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July 18, 1964 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1964-07-18

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scattered thundershowers
today and tonight

VOL. LXXIV. NO. 19-S ANNA11TTir. n TTsrn £iYcam. *


-MINA tlibOVIrm, 1Y11CinIUAN, NATURDAY, JULY 18, 1964


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UAW Bargaining
For 'Labor Dignity'
Major Union Goals Include
Greater Rest and Relief Time
DETROIT (M)-The United Auto Workers Union, bargaining with
the "Big Three" auto makers during a boom period, apparently has
put "the dignity of labor" on a par with straight economic demands
and creation of new jobs.,'
New work rules and more rest and relief time are major goals
set forth in the UAW propositions presented to the automakers in
the "first round" bargaining sessions concluded this week.
The proposals laid on the bargaining table follow a resolution
passed by the UAW national convention to seek "to civilize, and
humanize the factories and offices in which our members spend half

Civil Rights Ac
Placed on Tria
Two Cases in Atlanta To Test
Public Accommodations Section
ATLANTA (I)-The Civil Rights Act went on trial in a fed
court here yesterday in two suits.
In the first, motel owner Moreton Rolleston contended t
the civil rights act of 1964 takes away property rights and invF
the domain of state legislatures.
And in a second lawsuit, filed by three Negroes against a se
gated restaurant, federal attorneys loosed a barrage of testin
aimed at proving that the restaurant comes under the civil ri
law in the statute's first test.
Motel owner Rolleston, an attorney, argued his case before tl
federal judges in the nation's first court test of the 15-day-old
As President of the Heart of At--


Student Hits,
Service Fee
New charges for after-hours
calls to Health Service are likely
to deter students who need emer-
gency medical care, a University
graduate student predicted yester-
His claim drew a quick rebuttal
from Melbourne Murphy, assistant
to the director of Health Service.
The new policy, in force since
June 1, levies charges of, $3 or
$5 on a student coming to Health
Service outside of regular clinic
hours. Only if he has been injur-
ed in a University building or in
University - sponsored athletics
does he automatically escape this
fee. Previously, a sufficiently se-
vere emergency entitled a student
to free after-hours care.
Live with It
The graduate student, George
N. Vance, Jr., said that "my con-'
cern is about the student who
learns about this charge, then gets
sick one night and says, I'll just
live with it until morning.' By 9.
a.m. he may be in a coma. This
is the thing that's atrocious to
Vance, who holds a master's de-
Need Friends?
Beginning Monday, you'll
again be able to find that long-
lost friend. The summer Stu-
dent Directory will be available
at several campus locations and
in local bookstores for 50 cents.

-4 their waking lives."
New Goals
Union goals in this third straight
boom year for the auto industry
contrast sharply with 1961. The
main goal then was getting men
back to work after lawoffs, with
wages a main issue.
Councils for the UAW Depart-
ments at Ford Motor Co., Gen-
eral Motors Corp., Chrysler Corp.
and American Motors Corp. em-
phasized this spring that new
contracts must "assert the sov-
ereignty of human beings over
There has been no immediate
reaction from the auto companies
on positions taken by the union
except that of GM Vice-Prsident
Louis .Seaton. He said "there isn't
an aura of realism" in the UAW
But spokesmen for all the auto
firms have stated that any reduc-
tion in the amount of work done
by employes costs money. Andall
have said that any settlement must
be "non-inflationary."
This year the/ union apparently
considers a number one require-
ment of the new contract a pro-
vision for rest periods in addition
to personal relief time now given.
The union says this must apply
to "all workers on assembly lines
and on all other jobs where the
worker is not now free to take
reasonable pause from the grind-
ing monotony of production work."
Earlier retirement also is near
the top of the union demands this
year. The UAW says "earlier re-
tirement should be made avail-
able at the earliest age that may
be practicable and in any case not
later than either age 60 or on
the basis of a factor system which
gives recognition to long service
by workers who are still short of
Some GM Council members in-
sisted they got a "firm verbal com-
mitment" from UAW President
Walter Reuther that he wouldn't
sign a contract that didn't tie re-
tirement to a fixed number of
years of service, as well as age.
UAW Secretary-Treasurer Emil
Mazey vowed there will be no con-
tract unless the companies as-
sume the full cost of hospital-a
medical insurance for retirees.


George Romney Kenneth Keating

Nelson Rockefeller*

Romney, Rocky Stay Unconvinced

Michigan Chief Seen Fearing
Right-Wing Party Influences

LANSING Y')--Gov. George W. Romney returned to Michigan:
yesterday with serious reservations about the 1964 Republican Party
platform and an apparent coolness toward its presidential candidate,
Sen. Ba'ry Goldwater.
Romney told a caucus of the Michigan delegation to the GOP
National Convention Thursday he would support Goldwater only
if the campaign is free of "hate-peddling and fear-spreading and
devoted to issues of the day."
Sources close to the governor said Romney is disturbed about
the possibility that right-wing extremist groups might play an
active role in the Goldwater cam-
Although Romney applauded
. politely when Goldwater com-
pleted his acceptance speech at
the convention Tuesday night, the
governor was grim-faced and un-
LONDON (P)--Conservative and smiling.
Labor parties jockeyed last night To newsmen asking what he
for advantage in Britain's looming thought of the speech and its
general election from Sen. Barry reference to extremism, Romney
Goldwater's nomination. said "no comment."+
Each claimed privately the Goldwater called for a Repub-+
other is more likely to be hurt. licanism not made fuzzy and fu-
One Conservative legislator told tile by what he called "unthink-1
a party rally that if both Gold- ing labels."+
water and Labor Party Leader Wait, See
Harold Wilson win control of the Romney has adopted a wait-
respective governments: and-see attitude toward the Pres-
"1. . .Britain could well find it idential campaign partly because
had thrown away its own defenses of the failure of the convention
and placed itself under the ul- to adopt what he felt were twoI
timate protection of a state head- v i t a 1 amendments aimed at
ed by a man who believed in direct strengthening the platform in the
and dangerous confrontation (with fields of civil rights and extrem- r
Communism) and was prepared to ism.-
put into the hands of frontline The governor, who is up for
soldiers everyday nuclear weap- re-election this November, toldI
ons." newsmen:I
Wilson himself appealed to the "We made our position clear:
British in a televised interview The fact that these amendmentsc
Thursday to stand clear of the were voted down at this conven-
U.S. campaign. tion makes it impossible to sayt
"We've got enough to worry what those who will conduct the 1
about without getting in the national campaign have in mind1
Americans' hair, or they in ours," as a result of voting those amend- i
he said. ments down.t
Needs Basis

New York Governor Blasts
Statements on 'Extremism'
By The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO-The Republican debate over "extremism"
continued yesterday as New York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller de-
nounced the view of Presidential nominee Barry Goldwater. Gold-
.water flared back with a challenge to the governor to define the
term in writing.
And at the same time, Rockefeller's fellow New York liberal
Republican,Sen. Kenneth Keating, denied that he and about half
of the New York delegation had staged a "walkout" after Goldwater's
nomination acceptance speech Thursday. Rockefeller issued a state-
ment tearing into Goldwater's

extremism view declared in the
acceptance speech. The governor
seized on Goldwater's declaration
that "extremism in the defense of
liberty is no vice; and moderation
in the pursuit of justice is no
Rockefeller, who made a run
for the nomination in the name
of moderation and sought un-
successfully to get a declaration
against extremism into the party
platform, said his own reaction to
Goldwater's statement was one of
"amazement and shock."
"To extol extremism-whether
'in defense of liberty' or in 'pur-
suit of justice'-is dangerous, ir-
responsible and frightening,"
Rockefeller said.
Told of the Rockefeller state-
ment, Goldwater came back with
"Is it extreme action for our
boys to give their lives in Viet
Nam? Would the governor fight
for his life? That would be an
extreme action.",
Goldwater added: "I would like
the governor, for my benefit and
the benefit of the party and the
people of America, to put down
in writing his definition of ex-
Keating explained yesterday that
he led his delegation out of the
Cow Palace in the middle of the
applause for Goldwater not as a
protest move, but due to a virus
infection he had.
Many of those in the Cow Pal-
ace left even before the speech
vas over to avoid the rush. But
the New York delegation was very
noticeable because it went out all
at once, was sitting in the front,
and was known not to be en-
husiastic for Goldwater. In addi-
tion, the delegation had not ap-
plauded during the speech.

W irtlz Cites
Job Increase
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The nation's
economy-including total nonfarm
employment, weekly factory earn-
ings, factory work week length
and overtime hours-is bursting
with health, President Lyndon B.
Johnson was told recently.
Secretary of Labor Willard W.
Wirtz made public figures which
showed that:
-There were 59.1 million per-
sons employed in nonfarm jobs in
June, up 1.5 million over the same
month last year and the highest
total on record.
-Weekly factory earnings were
up 53 cents overlay to $103.50 in
June-an all-time high.
-The work week of 40.9 hours
was the highest of any June since
the end of World War II.
-The overtime figure, among;
the 15 to 16 million workers who
are working extra hours, was 3.2
hours, the highest recorded since
the Bureau of Labor Statistics
began keeping such figures in

lanta Motel Corp., Rolleston sued
for an injunction against enforce-
ment of the statute.
The court took the issue under
Rolleston,citing an 1875 Su-
preme Court decision invalidating
a similar law, urged the court to
send the issue on to the United
States Supreme Court.
He said Congress had no con-
stitutional power to enact the law
-not even under the interstate
commerce clause upon which the
statute stands.
Attorney Burke Marshall of the
Justice Department argued that
the right of Congress to regulate
interstate commerce also extends
to anything affecting such com-
merce-including purely intrastate
In a countersuit, the government
asked an. injunction against the
motel operating on a discrimina-
tory basis.
Marshall said Congress could
deal with racial discrimination in
public accommodations because it
affects Negroes traveling in inter-
state commerce, involves artificial
restrictions on markets, and racial
disputes have an economic effect.
"I think the findings of Congress
are entitled to great weight," he
said. Marshall denied the law's
enforcement amounted to illegal
taking of private property.
In the suit of the Negroes
against the segregated restaurant,
nineteen witnesses took the stand'
before the three-judge hearing
was recessed until Monday.
The issue centers on the appli-
cation of the civil rights law in an
injunction suit. brought by the
Negroes and joined by the Justice
An earlier hearing by the same
court pinpointed the Constitution-
al question raised by the motel
Testimony from Federal Bureau
of Investigation agents and whole-
sale food dealers was aimed at
proving that the Pickrick Res-
taurant, owned by segregationist
Lester Maddox, serves interstate
travelers and that a substantial
portion of its food has moved in
interstate commerce.'

gree from the public health
school, said that a major prob-
lem in public health is to get
people needing medical care to see
a doctor. He said the institution
of the Health Service fee is a step
away from this goal.
But Murphy denied that any-
one need pass up medical care
because of the new fee. Students
unable to pay their bill may have
it waived by Health Service Di-
rector Dr. Morley Beckett.
Doctor Expense
He said the after-hours fee was
.prompted by the increased ex-
pense involved in maintaining a
doctor on duty or on call during
off-hours. Even with the new
charge, he pointed out, the Serv-
ice loses money on after-hours
calls. Whether the tab amounts to
$3 or $5 depends on he call.
Dr. Beckett, out of town until
Monday, was not available for
Vance commented that he be-
came aware of the new policy only
after he was charged for a Satur-
day afternoon call. "If they must,
maintain the fee, they should at
least publicize it," he declared.
As in the past, the Health Serv-
ice offers free clinic service to
students and faculty from 9 a.m.-
noon Monday through Saturday
and 1-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
.S. Protes s
Firing on Ship
In Soviet Port
Department disclosed yesterday
that a Soviet naval vessel fired
three shots across the bow of an
American grain ship in the Black
Sea after the freighter had left a
Soviet port without official clear-
The United States made an oral

Move Clos

To Parlng
The parking protestors on Nort
Campus parked their 150 cars s
usual on the Phoenix Proje
lawn yesterday, but the optimisi
among them hoped that the
would not have to do it any more.
A meeting last Tuesday betwee
North Campus academic heads an
University officials produced
good amount of progress towar
a settlement of the situation,
Vice-President for Academic A
fairs Roger W. Heyns said ye
The meeting discussed all th
main points of conflict betwee
the protestors and the administra
tion. Attending were Heyns, Exec
utive Vice-President Marvin I
Niehuss,. Francis . Shiel, man
ager of Services Enterprises, wh
is in immediate charge c
the parking situation on Nort:
Campus; Dean Stephen J. Att
wood of the engineering colleg
and other North Campus academi
Discussion topics included:
-The ;application of the Oen
tral Campus parking plan conpe,
to North Campus. The pro'estor
have maintained that space an
personnel considerations o Nort
Students accustomed to re-
ceiving their Dailies six times
a week during the fall and
spring should remember that
the summer paper Is Issued five
times weekly. It does not come
out on Sunday or Monday.,
Campus warrant a different typ
plan than the one which went In
to effect July 1.
-The protestors' claim that the:
received not nearly enough notic
on the parking changes. They hayi
said that few of them knew o
the changes, which were set fo
July 1 four months in advance
until a month before they wen
into effect. The administration ha
countered that the changes wer
discussed and approved by th
SenatedAdvisory Committee 'o
University Affairs in April.
-The general complaint of th
protestors that there has beer
"just not enough contact betwee
the people on North Campus an
the administration," as one com
mented at the outset.
The Tuesday meeting rose It
part from several letters, sent
Vice-President for Business an
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont, urg
ing that the protestors be give
the one-month moratorium-dis-
cussion period they originally re
quested on the parking regula
Attwood wrote one of the note
"Most of those who sent letter
thought that a short cooling of
period would be good for the sit
uation," said Attwood, explainini
that "the Tuesday meeting mad
progress toward a settlement."
Wallace Seeks
States Rights
George Wallace of Alabama see
himself as a presidential candidat
who, if he can't win, may be abl
to swap his votes for a state
rights promise to the South.
He said last night that he hope
to carry enough states to kee
either of the mainp narty candi

_three Satellites Launched
To Aid Nuclear Detection
CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (P)-Three United States satellites soared
into wide-swinging orbits yesterday to complete the first leg of a,
celestial triple play aimed at perfecting a foolproof means of detecting
secret nuclear explosions in space.
The second and third legs were scheduled for execution early
this morning. At these times, ground stations planned to beam radio
signals to ignite on-board rockets to jockey first one and then a

"Until I know on the basis of
further action why, in Michigan
we're going to concentrate on a
Republican victory and a cam-
paign that reflects the positions
we have taken here."
Romney said he had no inten-
tion of taking the initative in
setting up a meeting with Gold-
"I have taken plenty of initia-
tive in the past nine months," he
said, in an obvious reference to
several unsuccessful attempts to
get together with Goldwater.


Danes, Swedes Threaten
To Remove- Cypriot Men
NICOSIA, Cyprus (P)-Denmark and Sweden threatened yester-
day to withdraw their United Nations peace force units from Cyprus
if the situation deteriorated further. Their warning came as United
Nations soldiers moved to head off a threatened clash of Greek and
Turkish Cypriots.
Two companies of Canadian troops were sent to the Turkish vil-
lage of Temblos when Greek Cypriots moved in heavy artillery and,

second spacecraft into new cir-'
cular orbits about 63,000 miles
high. I
These two maneuverable Sentry
satellites are to peer electronically
more than 200 million miles into
space to detect if Russia or any
other nation violates the partial
nuclear test ban treaty by ex-
ploding a rocket-carried bomb far
from earth.
Their cosmic companion was a
4.5-pound "Pygmy" satellite as-'
signed to monitor electrons in the
Van Allen radiation belt for any
sign of a disturbance which could
indicate a clandestine high-alti-
tude blast.
All three-their sides spangled'
with glistening solar cells to draw
power from the sun-started their
journey packed in the nose of a
10-story-tall Atlas-Agena rocket
that thundered brilliantly into the
pre-dawn darkness.
It was the fourth time an Air
Force Atlas-Agena hurled a bun-
dle of three satellites into orbit.
Another Atlas-Agena launched last
year holds the record with a 4-
in-1 firing.
The two-stage rocket propeled





U' Players Reveal '64-'65 Fare,'

Seven productions will mark
the University Players' 1964-65
season, three in the fall term and
four during the winter.
The fare, ranging from comedy
to historical drama, includes a
wide-ranging collection of plays.
Opening the season, Prof. Jack
E. Bender of the speech depart-

ment will direct Paddy Chayef-I
sky's "Gideon," a dramatization of
the life and times of the famed
I Biblical character. It will run Oct.
7-10 in the Trueblood Auditorium.
The second offering will be
Moliere's comedy, "The Imaginary
alid," directed by Prof. Richard
Burgwin of Northwestern Univer-
.sity, who will be joining the speech
department staff in August. It
will run Nov. 4-7 in Trueblood
Original Play
The last production of the fall
semester will be an original playI
from the playwrighting classes of
the English Department. Running
Dec. 2-5, this year's offering will
be "The Peacemaker" by Carl

I The fifth offering will be a
macabre sort of comedy by Fran-
cois Billetdoux, "Chez Torpe,"
running Feb. 17-20 in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre under the direc-
tion of Prof. William R. McGraw
of the speech department.
The sixth production will be an
annual event, in which University
Players are joined by the opera
department in the music school.
Running March 17-21, this year's
offering will be "Die Fledermaus"
by Richard Strauss, under the
direction of Prof. Jack E. Bender
of the speech department.
The production will feature
Prof. Ralph Herbert of the music
school in the role he created on
the stage of the Metropolitan

drama of the 17th century scien-
tist, in Trueblood Aud.
All performances will be at 8
p.m., except the March 21st of-
fering of the opera, which is a
matinee opening at 2:30 p.m.
Season tickets will be available
from the speech department or
student representatives on campus
during registration in August and
until Oct. 5.

o"prepared to advance on Temblos,
in the strategic Kyrenia Moun-
tains in northern Cyprus.
ITurkish Cypriots moved fighters
into the village - a cluster of
stone and mud-brick h o u s e s
crowded the refugees-after ten-
sion rose in the area a week ago.
Denmark, in a message to
Deputy Secretary-General Ralph
Bunche at United Nations head-
quarters in New York, said its
nearly 1000 man contingent would
leave the Mediterranean island if
the military buildup of both Greek
and Turkish forces was not ended
It called the buildup "contrary
to the Security Council agreement
that every member nation should
abstain from actions worsening
the situation."
Sweden sent a message to Sec-
retary-General U Thant in Ge-
neva asking for his views on call-
ing an urgent Security Council
session to discuss Cyprus.
The message said Sweden looks
very seriously upon the recent dis-
turbing developments and said if
the concerned parties do not co-

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