See Page 2
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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
Scattered showers
later today
To Host
WASHINGTON (') -- The Re-
public of South Africa has turned
down a bid by Assistant Secretary
of State G. Mennen Williams to
visit there during an African tour
this summer.
The State Department disclos-
ed this yesterday in announcing
that Williams will travel to nine
African lands during July and Au-
gust, the second of three African
jaunts the former Michigan gov-
ernor plans this year.
No Racial Issue
Both United States and South
African authorities pictured South
Africa's reluctance as due primar-
ily to other reasons than the ra-
cial issue.
The department said it had
hoped Williams could stop off in
South Africa on this tour, but the
South African government "indi-
cated that a later date would be
more convenient."
A South African embassy
spokesman said the proposed date
was inconvenient because top
South African officials will be
away from the capital during a
parliamentary recess. But he said
Williams was invited to come at
some'other time, although no date
was set.
Starts Row
Williams, known as a civil rights
advocate, set off a row among
white colonists in East Africa last
spring by saying Africa should be
for the Africans.
Williams was on a 16-country
tour of Africa then.
In Africa, the term "African"
usually applies only to the black,
native population. Williams later
said he meant African residents of
all colors.
Outlines Tour
The South African Republic fol-
lows a policy of apartheid-strict
separation of the races.
The State Department said Wil-
liams will leave forLegos, Niger-
ia, on July 19 to attend a regionali
conference of United States am-
bassadors. He will go on to An-
gola, Basutoland, Bechuanaland,
Ivory Coast, the Malagasy Repub-F
lic, Mozambique, the Federation
of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and
Iraq Renews<
Kuwait Claim,
Warns of War
BEIRUT, Lebanon () - Iraq'sI
Premier Abdel Karim Kassem to-l
day renewed his claim to Kuwait
and threatened war against Brit-
ain unless British troops are with-
drawn from the oil-rich sheikdom.
In a fiery speech Kassem de-
clared, "Kuwait is our land and1
the land of our ancestors. Wel
shall struggle to get it back . ."
But while threatening relent-t
less war against the British if they
did not quit, Kassem repeated
Iraq would never attempt to an-
nex Kuwait by force.
His speech in Baghdad, markingx
the third anniversary of the revo-l
lution that brought him to power,
was broadcast by Baghdad radio
and heard in Beirut.
Kassem charged that Britain's
presence in Kuwait was "an im-
perialist plot directed against
Arab nationalism." And without
naming Kuwait's rulers he brand-
ed them as "imperialist dummies."
But he denied rumors that Iraq
would retaliate by cutting off oil
supplies to the British.
"Why should we?" Kassem5
asked. "We stick to justice, to our
treaties and our agreements."
Kassem said that Britain's move
into Kuwait was designed to pro-
tect its position in the Persian
Gulf and enhance its influence in
areas such as Bahran, Oman and
But he said the British troops
there were a threat against Iraq
and the whole of the Arab world.
He also warned that Iraq troops
would strike back against any ag-
Barnett Calls
JACKSON, Miss. (R)-Gov. Ross'
Barnett said yesterday he has
U.S. Threatens Veto BEWin:
Of Soviet UN Plan Preas
Rusk Denounces Troika Propos al; White Paper
Plani Destroys UN Effectiveness '
WASHINGTON (M)-Secretary of State Dean Rusk, with Presi-
dent Kennedy's approval, yesterday threatened a United States veto
if necessary to block Soviet Premier Khrushchev's "Troika" plan for
revamping the United Nations.'
Rusk denounced Khrushchev's proposal for a three-headed Unit-
ed Nations directorate replacing Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold
as a move to kill the UN's effectiveness, and he said:
"There is no way that the Soviet Union can impose its proposals.
This would mean an amendment of the charter, which requires the
.,..troika plan
To Study
War Plants
WASHINGTON () - The Ken-
nedy Administration, in a move
geared to the Berlin crisis, has
started hush-hush studies of the
impact of possible war on the
nation's economy.
The availability of manpower
and production facilities and the
possible inflationary aspects of
any mobilization effort are among
the key questions being considered.
While it was understood the
studies take into account various
possibilities ranging from partial
mobilization to total war, nogone
directly involved was willing to
give any details or, in fact, to
concede that the work is being
The secrecy curbs imposed were
so strict that, it was learned, one
top federal economist who nor-
mally works closely with the White
House asked a colleague about
the studies and was told, "I can't
discuss them at all."
In addition to the economic
studies now under way, the Of-
fice of Civil and Defense Mobiliza-
tion is reviewing its plans for al-
locating manpower, raw materials
and production facilities in the
event of an emergency.
This review was begun on Mon-
day, at the same time that Presi-
dent Kennedy ordered the Penta-
gon to take a new look at military
requirements in the light of the
Berlin peril.
consent of the United States andj
other permanent members of the
Security Council.
Destroys Self
"We would not consent, nor
would the necessary two-thirds of
the General Assembly. The UN
will not destroy itself."
Rusk's statement came as an-
other step in a mounting United
States propaganda counterattack
against Communist pressures on
cold war issues. Kennedy was re-
ported to have set in motion yes-
terday's United States statement
a f t e r reading accounts of a
Khrushchev attack on the UN in
Moscow Tuesday.
Cites Points
Rusk's statement was read to
newsmen by Harlan Cleveland, as-
sistant secretary for international
organization affairs. Rusk replied
to Khrushchev on these principal
1) The UN has acquired a capa-
city to act to preserve peace and
security of the smaller nations
which make up a majority of UN
members. "This does not appear to
suit the plans of the Soviet Un-
ion," Rusk said.
Names One Bloc
2) Contrary to Khrushchev's
claim that the world is divided
into three blocs, Rusk said, there
is only one bloc in the UN-the
Communist bloc, which represents
10 per cent of the members. "The
other 90 per cent are free to think
and decide for themselves ...'
3) The "real point" of Khrush-
chev's Troika plan is that the ma-
jority of the UN members, from
Asia, the Middle East, Africa and
Latin America, would have only
one vote in the executive and that
could be nullified by a Soviet veto
on anything "that did not suit
the purposes of the Soviet Union."
U.S. Claims
Stall on Laos
States officials said today Russian
and Red Chinese stalling tactics
have brought the Geneva con-
ference on Laos almost to the
point of complete stalemate.
The Communist side in the 14-
nation meeting was reported here
to be opposed to the creation of
machinery which could effectively
secure the neutrality of the small
Southeast Asian kingdom
United States authorities were
privately critical of the roles be-
ing played in the negotiation by
V. K. Krishna Menon, Indian De-
fense Minister and Prime Minister
Nehru's representative in the con-
States is preparing a "white
paper" to tell the world its side
of the Berlin story.
Work on the white paper-ex-
pected to take the form of a
pamphlet - has started in the
state department. It will be part
of a United States propaganda
counerattack against Communist
exploitation of cold war issues.
A white paper is a term used to
cover an official document that
reviews the history of a contro-
Asks More
In a Senate speech, however,
Sen. John Sherman Cooper (R-
Ky) asked the Administration to-
day for more than a white paper.
He called for a full report to
Congress on the nation's military
strength to meet the Berlin crisis,
and the Administration's policies
and plans for dealing with it.
He said President Kennedy
should request and Congress
should enact additional taxes
"even a sales tax paid for by all
during this crisis" - if present
revenues won't support needed
military and foreign aid spending.
"Let us stand firm by acts -
and not words alone," Cooper told
the Senate.
Strength Questioned
"For eight years," Cooper said,
"our military strength has been
questioned by members of Con-
gress, by military leaders-chiefly
after retirement - and by Presi-
dent Kennedy himself during the
past campaign."
Cooper said he has no reason to
doubt statements by former Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower, and
recently by Kennedy, that United'
States defenses are adequate now.
But he said Congress members are
entitled to more than what he
termed the sketchy information
available to them on the subject.
Crisis Grows
The Berlin crisis has been
sharpened by Soviet Premier
Khrushchev's latest demand for
the West to remove its troops from
Berlin. If the West refuses,.
Khrushchev has said, he will sign
a separate peace treaty with East
Germany, which surrounds Ber-
!This maneuver would give East
Germany, which the West does
not recognize, control over supply
lines to Berlin.
The United States plans to send
a note to Moscow by the middle
of next week telling Khrushchev
it rejects his demand and that the
United States will not give up any
of its rights in Berlin.
Report Soon
Meanwhile, Sen. A. Willis Rob-
ertson (D-Va) acting chairman of
a Senate appropriations subcom-
mittee on defense, said that by
the end of next week the Defense
Department should complete its
review of capabilities to meet the
Berlin crisis.
In a statement, Robertson said
he understood McNamara would
tell, the subcommittee then "what
additional funds the President
would like to have included in the
,pending defense bill."
UNOFFICIAL VISITOR - Franz-Joseph Strauss, West German defense minister, disc
possible German purchase of $165 million worth of armaments from the United States1
retary of Defense Robert McNamara in Washington. Here on an unofficial visit, he expre
that Russia will attempt to force the West to recognition of East Germany.
Murrow Asks Worldwuide Acece;
McNamara, Strauss Conh
tions of the world should have
free access to an American global
satellite communications system,
Edward R. Murrow said yesterday,
and if that includes Red China.
"I would have no fear of the out-
Murrow, head of the United
States Information Agency, took
that stand before the House Space
Committee, which is considering
proposals for getting the first ex-
perimental communications satel-
lites into orbit next year.
Rep. James G. Fulton (R-Pa)
said he was against "equal time
for Red China, financed at United
States taxpayers' expense."
Murrow replied, "this would be
a two-way street. If the Chinese
were prepared to say we could
get words and pictures from the
satellite to their sets, and they
could get words and pictures from
the satellite to our sets, I would
have no doubt where the advan-
tage would lie at the end of the
Tapping his foot nervously un-
der the witness table, Murrow read
a statement to the comfittee with
all the skill and craft he developed
in years as a network TV com-
mentator. He made these sugges-
-Why not have an interna-
tional space communications year,
similar to the recent international
geophysical year, "to prepare for
the day when we will need quali-
fied men from Conakry to Calcut-
ta to help operate the satellite
-That "in repayment of the
Powell States Opposition
To Union Discrimiination
PHILADELPHIA MA)--Rep. Adam Clayton Powell (D-NY) said last
night he would use all his political power to block legislation favorable
to unions that practice racial discrimination.
Powell, a Negro, is chairman of the House Education and Labor
Committee, which has jurisdiction over labor legislation. He spoke at
the national convention of the National Association for the Advance-
ment of Colored People. He called organized labor "the last national
national investmenti
ment of the system, t
exemption from cost
ment agencies using t
-The principle of a
be paramount." Small
must be assured that
States would not operf
em "for capricious n
van"Prvate corpora
profit as their aim sh
in a position to bind
John Bit
Birch Society was d
Sen. Stephen M. Youn
yesterday as a facist
its leader, Robert W
little dictator" and a
of the far right."
In a Senate speech,
only the lack of rifles a
organization separates
conservative society
from Nazism.
The society, he said
ganization "doing th
undermine national un
leaders are "unwitting
the handmaidens of
Senate Ru~
Foreign A
idential pressure moun
it, the $4.8-billion f
measure will get spe(
treatment next week~
rare night committee
Chairman J. Williar
(D-Ark) said yesterday
eign relations commit
complete action on the
sial measure by midw4
call night sessions. He
feels the committee wil
the night sessions mig
early as Wednesday.
While Fulbright sh,
to speed Senate action
Kennedy extended his
of personal persuasion
House conference wit:
of the House Foreign AJ
mittee. Afterward, Rep.
Broomfield (R-Mich)
is roo for comromnri
nge Plan
In Personnel
Rider Drops Quotas
For Foreign Orphans
WASHINGTON ( ) - The Sen-
ate yesterday passed a bill aimed
at increasing the exchange of stu-
dents, teachers, leaders, actors, ar-
tists, and athletes between the
United States and other lands.
The bill which now goes to the
House, was passed by a 79-5 vote
after a week of debate.
Its only controversial element
is a provision that has little to do
with the core of the bill. The pro-
vision would revive a law that ad-
mitted adopted foreign orphans to
this country without regard to
immigration quotas. The law ex-
pired June 30.
The provision was not in the
bill when brought to the floor of
the Senate. It was added by a
Republican-sponsored amendment.
Wirephoto Sen. J. William Fulbright (D-
usses the Ark) author of the bill, said he
with Sec- hoped the House throws out the
essed fear provision when it takes -up the
Consolidates Exchange
Fulbright said his bill would
consolidate and broaden all the
educational and cultural exchange
programs operated by various
SS agencies of the government. The
bill also aims at increasing the
- importance of exchange programs
in develop- in United States foreign policy.
there be an The expanded programs would
by govern- cost $49 million the first year.
he system. Last year's programs cost $43 mil-
ccess "must lion.
er countries Some of the bill's provisions:
the United 1) By executive agreements, sub-
ate the sys- ject to approval of Congressional
ational ad- committees, the United States may
share the cost and take part in
tions with exchange programs sponsored by
could not be the United Nations and other in-
our govern- ternational organizations.
our gvern 2) The President may carry out
exchange programs through any
agencies he selects.
vs Dollar Currency
es , 3) Dollars, instead of United
States-held foreign currencies,
may be used to finance some pro-
grams. This would increase the
number of countries to which the
-The John United States may send teachers,
Tesribed Jbhnstudents, artists, and others.
escribed by 4) Several restrictions on financ-
g (D-Ohio) ing current programs would be
group and eased. Much of the financing
elch, as "a would be done by foreign money
"charlatan bought by dollars appropriated by
Young s 5) The United States would be
and military authorized, in some cases, to pay
the ultra- the tuition and subsistence allow
and Welch ances of some foreign students
brought to the United States.
, is the or- Finance Art
e most to 6) The United States may thelp
ity" and its finance f o r e i g n art exhibits
ly acting as brought here; it also may help fi-
the Soviet nance agricultural and industrial
exhibits at international fairs both
abroad and in this country.
7) Funds are authorized for the
shes United States to help finance
studies of American history and of
lid English by foreigners in foreign
universities as well as in Amei-
can schools.
do The orphan amendment was in-
troduced by Sen. Kenneth B.
Keating (R-NY). It would revive
-With pres- the Alien Orphan Adoption Pro-
iting behind gram for two. years.
foreign aid Under the oldprogram, which
cial Senate expired June 30, more than 15,000
-including children were admitted to the
sessions if United States as non-quoto im-
;n Fulbright
y if his for-
tee doesn't Nation Views
eek, he willT*O*
e added he S 1 gre n
;ht start as WASHINGTON (4) - Output of
the nation's mines, mills and utili-
aped plans ties advanced about 1.5 per cent
, President in June to a level just shy of the
s campaign pre-recession peak, the Federal
in a White Reserve Board said yesterday.
h members The board's index of industrial
ffairs Com- production advanced by nearly two
. William S. points from May, rising from 108.3
said "there to 110. This meant that June out-
As on the put wa 10 nr ont ohnve +he
Band Conductors T
bastion of American bigotry." In
another speech, A. Philip Ran-
dolph, president of the Brother-
hood of Sleeping Car Porters and
an NAACP vice-president, called
otten onoerence fr "immediate and complete
eradication of racial discrimina-
tion and segregation in the labor
The campus will play host next week to more than 500 band movement."
conductors and teachers attending the 13th annual National Band Greater Unemployment
Conductors Conference. Randolph charged that Negro
The week's events will culminate in an outdoor concert on the unemployment has been two and
diagonal by the University Summer Session Band and the Michigan a half times greater than white
High School Wind and Percussion Ensemble, featuring Keig Garvin that Negroes are kept out of mem-
of the United States Army Band as trombone soloist. bership in certain unins. He
Prof. William D. Revelli, director of University bands, and Prof.
George Cavender, assistant director, will conduct. The concert
scheduled for 7:15 p.m., Thursday, will be held in Hill Aud. if
it rains.
Garvin To Present Recital
Garvin will also give a trombone recital at 4 p.m., Wednesday,I
in the Union.
The University Woodwind Quartet will perform at 8:30 p.m.,
M nndav in R .,inkhmi Lem T tu Hti all t hihli h tha onenin day
added that Negroes who are union
members cannot win administra-
tive office.
Powell directed his attack at the
building trade craft unions - the
carpenters, plumbers, electrical
workers, plasterers and operating
Last Request
"This is the last time I will re-
vonuay, in nucma c iure na o i1g1rL g e p ellg ud
of ±UteJ, nrn lkQ~Iquest the craft unions to get their
of the conference.! house in order," he said. "I will do
During the week conference sessions will be held in the Michigan everything in my power to prevent
Union ballroom. Rex Conner of the University of Kentucky will any legislation favorable to the
open the sessions with a tuba recital and clinic at 9 a.m.; Sidney craft unions from coming out of
Forrest of the Peabody Conservatory will perform on the clarinet our committee until they get in
at 11 a.m.; a concert will be given by the Summer Session Band step with democracy."
with Donald R. Hunsberger as guest conductor at 2:30 p.m.; and CIO pesideGeorge Meany nA
Lawrence Wiehe of the United States Navy Band will hold a trom- the co-. dsy to reply" to a memov-
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