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June 28, 1961 - Image 1

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ty roigtan
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Brisk Winds
Cloudy, Cooler

LXXI, No. 2S




V./.ia fi\A ily

Must End
By Friday
Order May Halt
Maritime Strike
NEW YORK ()-A government
board made a final stab yesterday
at bringing peace to the Ameri-
can maritime industry. If it fails,
a Taft-Hartley law injunction is
in the works to end the 12-day
David L. Cole, chairman of the
three-member board of inquiry es-
tablished by President John F.
Kennedy, said at the opening ses-
sion, that he considered a strike
settlement the panel's most im-
portant goal.
However, the board has only un-
til Friday to work on the dead-
lock. It then is due to report to
the White House on the issues in-
volved, as a preliminary to seek-
ing a Taft-Hartley strike-ending
Toward Settlement
"We will try our best to move
toward a settlement," Cole said
at the end of the afternoon meet-
His board held a night session
behind closed doors with princi-
pals in the dispute, and Cole said
the open hearings would resume
at 10 a.m. today.
Two of the six maritime unions
involved in the strike argued that
they are outside the jurisdiction
of the Taft-Hartley law because
they are composed of supervisory
employes. The two are the Marine
} Engineers Union, and the Masters,
Mates and Pilots Union.
Review Argument
Cole did not rule on their con-
tention. He said they could renew
their argument in the courts when
the issue of an injunction is pre-
In Unity House, Pa., President
Paul Hall of the striking Seafarers
International Union, promised "a
hell of a fight" in court against a
Taft-Hartley injunction. He talk-
ed with newsmen after a confer-
ence of the AFL-CIO Executive
CHallsaid the unions are armed
with plenty of legal arguments
from statements made by Kenne-
dy when he was in Congress and
by Secretary of Labor Arthur J.
Goldberg when he was union
counsel opposing an injunction in
the 1959 steel strike.
However, AFL-CIO President
George Meany indicated to news-
men separately he thinks an in-
junction is inevitable, because the
government can argue the effects
are bound to get worse the longer
the strike continues.
Workers See
Anti-Red Film
Over Protest
The film "Operation Abolition"
was shown to city employes last
night over the objections of the
Council's one Democrat.
Council member Lynn W. Eley
objected to the controversial film
being shown on city property by
city employes at Monday's Coun-
cil meeting. He made no attempt
to obtain Council censure of the
film or a ban on its showing in
Ann Arbor.

The film was shown by the Civil
Defense Director Dr. Harry : R.
Shipman to city employes primar-
ily for those scenes which illus-
trate the control of mobs.
Eley centered his objection upon
the contention that the showing
of the film under city auspices
implies city sponsor ship and en-
dorsement of the authenticity of
the film. Opinions on the validity
of the film were not discussed.
Republican John R. Laird said
that it was not the Council's poli-
cy to act as censor of the educa-
tional materials used by the var-
ious department heads. He also
said that the presentation of in-
formative material does not imply
endorsement of the point of view
The same issue arose in the state
Legislature last May when Gov.
Swainson forbade the State Po-
cei Ito show the film for reasons
siimlar to those advanced by

Favor NDEA Loans,
For Church Schools
Disclaimer Affidavit Renounced
As Administration Recommends,
WASHINGTON (A') - Federal loans for parochial schools won
approval of the House Education Committee yesterday.
This cleared the way for a bitter fight over the John F. Kennedy
administration's aid to education program, possibly in the Rules Com-
mittee as well as on the House floor.
Meets Terms
By adding church school loans to the National Defense Education
Act, the Education Committee met the terms laid down by the Rules
Committee for further action on any of Kennedy's three education
The other two measures are a $2.5 billion public school and a
$1.8 billion college construction and scholarship bill. A Rules Com-
mittee majority-composed of seven opponents of all three bills

Kuwait Independence Defended





Group Plans
Freedom Ride
To Dearborn
Local "Freedom Riders" yes-
terday announced plans to pro-
test racial discrimination in Dear-
born sometime next month.
The Ann Arbor chapter of the
Congress of R a c i a 1 Equality
(CORE) will send the riders
through the Detroit suburb and
plans sit-ins at restaurants and
drug stores suspected of segregat-
ing public facilities. About 40 per-
sons are expected to participate.
Members of the local CORE out-
let-called the Ann Arbor Direct
Action Committee - investigated
segregation in several Dearborn
stores last weekend and ran "test
cases" to see if Negroes would be
served, a spokesman said.
Hubbard Not Upset
Dearborn Mayor Orville Hub-
bard said he would not prevent
the "Freedom Ride" from travel-
ing through the city. "So let them
come, just so they don't drive too
fast and do obey all the traffic
"Dearborn is a metropolitan
community and we have all sorts
of people passing through here
every day. There are several
thousand Negroes who work here
and they use our public transpor-
tation daily and there never has
been trouble of any kind.
"It sounds like some freedom
clowns trying to make some trou-
ble." Hesaid he would meet the
riders on city hall steps.
Pledge Non-Violence
Both AADAC and CORE are
pledged to non-violent passive re-
sistance in their protests against
racial bias. AADAC has picketed
local outlets of national chains
which discriminate in the South
for over a year.,
Judith Yesner, Grad, who is
chairman of the group said the.
ride is planned for next month.
Earlier, in Jackson, Miss., the
coordinating committee of the
"Freedom Riders" decided to con-
tinue its desegregation attempts
by sending more riders into south-
ern cities.
The representatives of four
sponsoring organizations decided
without dissent to keep the riders
traveling into bus, rail and air-
plane terminals.

and two Roman Catholic members
who normally support the ad-
ministration--has refused to clear
any of the bills for action by the
full house until it gets the paro-
chial school amendments.
The NDEA bill approved yester-
day by the Education Committee
would extend for four years a
program launched in 1958 to
strengthen science, mathematics
and language teaching in the
United States.
Republican Dissent
It carries a total of $1.8 billion
in loans and grants for a wide
variety of educational activities.
The vote was 17 to 11 with one Re-
publican, Rep. Charles E. Goodell
of New York, joining 16 Democrats
in the majority. All 11 dissenting
votes were cast by Republicans.
By a voice vote the committee
supported an administration rec-
ommendation to drop a present re-
quirement that applicants for stu-
dent loansnstate by affidavit that
they have never belonged to a sub-
versive organization.
An oath of allegiance to the
United States would still be re-
Administration and congression-
al leaders decided earlier in the
session to add parochial school
loans to the NDEA in an attempt
to please the Catholic hierarchy,
which said it would oppose the
public school bill unless it received
some form of aid for its own
Hierarchy Hit
For Opposing
School Aid Bill
Wayne Morse (D-Ore) yesterday
said the Catholic hierarchy made
a great mistake when it threat-
ened to oppose any federal aid to
education bill unless parochial
schools were included.
Morse, speaking at the annual
convention of the National Edu-
cation Association (NEA), specif-
ically mentioned Francis Cardinal
Spellman, archbishop of New
York, and the controversial state-
ment issued by Catholic officials
last March which asked for fed-
eral loans to private schools.
Morse said he thinks federal
loans to parochial schools would
be constitutional, but that federal
grants would not be.

Leaders of Detroit's Negro com-
munity have reluctantly approved
a "racial census" of Wayne State
University's non-teaching em-
The census was demanded by
the Fair Employment Practices
Commission after a discharged
mimeograph operator claimed he
was fired because of his race. WSU
refused to conduct the "nose
count" and has asked for a ruling
from Attorney General Paul
Edward Turner, president of the
Detroit branch of the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People, said, "We have
had no recent complaints of dis-
criminatory practices at Wayne
and have made no recent investi-
gations as to its policies or con-
He said the NAACP has always
opposed the "box-score approach"
and dislikes "in principle any
quota system."
In the WSU case, however, Tur-
ner said a racial census which
showed no concentrations in cer-
tain levels or areas and a fair dis-
tribution of employes by race
would indicate that a non-discrim-
inatory policy was being "honestly
Francis Kornegay, director of
the Urban League, doesn't believe
such a census should be taken un-
less there is a doubt that the Fair
Employment Practices Act is not
being followed.
The Act prohibits Michigan em-
ployers from asking the race of
job applicants or indicating it on
their employe records.
"The only objections to the cen-
sus would come from those who
are afraid of what the figures
would show," he said last night.
Kornegay said "there is no ques-
tion that Michigan's institutions of
higher education discriminate
against Negroes in employment,
both in the teaching and non-
teaching areas."
The discrimination is not a de-
liberate one, Kornegay emphasiz-
ed. Past histories of discrimina-
tion practices, however, keep Ne-
groes from applying to many,
WSU Provost Arthur Neef said
he didn't fear the outcome of the
census, but he objected strongly
"to the position it would place
us in by conducting it."

After opening the summer sea-
son with Archibald MacLeish's "J.
B.," the University of Michigan
Players will present "My Three
Angels," July 12-15.
The play was written by Sam
and Bella Spewack and is directed
by Prof. Hugh Z. Norton.
"Three convicts In French Gui-
ana descend from the heavens-a
roof they've been repairing - to
rescue a worthy family from its sad
plight. The two murderers and an
embezzler set about putting things
right, with the help of a poisonous
pet snaks and their own polished
talents in crime."
Urges End
Of TestBan
CIO President George Meany yes-
terday called for full resumption
of United States nuclear tests.
He said there is no way to tell
whether Russia is keeping its end
of a gentlemen's agreement to
ban tests.
Meany's comment was made in
connection with a foreign policy,
statement adopted unanimously by
the AFL-CIO Executive Council.
It urged the government to "alert
the American people to the grav-
ity of the international crisis.''
Meany said he wasn't criticizing
President John F. Kennedy but
felt the American people just
don't understand the seriousness
of the foreign situation, believing
somehow everything will get
tsraightened out.
Housing Plan
Now Approved
House conference committee ap-
proved a $5,646,000,000 housing
bill yesterday.
Sen. John Sparkman (D-Ala),
who led the Senate delegation to
the committee, predicted that
Congress would approve the bill
by tonight.
The Senate will consider the bill
first. Sparkman said he would ask
the Senate to take it up as soon as
today's session gets underway.
Then the House will vote on the
A conference committee was
needed because the housing bills
passed earlier by the Senate and
House differed.

' 1

The play, which is an adaptation
of the French farce is said to have
"a gleefully wicked glint in its
A week later Vladimir Mayakov-
sky's "The Bedbug" brings about
a shift to politics and the world
of the future. Directed by Andrew
Doe, "the play opens fire on the
Russian bourgeosie of 1928 with
direct, broadly comic swipes in the
first act, then jumps 50 years into
the future for a backward glance.
When, in 1978, a corps of super-
efficient officials in a Soviet "Uto-
pia" thaw out a frozen relic of
post - Revolutionary Russia, they
find he has a companion-a bed-
"Exhibiting the two as scientific
curios, the new breed of Russians
soon start drawing social compari-
sons between the 1928 man and
the insect."
Under the direction of Prof.
Hugh Z. Norton, "Rashomon," by
Fay and Michael Kanin will be
Cuban Tractor
May Reform,
KEY WEST (R)-A meeting of
Fidel Castro's prisoner-emissaries
with an official of the Tractors for
Freedom Committee ended last
night after nearly four hours with
only one result-nothing had been
It was brought out, however,
that the committee is considering
whether to reform itself and re-
sume the blocked negotiations.
Both the prisoners and John
Hooker Jr., executive secretary of
the committee, agreed they would
make no statement about their
discussion, which Hooker himself
had said would bring to light a
"At this time no official word
has been received as to whether or
not the committee is going to
function again," Hooker said.

seen from August 2-5. The play
delves into the mysterious question
of "what is truth?"
"When a wealthy samurai and
his peasant wife are overtaken in
the forest by a bandit, the noble-
man is killed and his wife at-
tacked." The play presents four re-


Bill To Offer Varied Drama

...directs Playbill

enactments pf the crime, with the
unexpected truth finally emerging
through the eyes of an objective
Rounding out the season is Car-
lisle Floyd's "Susannah." Playing
on August 9-12, it is directed by
Dept. of Speech Prof. Jack E.
Bender and Music School Prof.
Josef Blatt, being presented in
conjunction with the University
and the School of Music.
Set in a Tennessee religious
community, the opera relates the
tragic persecution of a young girl
whose only fault lies in her beauty
and her zest for life. With malice
and hypocrisy, the elders of the
community accuse Susannah, turn-
ing everyone against her. How she
faces her society's censure and is
eventually crushed by it provides
tense drama as well as good opera.

UAR, Britain
Rally Aid
For Kingdom
No Fighting Reported
As Tiny Oil Sheikdom
Becomes Crisis Area
BEIRUT (3)-Powerful Western
and Arab nations rallied yesterday
to support the independence of
the Kuwait sheikdom against the
threat of annexation by Iraq.
The British-supported Kuwait
army was alerted but there was
no reported sign of an Iraqi in-
The United Arab Republic an-
nounced in Cairo its opposition to
any effort by Iraq to take over
the oil-rich domain at the head of
the Persian Gulf.
Pledge Support
President Nasser's UAR pledge
to support Kuwait's independence
followed Britain's assertion of ac-
tive military support for the for-
mer British protectorate and
United States endorsement of Ku-
wait's independence.
The United Arab Republic pro-
nouncement and firm Saudi Arab-
ian opposition to Iraq's position
were expected to swing most of
the nine-nation Arab League to
Kuwait's side and to isolate the
Baghdad regime of Premier Abdel
Karim Kassem.
Kassem often has played a lone
hand in the Arab world since he
seized power in the 195 revolu-
Transports. Run
People from Kuwait reported
road and rail transport continue
to operate between Kuwait and
Iraq and that no Iraquis have been
arrested. A report in Cairo said an
emergency meeting of the Arab
League may be called by the week-
Lebanese foreign ministry sourc-
es said the Arab League will hold
a special meeting on the crisis in
The United Arab Republic stand
was announced in a radio broad-
cas't by Nasser's Minister of State
Abdel Kader Hatem. It was the
first official indication of Nas-
ser's position since Iraq announc-
ed its claim to Kuwait Sunday.
Support Independence
Support of the independence of
the little sheikdom, a former Brit-
ish protectorate, was voiced ear-
lier by the United States and Brit-
British and Americans domin-
ate the oil industry of Kuwait,
whose oil revenues of $3 million
daily are the economic mainstay
of its 200,000 people.
The report of the League meet-
ing-the date and place were not
mentioned-came after Lebanon's
Foreign Minister Philip Takla
discussed the situation w i t h
League Secretary-General Abdel
Khalek Hassouna.
Says Pricing
antitrust and monoply subcom-
mittee 's Democratic majority said
yesterday big drug manufacturing
companies have been reaping "ex-
traordinary" profits from the
A rival minority report to the
Senate, signed by two of the sub-
committee's Republican members,
termed the majority report a prej-
udiced, unfair "500-page mon-

Filing of the reports with the
Senate marked the formal windup
of long and sometimes stormy pub-
lic hearings at which both sides
repeatedly had said about the
same things.
It also provides a backdrop
against which the subcommittee
will start hearings July 5 on a
bill by Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-
rpnn) ti ni + l lIT ?VIlmamifan-

Present MacLeish Play To Open Summ

"J.B.," Pulitzer Prize winning ve
will open the summer drama season
tonight-July 1.
Presented in conjunction with t
Arts, the play is based on the biblica
which Job's faith is tried through su
The play's director, Prof. Willi
partment, said the play is "a con
capacity for suffering.
"J.B. is the portrait of a present
joys in life are destroyed by unique]
"Like the biblical Job, J.B. can
sufferings, but again, like Job, he ac
has happened to him and reaffirms
The scene of the play is a tra
describes as "a circus that has beer
The main action takes place in
over the orchestra pit.
"The set is similar to the onei
although it is a bit smaller," Halstea
A portion of the tent represents1
"We use a slightly different att-
iton) toward the representation ofF
of a side show midway with the usec
used for mystery plays in medievalF
Prof. Halstead said the product

Secretary Discredits Rumors
Of U.S. Red China Recognition
CHICAGO (AP)-Secretary of State Dean Rusk yesterday termed
inaccurate a report that the United States has agreed upon a plan
for entry of Communist China into the United Nations.
The secretary said in a press conference that the report pub-
lished last week that this government would agree to admission of
Communist China while the Nationalist Chinese retain their seat, as
well as one on the UN Security Council, is only one of a number of
alternatives being considered.
Over the past few years, however, particularly with new mem-
bers joining the international body, there has been an increasing
Sfeeling among member of the UN
that the question of admission of
Communist China should be de-
bated on its merits, he said.
Rusk said the concern of the
T Seas o n United States is that the issue
might come to a vote as a creden-
tials question; that is, which of
erse drama by Archibald MacLeish, the two Chinese groups should
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre have the seat assigned to China.
Asked whether, in view of this
he Conference on Worship and the discussion, there are any discus-
al framework of the Book of Job in sions of the possibility of the U.S.
ffering. government's recognizing Commu-
n Mannist China, Rusk replied, "none
am P. Halstead of the speech de- whatsoever."
mment on modern man and his
-day American businessman whose Denies Berlin
ly modern catastrophes. '(, en th'Pla
i find no reason, no justice in his
ccepts without understanding what
the goodness of life." WASHINGTON (P)-Pierre Sal-
aveling circus tent that MacLeish inger, White House press secre-
n traveling for centuries." tary, denied yesterday that a plan
a circus ring that is projected out for a United States show of
.Ystrength in the Berlin crisis has
used in the New York production been laid before President John
d said. F. Kennedy.
itude (than the New York produc- thNewsweek Magazine, reporting
Heaen.It s dsiged n te bsisthe United States is prepared to
Heaven. It is designed on the basis back up its commitments to West
of pageant wagons similar to those Berlin "even at the risk of nuclear
England." war," said Monday that such a
ion will leave much of MacLeish's plan had been drafted for nresen-

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