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July 27, 1961 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1961-07-27

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Mymtiiigatt aily
Seventy-First Year
Truth Will Prevail'' STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

'Stella,' Cast Re-Live
'Sund ay'Success
JUDGING by the two movies in which American audiences have had
a chance to see her, Melina Mercouri is in a rut.
"Stella," the second movie to visit Ann Arbor in which Miss
Mercouri is starred, casts her as a nightclub singer by vocation and
mistress to many by vocation. This is only a slight switch from
"Never on Sunday," in which she was mistress by vocation and singer
by avocation.
One has the feeling, however, after seeing "Stella," that the
movie was originally filmed for domestic (Greek) consumption; and
that when Miss Mercouri made such a hit in "Never on Sunday,"

Hannah Must Choose
Between Con-Con, MSU


WHENEVER A PROFESSOR decides to ven-
ture beyond the walls of his academic
fortress to seek wisdom at another campus or
to enter the world of realpolitik, he usually
gets a friendly tap on the head from the gov-
erning board of his university and a leave of
absence without pay.
This is clearly as it should be. A university
ought to let its faculty members expand their
horizons or serve society in an elective public
office. The university, however, has not ob-
ligation to pay the faculty man for these
THIS THE POSITION of several professors
who have sought seats as delegates to the
constitutional convention. Prof. James A. Pol-
lock, of the political science department, has
secured Regental approval to become a can-
didate. Some "equitable" agreement about his
salary will be worked out with President Hat-
cher and Regents, if and when he is elected.
Prof. Gordon L. Thomas, of the speech de-
partment of Michigan State University (former
haunt of gubernatorial aspirant Paul Bagwell)
will run on the final con-con delegate ballot.
He received word yesterday that he, too, must
assume a leave of absence without pay should
he win.
So far all is fine. The convention will doubt-
less demand full-time, full-week work from
each of its delegates. It will leave little, if any

time for a faculty member to teach classes or
conduct significant research. Perhaps evenings
and Saturday mornings will be free.
ident John Hannah's actions a little sus-
picious and reprehensible. Hannah is a GOP
candidate for con-con, but has declared he
will not take a leave or give up his salary (more
than $25,000 per year) if elected.
At the same time, he claims a faculty man
cannot be teacher and delegate at the same
time: one job must suffer. Therefore, one job
must go unpaid.
How Hannah can then rationalize his own
position is inconceivable. By his own logic,
he can either be a good delegate to con-con
or a good university president. Not both.
The university is bound to suffer if he is
away from it on a full-time basis for several
months. He won't be there to read reports,
chair conferences, interact with students and
faculty, or make decisions. This will happen
no matter how much his heart longs for the
good of the institution on the banks of the
ole Red Cedar.
Hannah should either drop out of the con-
con race or resign his presidency for the
duration of the convention if he wants com-
petent and dynamic leadership for both the
state and MSU.

-Daily-Edward Langs
Trio Adds Sparkle to Baroque

"BAROQUE music? Oh, it all
sounds the same, and besides,
it's all so dull." That this remark
need not be true was well demon-
strated last night by the Baroque
In little over an hour, including
intermission, the group, consisting
of Nelson Hauenstein, flute, Flor-
ian Mueller, oboe, and Marilyn
Mason at the harpsichord, as-
sisted by Clyde Thompson on
double bass, played works of com-
posers of several countries whose
careers ranged over the course of
about a hundred years. The pro-
gram was well-balanced between
two trio sonatas and two solo
sonatas (with harpsichord), pre-
faced by three short "symphonies"
by Purcell.
From the first slow Purcell

C Tragic Anniversary

movement to the final Telemann
Allegro, the Baroque Trio proved
itself well able to give these seven-
teenth and eighteenth century
works the careful playing they
deserve. Not only intonation, but
also tempo, phrasing, and tone
came out admirably as the group
presented a combination of virtu-
osity and sensitivity to detail
which made the baroque music
sparkle with a vivacity that belied
its age.
* * *
FOLLOWING the opening Pur-
cell work, Mr. Mueller took the
stage to present Loeillet's B-fiat
Obie and Harpsichord Sonata, and
was able to use both technique and
tone to great advantage toward a
unified performance. When the
group reassembled for the Jom-

day began a week-long celebration of the
eighth anniversary of his revolutionary move-
ment which began in 1953 with the unsuccess-
ful assault on the Moncada Army Barracks in
Santiago. and came to a climax in 1959 with
the fall of Batista.
But yesterday's festivities seem to reflect less
the revolutionary principles of the band of
young people who hurled themselves against
the dictatorship in the name of freedom and
justice than the more recently found devotion
of the Cuban revolutionary state to Marxist
doctrine and to the Communist world.
had been predicted, the apathy that has
killed the convention in the past.
Twice before voters have been given an
opportunity to approve the convention and
both times the attempt failed. The 1958 bal-
loting--in which two-fifths of those voting
did not even vote on that question-underlined
the apathy and lack of information of Michi-
gan voters.
organized to obtain support for con-con.
Their enthusiasm and efforts paid off. But
now the enthusiasm has died down. The goal
seems accomplished to many.
Such is not the case-for delegate selection
is as important as approving the convention
Citizens will soon have an opportunity to
finally select the delegates who will attempt
to make the changes so urgently needed in
Michigan's outmoded constitution. If the turn-
out for that election is as poor as Tuesday's,
the result will be a con-con dominated by
mobilized groups and a document which will
reflect their narrow opinions and provide a.
strait jacket for Michigan government for a
long time to come.

As Fidel Castro celebrates his revolutionary
anniversary, most of his old companions are
in prison or in exile. Some of them have lost
their lives before his execution squads. The
freedom promised by him when he led the
nation in the fight against the Batista dic-
tatorship was never allowed to grace the land
of Cuba.
ELECTIONS have been spurned. The young
and the old are indoctrinated to serve as
spies of the regime and to denounce their
neighbors. A Communist-oriented official poli-
tical party is being organized to bolster the
government apparatus on the grass-roots level.j
Castro himself, once a free spirit, has become
a gramaphone record of Marxist texts. Yuri
Gagarin was flown in to the celebration less
because he is the world's first cosmonaut than
because he is a Soviet cosmonaut.
To the outside world, and to the thousands
of Cubans inside and outside the Castro pri-
sons, the 26th of July of this year was a date
of sadness and meditation. Fidel Castro's great
illusion has come to an end and Cuba's his-
tory, tortured by a succession of dictatorships,
has again gone full circle.
IN THE NAME of the illusion of social justice
the Cubans have been made to pay the
awful price of the police state. But, as history
goes, the Cuban experiment may have not
been altogether in vain. It has alerted the free
men of the Americas to the urgent need for
building social justice before its call is dis-
torted and perverted by a Communist seizure.
Ironical as it may be, the statesmen who will
meet in Uruguay next month to launch the
"Alliance for Progress" will be taking up the
challenge hurled by Castro: can a free society
provide progress, prosperity and justice?
If Castro finds time for meditation this week,
he may care to remember history. And it is
perhaps symbolic that, as one day follows
another, July 27-today-is the 9th of Ther-
midor of the French Revolution, the day
Robespierre was overthrown.

Allies' Support Needed
To Convince Khrushchev

meli Trio Sonata in D, the con-
trast in sound between the one
solo instrument and the combined
sound of all four players made one
realize that a complete orchestra
is not needed for a full sound; the
combination of rich harpsichord
chords and the interplay of the
two solo instruments, with the
bass providing added support, can
sound as full, in proportion, as the
Philadelphia strings.
After the intermission, the
Bardque Trio moved on td Ger-
man music: the sixth Bach Flute
and Harpsichord Sonata followed
by Telemann's D Minor Trio
Sonata. With an impeccably
steady tempo (so vital in Bach), a
fine tone and amazing breath con-
trol, Mr. Hauenstein at least
equalled Mr. Mueller's Loeillet.
Finally, the audience was treated
darker in mood, and full of inter-
esting alternation of themes and
interweaving of flute and oboe.
Alas, the concert was only too
short, and the audience a bit too
small. Let it be hereby recom-
mended that the Baroque Trio
increase its summer, not to speak
of fall, concert schedule to at
least that of the Stanley Quartet;
it's worth it.
-Mark Slobin
In filtration
"IF THE Communists had been
foolish enough to try to take
Cuba by military force, they would
have failed miserably because we
would have moved in with every-
thing we had. Yet, through in-
direct aggression, infiltration and
subversion, Havana today is as
Communist - dominated and con-
trolled as Mosco wand Peiping.
There's no question that we are
a prime target. We are today the
only roadblock in the ever-in-
creasing tempo of their drive for
world domination. They have
sleepers in every nook and cranny
of this country and they have had
in all uncommitted and neutral
countries of the world - sleepers
who are ready and willing to act
when the Communist timetable
requires their special skills.
-Rep. Gordon Gordon H. Scherer

the movie was given some Englsh
subtitles and exported, thereby
taking advantage of her well-
deserved reputation.
Her reputation does not suffer
in "Stella," but the performance
does not in any way exhibit any
diversity of character portrayal.
It's a strange feeling to sit and
watch many of the same old faces
from "Sunday" parade through
"Stella," with only minor varia-
tions in their roles, if any. For
instance, the chief bouzoukia
player in both movies is the same,
the hero is the same, one of the
prostitutes from "Sunday" is in
"Stella," (although not in the same
role) and a few of Ilia's older ad-
mirers are around (this time as
Stella's admirers).
THE PLOT is wound around
Stella's passion for independence:
though she will have an affair
with any man who pleases her,
she refuses to surrender herself
in marriage into any sort of bond-
age to any other person. For this
reason, whenever she senses her
current lover becoming "serious,"
she breaks off the affair.
For this honesty in not wanting
to toy with the affections of those
for whom she feels affection, she
acquires the reputation of being
cold and heartless. At the onset,
she is involved in an affair with
a gentle man, Aleko, who comes
from an upper-middle-class fam-
ily, and who is completely smitten.
In fact, when she expresses a
desire for a piano to make her
nightclub act more "artistic," her
wish becomes his command. But
when he expresses a desire to
marry her, in exchange for the
piano, she gives him the sack -
gently, of course, for she has no
desire to hurt him. She patiently
explains her aversion to marriage
"slavery" - and assures him
that there is no one else.
THERE REALLY IS no one else
at 'that moment, but soon The
One True Love comes on the
scene, and as soon as Aleko sen-
ses what is going on, he goes into
a physical decline. His family is
aware of his involvement, and put
the blame for his difficulties on
Meanwhile, back at the cabaret,
Milto (that's his name) and Stella
are having the affair of the eon.
It's a real grand passion, and Milto
decides to capitalize on it. So he
gives Stella an ultimatum-marry
him or never see him again. Much
against her instincts, Stella con-
sents. This occurs after Aleko has
been killed by a car, waiting un-
der her window to get another
glimpse of her. So she not only
has gnawing doubts about the ad-
visability of marriage, she is also
tormented by guilt feelings for
Aleko's death.
fitting, in a way, but don't go
looking for a happy ending. The
characters are fairly stock, but
the marvelous bouzoukia music
and the intriguing dances- not
to mention the melliflous lan-
guage - are most pleasant.
--Selma Sawaya.

The Daily Official Bulletin i an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Students who expect to receive Edu-
cation and Training allowance under
Pubiic Law 550 or 634 and are enrolled
in the 8-week session must (1) turn in
the Deans Monthly Certification form
for June 26-July 31, signed by Instruc-
tors, to the Dean's Office by Fri., July
28, (2) sign IBM card for June 26-July
31 in the Office of Veterans' Affair, 2226
SAB, on Aug. 1, 2, 3, or 4. Those n-
rolled in the 6-week session only must
(1) turn in one Dean's Monthly Cer-
tification form for the entire summer
session, signed by instructors at the
final exams, to the Dean's Office by
Aug. 4, (2) sign IBM card for June 26
to Aug. 5 In the Office of Veterans
Affairs, 2228 SAB. Aug. 1, 2, 3, or 4
between 8 a.m. & noon or 1 to53 p.m
The Office of Veterans' Affairs has
moved from 142 Admin. Bldg. to 2228
Student Activities Bldg. The phone
number is unchanged. Ext. 3301.
Opening Wednesday, Aug. 2, with per-
formances through Sat., Aug. 5: Fay&
Machael Kanin's "Rashomon." Ticket
available at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
box office daily from 10 a.m. $1.50, .1O.
for Wed. and Thurs. performances;
$1.75. $1.25 for Fri, and Sat. perform-
ances. Tickets also available for Mo-
zart's "The Marriage of Figaro" to be
presented Aug. 9-12 in cooperation with
the School of Music.
Events Thursday
Baratin, the informal conversation
group of the French Club, will meet
Thurs., July 27, from 2 to 4 pm. In
the Romance Languages Department
Lounge, 3050 Frieze Bldg. All those in-
terested in speaking French are cordial-
ly invited 'to stop in.
Linguistics Forum Lecture: Prof. Har-
ry Josslson, Wayne State University,
will speak on "Machine Translation:
Goals and Results" on Thurs., July 27
at 7:30 p~m. in the Rackham Ampi-
Summer Session Lecture Series: Ben-
jamin Quarles, chairman, Department
of History Morgan State College, will
discuss '*he Negro In the Civil War"
at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., July 27 in Aud.
Doctoral Recital: Joseph Work, violist,
will present his third and final recital
in partial fulfillment for the degree
Doctor of Musical Arts on Thurs. July
27, 4:15 p.m., in the Rackham Assembly
Hall. Compositions he will play are by
Milhaud, Menasce, Ross Lee Finney and
Vivaldi-Courte. Open to the general
Student Recital: Esther Cupps, or-
ganist, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree Master of Music, on Thurs.,
July 27, 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud. She will
play compositions by Cerambault,
Bach, Franck, Semini, and Messien.
Open to the public.
Events Friday
Astronomy Department Visitors' Night.
Fri., July 28, 8:30 p.m., 2003 Angell
Hall. John R. Dikel will speak on
"Radio Astronomy - 'What's Ruining
the Records?'" After the lecture the
Student Observatory on the fifth floor
of Angell Hall will be open for inspec-
tion and for telescopic observations of
the Moon, a double star, and Saturn.
Children welcomed, but must be ac-
companied by adults.
(Continued on Page 3)

Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON - United States
allies in NATO have respond-
ed favorably to President John F.
Kennedy's call for a boost in
armed forces to stand off Soviet
hreats against West Berlin, United
States officials reported yesterday.
Whether Allied governments in
the North Atlantic Treaty Organ-
ization will now follow through
with new commitments of money
and manpower to pick up their
share of the burden which Ken-
nedy prescribed for all is still un-
certain. Some Western European
leaders are beginning to talk about
increasing military spending and
stepping up draft calls, it was
But it is by no means clear that
Kennedy will succeed in achiev-
ing his announced Allied objective
of urgently building up NATO's
conventional military forces to the
basic, ground army goal of 30
divisions set several years ago.
* * *
KENNEDY put his leadership of
the Western powers to its first
major test when he proclaimed
last night that "a first need" of
the preparations to deal with Com-
munist power is to speed progress
toward the NATO military goals.
The danger is that Kennedy will
get mainly lip service from Allied
governments. Such a reaction
would be interpreted by Soviet
Premier Nikita Khrushchev to
mean that other countries of the
alliance were indifferent and apa-
thetic to the United States call
for firmness in West Berlin. That
would mean Khrushchev consid-
ered the alliance split in fact,
regardless of what its leaders were
saying in public statements.
* * *
so far reported from Allied govern-
ments is indecisive. But consulta-
tion started only last Friday and
the lack of a definitive response
therefore is not considered sur-
Secretary of State Dean Rusk

last Friday outlined to representa-
tives of Britain, France and West
Germany the program which the
President presented to the world
Tuesday night.
Kennedy urged development of
a more powerful military force to
deter Khrushchev from starting
a war over Berlin and encourag-
ing him instead to enter into ser-
ious negotiations.
The first round of talks was fol-
lowed by broader consultations in
Paris between the United States
envoy, Thomas K. Finletter, and
the other permanent representa-
tives on the 15-nation council.
Finletter opened his discussions
-* * *
TODAY Assistant Secretary of
State Foy D. Kohler will take a
diplomatic task force to Paris to
lay the groundwork for a Western
foreign ministers meeting in the
French capital Aug. 5.
Britain, France and West Ger-
many hold the key to the pro-
posed buildup.
The British government, with a.
brand new home front austerity
program on its hands, is reported
to have indicated willingness to
make some increase in its NATO
military forces in Germany but
not to make any increase of a
spectacular kind.
The French, from the Kennedy
administration's point of view, are
still handicapped by their dilemma
in North Africa. They cannot sub-
stantially reinforce the NATO
Western frontier without pulling
troops from North Africa and they
cannot do that on any extensive
scale without an Algerian settle-
ment. The French-Tunisian con-
flict over Bizerte has further be-
clouded prospects for French
troop transfers.
provides more hopeful prospects.
West Germany has already con-
tributed to NATO command seven
divisions out of her rearmament
goal of 12 divisions. United States
officials argue the West Germans
can greatly speed up formation of
additional divisions so that by the
end of the year West Germany
may have 10 or 11 combat-ready
divisions under NATO command.
The NATO force in Europe now
totals a little more than 22 com-

U.S., Britain Prepare for Test

Associated Press News Analyst
take off some of their fat as they gird for
another round in their age-long battle against
On Tuesday the British Government inform-
ed its people of the need for new taxes and
new austerity to preserve their economy in
a world where economics has become an over-
riding factor in a portentious conflict.
On Tuesday President Kennedy warned the
American people of new taxes and new de-
mands upon their patriotism in preparing a
more powerful deterrent against war and to
promote an eventual peace through world
[1C t rt t l M

oversights in the President's speech. At one
point he failed to relate the hope for peace in
Europe to the fact that there can be no peace
as long as the rulers of one-third of the world's
people retain the ability to decide for war
without reference to the checks and balances
of the public will. But he did relate both the
military deterrent and positive, economic ap-
proach to the whole world and not just to
There was a strong assertion of personal
leadership for the nation and of national lead-
ership for the world.
Once more those who would break the peace,
or infringe by force or threat the rights of
others, were warned that the democracies have
fought and will fight again for principles -
principles which the enemy denies and there-
fore fails to understand.

"Let's Not Write Chester Out Of The Script Just Yet!"
°- -

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