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July 19, 1961 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1961-07-19

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Men with a Lot in C

TOP LEVEL MEETING-President de Gaulle of France and Chancellor A
yesterday on various matters as they met in Bonn, where they are atte
mon Market countries. With them are West German protocal chief S
West German press chief Felix von Eckardt, second from right.

School Bill
'Cite offers
To Parochial
Most Congressmen
a See Blow as Fatal
WASHINGTON () - President
John F. Kennedy's plans to spend
billions of federal dollars on pub-
lic schools received a staggering
blow yesterday from the House
Rules Committee.
Most House leaders thought the
blow was fatal, but one did not.
By an 8-7 vote, the Rules Com-
mittee, which controls the flow of
bills to the floor of the House, vot-
ed to kill three education bills for
this session of Congress. The vote
reflected the conflict over church
and state.
Opposition Tactics
Wirephoto There are ways to move around
-APr G rnytle the committee to bring a bill to
denauer of Germany talked the floor, but chances for their
nding a conference of Com- success are slim. And, even if suc-
igismund von Braun and cessful, the result likely would be
only a shadow of the kind of pro-
gram the President has asked.
But Rep. Adam Clayton Powell
(D-NY), chairman of the House
Education and Labor Committee,
T o et:: said he did not see the Rules Com -
1 m~7IL -ittee action as the last word on
school legislation this session.
C oupPowell said h may call up the
lege main bill-providing grants to
public schools-under a procedure
known as "Calendar Wednesday."
ers which I will keep, in fact This allows chairmen to call up a
gh that if only a portion of bill approved by their committees.
will get busy and start mak- One-Day Limit
heir plans to become electors But, once the bill is taken up,
years from now, we can defi- the House must dispose of it in a
y control the policies of the day. House rules give opponents of
nment in 1964, or they may federal aid to education enough
eed, if the majority desires, to delaying tactics to prevent a vote
nt the President that year." on the bill.
re .. . definitely have the Ironically, Kennedy and Speak-
ber of strategically located er Sam Rayburn (D-Tex) had won
ns to make our influence in a battle at the beginning of this
nal affairs felt the next time. session to reorganize the Rules
ust 'know the right people' Committee. Their aim was to pre-
hat you may be selected in vent the Rules Committee from
h ever way your state selects standing in the way of legislation
-lectors. Generally, in most like federal aid to education.
s, you may be an elector Kennedy and Rayburn persuad-
ly by so requesting if you ed the House to add three mem-
any state party leaders." bers, including two Democrats, to
the Rules Committee. In theory,
this would give administration
omc riant ou mrtes an 8-7 majority in the
r " Lose Majority
ins in Senate But the majority did not hold
in the face of the church-state
ASHINGTON (')-The Sen- controversy.
esterday voted to go ahead Rep. James Delaney (D-NY)
a 95 million dollar project said he would not vote for Ken-
enerate electric power from nedy's $2.5-billion bill for federal
eat provided by a plutonium aid to public schools unless the
at Hanford, Wash. committee first approved a bill
rejected 54-36 a Republican that included loans for private
t to knock the 800,000 kilo- and parochial schools.
project out of the 360 million Three other committee mem-
r Atomic Energy Commis- bers, while in favor of the main
authorization bill. Kennedy bill, refused to support

Drug Experts
Ask Policing
In Pharmacy
WASHINGTON (A') - Two med-
ical educators yesterday advocated
federal policing of whether new
drugs work, a proposal the Ameri-
cal Medical Association vigorously
The two witnesses, Dr. Louis S.
Goodman and Dr. Charles D. May,
are. members of AMA's council on
drugs. Dr. Goodman testified there
is resentment in the council be-
cause AMA did not ask the group's
advice before taking the stand
against the controversial proposal.
"This is puzzling," he said, "be-
cause the Council on Drugs is the
AMA's advisory body that is meant
to know most about the actions
and uses of drugs."
The two witnesses testified at
hearings by the Senate Antitrust
and Monopoly Subcommittee on
legislation proposing stern new
federal regulation of the drug
The bill, by Sen. Estes Kefauver
(D-Tenn), among other things
would license manufacturers of
prescription medicines and forbid
the sale of new prescription drugs
without a prior finding by the
Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) that the preparations are
efficacious as well as safe. Ke-
fauver heads the subcommittee.
In earlier testimony, the AMA
opposed this FDA provision, say-
ing the AMA could do the job of
telling whether drugs work. Ke-
fauver cast doubt on this, argu-
ing that the AMA, because of rev-
enue from medical advertisers,
could not be relied on to do the
Kefauver's argument drew a re-
joinder today from Dr. Leonard
W. Larson, president of the AMA.
"We resent the charge by Sen.
Kefauver that the AMA cannot
be relied upon to be effective in
informing physicians of drug
properties because of the revenue
obtained from drug companies
through advertising in AMA jour-
nals," Dr. Larson said.

Lawyer Tries
Electoral Col

Allies Present Proposals on Berlin

ern Allies yesterday warned the
Kremlin it is endangering world
peace by its proposals on Ger-
many. But they left the way open
for negotiations to solve the Ber-
lin crisis.
The United States, Britain and
France spoke to Soviet Premier
Khrushchev in similar, firmly
worded notes made public simul-
taneously in Washington, London
and Paris.
The notes had been dispatched
to the Soviet Foreign Office Mon-
Reaffirm Beliefs
Reaffirming their determination
not to yield to Khrushchev's drive
to oust them from Red-circled
West Berlin, the Western Big
Three said they are nonetheless
always ready to consider "a free-
ly negotiated settlement of the
unresolved problems of Germany."
But they told Khrushchev his
plan presents "grave dangers" with
"unforeseeable consequences" for
shattering peace.
The Allies thus rejected Khrush-
chev's proposals which would lead
to the transfer of control of ac-
cess to West Berlin to the Com-
munist East German regime. He
has said he will sign a peace trea-
ty with East Germany at the end
of this year which, he claims, will
do away with the Berlin occupa-
tion and access rights the Allies
say they have from World War II
Similar Views
The Western notes had similar
views although the United States
version, at 3,500 words, was near-
ly three times as long- as the other
two. The United States was re-
plying to a Soviet memo from the
West Germans
Approve Policy
BONN, Germany (P)-The West
German and West Berlin govern-
ments and the two major opposi-
tion parties last night hailed the
Western Big Three's firm notes
to Moscow on the Berlin crisis.
A government spokesman said
the notes expressed the policy of
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's
A statement by Mayor Willy
Brandt's West Berlin city govern-
ment said the United States, Brit-
ish and French notes strengthened
their already firm position and
brought to the front the fact that
the problem of Berlin can be solv-
ed only with an overall German
Especially appreciated, the West
Berlin government said, was the
West's firmness in demanding that
both parts of divided Germany get
the right of self determination.
,,it is to be hoped that the
Soviet Union pays attention to
the serious tone of the notes and
to the determination of the West
to protect its rights," the state-
ment declared.
The official East German news
agency ADN said none of the
Western allies had "grasped the
fact that West Berlin is in ter-
ritory belonging to the German
Democratic Republic."
the bill carrying aid to parochial

June 3-4 Vienna meeting between
Khrushchev and President Kenne-
dy. The British and French were
answering statements received
from Soviet Foreign Minister An-
drei Gromyko in Geneva about a
month ago.
By . common agreement, the
American note went into lengthier
detail because:
1) The formal Soviet communi-
cation had been addressed to the
United States, and
Major Document
2) This is the first major dip-
lomatic document on Germany-
Berlin from the new Kennedy ad-
In their closely coordinated re-
plies, resulting from six weeks of
consultation, the Western three
basically restated the position they
have held on Germany since the
end of World War II.
The Western Allies said they fa-
vor reunification of Germany by
self-determination of the German
people. Meanwhile, they said, the
Reds cannot force them out of
Berlin by one-sided action.
Reply as Accepted
The Kremlin doubtless has ex-
pected this type of reply it re-{
ceived because the contents were
foreshadowed in news accounts.
The Western powers plan to
send their foreign ministers to
Paris August 5-6 to review the
mounting crisis, coordinate al-
ready-decided defense moves, and
considers what else might be done.
Present Western strategy is to

keep the powder dry. United negotiated settlement of the un-
States diplomats hoped loopholes resolved problems of Germany.
in the apparent impasse can be "Such a settlement must be in
found through which the crisis can conformity with the principle of
be dissipated, thus relegating the self-determination and with the
1961 Germany-Berlin controversy interests of all concerned.
to the status of other German "The United States (British)
crises that have come and gone government, for its part, has nev-
in the postwar period without er contemplated confronting the
sparking armed conflict. Soviet Union with a fait accompli
Nothing Acceptable (accomplished fact). It hopes that,
Nonetheless United States au- for its part, the Soviet govern-
thorities saw nothing in Khrush- ment will renounce any idea of
chev's present position which the taking such action, which, as not-
West could find acceptable as a ed. would have unforeseeable con-
basis for negotiations, and they sequences.
were concerned lest the Berlin dis- "It th'inks it. necessary to warn
pute get out of hand.1 the Soviet government, in all seri-

The American note spoke sev-
eral times of the danger to world
peace if Khrushchev presses his,
"The Soviet government must'
understand that such a course of
action (as Khrushchev advocates)
is not only unacceptable, but is a
more serious menace to world
peace," the United States said.
Grave Dispute
"The international dispute aris-
ing out of Soviet claims would
have the gravest effects upon in-
ternational peace and security
and endanger the lives and well-
being of millions of people."
The key sections of the Ameri-
-can and British notes contained
this identical language:
"As in the past, the United
States (British) government is al-
ways prepared to consider, in
agreement with its allies, a freely

ousness, of the grave dangers of
such a course, and to express the
hope that the Soviet government
will rather aim,-as does the United
States (British) government, at
the creation of conditions in which
a genuine and peaceful settlement
of outstanding problems can be
French Agree
The French version took the
same line as the British and Amer-
ican documents. The key section of
the French note went like this in
unofficial translation:
"The French government still
remains ready to envisage, in con-
cert with her allies, a freely nego-
tiated solution of the problems not
yet solved in Germany.
"This solution must conform
with the principle of self-deter-
mination and the interests of
peace in Europe."

WASHINGTON (4')-Sen. Estes
Kefauver (D-Tenn) said yester-
day an Alabama lawyer who tried
to defeat President John F. Ken-
nedy in the electoral college last
year is quietly seeking to control
the outcome of the ;964 presiden-
tial election.
Kefauver made public excerpts
from a letter in which he said the
lawyer, R. Lea Harris of Mont-
gomery, Ala., has acknowledged
the plan.
Kefauver said. correspondence
with Harris confirms testimony
given last week by Henry D. Ir-
win of Bartlesville, Okla., concern-
ing a scheme to block in the 1960
electoral college the Kennedy-
Johnson Democratic . ticket.
Swing Enough Votes
Irwin testified the plan was to
swing enough Southern and Re-
publican votes to elect Sen. Harry
F. Byrd (D-Va), president, and
Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz),
Presidential electors almost al-
ways cast their votes for the can-
didates who carried their state.
There is nothing in the Constitu-
tion, however, to forbid the elec-
tors to vote for some other candi-
Kefauver heads the Senate Con-
stitutional Amendments Subcom-
mittee before which Irwin gave his
Harris the Innovator
He said in a statement that
Harris had sent him 7 letter which
"corroborated the testimony of
Irwin, s h o w i n g that Harris
apparently initiated the idea of
using individual electors to change
the results of the 1960 election."
The statement also quoted a
form letter Kefauver said Harris
acknowledged mailing - out last
Dec. 30, seeking to organize an-
other attempt to swing the 1964
electoral college. As quoted by Ke-
fauver, it said in part:
"We have a sizable list of well

ing t
so ti
its e
ate y
to gE
the h



The outcome, a victory for the
administration and for Democrats
on the Senate-House Atomic En-
ergy Committee, rever'sed a 176-
140 House decision last week to
eliminate the project.
The issue now will have to be
settled in conference between the
Senate and House. But Democrats
favorable to the proposal will be
in the majority on both sides.
The project had been described
in Senate debate both as a sound
investment and as a waste of

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