See Page 2
C I -
Chance of
evening showers
Years of Editorial Freedom
Russians Display Naval Might
ON THE NEVA - Soviet Press Agency Tass describes the craft in the foreground as a rocket-firing
automatic launch. It was exhibited in a display of naval power in celebration of Soviet Navy Day.
About 60 warships were displayed off the coast of Leningrad.
*MeCloy Relates Talk
Of Disarmament.
WASHINGTON (41) - Disarmament Chief John J. McCloy has
reported that Soviet Premier Khrushchev still is pushing his Berlin
plan but has not slammed the.door on further disarmament talks,
informed sources said yesterday.
President John F. Kennedy called McCloy to the White House
for a report on McCloy's lengthy talk last Wednesday with Khrush-
chev at the Soviet chief's Black Sea vacation residence. Secretary
-of State Dean Rusk also was tap-
ped for the conference at the
0 ExtendWhite House.
McCloy is the first high-rank-
ing American to hold such a ses-
E s111 1m ents sion with Khushchev since Ken-
nedy told the world last Tuesday
of the nation's resolve to keep
WASHINGTON (R) - Congress West Berlin free.
yesterday sent President John F. McCloy, a former United States
Kennedy final and overwhelming high commissioner for Germany,
authority to call 250,000 reser'- h hmm ssn eid
0~v ~AA t.A~tLALV O any,,
Cites Peace
With Labor
tary of Labor Arthur J. Goldberg
yesterday reported vast improve-
ment in preserving labor-man-
agement peace at the nation's.
missle and space sites.
Goldberg promised a monthly
report to President John F. Ken-
nedy and the nation on how the
recent no-strike, no lockout pledge
governing missile-space base la-
bor relations, is working out.
"In a very real sense, our prob-
lem is much graver than it was
in World War II," the Labor Sec-
retary -told a meeting with the
local labor-management disputes
The Labor Secretary, . on his
first stop on a quick two-day
tour of bases, brought a message
from President Kennedy urging
uninterrupted and economical
production. He distributed copies
of the message to scores of con-
struction workers working on fa-
cilities at the Saturn and Titan
launch facilities.
The new missile-space labor
policy was constituted 'after Sen-
ate hearings revealed a series of
shutdowns and excessive overtime
practices blamed for delays and
heavy costs.
Goldberg made a special plea
to workers to remain on the job
in event of a dispute.
U,, Corps
On Center
Negotiations for a Peace Corps
training center at the University
are moving ahead rapidly.
"It is safe Ito say that if we
can deliver the program the corps
wants, we will be talking about
actual contracts soon," Dean of
State-Wide Education Harold
Dorr explained yesterday.
"And I think we can deliver,"
Dorr, the co-ordinator of Peace
Corps projects at the University,
said. He returned last Friday
from "preliminary discussions" at
corps offices in Washington.
Provide Center
Corps administrators have ask-
ed the University to undertake
a training center for Thailand for
75 volunteers and six corps lead-
ers. They are slated to begin on-
campus studies the first day of
the fall semester and work for 14
"After a short 'home leave',"
Dorr said, "they would undergo
a three to four week orientation
in Thailand with at least one
qualified University instructor on
hand to assist."
Train Volunteers
The general program on cam-
pus would include basic trainigg
in the Thai language and culture,
American culture and institutions,
physical fitness, personal health
and hygiene, and a series of lec-
tures in Corps orientation by
Corps officials.
Specialized training would also
be asked of the volunteers. Most
of them will have undergraduate
degrees with several holding high-
er degrees and ability in teach-
ing English as a foreign lan-
guage, industrial and trade arts
program, vocational agriculture
and malaria eradication.
To Absorb Costs
:he Peace Corps will absorb
all the costs of the training cen-
ter, which will involve a minimum
of 12 to 15 University personnel.
A continued basis 0. operation
is hoped for, but the contract will
probably only be for one semes-
ter, Dorr said.
The Corps volunteers will have
a 60 hour week of classes, home
work and language drill assign-
ed to them, Dorr said. They will
probably be housed in Couzens
Hall and South Quad, dining to-
gether at separate tables to prac-
tice speaking Thai.
Plans Action
With Tunis
TUNIS (P) - The underground
leaders of the Algerian rebellion
are gathering here for a meeting
on strategy in the war against
France that may influence the
future of North Africa.
Algerian sources said yesterday
the National Council of the Al-
gerian Revolution - the rebel-
lion's supreme policy-making body
- will meet in secret near Tunis,
probably starting this weekend.
It will be the council's first meet-
ing in 19 months.
The meeting has been planned
for some time, but it gains new
urgency with the failure of the
second round of Algerian nation-
alist peace talks with France.
Air Control
In EffectI
BERLIN (R)-A newiCommu-
nist regulation effective last
night gives the East German Reds
control over Western air traffic:
to isolated Berlin-if it is en-
Western officials don't believe
it will be.
It, calls for planes crossing
Communist territory surrounding
Berlin to report to the East Ger-
man air safety center on enter-
ing and leaving the city. The West
does not recognize the East Ger-
man regime.
Western planes flying into Ber-
lin cross East Germany in one of
three corridors by agreement with
the Soviet Union. Air traffic is
handled by a special air safety
center, where United States, Brit-
ish and French officers sit with
their Russian counterparts to ap-
prove flights.
Allies Confident
The Allies are confident that
Moscow will not permit the East
Germans to interfere with air
traffic here as long as Russians
work at the center.
Although there is a possibility
the Russians will say they can ap-
prove only military flights, they
have not indicated they plan to
back the East Germans.
Pilots of the three big civilian
airlines serving Berlin were told
by Western officials to ignore the
new rule.
The three lines are a headache
for the Communists because of
the role they play in transport-
ing refugees from East Germany
out of Berlin.
High Rate
All refugees, now arriving at
West Berlin's Marienfelde refugee
center at the rate of 1,500 a day,
must be flown out. This month,
30,444 registered at Marienfelde.
The refugees keep coming de-
spite tougher controls by Com-
munist police on trains and high-
ways and despite trials in East
Germany against persons accused
of trying to flee or of helping
others to escape.
Hold Alert
The United States, British and
French garrisons in Berlin held
another early morning alert yes-
terday, practicing defense of the
city. Allied officials called it an-
other routine exercise of the kind
that takes place irregularly.
Communist East Germany add-
ed a new complication to the
Berlin crisis with a report that
polio is spreading across the Iron
Curtain from West Germany.
The official East German news
agency said the Health Ministry
asked the Interior Ministry to
"take steps in regard to travel be-
tween West Germany and the
German Democratic (Communist)
Republic that will produce the
best protection for the citizenry."
-AP Wirephoto
AFTER ANNOUNCEMENT - Britain's Prime Minister Harold
Macmillan returns to Admiralty House after announcing his move
to seek entry into the European Common Market.
Officials at Texas
Resist Integration
The Board of Regents at the University of Texas has resisted
student and faculty pressures toward further integration.
Petitions from the Student Assembly and ,the Students' Associa-
tion favoring integration of athletics and dormitories and a petition
from the Committee on Minority Groups appointed by the University's
former president calling for additional integration were turned down.
The regents stated that "we believe from all indications that we
are in this field already considerably in advance of what has in this
ists into military service and ex-
tend active duty tours and enlist-
ments one year.
By a 403-2 roll call vote the
House approved the emergency
resolution which also authorizes
extended training periods for the
2,440,000 members of the ready
The swift action came six days
after Kennedy called for a mili-
tary buildup to meet Communist
threats to West Berlin and other
areas of East-West tension.
The Senate previously had
passed the measure.
The President can now put a
quarter million ready reservists in
uniform for one year as individ-
uals or in units. Money to pay
for the expanded fighting strength
will come later. The legislation
will provide $3 billion plus $207
million to start a Civil Defense
shelter program.
Reps. Bruce Alger (R-Tex) and
Eugene Silver (R - Ky) voted
against the resolution.
Tunis Rejects
Bilateral Talks
With France
WASHINGTON (R) - Tunisian
Ambassador Habib Bourguiba Jr.
yesterday ruled out direct bilateral
talks in his country's dispute with
France-at least until France ac-
cepts what the diplomat called
the principle of evacuation.
"We can hardly talk with an
aggressor and invader as long as
he is occupying our country and
refusing to abide with the reso-
lutions of the United Nations,"
Bourguiba said.
Affirm Plan
Of Retirement
WASHINGTON (t)-The White
House affirmed matter of factly
yesterday that Allen W. Dulles is
retiring in a few months as di-
of two weeks of United States-
Soviet talks on setting up a multi-
nation disarmament conference.
Informants said the bulk of the
day-long Khrushchev-McCloy dis-
cussions dealt with the German
question, with Khrushchev restat-
ing his determination to sign a
peace treaty with Communist East
Germany and give the East Ger-
mans control of access to Berlin.
On the disarmament question,
United States sources said the
Soviets altered their position
slightly during the fortnight of
talks held in Moscow between Mc-
Cloy and Soviet Deputy Foreign
Minister ValerianZorin.
area occurred in public, private,
and church-related colleges
throughout the South. We have
probably gone further than a ma-
jority of the citizens of Texas and
the Legislature would approve."
Represents Faculty
The faculty was represented by
a petition for desegregation signed
by a "substantial but minority"
number of member's signatures
and by the nine faculty members
of the Committee on Minority
The Campus Survey found that
in polling every eighteenth stu-
dent 59 per cent were in favor of
"equal access to all university-
owned facilities" and 33 per cent
against. Seventy-four per cent fa-
vored integrated intercollegiate
athletics with 19 per cent opposed.
Indicates Concern
The regents' statement indi-
cated concern for the "sentiment
and the wishes of the people of
Texas and their elected represen-
tatives," and noted that "an act-
ive vocal minority does not always
speak the wishes of the majority."
However, the statement said
that, in line with the Supreme
Court decision concerning inte-
gration, the University of Texas
has proceeded 'with all deliberate
speed' toward integration
Heads Agree
On Defense
tagon reported yesterday that the
United States and West German
defense chiefs reached complete
agreement in discussions here on
the need to improve both conven-
tional and nuclear strength to de-
fend Western Europe.
The Defense Department said
this in summarizing the discus-
sions between Secretary of De-
fense Robert S. McNamara and
West Germany's defense minister,
Franz Josef Strauss. The two
talked during Strauss' visit to this
The talks included: discussion
of present and future planning for
the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization, United States-German
military cooperation, and the Ber-
lin problem, the statement said.
In reporting complete , agree-
ment on the need for conventional
and nuclear arms modernization,
the Pentagon said both McNa-
mara and Strauss "agreed that a
balanced and gradual system of
deterrent will remain the basis of
Outer Seven
Also To Seek
House of Commons
Appears to Favor
Move for Entry
LONDON (P)-Britain took the
first step yesterday toward a
linkup with Europe's Common
Prime Minister Macmillan's an-
nouncement that he will seek en-
try into the economic group,
known as the inner six nations,
was hedged with the same con-
ditions that have kept Britain
out since its formation in 1957.
But his move set Western Eu-
rope afire with a new resolve to
try to join in one economic unit
a bloc of 13 nations and 300 mil-
lion people rivaling the giant re-
sources of the United States and
the Soviet Union.
Issue Communique
The European Free Trade As-
sociation, known as the outer
seven nations, issued a communi-
que from its headquarters in Ge-
neva, calling for all members to
seek similar negotiations for as-
sociation or membership in the
Common Market.
Denmark, one of the members
of EFTA which was sponsored by
Britain as an effective counter-
weight to the Common Market,
at once announced it will fol-
low Britain's lead. So did Austria.
Norway's trade minister, Arne
Skaug, told newsmen the govern-
ment favored negotiations for
membership or association, but
said the actual decision would be
a parliamentary process.
Overcome Obstacles
But it was apparent many ob-
stacles would have to be overcome
before the old dreaff of Euro-
pean unity could be realized.
Macmillan's announcement stir-
red a ferment of excitement in
the House of Commons, although
the general mood was in favor of
his decision.
The six-nation Common Mar-
ket, led by France and West Ger-
many and including Italy, Bel-
gium, Netherlands and Luxem-
bourg, has set a target date of
1972 for becoming a tariff-free
zone in which goods would move
as freely among its members as
among the 50 United States It
would have a common tariff wall
against outsiders and seeks a de-
gree of political integration.
EFTA, embracing Britain, Den-
mark, Norway, Sweden, Switzer-
land, Austria and Portugal, with
Finland as an associate, aims at
lowering tariffs among its mem-
bers without the common external
tariff system. No political inte-
gration is involved.
In deciding to seek membership
in the Common Market, Macmil-
lan recognized that the six-nation
bloc isthreatening to squeeze
Britain out of many of its tradi-
tional markets.
Alarms Partners
But the move alarms Common-
wealth partners who fear it will
wreck the preferential system by
which they enjoy special privileges
such as low tariffs on their ex-
ports to Britain.
Many Conservatives and La-
borites in Britain also feared the
move would mean the end of the
British price support system that
guarantees the prosperity of Brit-
ish agriculture, and would have
ruinous effect on some industries
and workers.
Some Conservatives dislike a
move that implies abandonment
of Britain's age-old isolation from
the continent and fear a loss of
Defense Set
To Use Ships
fense Department has told sena-
tors it is pulling about 40 ships
nut of mothballs as one step in
Chinese Nationalist Leader
Receives U.S. Assurances
WASHINGTON (A') - Nationalist China's Vice-President brought
his worries about Red China to Washington yesterday and received
assurances that the United States will oppose the Communist nation's
admission to the United Nations.
In turn, Chen assured President John F. Kennedy that all actions
of the Formosa regime will be coordinated with American leadership.
Chen, who also is Prime Minister of the Chinese Nationalist
government, came here as the representative of President Chiang
Kai-Shek who has vowed not to
leave Formosa as long as his gov- 'BLERP' ZEEPS:
ernment remains at war with the
Communists who rule the Chinese
mainland. S tructurc
.aInammediate Discussions I Ct r
Approach Forms New Grammar Rules
Chen went almost immediately
into discussions with Kennedy
which lasted an hour and 40 min-
utes. The pledges of mutual co-
operation were renewed publicly
in an exchange of toasts at a
White House luncheon.
The talks which will be con-
tinued tomorrow are designed to
reassure Nationalist China of full
United States support at the
United Nations when the issue of
Communist China's representation
is raised at the General Assembly
session in September.
beThe Chinese Nationalists have
been worried also that moves by
the United States to recognize
Communist Outer Mongolia would
ml r ..+,. an4 i +n e firmine
"The blery zeeped."
The structure of this sentence formed the basis of "The New
Grammer - and Composition: A Class Demonstration" presented
yesterday by Bernard Weiss, supervisor of language arts of the
Detroit junior high schools.
His "lesson" was presented with the aid of several junior high
school students.
Weiss showed how word pattern and meaning are interdependent
in sentence formation. To illustrate he quoted a nonsense verse from
"Alice in Wonderland":
'Twas brillig and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe
All mimsy were the borogroves'
And the mome raths outgrabe.
He demonstrated how it would be feasible to substitute for the
n.nn.rca .ahoi es thwo rns-
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