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July 27, 1962 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1962-07-27

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an aditan Ba I
Seuenty-Second Year
Where Opinions Are Pree STUDENT PUBLIcATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y, JULY 27, 1962


Should Euthanasia Be Allowed,

For Drug-Crippled Babies?

.. .

jORAL STANDARDS, as anyone might have
noticed, are changing. Birth control was
ompletely unacceptable' to most people 20
ears ago. Today, people welcome birth con-
ml as a solution to the pressing problems of
In Great Britain two members of Parliament
nil ask the government for the legalisation of
uthanasia (mercy killing) of babies born with
eformed or missing limbs as a result of the
iother taking a tranquilizer, thalidomide, dur-
-g pregnancy. At this time, their request will
robably be turned down, as they no doubt
dpect. In the past, such a suggestion would
ever have been seriously proposed. In the
Atture, it will be heard more and more often
nd may-unfortunately-receive less and less
Deformed members of a population will
ome from other sources than mis-used drugs
a the future. Spontaneous mutations can
ause diabetes, myopia, blindness and drawf-
ess. The presently increasing genetic pool
f mutations comes not so much from increas-
rg the mutation rate (through fallout) as
rqm the increasing success of medicine in
flowing afflicted persons to lead normal lives.
rHE POINT may be reached when a large
portion of the population suffers from dis-
bling ailments. At that point, the remaining
opulation, will be supporting those people
rho, although unable to work, are still able
People may then seek a Draconian code of
ugenic laws to replace Darwin's "survival ofh
aie fittest." Our mora4 reservations might be
lowly eroded for the sake of expediency.
Many people will be charmed by the quaint
lea of breeding people. The aura of super-
eniuses used in a cold war of science leads
eople to forget an individual's rights. Similarly,
:ese same people will want to eliminate the
uller sections of the population which, they
bserve, produce the most progeny.
[HOSE WHO RECOMMEND either euthana-
sia or eugenics do so for the "betterment
f the race," rather than any humanitarian
Widespread restrictions on reproduction ac-
>rding to intelligence and ailments would be
tyranny of the worst kind for two reasons.
irst, there exists an easily seen need for
estrictions which is only a rationalization. The
'ord is not headed toward a genetic break-
own. Existing medical techniques can handle
lmost all defects (most, such as myopia, or
-ort-sightedness, are minor), and as for the
wild-up in mutations, other avenues are open.
ersons with some defects have statistically
ewer progeny than the average without being
lade aware of any problems of humanity.
iowever, a tendency toward indoctrination of
fflicted people should not be inferred. Also,
ie future may provide other suitable means.
PHE SECOND REASON that restrictions on
reproduction would be a tyranny is that a
able government with many classes would
: set up (perhaps classes could be designated
s alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon, with
uses and minuses). The ruling class, the
ealthy and intelligent, would control the
ates of the rest of the population.
Euthanasia and with it abortion may some-
ay be instituted. Mercy killing is not neces-
iry and can only lead to a further erosion
f what is considered unacceptable.
Such a willingness to trample other in-
ividuals' rights is evidence of the acceptance
f the philosophy that the ends justify the
eans. In this case, however, neither the
ieans nor the ends are desirable.

effects of the European sleeping pill thali-
domide have once again raised the moral and
legal question of abortion, In Arizona, -a preg-
nant woman has been denied an abortion at a
state hospital even though the probability of
her baby being born normal is less than half.'
Recent announcements from Europe estimate
the number of babies born defectively as a re-
sult of their mothers using thalidomide in the
early stages of pregnancy, at 4,000. In England
the number is well over a thousand and judges
have ruled that this is still not grounds for
This leaves two possibilities for expectant
mothers who have taken the drug: either they
can have a deformed child or they can have
an illegal abortion.
DEFORMED CHILDREN cause mental and
emotional problems for their parents, they
are great financial burdens and could have a
detrimental effect on -other children in the
family. In many instances - they end up in
state institutions and become burdens on the
taxpayers. This is not to say that each individ-
ual does not have the right to live. But, this
is an ugly enough world to bring a normal child
into, without subjecting the incapable to cop-
ing with the world on an equal basis.
But abortion is a nasty word. Some people
equate it with murder but there is a difference.
Before a child is born he is not, for all intents
and purposes, a person. There are some people
that claim to have pre-natal memories, Salva-
dore Dali among them, but this seems to be a
not-too-well accepted theory.
Denied the availability of a hospital abortion
there is the possibility that those women will
seek professional abortionists. This is, in the
final analysis, a much worse fate. The child
will be destroyed, but in many cases the moth-
er also dies or is seriously injured.

-,- - -
rW~P''L- :s

Cuba Betrays Its Revolution

Lemmon, Novak
Glitter in Fog
'THE NOTORIOUS LANDLADY" is a movie filled with urbane wit,
double meanings, side-splitting slapstick, and Kim Novak.
This is a movie that will make anybody happy. It is a tangle of
murder, perjury, love, and diplomatic maneuverings.
Jack Lemmon plays a career diplomat, transferred of late to the
Court of St. James. In search of living quarters he answers the want ad
of Mrs. Carley Hartwick (Kim Novak) and there the plot involvement
IT SEEMS THAT Scotland Yard is convinced that Mrs. Hartwick
has done her husband in and her neighbors and an ubiquitous be-der-



ACCOMPANY THIS with the mental anguish
of having this type of operation performed
under the most primitive of conditions and one
soon begins to wonder which is the lesser of
the evils.
The children born of women who have taken
thalidomide in the early stages of pregnancy
are not always deformed. There is a possibility,
slight, but a possibility that the baby would not
be born with pliocomelia, a type of atrophy in
which babies are born without arms or legs
or only with small stubs.
So, the alternative is to let the child be born,
see if he is deformed, and then kill him. This,
in black and white newsprint, seems heartless.
But, it is not an instance of killing to purify
a species; this is not a case of a "master race."
If a woman feels that she would rather abort
her child than carry it for nine months only
to give birth to a deformed child and then face
the agony of putting it in an, institution, try-
ing to care for it at home or relieving it of
misery through euthanasia, and her husband
agrees, there is no reason that a medical mis-
take, the dispensation of an imperfect drug,
should hang over !the victims' heads for there-
mainder of their lives.


Daily Staff Writer
YESTERDAY, JULY 26, was the
anniversary of a betrayal. On
that date nine years ago, Fidel
Castro raided a Cuban- military
base as the start of his revolution.
That attack failed, but two years
later Castro was back in the Es-
cambre Mountains fighting his
revolution anew. On New Year's
Day, 1960, Castro succeeded. Cuba
was his.
Like his first raid, Castro's rev-
olution raised hopes for freedom
and economic progress for all in
Cuba. Unlike that unsuccessful
attack, Castro's revolution has
failed from within rather than be-
ing defeated from without.
When Castro took power, the
hopes of the Cuban lower and
middle classes were on this "sav-
ior" to lead them to freedom and
spread the wealth, largely in a few
corrupt Cuban and American
hands, throughout the people. Cas-
tro pledged agarian reforms, more
housing, expanded educational fa-
cilities and social welfare meas-
ures to his people. Moreover, he
promised freedom from the tyr-
anny of the hated Batista regime.
WHILE CASTRO made bold
starts toward meeting his econom-
ic goals, no one noticed his re-
luctance toward implementing his
political ones. He seized huge
United States land holdings and
divided them among the Cuban
peasants; he promulgated agarian
reforms and established an agency
to carry them out; he vigorously
attacked illiteracy and set up a
mass educational program to wipe
it out.
Yet no one cared about his
delaying political reforms. Castro
first hedged on holding elections,
then scrapped them, saying that
the mob rules. Two hundred "trai-
tors and counter-revolutionaries"
were summarily tried and. shot.
Moderate elements were forced out
of his government and extremists
and pro-Communists have replac-
ed them.
At first, it was conceded that
Castro needed an interim period
to create order and carry out

needed reforms. Later, it became
more clear. Castro was a totali-
tarian either by choice or fate.
Cuba's hopes were dashed - she
was to get no freedom.
NO ONE IS SURE why Castro
became a pro-Communist dictator.
Some say he always had these
designs on Cuba. Others claim,
with much validity, that Castro
was forced into the arms of the
Communists by United States
pressure and once in their grip,
he, and Cuba, are locked there.
Probably a combination of Cas-
tro totalitarian proclivities and
outside pressures has made Cuba
the closest thing to a Soviet sat-
ellite in the Western hemisphere.
Russian domination is quite ap-
parent in Cuba-even down to the
Havana bars and hotels catering
to the Soviet bloc trade.
The Cuban people are now in
the vise of a new tyranny. They
TV's Duties
WIN a mass audience, you
must offer the average of
common experience, and this can-
not satisfy the individual's varie-
ty of tastes and interests. So the
pursuit of a mass audience, nec-
essary to attract the advertising
that is the competitive incentive
for the commercial companies, re-
duces the range of choice offered
to the viewers; they will be kept
unaware of what lies beyond the
average of experience. To give the
public what it wants in this sense,
says the Pilkington Committee
(set up to investigate British tele-
vision), is patronizing and arro-
gant. For the broadcaster to "give
the public what he thinks is good
for it" would also be patronizing
and arrogant, but this is not the
alternative. The broadcaster's duty
is to "respect the public's right
to choose from the widest possible
range of subject matter and so to
enlarge worthwhile experience,'"
and to do this the broadcaster
must explore and give a lead.
-The Manchester Guardian

have no more freedom than in the
Batista regime and under pro-
Communist regimentation they
may have even less as the state
owns property and tightly con-
trols the Cuban economy in a
bungling way.
* * *
been lost with political hopes. The
Cuban economy is tied to the
depressed Soviet bloc. Its agri-
culture is shattered due to mis-
management and loss of its sugar
Meanwhile, Castro has been at-
tempting to export his revolution.
Cuba has become a base for ex-
treme left-wing activities in Latin
America. It has been the source
of attempted revolutions in Pan-
ama, Guatemala, Nicaragua and
Venezula. Castro's admirers- are
strong factions in such countries
as Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Peru.
Yet many of these people in
their misery only see the promise
of the Castro revolution. Their
leaders blame its shortcomings on
the United States and hide the
intrinsic fraud and failure of Cas-
troism. Blinded by the vision of
freedom and plenty, they fail to
see that the Cuban revolution has
not delivered, but has actually set
back the people. The poor of
Latin America have failed to see
Castro's betrayal.
* * *
is denocratic hope. Rather than
berate Castro, the United States
should point out his failings and
suggest and promote democratic
means of social reform. The Al-
liance for Progress is attempting to
do this, but it has not been able
to get around the entrenched La-
tin American aristocracy to the
poor of Latin America.
Castro's revolution has pointed
out the need for social reform in
Latin America. But, by turning
totalitarian, it has betrayed its
ideals and failed. July 26 should
not be a celebation of a fraudu-
lent revolution, but a reminder
of what can happen when a re-
bellion goes wrong and a challenge
to democracy to solve South
America's basic social problems.

bied detective keep her under con-
stant surveillance.
Lemmon hears some highly
damning dialogue and is convinced
that he will soon fall victim to the
homicidal characteristics of his
beautiful landlady. A candlelight
dinner turns into a conflagration
and he misses the chance to pur-
sue his investigation.
* * *
scandalous news about the mur-
deress and the. State Department
employe and their fire and Lem-
mon is called on the carpet.
The story twists and turns and
we find Mrs. flartwick being tried
for the murder of her husband,
who has turned up very much alive
and leaves with a bullet lethally
placed in him. Things are looking
very bad for the defendant until
the nurse of a chair-ridden neigh-
bor and testifies that she saw the
shooting and is sure that it was
accidental. Perjury., Acquittal.
Murder of a pawn broker. Now the
chase begins.
* * *
IT WINDS UP at a home for the
calcified wealthy with Lemmon
chasing a runaway wheel chair
down the cliffs overlooking the At-
Lemmon is always perfect. His
sense of comic timing makes the
movie click. He is ably sup-
ported by the Scotland Yard dicks,
light-stepping Fred Astaire, and
the ever-present London fog. The
movie is well-scripted with plenty
of suspense, story, and tight-lip-
ped humor. The directing by Rich-
ard Quince is tight, fast-paced,
and entirely profesional. Kim No-
vak is very believable as the warm,
winsome, and thoroughly feminine
"murderess." She appears, well-
iced in gowns of her own design,
as the perfect confection for a di-
verting summer evening.
-Alan Magid
to the
To the Editor:
IN AN EDITORIALy our writer
recounts the past ten years of
Egypt's history. It is with deep
regretthat we witness a member
of the editorial staff conveying
untrue information and malicious
interpretation of the U.A.R.'s sta-
tus through the University stu-
dents' publication.
It is extremely difficult to un-
derstand the writer's motives for
having not presented a fair eval-
uation of Egypt's gigantic steps
forward since 1952. She could have
spent a little time studying the
situation in Egypt by looking up
some of the many texts and cur-
rent books available in the Near
Eastern Dept.'s library, instead of
relying upon Israel's information
bureau. She could have been more
academic by consulting the opin-
ion of American economists who
assent that Egypt's gross national
product has been rising seven per
cent a year and its investment rate
has been an annual 15 to 17 per
cent. She also could have educated
herself to the fact that industrial
production has trippled in Egypt
since 1952 and that the average
Egyptian's income has increased
by half. She could have read much
about Egypt's achievements in
magazines too; like Fortune Octo-
ber issue, 1958 by Gilbert Burk, or
as recent as October 1961 in the
Reporter by Clair Sterling.
Therefore, we appeal to your
morals, not to allow the Michigan
Daily to be used as a propaganda
tool for the benefit of Israel and
-Mansour Hassan,-Grad

RDose Marie
I dove You
Fair no one defects, not even
the Campus Theatre, which did
its little bit last night by showing
the noted art movie "Rose Marie"
("I Love You"). This was another
one-nighter ini the Campus' cele
brated "Operetta Festival," and
I counted forty-three people at
the nine o'clock show.
Rose Marie, as everybody knows,
is about a girl who is turned into
a mountie by a mountie, and into
a lady by a moose. The mountie is
played by Howard Keel (of
course); the girl is Ann Blyth.
The drama loses none of its
customary verve .in the translation
into Cinemascope, and "#Color
Glory," whatever that is. Songs
(14-count 'em-14) are announc-
ed with lines like, "Tell us about it,
Barney," or the always popularx
"There's a song about that."
*t* *
THE FILM, clearly one of the
early foreign-location enterprises,
is set in the Canadian Rockies,
whose splendor is calculated t,
dazzle anyone. There is some
truth in this. The camera-man,
for one, is so taken with the
scenery that often he forgets to
follow the action, and for whole
minutes at a time the screen Is
void of everything but a mountain
or two, the sort of illuminated
Picture Leo Ping would pay a small
fortune for.
But, as if such pageantry were
not enough, there is high drama
too. "An Indian girl named Wanda
kills her own father, framing a
white trapper (surprise! Fernan-
do Lamas). Somehow the Lucky
Strike singers and dancers, cu"-
ningly disguised as Indians, man-
age to rip off a little dance be-
fore they catch Lamas and try to
burn him."
* * *
THE MOUINTIES arrive at the
last moment, and sing a chorus or
two before dismounting. Here the
Indians miss a good bet. They
could have easily burned Howard
Keel, too, thus ending the aovie,
and doing the American public a
favor in addition.
Unfortunately they free every-
one, leaving justice to the Crown.
The Crown doesn't do much better,
so at the end you can see Keel
sing goodbye to the only girl he
ever loved, swatting her horse on
the rear (doing, it could be argued,
the right thing but to the wrong
party), while the full MGM or-
chestration peals across .a cloud-
less sky and the mighty Campus
curtains swallow, whole, the Rock-
ies, Lake Louise, and Banff.
-Dick Pollnger
(Continued from Page 2)
80-Psychological Subjects. Must be stu-
dents. At' least one, 2 hour session.
1-To work switchboard from 3:30 p.m.
to 11:30 p.m. Would probably need
transportation. Permanent position.
2-Meal jobs.
1-Good commercial artist for nws-
paper advertising. Part-time or full-
1-istologist. Must have, a natural
science background with two years
of college education. Experience not
necessary. -tfine, permanentposi-
1-Food supervisor. Degree in dietetics
or equivalent experience. Monday
thru Friday, 4 p.m. to 8p pn
20-Psychological Subjects. Must be stu.
dents. At least one, 2 hour session.


EGYPT'S PRESIDENT Gamal Abdul Nasser
, has formally opened a jet aircraft factory
quipped to produce traineds, fighters and
roop transports, official sources announced in
Cairo yesterday.
It is very interesting to note that the planes
o be turned out are all of a military nature.
And speculation begins as to who is financing
his expenditure and what the proposed use for
hese planes is.
Egyptians, it would seem, have no wish to
aanufacture merely commercial airplanes. Es-
ecially, when there is not even enough food to
o around.
Editorial Staff
RED RTTSSELL KRAMER............... Co-Editor
'ETER STEINBERGER ..................Co-Editor
L JONES ......................... Sports Editor
'YNTHIA NEU ............... .... Night Editor
rERALD STORCH ...,.................. Night Editor
'HILIP SUTIN.E ...... ...Night Editor
DENISE WACKER ..................... Night Editor

F A MOTHER who has taken these pills wishes
to abort her child she should be allowed to
do so. She should, of course, be informed that
there is a chance that the child will be normal.
However, if she does not wish to have the baby
for this reason, medical facilities should be
made available to her. The alternative should
also be provided. Doctors should be allowed,I
upon permission of the parents, to perform
euthanasia (mercy killing) on those deformed,
children after they are born.
This suggestion, of course, is just wishful
thinking. No legal or medical board in this
country will allow such a ruling to pass. They
will fear a parade of horribles. That is, once
this sort of ruling is passed then other actions
like eliminating other children born with men-
tal and physical defects, will become legal. And
from there, perhaps we would go on to eliminate
those people whose color we did not like or who
had the "wrong" religion.
In the first place, there is a large but limited
number of women who have taken this drug.
The number who have taken it while pregnant
is smaller-so the situation will not continue
Then, too, it is not as if this were just any
old deformity. There are cures for some de-
formities and with the advances that modern
science is making there will soon be cures for
many more.
will ever discover a way to draft on limbs
where none exist and make them functional
enough so that the deformed person will be
able to live a normal life.
Mercy killing, already discussed in many
courts, is not acceptable to some people. They
fear that it will lead to unnecessary and un-
merciful killing. And, pretty soon, as the parade
of horribles would indicate, people would go
around having doctors kill other people just
for the sake of it.
Murder, of course, is not condoned by civilized


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