting, not-
ing that most awards went to
East and West Coast industries.
The committee hopes to determine
what factors give these areas an!
advantage over the Midwest.
Dzendzel, however, was critical
of the timing of the meeting. He
declared that the committee had
done nothing about this problem
in recent years and that the
Washington meeting was an elec-
tion gimick.
"I think the whole committee
should hear him,' he said.
Bretton Comments
Prof. Henry L. Bretton of the
political science department, run-
ning against Bursley in the fall,
also rapped the excursion, term-
ing it a "deplorable use of public
funds for electioneering purposes.
"The junket should be called off
if we are to be taken seriously in
the nation's capital," he added.
LONDON P) - A two-month
postponement of Britain's bid to
join the Common Market handed
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan
yesterday the delicate task of
maintaining the thin support he
has now for entering the thriving
trade bloc.
With support from West Ger-
many, the government strove to
put the best face possible on the
postponement, reportedly brought
on by French resistance to any
concessions to some British Com-
monwealth partners.
A high government source de-
nied reports from Common Mar-
ket quarters in Brussels that ne-
gotiations for Britain's member-
ship had broken down.
Wide Range
He said the Brussels talks have
progressed to a point where the
Commonwealth prime ministers'
conference opening Sept. 10 will
have an opportunity to consider a
wide range of market problems.
Whether the Commonwealth
prime ministers meet a second,
time when Britain's membership
application to join the six-nation
market is all buttoned up is some-
thing for the prime ministers
themselves to decide, the source
Deputy Foreign Secretary Ed-
ward Heath and ministers of the
Common Market members-Bel-
gium, France, Germany, Italy,
World News
By The Associated Press
MADISON-Special Master Em-
mert Wingert advised a panel of
three federal judges yesterday it
should not intervene and force re-
apportionment of Wisconsin's poli-
tical districts just weeks before a
statewide primary election.
NEW DELHI-Prine Minister
Jawaharlal Nehru said yesterday
Red China has agreed to resume,
peaceful discussion of its border
dispute with India.
WASHINGTON-One hundred
crusading ministers marched to
the White House yesterday to
dramatize their request that Pres-
ident John F. Kennedy take a
more militant staad against racial
leaders were reported ready last
night to back President Joao Gou-
lart should he decide to assume
broad powers to meet Brazil's eco-
nomic problems.
KINGSTON-The Union Jack
gave way to Jamaica's gold, green
and black flag yesterday ard this
Caribbean island became the West-
ern hemisphere's newest nation
after 307 years of British rule.
NEW YORK - Stock Market
prices dropped steadily but slow-
ly yesterday in moderate tradmng.
The Dow - Jones average was
593.24, down 3.14.
Luxembourg and The Netherlands
-talked for 17 straight hours be-
fore ending their meeting Sunday
morning in Brussels.
Their deputies will meet in the
middle of September and the min-
isters themselves will assemble
again in Brussels in early Octo-
In the interim, opposition to any
agreement weakening the trading
position of the
partners may gro
ing Laborites ant
of Macmillan's o
The toughest
passes Britain'sc
iff-free farm exp
mon Market from
lia and New Zeal
ain get the same
mittance to the C
Remodel CataeoO
In Old OSA Offi
The University is currently carrying out some m
changes in the former Student Affairs offices, whic]
cially become the home of the Office of Academic.
Until a year ago, the aria housed the admis
this was given to Vice-President for Student Affairs
and his staff last year when ad-
missions was moved to the SAB.
Then this year, both to provide .
space for the newly-created aca-
demic affairs office, and to facili-
tate student affairs work (former-^
ly part of the staff was in the
SAB and part in the Administra-
tion Bldg.), it was decided that
Lewis would follow the admissions
personnel to the SAB and that
Heyns would occupy Lewis' old G
Seldom Used :...._
Zorin Snubs
ned Concessions
CommonwealthO Test Ba
w among oppos-
d some members
wn Conservative Geneva Conference
problem encom- Called Unpromising
demand for tar- With Issue Deadlock
orts to the Con-
Canada, Austra- GENEVA (A-The Soviet Union
and should Brit- shrugged off new Western conces-
privileges by ad- sions for ending nuclear tests yes-
;ommon Market. terday even before the United
States could submit them to the
17-nation disarmament confer-
jM1 SThus the outlook was bleak for
the new plan, which Washington
had hoped might get the test ban
treaty talks rolling again. No pro-
gress on the conference's problem
of general disarmament is likely
until the nuclear issue is out of
the way.
Minor construction United S t a t e s Amabassador
o .i Arthur H. Dean told the 66th ses-
h this week offi- sion of the conference that the
Affairs, resumption of Soviet nuclear tests
sions office--but Sunday made the need for a test
James A. Lewis ban treaty even more urgent.
Talks With Zorin
After high level talks in Wash-
ington, Dean returned to Geneva
last weekend with the new pro-
posals. He discussed them Sunday
and again yesterday with Soviet
delegate Valerian Zorin.
Zorin informed the delegates
that on the basis of his prelimin-
ary impressions the new Western
plan "does not look promising."
He said that from what he had
already learned from informal
talks with Dean, the Western pro-
posals offered no hope for pro-
gress toward a test ban agreement
with the United States and
For the use of the admissions
office, a series of "catacombs"
(small offices and storage space),
had been built in the Administra-
tion Bldg. This was rather rarely
used by Lewis primarily because
of the limited size of the offices.
"The construction work con-
cerns chiefly - the remodeling of
this area to provide new office
space. There will be no changes
taking place in what used to be'
Lewis' office: the work is going
on only in thehadjacent rooms,"
Gilbert Lee, University comptrol-
ler, said yesterday.-
A portion of the new offices
will be used by the Office of Reg-1
istration and Records, but the re-
mainder have been slated for aca-
demic affairs use.
Heyns' Staff
"The new offices which will be
occupied by Heyns' staff were not
occupied by anyone from the Of-
fice of Student Affairs," Lee
The construction work is occur-
ring a year after the admissions
office moved because "we hadn't
decided on the use for the areas
involved at the time of initial of-
fice transfers. Only recently, after
a considerable amount of study,
have we been able to decide what
reconstructive forms to use.
"Therefore, it's somewhat coin-
cidental that the remodeling and
the time of Heyns' move occurred
together," Lee said.
He indicated that the work will
be completed within a week to 10
days and asserted that "the cost
will be very small" to the Uni-
Nothing New
Zorin said they appear to be
based on "the same old American
proposals" which his government
has refused to accept.
ROGER W. IIEYNS This appeared to be a reference
... office rearrangings to Western insistence on some in-
--- {spection in the Soviet Union to
GLASSULS :prevent cheating.
GLASSFULS: Dean told the delegates he will
not give them the new Western
Gr u-rItP'offers immediately, but will wait
ountilhe has discussed them more
completely with Zorin and with
Elim ination the subcommittee on nuclear test-
ng. This is composed of three
nuclearpowers: the United States,
OL n Britain and the Soviet Union.
Kennedy Outline
A campaign to eliminate the Di- The concessions, eagerly await-
sion St. "dry line" has been ini- ed by the conference's neutral
tiated by a group of S. University bloc, were announced in broad
St. merchants. outline by President John F. Ken-
The group hired William Lolas nedy at a news conference last
of Jackson to direct a campaign week.
to place the question of ending Kennedy said the Western pow-
the prohibition against serving li- ers are willing to drop their in-
quor by the glass in the eastern sistence on international teams
half of Ann Arbor on next April's manning nuclear detection centers
ballot. Lolas successfully helped in the Soviet Union, provided Mos-
local merchants pass a liquor by cow agrees to on-site inspections
the glass referendum in Nov., 1960.E by foreign observers.
-AP Wirephoto
READY-Watanga troops of Moise Tshombe rest up after maneuv-
ers with mortars. Observers fear there will be more bloodshed be-
tween these troops and United Nations forces if the Congo crisis
is not settled soon.
Tshon-he's Regi-me Mulls
Closingof Congo Airport
ELISABETHVILLE (iP)-The Katanga government expressed be-
lief yesterday that United Nations closing of Elisabethville Airport
is the first step in international pressure to end this Congo province's
Under an order issued by the United Nations Sunday, only United
Nations planes can land at the airport. Sabena, the Belgian airline
with major operations in this mineral rich province, said the order
was more far-reaching. Sabena said it had been notified by United
Nations authorities here its planes -
were barred from landing any-
where in Katanga.
Congo's Request
A United Nations spokesman
said the airport was closed at the
request of the central government
of the Congo in Leopoldville. He
Union's New Canopy Nearly Completed
added that the Congo government The new canopy over the en-'
demanded that all aircraft have trance to the north side of the
Leopoldville's permission to land Michigan Union is nearly com-
in Katanga. plete; all it needs is the lights on
Members of President Moise the underside.
Tshombe's Katanga government Union officials expect, however,
warned that if the central govern- in spite of delays in shipment of
ment persists in this campaign it materials, to have the lights and
will mean an end to negotiations. the few remaining "touch-up" jobs
Tshombe and Congo Premier completed by the start of school.
Cyrille Adoula recently broke off But at the present moment, the
talks. But since then Adoula has canopy, or what there is of it, is
come forward with plans for a new serving its function: keeping pass-
Congo constitution that would give ersby and people alighting from
provinces greater self-rule. thus vehicles near the entrance out of
meeting some of Tshombe's de- the rain.
mands. Tshombe has said he wel- The canopy, approved last spring
comes this gesture. by the Union Board of Directors
Heat from Thant and begun during the summer, is
Meanwhile, a group of Washte-
naw Ave. businessmen have called
a modification of the "dry line"
to permit liquor by the glass sales
on Washtenaw Ave., especially in
the Stadium Blvd.-Arborland area.
In a statement issued Saturday,
the group attacked the 58-year
"dry line" as "ambiguous, incon-
sistent, unreasonable and dis~rim-
inatory because of hardships it
forces upon some merchants and
It added that the purpose of the
proposed April referendum "is
simply to equalize the opportunity
for all business sections to provideI
good restaurants and compete
equally for the opportunity to-serve
the public."
The group warned that a con-
centration of bars now being creat-
ed in the Main St. area would im-!
pede the district's redevelopment!
and create a skid row similar to
Michigan Ave. in Detroit.
Mayor Cecil O. Creal declared.
that the "dry line" system "is
working fine the way it is. The
line has been in there a long time.
I do not think the people are in a
mood for a change."
He added that he thought the;
issue should be pressed, especially
because of its cost to the potential
bar owner in obtaining the $500 li-
cense to serve liquor by the glass
Althoughn ne utr a1s sexpressed
concern over the failure of the
Soviet Union, Britain and the
United States to get together on
a test ban, they did not assail the
Soviet Union directly for its re-
sumption of nuclear tests.
Groups Rap
Soviet Blast
By The Associated Press
Anti-bomb groups demonstrated
on both sides of the Iron Curtain
yesterday in the wake of the
Soviet Union's big nuclear test
blast-estimated at 30 megatons
by the Atomic Energy Commission.
In Moscow, Communist police
moved in quickly when three vis-
iting Japanese students waved a
banner protesting resumption of
the nuclear weapons tests-a de-
velopment that has been kept se-
cret so far from the 'Russian
In Helsinki 75 ban-the-bomb
demonstrators attempted to carry
signs protesting nuclear tests in
the windup parade of the Com-
munist-organized eighth World
Youth Festival. Angry Red offi-
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