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June 27, 1961 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1961-06-27

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Seventy-First Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"If They Go for This, How Much Shall We
Make 'Em Pay Next Time?"
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Stockwell Unconvincing
As Son and Lover
IF IT WEREN'T for Dean Stockwell, "Sons and Lovers" might
an excellent film.
The movie version of the D. H. Lawrence novel centers aroun
theme of personal freedom vs. belonging. The idea, expressed
Stockwell, is that if you belong to another person, you can ne
be free to be yourself or to make your fullest contribution to lifc
Stockwell realizes this truth at the end of the movie after
death of his mother, who had dominated his mind and work
his life. He discovers that even though he loved and admired 1
he had never been free while under her influence. He wants

Racial Census at WSU:
Discrimination in Reverse;

THE UNITED STATES is facing two great
problems-or so our political commentators
tell us. The threat from abroad is the grim
menace of international Communism; the
crisis from within is our inability to guaran-
tee equal rights to all the nation's citizens.
Manifestations of both .appear in the sum-
mary of any given day's news items. Nowherea
have they occurred with more bitterness and
public debate than at Wayne State Univer-
The fear of Communist infiltration and prop-
aganda drove nearly 70,000 Michigan residents
to protest the lifting of a ban prohibiting
Communist lecturers on tho WSU campus. The
Detroit university's firmness in backing up its
decision (its one instance of wavering led to a
very unsuccessful court fight for WSU) en-
ranged at least one state senator-and WSU
was the only major state supported university
to receive a reduced appropriation.
TODAY WSU is in the midst of a controversy
over racial discrimination. The firing of a
Negro mimeograph operator has led the state
Fair Employment Practices Commission to de-
mand a "racial census" of the university's non-
academic employes. The FEPC wants to know
if WSU uses racial criteria in determining who
should get what job.
The FEPC demand, now under study by the
state attorney general, is neither constructive
nor consistent with the philosophy the com-
mission is pledged to follow.
Supporters of the census claim it will re-
veal discrimination if it is practiced (contrary
to WSU policy). If there are concentrations of
one racial group at one level of responsibility
or in one area of work, they argue, discrimina-
tion charges may be upheld.
Now this is a fair belief--if all men have the
same ability and training and differ only in
color of skin and if the laws of probability and
random distribution insure a uniform distribu-
oin the Club
President Joaquin Balaguer of the Dominican
Republic has ordered a reorganization of his
country's secret police, who will now bear the
"CIA" initials so familiar to Americans.
This is an excellent idea. The Dominican
CIA will be headed by a new man, while its old
chief goes to the embassy in Tokyo.
If this innovation proves a success, Balaguer
may rename tommy guns, hand grenades and
other governmental apparatus that have ac-
quired old-fashioned connotations.
Not only that, but President Kennedy may
learn that it is possible to fire a CIA chief, with
god-knows-what unforeseen result. With fore-
sight we may yet stay even with the Dominicans
in our two-man race for prestige among our

tion of people. Unfortunately neither of these
are true.
EVEN IF ALL the WSU personnel were hired
and placed strictly randomly (an anarch-
istic nightmare), it is possible that there would
be an uneven distribution of races at one par-
ticular level or in one specific job classifica-
The only way WSU could guarantee "fair"
distribution would be to select employes with
the deliberate intent of maintaining a certain
percentage of whites and non-whites in every
job classification. This would necessitate using
race as a criterion for job selection, an action
surely reprehensible in the eyes of the FEPC,
even though it might benefit minority groups.
As for the other condition, one must real-
istically note that not all of the Detroit labor
force has had a uniform educational, social or
economic background. Certain disparities in
job distribution are boufid to occur.
All these negative factors aside, let us grant
that the census may fill a constructive pur-
pose. Even so, the FEPC will be violating its
principles, the principles of a just man in a
free society, if it requests the census.
THE FAIR Employment Practices Act, which
the commission enforces,/specifically for-
bids Michigan employers from asking job ap-
plicants for their race or keeping employe rec-
ords which include such designations.
Although the applicant's race may be known
by his initial interviewer and his religion
guessed at (by those who maintain they can
"spot" theological leanings in the hook of a
nose or manner of dress), the law aids workers
against these discriminations by future admin-
istrators. When the personnel officer is con-
sidering the promotion of a mimeograph oper-
ator he has never seen, he has only the man's
work record before him.
Wayne officials have assured the FEPC that
the employe in question was dismissed for lack
of competency, not because of racial discrimi-
nation. The FEPC may have a right-legal and
moral-to ask the university what standards of
performance it requires at different job levels
and require WSU to demonstrate in what way
a particular employe was deficient and others
are not. If the FEPC is able to demonstrate
that the university does indeed discriminate,
to demonstrate it by actual cases and not by a
meaningless census, some good may be affected.
THE FEPC is demanding that WSU do some-
thing which the commission itself is pledged
to prevent. The senselessness of the commis-
sion's position-its angry, unknowing attempt
to destroy itself--could be the object of come-
dy's laughs.or the tears of tragedy.
But the deep degree to which the problem of
arbitrary discrimination afflicts us and the es-
sential nature of the problem' as a basic one of
man living with man rule out any suggestion
of a smile over the WSU controversy.


more of such entangling alliances
and goes off to London with his
lonely greatness.
* * -
OTHER PEOPLE, notably the
women in Stockwell's life, concede
the need of independence for full
self-expression, but admit they
are too weak to try going it
alone. Heather Sears, who doesn't
seem to have learned much from
her sad affair in "Room at the
Top," would like to marry Stock-
well to save him from himself.
Mary Uire, a suffragette who
advocates free thought, free
speech, free religion and free love,
has a brief affair with him and
then decides to return to her es-
tranged husband because he needs
her and she needs to belong to
Stockwell's mother, who disap-
proves of Sears because she is
after her son's "very soul," de-
mands a part in every idea and
In the end, Stockwell is left
free as he wanted to be, with the.
rueful blessings of Miss Ure and
Miss Sears who know they can
never possess him and are grate-
ful for having been a part of his
* * *
IT WOULD all be terribly mov-
ing if only the audiencecould be
convinced Stockwell were worth
all the sacrifice. The character he
portrays might indeed have be-
come a great man. Stockwell, how-
ever, is nothing but a cold, self-
ish and rather immature boy who
takes all and gives nothing in re-
He is almost too good looking,
combining a handsomely boyish
face with a childish petulance and
stlyized, unnatural diction. Unless.
you are to believe he will outgrow
his selfishness as soon as you
walk out of the theatre, you won-
der what all the fuss is about
and conclude that the women are
well rid of him.
Brightening up the main feature
(it's black and white with quick
fadeouts from all the promising-
looking love scenes) is a cartoon
about a Gremlin who loves people
and proves that good spirits ;make,
good neighbors.,
* * *
THERE 13 ALSO a technicolor
junket around the world via jet'
on a "Ten Pin Tour". 'his short
is very encouraging to anyone wor-
ried about, the ore ent world situ-
ation since it proves tcyond a
doubt that the United States,
since it has AMF pinspotters will
be the salvation of Western cul -
ture-unless of course. the Rus-
sians get a better system of pin
spotters perfected.
All in all, if you missed "Room
at the Top" you'd probably enjoy
"Sons and Lovers". Unless of
course, you'd prefer to go bowling.
-Judith Oppenheim


Politics Block Bill's Progress

A 13urn

Israeli Justice and U.S. Morality

AS EICHMANN'S trial draws to a close, it is
becoming obvious that the Israelis have
failed in what was to them a major goal of
the prosecution.
They wanted to show the world the details
of the Nazi extermination policy, and thus
cause a general and public rejection of anti-
semitism. Also, and somewhat contradictorily,
they wanted to warn their Arab neighbors and
assorted others that it doesn't pay to kill Jews.
Thus, while they appeal to our decency in
hoping the Nazi horrors will revolt us, they
also admit that to some, at least, only scares
and reprisals will have any effect.
But in both of these goals they have failed--
failed in frightening the "bad guys" because
they haven't won over their supposed friends.
AND EICHMANN, in defending himself before
the judges in Jerusalem, has asked the
question that makes it impossible for us or
any one else to support his prosecution.
His question has been, how can the Israelis
punish a man who was just following 'his
orders, regardless of what those orders were;
hoy can they single out one man among many
for punishment?
We do not like to hear of a man punished
only for doing his duty, for doing a good job.
We can approve any punishment for a per-
sonal fault-for lust, or greed, or perverted
But Eichmann, as has become only too clear,
is the sufferer of none of these diseases. As
the trial progressed he turned out to be an
almost proto-typical German petty bureaucrat.
His love for efficiency, plus an entirely normal
ambition, turned out to be the forces driving
MICHAEL BURNS ..................... Co-Editor
SUSAN FARRELL................Co-Editor
DAVE KIMBALL... ...... ........ sports Editor
RUTH EVENHUIS................Night Editor
MICHAEL OLINICK ................. Night Editor

him. And this is a truth we can't understand,
and one we don't dare try to.
THIS ISN'T TO SAY that Americans love
Eichmann, or that they don't want to see
him punished. They do. Until now they have
seen him as some sort of ogre, some strange,
unnatural freak who liked to torture people and
drink their blood.
But these incredibly arrogant Jews are vic-
tims of no such illusion; they do not see Eich-
mann through Hollywood horror glasses. They
see him in his true-that is, his human-aspect.
And if they kill him they will kill a human
being for breaking their own moral law which
they say holds true for everybody.
It is this stand that has made the world
angry with them. We cannot pose with the
moral arrogance of the Israelis and for better
or worse we are embarrassed at our own lack
of absolute morality.,
We can cover up this lack by equating break-
ing laws with doing evil, but obviously this sort
of convenience falls down when the lawmakers
themselves are judged.
The Israelis, in. kidnapping Eichmann, em-
phasized what nobody wanted pointed out-
that international law exists, not because supra-
national justice does, but because it doesn't.
And in kidnapping for what they called abso-
lute justice the Israelis made this too plain.
NOW THAT WE KNOW that Eichmann is
not really an ogre, we can't approve of
punishing him. If Eichmann was not really a
monster but merely an efficient organizer, there
is no difference in kind between him and the
other officers who knew what he was doing,
and fought to uphold it and defend it.
And in our simplistic morality this is what
we demand: a difference in kind. To punish
someone for being an extreme case is a fright-
ening thought because then even we are guilty
to some degree. That we didn't take in Jewish
refugees before the Germans killed them is a
mark against us.
And having only a little guilt still makes it
theoretically possible that some day we might
hb mnre iltv This tnn is a very tedious

RARELY has any legislation run
such a hazardous gauntlet as
the $2.4 billion aid to education bill.
The action of advocates of aid for
parochial schools in blocking con-
sideration of it by the House of
Representatives is only the latest
of its vicissitudes, and plainly not
the last.
The idea that limited federal aid
should be supplied to encourage
states to greater efforts to im-
prove their schools had wide ap-
peal. But proposals to this effect
immediately encountered political
toll gates. One was the demand
that it should be made to appear
that even the richer states (al-
though actually contributing more
than they would receive) would
draw some federal (?) money.
segregation controversy. The
threat to bar funds from any
segregated school faded because
most of those favoring desegrega-
tion also favored the bill and were
unwilling to play the dog in the
manger. But some of them felt
a high price was being paid. For
not only would segregated schools
get help; some Southerners in
Congress forced a provision for
extra allotments to their states
on the basis of need.
A further hazard was the de-
mand for parochial aid. This year
the Roman Catholic bishops took
the position that it must be in-
cluded or their influence would
be thrown against any public
school aid. They may not have
hoped to obtain across-the-board
direct grants, for the constitu-
tional barriers were plain and the
President was committed against
such aid. Instead they were of-
fered a considerable measure of
gain by way of a major expan-
sion of the National Defense Ed-
ucation Act.
bill does not provide grants. But it
does offer some real aid to paro-
chial schools-and has been pre-
pared frankly to satisfy that de-
mand. It is also openly designed
to answer the search for a vehicle
which might slip around or over
the constitutional wall separating
church and state. Members of
Congress who support the bishops'
position are seeking to make this
revised NDEA bill their price for
any public school aid.
This purpose was plainly dis-
closed in the vote last Tuesday in
the House Rules Committee fur-
ther holding up the general aid
"Laws forbidding dissent do not
prevent subversive activities; they
merely drive them into more se-
cret and more dangerous chan-
nels . . Once a government is
committed to the principle of
silencing the voice of opposition,
it has only one way to go and that
is down the path of increasingly
repressive measures, until it be-
comes a source of terror to all its
citizens and creates a country
where everyone lives in fear. We
must, therefore, be on our guard

Partisan Elections

Daily Staff Writer
PARTISAN politics were involved
in the city school board elec-
tions for the first time this year.
The city and county Republican
committees backed three candi-
dates for the traditionally non-
partisan offices. Republican Coun-
ty Chairman Wendell W. Hobbs
said that since only 10-15 per cent
of the registered voters take part
in the elections, the party's ma-
jor objective was to promote a
larger turn-out. A secondary ob-
jective, he said, is to put people
of Republican philosophy on the
school board. (Major tenets of Re-
publican philosophy as they affect
the board are local control of the
schools and a balanced budget,
according to Hobbs.)
Hobbs said that because school
board positions are in their con-
ception non-partisan, there would
be no attempt by the committee
to influence the decisions of par-
ty-backed members. However, he
noted that the individual's deci-
sions are inevitably related to his
political beliefs and that, for this
reason, the party is backing can-
didates. The decision to do so was
part of the county platform.
* * *
THE RESULTS of the recent
election indicate that the new
policy had little success in attain-
ing its objectives. Although there
was a fairly substantial increase
over last year's turnout-656 vot-
ters more than in 1960-the in-
crease is not large in relation to.
recent years. In 1957, for example,
4,314 persons went to the polls as
opposed to 4,250 this year.
In a strongly Republican area,
the election results in this and
past elections have not been what
could be expected. Past elections
have given Democrats a majority
on the board.
This year's results repeated the
pattern. Three Republican candi-
dates received party backing for
the three positions open. Of these,
one-Prof. George Lowrey of the
medical school-was elected. Thus,
the new policy cannot be said to'
have had notable success in
achieving its second objective -
that of placing persons of Repub-
lican philosophy on the board.
* * *
ITS SUCCESS in this endeavor
is further diminished by the at-
titude of the only Republican can-
didate elected who said he had not
seen the platform "until after the
endorsement. I do not feel I would
follow Republican policy for school
Viewed pragmatically, then, par-

shift the emphasis from personal
qualifications to party affilia-
In effect, then, board members
are .determined eventually by
those members of the committee
who select the candidates for
backing. The electorate's direct
influence over the school board is
considerably diminished.
Arthur E. Carpenter, vice-chair-
man of the city Democratic Party,
said that the Michigan school
system "contemplates local control
of the schools through non-parti-
san elections of the best qualified
people in the community.
"Voters in Ann Arbor school
elections are interested in schools
and they, with rather unerring
judgment, have seen fit to continue
their policy of voting on quality
and not party. The results of the
recent election have rather con-
clusively demonstrated the falla-
cies of their (the Republicans')
* * *
SECOND, there is the question
of the extent to which the com-
mittee would influence the mem-
bers elected with its support. Al-
though Hobbs says there would be
no political persuasion leveled
upon any such members, political
considerations are almost inevi-
table. The party is unlikely to
endorse a candidate twice who has
opposed Republican policy during
his term.
There is also the danger, derived
from this pressure on a member
who intends to seek re-election,
that politics may tend to obscure
issues, or that the board, encumb-
ered by political entanglements,
might make - decisions based on
political considerations. Political
backing, by its nature, places can-
didates in a position which cir-
cumscribes their decision-making
Involving the school board in
partisan politics is a high price for
inducing a greater percentage of
voters to go to the polls. The qual-
ity of board members and their
freedom of action should not be
sacrificed to a higher voting tally.
Perhaps a smaller number of in-
formed voters casting their ballots
for individuals of their choosing is
preferable to a larger number of
voters relying on the judgment of
their political party.
"Now, when this country is try-
ing to spread the high ideals of

bill (which was reported a month
ago) until concurrent considera-
tion can be obtained for the paro-
chial school bill. Its advocates will
then be in a position to make one
dependent on the other-effec-
tively thwarting the President's
plea to deal with the two questions
Tactically, opponents of any

Thicker Plot, Less Song,
But Elvis Is Elvis
ELVIS PRESLEY runs "Wild in the Country" in his latest cinema
effort, tasting the fruits of forbidden loves.
Supported by not one, not two, but three female co-stars the
greasy-haired rock 'n roll idol finally learns that although truth may
be found in one's own backyard, knowledge must be obtained in the
halls of ivy.
Presley is cast as Glenn Tyler, a poor misunderstood country
youth who is mistreated by his father and drunken brother. He is

school aid have been in the driv-
er's seat. For they have been forc-
ing proponents to pay tribute to
one group after another in order.
to obtain support. But as the price
continues to mount it becomes too
high for other groups. Where the
voting balance falls is very much
in doubt.
-Christian Science Monitor

" HE Pleasure of His Company"
is the story of a father who
tries to wreck his daughter's im-
pending marriage on the grounds
that the bridegroom is an oaf.
Fred Astaire is the father; the
oaf is Tab Hunter. And the girl
in the middle is Debbie Reynolds.
Tab raises angus steers, and, in
fact, looks forward happily to be-
coming "the biggest breeder in
California." Debbie, too, seems
happy about sharing this prospect
-until the father (divorced from
the mother who raised her) comes
back with a plea for love.
* * *
A SENSUALIST who seeks daii
ger and fun, father has spent his
life the way Errol Flynn would if
he were Hemingway in disguise.
And to Lillie Palmer (the bride's
mother) he is just a valuable
memory and an embarrassing man
to introduce to her new husband.
But while the scenes between
Astaire and Miss Palmer are
amusing and well written, the
father-daughter scenes leave a
little to be desired. When first
they meet (he haven't seen her
for years and years) the tears
rush into all four eyes:
She: You're here.
He: Yes.
She: I wasn't sure you'd come.
He: You could have been.
She: I'm so glad. Hello father!
He: Hell6 daughter. (They em-
* * *
drawn: it's dad offering Debbie
a year touring the Mediterranean,
and Tab offering her a good
simple and productive life. Which
will she choose?
The daughter's decision is not
so simple as it might be because
her father is a complicated man.
While deeg philosophy is played
down to make room for the crisp
dialogue, dad's problems are of
real interest, even to the audience.
He is devoid of social respon-
sibilities,eand=has cultivated no-
thing except his appetites. But he
is charming, and tears (of ad-
mittedly uncertain origin) do
come to his eyes when the ladies
smile at him. He constantly lets
his sweethearts peep through a
"stoic" curtain, so they will see
the world-suffering beneath. And
faced with this romatic peep-
show, the ladies usually fall.
Meanwhile, Tab moos in the
-Peter Steinberger

framed into several scrapes with
the law and is placed on proba-
Torn between two juvenile loves
-of Millie Perkins (her father
thinks Elvis is trash like his fam-
ily) and Tuesday Weld (her fath-
er wants Elvis to sleep with her
so they have to get married)-El-
vis turns to the understanding of
an older woman, a young widow
portrayed by Hope Lange.
* * *
WHEN ELVIS becomes roman-
tically entangled with the older
woman, a town scandal is created.
The action reaches its climax
when he is accused of intention-
ally killing a son of one of the
Mississippi town's richest citi-
The film's greatest drawback is
that it attempts to appeal to
everyone. Teenage female stars
cast opposite Presley are certain
to create box-office landslides.
Millie Perkins and Tuesday
Weld (who looks like a younger-
Brigitte Bardot) turn in credit-
able performances as Good Clean
Girl and Misguided Once-Fallen
Girl respectively. Miss Lange's
portrayal is also adequate.
PRESLEY'S acting is as usual
unconvincing. His lines are either

to the
To the Editor.
My attention has been called
to an editorial in The Daily of
May 4, signed by.Michael Olinick,
charging the Civil Service Com-
mission with operating on a prin-
ciple of guilt by association, be-
cause of questions asked on "Op-
tional Form 49," an -inquiry form
sent to an applicant's former em-
ployers, professors, associates, etc.
While the writer concedes that
the Supreme Court has sustained
the right to ask questions about
personal associations, he seems to
be confused about the use made
of the information. Personal as-
sociations are just one of many
things taken into consideration in
arriving at a judgment about the
loyalty to the United States of
an applicant for a Federal posi-
The fact that an applicant's
associations a e brought into ques-
tion is not in itself disqualifying;
it is merely a starting point for


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