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July 07, 1961 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1961-07-07

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Chance of late afternoon
showers or thunderstorms

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Government Charges
Voter Discrmnination
File Suit Accusing Mississippi
Of Denying Rights to Negroes
JACKSON, Miss. (P)-The Federal government hit Mississippi
yesterday with two suits charging discrimination against eligible Ne-
gro voters in two counties.
Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett promptly labeled the action as in-
terference with local self-government.
Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy said in Washington that Justice De-
partment investigators showed "a clear-cut pattern of discrimina-
The suits, he said, were filed "because the situation has not been
rectified nor are there assurances that it ever will be rectified by local
Denied Rights
The legal maneuver contended eligible Negroes in Clarke and
Forrest Counties, located in south-central Mississippi, were denied
voting rights. Other voting rights

Seek UN
For Sheik
Security Council
Discusses Crisis
By The Associated Press
Britain asked the Security Coun-
cil yesterday to accede to requests
from Kuwait that the United Na-
tions guarantee its independence
and territorial integrity.
Sir Patrick Dean, the British
delegate, introduced a resolution
to that effect in the 11-nation
council as it met for the third
time since Sunday on the Kuwait
He spoke in the council after
Abdel Aziz Hussein, the Kuwaiti
delegate, told newsmen that his

Russia Joins

in Defense






...-hits discrimination

Warns West
About Talks'
(MP)-To believe thAt the Soviet
Union actually wants a ban on
nuclear tests "would denote a de-
gree of optimism bordering on
lunacy," a veteran British nego-
tiator said last night.
David Ormsby-Gore, British
ambassador - designate to the
United States and a veteran of nu-
clear test ban talks with Russia,
said the "Russians have made it
abundantly clear that, for the
time being, they are unfortunately
not interested in an agreement on
stopping nuclear tests."
But, he added, the Russians
realize the consequences of nu-
clear war and at some time in the
future may accept a test-ban
treaty that includes. effective in-
ternational controls.
Addresses Session
Ormsby - Gore addressed an
opening session of a four-day for-
um of United States and West Eu-
ropean disarmament experts spon-
sored by the American Assembly,
a department of Columbia Univer-
The assembly is to draft a com-
prehensive statement on what the
Atlantic Alliance could gain or
lose by trying to negotiate a con-
trolled disarmament treaty with
the Soviet bloc. It will also seek
to advise the Western govern-
ments in their future disarma-
ment negotiating strategy.
See Little Attraction
Ormsby-Gore said the Russians'
belief that their system will
emerge victorious in any circum-
stances "fortunately leads them
to see little attraction in a nu-
clear holocaust in order to speed
up their victory."
The Chinese Communists view
is not identical, he said, "but even
they are probably capable of
"What I do suggest," he said,
"is that at some moment the So-
viet Union will appreciate the ad-
vantage of an agreement in the
field of disarmament and may be
prepared to pay the price, which
is of course effective international
Label Birch
The John Birch Society and the
Ku Klux Klan have been added
to the list of subversive organi-
zations of the Wilmington, Del.

investigations, the Justice Depart-
ment said, are pending "in a num-
ber of additional Mississippi coun-
District Judge Sidney C. Mize
set a hearing on the government's
petition for preliminary injunc-
tions for August 7, probably at
Jackson, the state capital.
First Mississippi Action
This was the first such action
brought in Mississippi and came
under the 1957 and 1960 Civil
Rights Acts. Similar suits have
been filed in Louisiana, Alabama,
Georgia and Tennessee.
"I don't understand why they
want to interfere with local self-
government," Barnett said. "Local
self -government is the thing that
made this nation great."
Barnett declinedfurther com-
ment and said he would refer the
suits to Mississippi Atty. Gen. Joe
Patterson, who would not com-
ment on the move.
Knows No Complaints
Clarke County Circuit Clerk A.
L. Ramsey, who is the county's
registrar of voters, said he knew
of no complaints from Negroes.
"We haven't had any Negroes
ask to vote," Ramsey said. "We
have six registered this year. But
there has been no election since
they registered. One of them sat
on a trial jury in circuit court."
Ramsey also mentioned Missis-
sippi's poll tax which places a $2
levy yearly on all citizens over 21,
and they must present a tax re-
ceipt in order to vote.
Stores End
In Oklahoma
downtown eating places, sites of
frequent racial demonstrations
for almost a year, have ended
their segregation policies, it was,
announced yesterday.
Iarvey P. Everest, chairman of
the Governor's Committee on Hu-
man Relations, said the luncheon-
ette in the John A. Brown Co.
store, a lunch counter in the H.
L. Green Co. store and the Forum
Cafeteria were now serving Ne-
Everest said other independent
city restaurants also have adopt-
ed open policies, but Anna Maude
Cafeteria and Bishop's Restau-
rant, which have been picketed
frequently by integrationists, were
still maintaining segregation.
Everest said restaurants in Ok-
mulgee and Henryetta were now
integrated, as is a major Tulsa
hotel. He said steps are being
taken in Tulsa to desegregate
municipal recreation facilities.

W alkout
DAMASCUS, Syria (A)-Da-
mascus Press reports last night
said Saudi Arabia threatened to ;
walk out of the Arab League if
Kuwait is not 'admitted into
The reports said King Saud
of Saudi Arabia conveyed this
threat to Arab League Secre-
tary - General Abdul Khalek
Hassouna during Hassouna's
visit to Saudi Arabia on the last
stage of his peacemaking mis-
sion over the Iraq-Kuwait cris-
The Arab League Council is
to convene next Wednesday to
consider Kuwait's application.
government could not ask British
troops to withdraw unless the
council guarantees Kuwait's inde-
pendence as a state qualified for
UN membership.
Kassem Rejects Force
In Baghdad, Iraq's Premier Ab-
del Karim Kassem vowed his
country will never use force to
gain Kuwait. "We will never use
any means but peaceful means.
We will never resort to aggres-
sion," he declared.
Dean's mildly worded resolution
asked the council to take note that
British forces were sent to the oil-
rich desert kingdom in response
to an appeal from its ruler, Ab-
dullah As-Salin As-Sabah, and
that they would be withdrawn as
soon as he considers that "the
threat to Kuwait is removed."
As-Sabah asked for the council
meeting on the grounds that Iraq
was, threatening to take military
action to implement its claim that
Kuwait is part of Iraq.
Notes Iraqi Statement
The resolution also asked the
Council to take note of state-
ments by Iraq that it would em-
ploy only "peaceful means in pur-
suance of its policy."
The resolution calls "upon all
states to respect the independence
and territorial integrity of Ku-
wait," and urges "that all con-
cerned should work for peace and
tranquility in the area."
In his first interview since an-
nouncing last Sunday's Iraq claim
on the oil sheikdom, Kassem told
three American and four British
"Again I must assure you Ku-
wait will return to the motherland
.. But we do not live in barbar-
ian ages when brutal means are
used to defeat the well-being of

Peace Pact
By IUbricht
BERLIN (A')-Walter Ulbricht,
East Germany's Communist lead-
er, yesterday asked for a peace
treaty that would make all Ger-
many neutral and he threatened
to move against West Berlin
whether he gets it or not.
He insisted that his intentions
are peaceful, that the Commu-
nists would not use force unless
attacked. But he said West Ber-
lin must be eliminated "as a
strongpoint of the cold war" and
"With the conclusion of a peace
treaty, even if it is only with the
(Communist East) German Dem-
ocratic Republic, there will begin
a new settlement of the West Ber-
lin question. I want to leave no
doubt about this."
Promises Treaty
Soviet Premier N i k i t a S.
Khrushchev has promised to sign
a peace treaty with East Germany
by the end of the year, thus giv-
ing Ulbricht greater power to
close off the western road and
rail lifelines to West Berlin.
Khrushchev renewed his promise
in a speech at the Kremlin yes-
The Communists used to talk a
great deal about making Germany
a neutral zone in Central Europe,
and with Ulbricht's speech to the
East German Parliament yester-
day, they appear to be pressing the
idea again.
Ulbricht said nothing about So-
viet and Western troops now in
Germany, or what should be done
about them. But under traditional
definitions of East-West neutral-
ity, troops from both sides would
have to withdraw. Western troops
also would have to get out of West
Asks For Neutrality
"What would be so terrible,"
he asked, "about being militarily
neutral and live for some centur-
ies, perhaps forever, in peace and
without war, like Sweden, Switzer-
land and now Austria?"
Several years ago a number of
West European governments also
toyed with the idea, but it was
generally conceded to offer too
many military advantages to the
Russians-who would merely with-
draw a few hundred miles to Po-
land-and it was quietly dropped.
Set Con-Con
For Lansing
A state preparatory commission
decided yesterday it will make all
advance arrangements to hold
Michigan's constitutional conven-
tion in Lansing next October.
Backed by an $85,000 Kellogg
Foundation Grant, the 18-mem-
ber commission appointed by Gov-
ernor John Swainson voted to
keep con-con in Lansing to head
off rivalry between several cities
that have indicated they would
like to host the convention.

-AP wirephoto
HOUSING BARRIERS-The Kennedy Administration assembled Washington real estate men yes-
terday and warned that racial barriers around luxury apartments there may cost this country the
United Nations votes of emerging African nations. Officials claimed progress toward solving a
delicate international problem: how to find suitable housing for the growing African diplomatic
corps in the nation's capital. Discussing the problem posed by the President here are (left to
right) Frank J. Luchs, president of the Washington Real Estate Board; Federal Housing Adminis-
trator Robert C. Weaver, and Washington realtor and builder Morris Cafritz. Cafritz said he would
be willing to build any size structure, without profit. "We are spending billions for foreign aid, yet
this situation gives us a black eye," he commented after the closed meeting.
'U Unaware of HUAC Screenings Here

Study Housing for Diplomats

Reds Claim
South Korea
May Attack
Say West Resists
Soviet Proposals
To Ease Tension
MOSCOW (W)-Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev announced yester-
day that the Soviet Union has
signed a mutual defense treaty
with Communist North Korea, and
pictured it as necessary because of
Western resistance to easing world
The Soviet leader said the trea-
ty was aimed at countering "a
growing threat" of aggression
from South Korea but he also
pictured the East-West quarrel
over the future of West Berlin as
a factor.
(Official Washington, reported
surprised by the announcement of
the pact, studied it for the possi-
bility that it reflected a deepen-
ing rift between Moscow and Red
China, and also for indications of
a possible bearing on Khrushchev's
maneuvers regarding Berlin.)
Provides Mutual Aid
The treaty, Khrushchev said,
provides for mutual aid in the
event of an armed attack on eith-
er the Soviet Union or North Ko-
rea. He said the recent coup in
South Korea establishing a "re-
gime of open military-fascist dic-
tatorship" poses a threat and he
considered it his duty to "warn
the aggressive forces that if an at-
tack is made on the Korean Dem-
ocratic Republic, then the Soviet
Union will look upon this attack as
an attack upon itself."
"We, of course, are not in favor
of military agreements," Khrush-
chev said in his speech to a So-
viet - North Korean friendship
meeting in Moscow, "but we had
to sign this treaty of a defensive
nature because the governments
of the United States, Japan and
other powers have turned down all
our proposals toward the relaxa-
tion of tensions and insuring se-
curity in the Far East."
Brings Up Berlin
Khrushchev also brought up
Berlin in this connection. He said
the Communist nations want
peace, and added:
"But it must not be overlooked
that the ruling circles of the West-
ern powers do not want a relaxa-
tion of international tension and
seek to delay the solution of
pressing international problems.
Especially alarming is the fact
that there still is no German
peace treaty."
Publication of the North Ko-
rean-Soviet treaty in itself raised
speculation in Moscow that the
Soviet Union has replaced Com-
munist China as chief protector of
North Korea,
The Chinese Communists sent
"volunteers" to intervene in the
Korean war. But Premier Kim 11
Sung of North Korea said that all
the Red Chinese "volunteers" had

E Bulletin
Air Force early this morning
fired an Atlas missile on a
record - shattering 9,054 - mile
flight past the tip of South
Africa into the Indian Ocean.
It was the longest surface-to-
surface missile flight on rec-
ord, but only 12 miles farther
than the 9,042-mile course cov-
ered by two earlier Atlases last
The Air Force announced
the 85-foot rocket successfully
dropped its tactical-type nose
cone in the intended target
zone about 1,000 miles south-
east of Capetown, South Africa.
French Shoot
Five Moslems

University officials said yes-
terday they have not received any
communications from the House
Un-American Activities Commit-
tee in regard to HUAC investiga-
tions of graduate students holding
government fellowships.
Vice - President for Research
Ralph A. Sawyer, who also heads
the Rackham garduate school, said
he had not heard of any Univer-
sity student being screened for
political action or belief. He said
the committee has not contacted
HUAC began screening the list
of government fellowship holders
several weeks Lgo after it ques-
tioned the National Science Foun-
dation about a $3,800 scholarship
awarded to a student previously
convicted for refusing to say
whether he was a Communist.
Cancel Scholarships
The scholarship was cancelled
on the grounds that its holder,
Edward L. Yellin, a graduate stu-
dent in mechanical engineering at
the University of Illinois, might
be imprisoned before the grant
expired. The contempt case is now
awaiting appeal to the Supreme
"Every University student who
has received an NSF grant

through the University has signed
the loyalty oath and disclaimer
affidavit," Sawyer said. "We
haven't had any reports of stu-
dents objecting to them."
'U' Opposes Disclaimer
Sawyer said he felt the dis-
claimer was unnecessary and he
pointed out that the University
has gone on record as opposing it.
Freeman Miller, associate dean
of Rackham and the man who
supervises the NSF grants for the
University, also reported no know-
ledge of investigations of local
He said about 80 Ursiversity stu-
dents hold NSF co-operative fel-
lowships and summer fellowships
for graduate teaching assistants.

Sawyer said it is not the "Uni-
versity's business to check on the
loyalty of a student." He said
that if a student did sign the
oath and disclaimer and later was
found to be a "subversive," he
could face criminal charges of
perjury. '
He said there was a natural
fear among Congressmen that
stopped them from speaking out,
against the disclaimer. "If they
do, their opponents criticize them
for being soft on Communism."
Some form of loyalty oath has
been attached to research grants
since the first Atomic Energy
Commission awards in 1946, Saw-
yer said.

Rush Pleads for No Cuts
In Foreign Aid Program
WASHINGTON (P)-Secretary of State Dean Rusk told Congress
yesterday that menacing conditions around the world make it inad-
visable to slash President John F. Kennedy's foreign aid program.
Rusk made his plea for the $4.8 billion program at a three-
hour closed session of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. His
views were reported by the chairman, Sen. J. William Fulbright (D-
Ark). Fulbright said Rusk, in support of the program, made an ex-
'cellent presentation of the men-
acing conditions in Berlin, Laos,
and Cuba.
Improve Chances
The chairman added that these
af1oI conditions have enhanced chances
for the bill to win approval from

Lincoln's Foresight Aided Struggling

Foresight, the mark of successful statesman, was Abraham Lin-
coln's chief attribute, Roy P. Basler, Director of the Reference De-
partment of the Library of Congress said yesterday.
Lecturing on "Lincoln as a Statesman," Basler cited several
specific acts of his adminstration as particularly forward looking:
Lincoln's plans for a long war were more realistic than the
ideas of many of his generals who thought the war could be
ended quickly without much bloodshed;
Blockade Strangles South
His blockade of Confederate ports helped lead to the strangula-
tion of the South;
His war policy and strategy, though sometimes poor, was on
the whole the best possible plan for victory;
His understanding of the postwar Negro problem as expressed
in several of Lincoln's letters in which he called for education and

"The pressures to approve it will
be very great," Fulbright said.
"The country is nervous about the
outlook and the critical atmos-
phere will resolve doubts in favor
of the bill."
Sends Formal Request
As Rusk testified, the President
sent Congress his formal request
for the appropriations and bor-
rowing authority needed to finance
the foreign aid program.
Fulbright listed some of the
views of Rusk on various topics:
-Laos is "not to be written off."
Rusk is "still hopeful something
can be worked out," Fulbright

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