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July 14, 1961 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1961-07-14

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ety A iran
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Chance of widely scattered
showers today.



U.S. Seeks Disarmament Talks

WASHINGTON (R)-President John F. Kennedy set his top dis-
armament aide on the road to Moscow yesterday, presumably with
instructions to spare no effort to arrange another full dress attempt
to check the world arms race.
John J. McCloy, the President's personal disarmament adviser,
called at the White House for a final review on the eve of his depar-
ture for the Soviet capital.
McCloy is to leave Washington today and on Monday he resumes
discussions with Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian A. Zorin.
The two met in a series of Wash-
ington talks June 19-30 without
T ry T o E lect making any reported progress to-
ward the setting up of a multi-na-

TSenate Plans
To Evaluate
Red Strength
Aim To Compare
Missiles, Bombers

Byrd Ticket
WASHINGTON (') - The Re-
publican elector who bolted last
year told senators yesterday of his
behind-the-scenes efforts to have
a Byrd - Goldwater presidential
ticket chosen in the electoral col-
Henry D. Irwin of Oklahoma,
said he had "the tacit support" of
the Republican National Commit-
tee for the move.
Informed of this, Sen. Thrus-
ton B. Morton (R-Ky) who was
then GOP national chairman, told
a reporter Irwin's testimony was
the first he had heard of the
Morton said if Irwin had any
support of the committee, he knew
nothing about it. He added that he
didn't preclude the possibility Ir-
win may have talked to some of
the committee members about the
plan, but "I was not aware of it."
Senators who heard Irwin chal-
lenged his testimony. Sen. Estes
Kefauver (D-Tenn) called the as-
sumption of support from the
GOP committee "pretty far-fetch-
Irwin testified under subpoena
before the Senate Judiciary Sub-
committee studying proposals to
revise the electoral college sys-
tem under which the President
and Vice-President are named by
electors from each state.
Before Irwin appeared, the
chairman of the Democratic and
Republican Parties had testified
in support of the electoral col-
lege but had suggested- different
changes in its method of opera-
Irwin cast his vote last Decem-
ber for Sen. Harry F. Byrd (D-
Va) for President and Sen. Barry
Goldwater (R-Ariz) for Vice-
President, even though Richard
M. Nixon and Henry Cabot Lodge
had carried Oklahoma.
Irwin told the committee he had
conducted a poll of Republican
electors In other states carried by
Nixon. He said he got an indica-
tion that 200 of them would have
voted for a Byrd-Goldwater slate
in the electoral college if 60
Democratic electors could have
been persuaded to do so, too.
In the electoral college vote for
President, Nixon got 219; John F.
Kennedy 303; and Byrd 15, 14 of
them from unpledged electors .
from Alabama and Mississippi.
House Defeats
$95 Million
AEC Measure
power foes and coal country mem-
bers swung the balance yesterday
and the House refused funds for
by-product generation of electri-
city at a United States atomic
weapons plant.1
By an unrecorded, 176-140 vote,;
the House struck from the Atomic
Energy Commission authorization
measure a $95-million item to link
electric power generation features
to a new reactor at the AEC's big
Hanford, Wash., installation.
The equipment would have used
for electrical generation the heat
resulting from production of high
grade plutonium for bombs and
missile warheads. The estimated
700,000 to 800,000 kilowatt output
would have been turned over to
the Bonneville Power Administra-
tion for sale and distribution with
revenues returned to AEC to offset
vRep. James E. Van Zandt, a Re-
publican from Pennsylvania, of-
fered the amendment to eliminate
the $95-million authorization, call-
ing it a "foot-in-door" move to-

ward government domination of
atomically produced power.
Except for this point, the $500-
million AEC authorization passed
unopposed, and was sent to the

tion, general disarmament confer-
ence this summer.
Rusk Joins Discussion
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
and McGeorge Bundy, the Presi-
dent's international security ad-
viser, participated in yestreday's
discussions with McCloy.
Informed sources said Kennedy
and his advisers discussed the
course of. the Washington talks
and the probable course of the
session in Moscow.
Although McCloy is leaving with
the avowed hope of reaching
agreement soon, United States
strategists find little basis for op-
timism in the results of the ne-
gotiations so far. And relations be-
tween the Communist and anti-
Communist world camps have
grown more strained in the two
weeks since the preliminary talks
To Spend Two Weeks
McCloy plans to spend perhaps
two weeks in-Moscow. '
If the talks fall through, the
disarmament issue probably will
be tossed back into the lap of the
United Nations when the General
Assembly meets this fall.
Fraud Claims
Against Hoffa
Die in Court
ORLANDO (AP - Teamsters
Union President James R. Hoff a
won another round in his mara-
thon battle with the United States
government Yesterday when a fed-
eral judge dismissed mail fraud
charges against him and two of
his associates.
United States District Judge
Joseph P. Lieb threw out 12 counts
of an indictment against Hoff a,
Henry Lower, former Detroit
teamster local officer, and Robert
E. McCarthy Jr., former Detroit
banker, on the ground that a
federal grand jury which charged
them was improperly selected.
The three were accused of using
$500,000 of teamster funds to pro-
mote Sun Valley Inc., a proposed
2,475-acre union retirement home
site tract south of Cape Canaveral.'
Eight of the indictments charg-
ed the three with using the mails
to defraud and four dealt with use
of telephone and telegraph "in fur-4
therance of the same scheme ...
However, Lieb said in his 13-l
page ruling that his decision did1
not reflect on the merits of the1
Justice Department's charges. 1
Attorney General Robert F.
Kennedy, when informed in Wash-
ington of Lieb's ruling, stated itt
could either be appealed or the
charges submitted to a new grand
A department spokesman said
a decision would be made shortly.t
The indictments alleged in part
that Hoff a, Lower and McCarthyr
bought the Brevard'County tract
six years ago for $18 a lot and
later sold them to union members,
for $150 to $1,090.1
If re-indicted and convicted,
they face a maximum of 60 years3
in jail and $12,000 in fines. ;

WASHINGTON ()--A search-
ing Senate inquiry into the rela-
tive missile and bomber strength's
of Soviet. Russia and the United
States will open Tuesday.
Sen. John C. Stennis (D-Miss)
announced yesterday that a Sen-
ate Armed Services Subcommit-
tee on Preparedness which he
heads will hear intelligence ex-
perts from the Central Intelli-
gence Agency, Air Force and Navy
at the initial closed-door sessions.
"It is anticipated the intelli-
gence briefing will indicate the
significance of the Russian air
show held in Moscow last week,"
Stennis said in a statement an-
nouncing the inquiry.
Attache Arrives
The United States Air Force
attache at the United States em-
bassy in Moscow has arrived in
Washington, presumably with de-
tailed photographs and a first-
hand report on the Soviet display
of planes.
The attache, Col. Melvin J.
Nielson, reached the Pentagon
Stennis said his group expects
to hear reports on "present cap-
abilities of the Soviets, particular-
ly in the area of long-range man-
ned bombers and intercontinental
ballistic missiles."
Stennis said the inquiry would
aim at "development of the hard,
cold facts on our missile and mis-
sile delivery systems."
To Hear Zuckert
After the initial briefing, he said
the senators will hear Secretary
Eugene M. Zuckert and other Air
Force officials on Wednesday, al-
so behind closed doors.
Col. Nielson's report and photo-
graphs provide the first opportuni-
ty for a detailed evaluation of
how many, if any, of the Red
planes shown are actually new
and how many are craft about
which the Air Force already had
information. . ,
The Defense Department says it
has had information about the big
supersonic bomber known as the
"Bounder," since long before last
Sunday's Moscow show.
Church Loans
Remain in Bill
ate Labor Committee yesterday
voted 10-5 to keep in the National
Defense Education Act extension
bill a $375 million classroom loani
program for church and other
private schools.1
Sen. Jennings Randolph (D-1
W Va) moved to eliminate thisp
provision, inserted by the Educa-
tion Subcommittee, but his effort
The provision would authorize
$125 million a year for three years
in 40-year, moderate interest loans]
to private schools to build class-;
rooms for teaching of science,
mathematics, modern foreign lan-
guages and physical fitness.
Democratic congressional lead-
ers are counting on this provision
to help break a House stalemate
which now is holding up the $2.55
billion dollar general public school
aid bill.4

WASHINGTO.. (W) - President
John F. Kennedy told Pakistan
President Ayub Khan yesterday
the United States would like to
see an agreement soon in the bit-
ter Pakistani-Indian dispute over
A joint communique by the two
presidents, summing up three days
of talks, said Kennedy expressed
hope that "progress toward a set-
tlement would be possible at an
early date."
The communique said Ayub re-
affirmed the desire of his govern-
ment to maintain friendly rela-
tions with all its neighbors, based
on mutual respect and the integ-
rity of Pakistan's borders.
Stress Importance
Ayub "stressed the great im-
portance attached to this (Kash-
mir) issue by the people of Paki-
stan," the communique said.
Pakistan and India, two nations
carved out of British India, both
claim the province of Kashmir.
Pakistani troops now control a
third of it, while India governs
the rest.
Positive Role
The communique met in part
Ayub's desire that the United
States take a positive role in in-
ducing India's Prime Minister
Nehru to make another effort to
settle the issue.
At a National Press Club speech
earlier yesterday Ayub said his
talks with Nehru had "stuck up"
on the Kashmir dispute after pro-
gress had been made on other is-
sues between the two countries.
Space Council
Yet To Make
Policy Decision
WASHINGTON M) -No formal
policy determination was made by
President-John F. Kennedy's Space
Council on a decision that even-
tually may place a worldwide
space communications network in
the hands of private enterprise,,
an administration official dis-
closed yesterday.
He was James E. Webb, director
of the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration. Webb was
questioned closely by several mem-1
bers of the House Space commit-l
tee on the effect this decisionI
might have on the competitive
position of the giant American1
Telephone & Telegraph Co.
AT&T has proposed paying the
entire cost of putting up experi-
mental communications satellites
-capable of carrying televisiont
and radio signals around the
world-by the middle of next year.
Under the proposal, which still
needs to be ratified by the Federal
Communications Commission, NA-4
SA would furnish space rockets toI
put up AT&T's own satellites, but
the company would reimburse the
government for the entire cost.
When a commercial system be-
comes feasible, the proposal is for
a "consortium" of international
communications companies to con-
trol it. Obviously, AT&T would
have a large role in the con-
Rep. William Fitts Ryan (D-
NY) asked Webb if any thought
was given to the government own-
ing the satellites and leasing them
to private companies.E

Webb said "the other solution
was considered better and moret
in accordance with our traditional
economic system."1




Ont Policies
WARSAW ()-Communist Po-
land and Outer Mongolia yester-
day announced strong support of
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush-
chev's international policies, which
are reported under renewed fire
from Red China.
Simultaneously, Poland said a
new trade pact has been signed
with Red China. The announce-
ment omitted the usual assertion
that trade between the two na-
tions has increased.
Pledge Struggle
In a dispatch from Ulan Bator,
capital of Outer Mongolia, the Po-
lish Press Agency said Poland and
Outer Mongolia signed a joint
communique pledging a relentless
struggle against revisionism, dog-
matism and sectarianism within
the Communist Bloc.
Dogmatism and sectarianism are
words generally interpreted as de-
noting the strictly orthodox Marx-
ist positions held by the Red Chi-
The communique, signed at the
end of a visit by Poland's Commu-
nist chief Wladyslaw Gomulka
and Polish Premier Jozef Cyran-
kiewicz, emphasized the need for
unity in the Soviet bloc.
Unity Disrupted
This unity reportedly has been
disrupted in recent months by Red
Chinese attacks on Khrushchev's
policy of peaceful coexistence
with the West. The Chinese favor
a tougher attitude.
After a Moscow conference of
81 Communist parties last fall,
Peiping signed an agreement
avowing intent to follow the So-
viet line. Many western observers
felt this merely papered over a
deep disagreement.
Poland and Outer Mongolia said
international developments have
proven the correctness of the prin-
ciples of the Moscow agreement.
However, the communique sup-
ported Red China's claim to the
Nationalist island of Formosa and
to a seat in the United Nations.
It repeated Khrushchev's threats
to sign a separate peace treaty
with East Germany and called for
turning West Berlin into "a free,
demilitarized city."
Poland and Outer Mongolia ac-
cused the West of seeking to in-
crease tensions in Europe and
strengthen West Germany as an
aggressive force.
The United States is reported
considering establishing diplomat-
ic relations with Outer Mongolia,
a small republic sandwiched be-
tween Soviet and Red Chinese
spheres of influence.

WARNING-The restrictions imposed on East Germans
in West Berlin have tightened as hundreds flee across t
U.S. Buying Power b
F aster Than Facult
Faculty salaries at the University have failed to keep
the national gains in purchasing power since 1939, a
Administrative Dean Robert L. Williams.
Since 1939, Williams explains, the average purchasing
person in this country has increased more than 90 per
growth rate is more than four times the average gain in




faculty purchasing power over the
Backs Bill
A Senate labor subcommittee
approved the establishment of a
Youth Conservation Corps which
would be 25 times the size recom-
mended by President John F. Ken-
Meeting Tuesday, the subcom-
mittee, headed by Sen. Joseph
Clark (D-Pa), endorsed a bill in-
troduced by Sen. Hubert Hum-
phrey (D-Minn) which would
eventually provide for a corps of
150,000 youths between the, ages
of 16 and 21.-
Under the Humphrey measure,
the corps would start with 30,000
members this year and increase to
150,000 by 1965. Enrollees would
sign up for six months and be paid
$60 a month plus quarters, cloth-
ing and medical care.

same period-19 per c
X1960-61, no improveme
made in average salari
versity faculty memb
quently, the economi
teachers here compared
of the United States w
to drop, Williams said
Salaries Incre
Despite the 6.5 per c
in average salaries fo
faculty members in fo
dergraduate colleges
current academic year
reported by the Un
Dept. of Health, Edu
Welfare, faculty sal
failed to keep up witht
in the salaries of skille
skilled workers.
Although a nationwi
since government and'
attracting many f ac
through higher salarie
lem is especially mar
University, due to L
proval of a strictly mi
get towards higher e
the state.
Because of this incre
Williams said, the qua
teaching faculty is in
experiencing a decline

Berlin Called
By Adenauer
Visiting Chancellor
Tells of Shortages
In Eastern Sector
BERLIN OP) - With a swelling
tide of refugees flowing into West
Berlin, Chancellor Konrad Ad-
enauer said yesterday "a panic
seems to have broken out" in
Communist East Germany.
The visiting chancellor spoke
against a background of increas-
ing Communist restrictions on
movements in, and out of East
Berlin and of unrest in East Ger-
many over food shortages.
"The refugee situation proves
that conditions over there have
become unbearable," the West
s working German leader told a news con-
he border ference at the end of a two-day
visit designed to show German
unity at a time of rising Soviet
pressure on Berlin and divided
" Germany.
G ses The flight of East German refu-
gees indicates, the chancellor said,
') that "the pressure on the popu-
lation has been intensified."
The East Germans are stream-
ing into the West's sector of this
p pace with old German capital at the rate
ccording to of 1,000 a day. This is the highest
rate since October of 1955, a com-
g power per parable period of food shortages
cent. This in the East and Soviet threats to
n University isolated Berlin. And the total is
ent. During more than double the daily aver-
nt could be age of recent months.
es paid Uni- Adenauer said many East Ger-
ers. Conse- mansapparently think they must
c status of escape now before a new crisis
dcuts off their main avenue of es-
vil totes cape-West Berlin, 100 miles be-
ill continue hind the iron curtain.
Pursuing his policy of a firm
ase stand against new Soviet demands,
ent increase Adenauer again rejected Soviet
r full-time Premier Nikita S. KhrushcheVs
ur-year un- suggtstion that East and West
during the Germany get together and nego-
1960-61, as tiate on the question of unifica-
ited States'ton
cation, and tion.
aries have "That is out of the question,"
the increase said Adenauer, whose government
d and semi- regards the East German regime
as a Soviet puppet.
de problem, But the chancellor took an op-
business are timistic view of the Germas sit-
ulty men uation, despite the gathering
s, the prob- clouds over this part of Europe.
*ked in the He said he had hopes the Rus-
ansing ap- sians and the Western powers
imum bud- would begin negotiations on the
ducation in German question "one of these
asing trend, He declared it was likely "the
ality of the year 1961 will offer reasonable
danger of solutions to many problems which
now appear to have no solutions."'
ly The Chancellor said West Ger-
y members' many has full sympathy for East
de annually Germans and is considering offer-
ive offices, ing 5,000 tons of butter to increase
I basis for the East German ration.
report on
the Uib Lack of Food
resented be-
Lansing in
y appropri-
gof a Uni-
n the coun-
faculty sal-
ause private WASHINGTON (P)-Sen. Hubert
arvard, the H. Humphrey (D-Minn.) said yes-
and Massa- terday that Soviet Premier Nikita
Technology Khrushchev, faced with staggering
However, it food shortages, "is not ready to go
ersity, once to war" over Berlin.

ailing, Wil- "All is not well within the walls
of the Kremlin," said Humphrey,
Terentiation just home from a tour of West
garding the Germany and Berlin.
or research "Khrushchev may well be using
ing the aca- the Berlin problem to cover up
considered massive and colossal problems of
an average his wobbly empire," he told a news
this year conference.
00. Humphrey, the assistant Senate
ses both un- Democratic leader, said "the So-
ate schools, viet Union has great troubles." He
comparison, listed these:
ate faculty "There is hunger in East Ger-
many. The Soviet Union itself has
-- food shortages of staggering pro-
* portions ... the Communist Chi-
Lai ns nese want to buy all the food they
can get because of food shortages
" ron the mainland."

Salk Criticizes AMA Stand on

Capital Outlay Proposal
May Adid Col1 legye Planning
A plan to provide at least $100 million in capital outlay for higher
education in the state might guarantee a "well planned and consisten
annual program" of college building, a University official said yes-
The long-range plan-proposed by Sen. Carlton H. Morris (R-
Kalamazoo)-would extend over five years and give enough funds to
--double the rate of new construc-
tion in the nine state supported
colleges and universities. The
length of the program would give
V a cc n e the schools extra time to evaluate
f present weak spots and construct
new buildings.
S May Recommend Plan
Morris,wh is heading a special
- interim committee on capital out-
lay for higher education, said the
program would "very likely be
recommended to the Legislature
in January.
Morris said the new program
would be financed by a tax, but
he gave no details about it.
MaJor tax reforms are not ex-
pected in next year's legislative
sessions, because the constitutional

Annual Stud
The study of facult
salaries, which is ma
by the administrat
formed the statistica
Prof. William Haber's
the economic status of
sity faculty and was pr
fore the legislature in
discussion of Universit
The absolute rankin
versity among others i
try with respect to f
aries is not known becE
institutions such as H
University of Chicago;
chusetts Institute of
do not publish theirs.
is known that the Univ
the leader, is now trf
liams said.
Since there is no dif
in faculty salaries reg
amount of teachingt
work accomplished duri
demic year, it may be
appropriate to speak of
salary, which for
amounts to about $9,0C
The study encompass
dergraduate and gradu
but for purposes ofc
only the undergraduF
salaries are used.
Union Ret

NEW YORK (/P) - Dr. Jonas
E. Salk yesterday accused the
American Medical Association of
following "old medical dogma" out
the window in urging a change-
over to Sabin-type polio vaccine.
Dr. Salk said the old dogma
was that only a vaccine made of
live virus, like Dr. Sabin's, could
ultimately eradicate polio.
But he said Salk vaccine made
of dead virus has proved this is
not so and has set up a new
principle which promises many
future vaccines, maybe combin-

not expected until this fall or
Dr. Salk released copies of an
18-page critique which he sent to
the AMA yesterday. It also car-
ries a dozen charts buttressing his
He said he was taking issue only
with the AMA's "failure to ac-
knowledge scientific facts," and
"for adopting as official a medical
dogma that can no longer be main-
tained in the light of scientific
study and application in practice."
He said the dogma. that live,


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