Students in Summertime: Swing,
Stroke and Sup
ANN ARBOR'S RESOURCES ARE unlimited when it comes to providing things to do and places to go outside the classroom. At left, Scott Bruce of Harvard University takes time off from his Peace Corps training to swat a few on the courts near th
ter, Dan Burktt, Grad and Patricia Shannon of George Washington University paddle along Base Lake. On the right, Robert Garrels, Grad, and his wife, '65, find Island Park a natural setting for a quiet dinner.
e Intramural Bldg. Cen-
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Architecture Aud.
8 p.m.-The University Players
will present Spewack's "Under the
Sycamore Tree" at Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theater.
8:30 p.m.-Daniel Pressley, ten-
or, will present a music schoo
degree recital in the Recital Hal
of the music school.
1:30 p.m. -- The Audio-Visua
Education Center will preview
"Man of the Century: Churchill'
in the Multipurpose Rm. of the
3 p.m.-Prof. S. N. Eisenstadt
of the sociology department wil
present "Theories of Exchang
and Institutional Analysis" in a
sociology department colloquium
in the West Conference Rm of the
Rackham Bldg.
4 p.m.-"Three approaches to
the Teaching of Poetry" will be
analyzed by a panel of teachers
in Aud. C. They are Mrs. Naomi
Madgett of Northwestern High
School in Detroit; Mrs. Gertrude
7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild will
feature Charlie Chaplin in "Shoul-
der Arms," plus shorts, in the
ACLU Statement
EDITOR'S NOTE: Following are excerpts from a statement by the
Ann Arbor-Washtenaw County Board of the American Civil Liberties
Union. The statement relates to an ordinance proposed eight weeks
ago in City Council. It would require picketers to register with the city.
Pity Attorney Jacob Fahrner said in a Council working session
Wednesday night that the ordinance would be*unconstitutional
j It has come to our attention that you are considering the
enactment of an ordinance to regulate picketing in Ann Arbor.
Much of the regulation . . . is unconstitutional; all of it is
unwise and unnecessary.
The United States Supreme Court has recognized that
peaceful picketing is a form of social and political expression
and, as such, is "within the area of free discussion that is
guaranteed by the Constitution" (Thornhill v. Alabama, 310
U.S. 88).
More Than Free Speech
Picketing may, of course, insome circumstances be more
than simply the exercise of free speech. To the extent that it
goes beyond speech and results in damage to other more im-
portant social values, picketing may be regulated by the states.
However, freedom of discussion (including the right to
picket) is of such overwhelming importance that few other values
outweigh it. (In Thornhill vs. Alabama, the Supreme Court said)
"The safeguarding of (the right to picket as a form of freedom
of discussion) to the ends that men may speak as they think
on matters vital to them and that falsehoods may be exposed
through the processes of education and discussion, is essential
to free government."
Picketing cannot be regulated merely because a breach of
peace is "thought to be inherent" in picketing (Op. Cit.). Nor can
the right to picket "be enforced forfeited because of dissociated
acts of past violence" (Milk Wagon Drivers Union v. Meadow-
moor Dairies, 210 U.S. 287).
Hulett of Traverse City Junior a The Daily Offici
s High School and Robert Freier, official publicatio
e chairman of the English depart- sity of Michigan
- ment at Osborn High School in Michigan Daily ass
Detroit hresponsibility. Noti
4:10 p.m. - Herbert Hill, na- 3564 Administratio
tional labor secretary of the Na- 2 p.m. of the day p
Lion, and by 2 p~m.
- tional Association for the Ad- ayand byda.
d vancement of Colored People will
1 describe "The Negro Status in the SATURDAY
United States: Conflict and Prog-
ress" in Aud. A. Day Ca
His speech will be the fifth in
1 a series of summer session special . casee Next Week's E
v programs on "The American Negro
" in Transition: 1964."
e 8:30 p.m.-The University Mu- G ne
sical Society will feature a piano Attention 1964 Su
t recital by Eugene Istomin at Rack- didates: This office
l ham Aud. with transcripts ofy
e ord showing your
e TUESDAY dipoma showing y
aafterSept. 14, 196
Noon - Elizabeth H. Sumner, approval of the degre
program assistant in the Office " Those who expec
of Religious Affairs will probeending competion
"The Feminine Mystique: A Clue EUGENE ISTfINiN should turn in a d
to this office now, if
to Idenity Crises" in the Anderson "The Kremlin: It's History and previously submitted
Rm of the Michigan Union. Art" in the Multipurpose Rm of Doctoral Exami
1:30 p.m. - The Audio-Visual the UGL. Sutherland Hayden,
Education Center will preview ."The Influence of
"The Renaissance: Its Beginnings 7:30 p.m.-Prof. William Labov the Curriculums of
in Italy" and "Michelangelo: The of Columbia University will dis- gan High Schools,'
Medici Chapel" in the Multipur- cuss "Social and Chronological 3206UHS, at 2 p.m
pose of the UGLI. Structure of Linguistic Variables"Anderson.
7:30 p.m.-Prof. Pavle Ivic of in Rackham Amphitheater. Doctoral Examinati
the University of Novi "Sad, Yugo- 8:30 p.m.-Prof. Eugene Bossart Hammersanitary E
thevi UinivsiyzoeNviSd,"uo-Electrode Potential
slavia will analyze "Types of Lin- and Charles Fisher of the music tions in the Acidific
guistic Differentiation: Geograph- school will perform a duo piano tion stages of Sewag
ic and Historical Background" in recital with the Chamber Orches- Using Dialysis Memi
Mon., July 20, 275 V
the Rackham Amphitheater. tra in Rackham Lecture Hall. 2 p.m. Chairman, J. A
8:30 p.m. - Suzanne Thorin, FRIDAY
mezzo-soprano, will present a mu- seniors:f Buness
sic school degree recital i the 1:30 p.m. - The Audio-Visual sic, and Undergrad P
Recital Hall of the music school. Education Center will preview tative lists of seniors
WEDNESDAY "The Golden Fish" and "Legend ion have been poste
board in the first fli
1:30 p.m. - The Audio-Visual of Johnny Appleseed" in the Multi- Bldg. Any changes
Education Center will preview purpose Rm of the UGLI. be requested of the
and cie7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild will fie of RegistrationF
"Population Ecology" and "The dow Number A, 1513
City and the Future" in the Multi- present Buster Keaton in "The
purpose Rm of the UGLI. General"; Charlie Chaplin in Planet
7:30 p.m.-J ery H. Bilik of the "Caught in the Rain"; Edgar Ken-EC
music school 'will relate "Music nedy in "A Pair of Tights"; and TEACHER PLACEMEV
and Madison Avenue" at the B'nai Mac Sennett's "Lizzies of the The following sch
B'rith Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill Field" in the Architecture Aud. vacancies for the scJ
St. 8:30 p.m.-Prof. William Calder
8:30 p.m.-The Stanley Quartet from Agness Scott College, De-
(Gilbert Ross, violin; Gustave catur, Ga., will explain "What We
Rosseels, violin; Robert Courte, Learn from Double Stars" in Aud.
viola; Jerome Jelinek, cello; with D.
George Papich, viola) will per- 8:30 p.m.-Mary Ida Hodge, or-
form in the Rackham Lecture ganist, will give a music school
Hall. degree recital in Hill Aud.
1:30 p.m. - The Audio-Visual
Education Center will preview4 E
2ND WEEK. 8-
DIAL 668-6416
DAILY AT 1:00-4:30-8:00
Colorby Deluxe 717 North University
Mats. $1.00; Eves. & Sun. $1.25
minmer Degree Can-
will provide you
your academic rec-
latest degree and
your latest degree
4 when we expect
t to be graduated
of summer work
diploma, application
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::'; . " qy,,.r "'nyr%; i : .; " .q? ; } 4'? .
, '"". ' ..y"pt , ASa'. . . .,, y+.. ...:,; r gq':i ', p , "r{ a
University Lutheran Chapel, Gamma
Delta Regional Outing in the Irish
Hills, July 19, meet at Chajel at
10:15 a.m., 1511 Washtenaw.
Lutheran Student Center & Chapel,
Supper, 6 p.m.; Dean Allan Pfnister,,
Wittenberg University, will speak on
"Education as an Element of Social Re-
demption" at 7 p.m., Sun., July 19,
Hill St. at Forest Ave.
Order Your
NO 2-3241
onday thru Saturday
8:30 to 5:30 P.M. G
The Dascola Barbers
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Aiorni IU