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July 17, 1964 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1964-07-17

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
f or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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Only Chaplin Spark le In eiceP orm

Y, JULY 17, 1964


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The Goldwater Campaign:
What Are the Issues?

V I T H WEDNESDAY'S nominations
over, the attention of all turns to-
ard the presidential campaign. What
ill be the issues? How will they be ar-
ced? Who is in the best position?
The paramount feature of the cam-
aign will be that the issues will be ill-
fined; and will, without exception, be,
>orly argued. This factor alone will
sily make the campaign one of the
ost frustrating and meaningless of the
ventieth century in America.
For one thing, the Republicans cannot
;ree on what the issues are. Barry
oldwater has been quoted as saying, "I
>pe to God civil rights does not become
z issue." And it is well known that Hen-
Cabot Lodge does not wish to make
1 issue of Viet Nam. Perhaps reassur-
gly, the Republican clamor over the
)bby Baker case has determined that
ey are agreed on at least one "issue"
r 1964.
VILLIAM SCRANTON has - and cor-
rectly-defined the most important is-
e both at home and abroad as keep-
g the peace. But when it comes down
debating on peace, where does the ar-
ment lead? Goldwater would have our
emies (and occasionally friends) cringe
ider the might of military superiority
d thus presumably act in a peaceful
Some of the more optimistic of his col-
igues would favor negotiation from un-
rstanding rather than obiesance from
ar. The Democrats surely would. The
o sides, if they debate on "peace," will
us talk right past each other, be-
uise they will be talking about differ-.
t things.
The same will apply to a debate on
et Nam, if it becomes an issue. Gold-
ter says our main trouble there is
at our generals are either fearful of
e enemy or chined by civilian control.
s solution would be to give them free

reign-and make sure they have the new-
est weapons. Here he misses the entire
point of our failure in Viet Nam.
WE ARE FAILING there because the
people are not on our side. To Gold-
water, this "war" requires only better
"weapons" and more "courage." He is
wrong: what it requires is that our South
Vietnamese government begin to favor
some meaningful social reforms. Perhaps
it is too late even for this; this is the
way we should have handled Viet Nam
starting in 1954. But not even to try to
do the right thing at this late date is even
more shameful.
Weapons will never win that war. The
side with the people behind it will end
up governing the people. At present that
side is the Viet Cong--and at present it
governs two-thirds of Viet Nam.
But Goldwater will not argue the war
this way; and whether Johnson chooses
to lower himself to Goldwater's abysmal
level or not, the "dialogue" will be futile
and meaningless.
CIVIL RIGHTS, says Goldwater, is "a
matter of the heart." It is. But it is
now also a matter of federal law.
Goldwater will not be able to present
or debate any proposals concerning this
law without incurring ridicule to him-
self because of his past record. At best
he will remain comparatively silent on
the issue. This will take the pressure off
Johnson, who after all, only favors civil
rights as a matter of political expedien-
cy. He-and John F. Kennedy-had a
choice between evils. They would lose
.more votes being against a strong civil
rights law than being for it. It was as
simple as that.
But now the law is passed, and some
pressure is off. There is certainly no pres-
sure from Goldwater. So Johnson can
for a time ignore-as he so passionately
wished he could all along--the pleas of
civil rights advocates. He cannot ignore
them forever, but he can stall them off
--"I passed the law"-for long enough to
make civil rights meaningless as a de-
bating point in the campaign.
THUS, THE COMING campaign, due
to an incompetent Republican candi-
date and a lack of immediate political
pressure, will surely be one of the most
degrading and meaningless of American
history. It will be a sad thing, but at least,
as Goldwater says, "the people will have
a choice."

At Cinema Guild
down its summer patrons. This
weekend's program of five shorts
and a longer short is mostly for
the student of the cinema. The
lone exception is Charlie Chaplin's
"Shoulder Arms" which easily
ranks as one of his best pieces.
The other five films are dis-
appointments. They only help us
appreciate how fine artists Chap-
lin and D. W. Griffith were.
"The Crisis," made in 1916, is
a golashes-on-the-wrong-foot mel-
odrama. If the story doesn't trip
over itself, you know that the
characters will manage to corn
things up.
* * *
THE STORY LINE is as old as
the Bible. A staunch, grayhaired
preacher is asked by settlers to
take over the new church in the
wild west of Indians on the war-
path and heavy-drinking cowboys.
For no discernable reason, he,
packs up his own imbibing son,
a mothering wife and a daughter
with the smallest waist I have
ever seen, and they head west. Ie
son gets hung up in a saloon along
the way, the father mops his brow
in disbelief, the mother wrings
out son-lost tears and the daugh-
ter's heart aches to know why she
has such a brother. The three
finally and sadly reach their des-
tination, leaving brother to his
own plight.
Some guardian angel--called the
script writer-is watching over,
these doings, and he decrees that
father and son must be reunited.
The father has suffered enough
and the son is reallyt good at
heart. So brother is made a hero
when the Indians attack the set-
tiers and he goes for aid. It is a
story for the ages, and because'
of the way it is told here, I wish
itrwould have been forgotten sev-
eaages ago.

'GG. HC) ook. my

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"THE KISS" was a shocker in
its day-imagine, a man and wom-
an smooching before our eyes-
and stars May Irwin and John
C. Rice. (The Cinema Guild re-
ported incorrectly.) The Laurel
and Hardy short is mildly divert-
ing and little else. Please hesi-
tate to leave early if you get
tired of these first five items,
for Chaplin's "Shoulder Arms" is
definitely worth the wait.
-Michael Juliar
Not Sex
At the State Theatre
no sex in "Bedtime Story." In
fact, the story isn't even about
sex (it's only the merchandising
gimmick)--it's about money. Da-
vid Niven and, Marlon Brando,
who want it, are matched with
Shirley Jones and a succession of
bit players (36-24-36) who give
it to them (with, as a fringe
benefit, certain other unmention-
able goods or services).
Brando even winds up marry-
ing the good American girl he
almost took for $25,000. That
should cover the plot.
There's a bloodthirsty police in-
spector. ("He wouldn't let me
loosen the wheels on his car. He
wouldn't let me get Renni the
Knife. He wouldn't let me use
the, gun. How on earth does he
expect law and order to prevail?")
AND HIS GUN, held In a hand-
kerchief. ("This was Hermann
Goering's Luger. It has no finger-
prints on it but his.")
And there is the chase scene.
Brando has to follow Niven and
Shirley Jones. They area on horse-
back, on surfboard, and at last
in a, glider. He -is in a wheelchair.
Which winds up bouncing tumul-
tuously down the side of a hill
at a barn. The farmer opens the
loor just in time, Brando runs
into the, farmwife on the way
through the barn and winds up
thrown into the pig slough with
a milking pail full of mud on his
Brando is "recovering" the abil-
ity to walk:
(Jones) "Walk to me, Freddie.
Oh, come to me." He does.
(Jones) "You must rest."
(Brando) "Oh, no. I want to see
how far I can go. Move over
there by the bed."
And insult on top of injury, the
film and photography quality is
:niserable. There are inexplicable
flashes of white or black, scenes
%re spliced into each other with
absolutely no transition, and the
wheelchair careens downslope in-
dependent of the vegetation.

U.S. Neglects Schools Abroad

R ghts Effors
THE MISSISSIPPI Freedom Democratic
Party, an integrated civil rights poli-
tical party being organized by the 'Coun-
cil of Federated Organizations, is gain-
ing momentum in a drive to unseat the
Mississippi Democratic Party at the Na-
tional Democratic .Convention n e x t
month. It is not alone in its efforts.
The state Democratic Conventions of
New York, Michigan, California, Minne-
sota, and the District of Columbia have
come out solidly in favor of supporting
the Freedom Party.
But the party has one trouble - it
doesn't have enough registered members
to look respectable at a national conven-
tion thus far. For as slim as the support
is for the regular Mississippi Democratic
Party, the organized support is even slim-
mer for the Freedom Party.
let Negroes register in Mississippi. The
white supremacy machines and police
forces run by men such as Sen. James
Eastland are at present succeeding in
their efforts to deprive 40 per cent of
their state's adult population (the Ne-
groes) of their constitutional rights.
One SNCC worker stated the problem.
"Where in Alabama, they at least let you
into the courthouse and then usually
keep you from registering by sophisticat-
ed means, in Mississippi they don't let
you in the courthouse at all-and often
beat you when you get in."
The NAACP national convention has
urged that the federal government take
over the government of Mississippi to stop
the autocratic system there. But others,
such as CORE leader Bayard Rustin, dis-
agree: "The way to be victorious is
through political, not military power."
RUSTIN'S POSITION seems more fav-
orable for the long run. But the only
way for it to begin on its path is for
the Freedom Party to gather support-
and voters--for the national convention.
It has made a good if difficult start. More
cnnnr. +if -eafr.+ might hca nff tho

AMERICA has never taken great
pains to cast her best image
overseas. For all their expendi-
tures, our tourists and business-
men have helped little to win
friends and influence people.
But the most blatant demon-
stration of ugly Americanism has
come from-of all places - the
Department of Defense. The de-
fenders of peace in some 25
countries are also the adminis-
trators of a rambling and bum-
bling school system which seems
to present more obstacles to good
management than hunting down.
Viet Cong guerrillas.
* * *
THE NATION'S tenth largest
school system, it contains 284
schools which have 7000 educa-
tors and 160,000 children of mili-
tary personnel.
In America, the country is com-
ing to scorn the inadequacies of
racially imbalanced schooling.
Overseas, the conditions are much
worse. But not a peep.'
The big question is why the
image-conscious U.S. perpetuates
thisr blight on iLself. The answer
is simple: the Defense Depart-
ment has its hands tangled in its
CONGRESS has set up the
school system under the depart-
ment's jurisdiction. This means
that military men are often as-'
signed duty as chief administra-
tors. More important, however, is
the method of fund dispensation.
The Congress currently allows an
annual $285 per pupil fee. From
this inadequate fund, teachers and
administrators are paid.
The remainder of the money to
provide supplies and textbooks
must come from the base funds.
The base commander, even if he's
not principal, still holds the purse
strings for paper and shop equip-
ment, typewriters and desks.

In rare cases, a base has a
progressive thinking commander
and a fluid supply of money. Oth-
erwise, the teachers are left upon
their own initiative.
BUT EVEN their initiative is
dulled by discomfort. Inside the
classroom they are met with heat-
less, light-less classrooms. Outside,
it's worse. Dilapidated housing, in-
adequate recreational facilities,
and-of course-a foreign country
all breed dissatisfaction,
Somehow, they complain most
bitterly about the salary scale.
Back in 1946, teachers had a civ-
il service classification which gave
them salaries akin to federal em-
ployes in demanding jobs.
But in 1959, the teachers were
written a special law. It instruct
ed the secretary of defense to pay
them "in relation to the rates of
basic compensation" in cities of
100,000 people.
This plan was successful for one
year. Since then, the payments
have failed to meet required lev-
els. For the 7000 teachers, this
has meant a revenue loss of $10
million. For the individual teach-
er the effects are equally drama-
tic. If he has earned a master's
degree, his salary in 1960-accord-
ing to the 1959 guidelines-should
have been $5,375. He got all but
IN THE 1963-64 school year, the
salary determination procedures of
the bill would have given this
teacher $5,855. He actually gross-
ed $5,475, a loss on the year of
nearly $400.
The National Education Asso-
ciation, which has attempted to
watchdog the overseas operation
through an international outlet,
has launched several protests. It
has even filed a suit to secure
the money legally appropriated to
these teachers.

But rectifying salary promises
would only be a first step. The
question of overall educational en-
vironment remains. The National
Education Association estimates
that one-third of the teachers
turn over every year.
* * *
TEACHERS are forced to impro-
vise maps, teach woodwork with-
out tools, coach basketball with-,
out court or net. When funds are
available, the red tape is increas-
ingly sticky. Often, schools are
filled with ditto machines with-
out fluid; or tools without wood.
Recent publicity on the dismal
state of education abroad may.
cause repercussions - eventually.
The Department of Defense has
set up study groups and study
groups on study. groups. But they
too may be doomed in the same
bureaucracy which dooms the
school system. In the meanwhile,
teachers in the states will continue
to average $6600. Overseas educa-
tors: $4720.

"The Death Ray" is not a cliff
hanger and yet I wish someone
would let go. There is a speck of
imaginative adventure in it that
leaves you about as limp as un-
cooked spaghetti.
Edwin S. Porter in 1900, made
the semi-documentary, "The Life
of an American Fireman." The
student of the cinema can study
it closely to learn about the de-
velopment of new techniques..
There is one short, slow pan in
it; that is, the camera moves
slowly across the scene. This vas
a startling idea then as all scenes
were made with a stationary
camera at the turn of the century.
There are also the crude rudi-
ments of the "cut-back"-the
shifting back and forth between
two related scenes. But here, Por-
ter develops one big scene and
then redoes it completely from
another point of view. f
Only later did he learn to shift
continuously between two scenes,
something the experts declared
would confuse the audience. The
experts were obviously wrolmg, for
without the "cut-back" the nar-
rative film would be impossible.

lU' PTP ir'scrimination

Active, Protest
MAYBE YOU CAN'T fight city hall, but
you can fight the Administration
Building-at least when the issue is park-
The current protest is not the first. In
recent years, there have been two other
occasions on which restrictions have
raised motorists' ire. Time has obscured
the details somewhat, but their relevance
to the present-and the future-remains.
In May of 1956, various forms of "no
parking" signs suddenly materialized on
campus-area streets. Many students, sud-
denly without a place to park, moaned
that "we were snuck up on," and a Daily.
editorial politely suggested that the rules
be reconsidered. But no one went be-
yond just talking. The no-parking signs
remain to this day.
jN OCTOBER OF 1955, the University's
parking committee set new rules re-
quiring Plant Department workers to pay
for previously free spaces. 150 employes
hit the ceiling, and then sat down on the
job. For a full afternoon they bottled
things up. Exactly how this battle came
out is unclear, but at worst the strikersj
got' a satisfactory compromise.
The moral for those unhappy with Uni-
versity policies seems to be this: if you
want to fight a University decision, you
have to make things uncomfortable for
the decision-makers. The North Campus
"park-in" now underway seems to sup-
port this theory.
THERE ARE ISSUES at the Unversity


Carder Displays Drive,
Energy in Folksinging
THE GREAT BATTLE still raging among the members of the folk
community revolves about various attempts at distinguishing the
ethnic or pure folksinger from the popular or commercial variety. One
would sacrifice entertainment for authenticity, the other equates suc-
cess with value. Jimmy Carder, the newest attraction at the Golden
Vanity, manages to satisfy the tastes of both.
Young in appearance, Jimmy looks much like a Yale Under-
graduate, complete with regulation tie. The appearance is deceiving,
however, for when he picks up his twelve string and begins to sing,
there is an energy and drive directly derived from his mentor, Bob
Gibson. Gibson's influence can be felt throughout both on the
insistent intensity of his back-up work and the open emotional and
tonal rise of lyric.
There are moments, most expressly demonstrated in "The Klan,"
in which the influence seems harmful as the power and impact con-
tained in the verse becomes submerged by an over-emotional render-
ing. Dynamics aside, there remains a case for subtlety.
YET THE GENERAL EFFECT of Jimmy Carder is stimulating.

To the Editor:
the May 16th conference on
discrimination in the Professional
Theatre Program at the University
of Michigan, the Association of
Producing Artists held a "Spade"
day audition in New York City.
Concept-East officials were in-
formed by their New York asso-
ciates that the A.P.A. sent out a
casting call to actors' agents to
which nearly 100 Negro actors
and actresses responded to fill a
single "vacancy."n
As the waiting rooms filled the
applicants recognized the blatant-
ly segregated scene and showered
A.P.A. representatives with deri-
sion. Subsequent to the audition,
form letters were sent to the
"unqualified" applicants inform-
ing them that they had failed to
meet A.P.A. "standards."
In a stealthy plot to avoid
rigorous negotiation of differences,
the A.P.A. failed to inform the
Concept-East of their decision to
open the theater company to
"token" integration.
OFFICIALS of the Concept-
East viewed this as another subtle
attempt of the power structure to
foist a unilateral decision on the
Negro as to his needs and the
limit of his opportunity. This end-
play by the A.P.A. in their New
York audition is just another in-
sult to the two years of injury
which the Negro endured from the
University's lily-white Profes-
sional Theatre Program which was
termed by its executive director
as an "artistic ideal."
In view of this naive maneuver
the Concept-East set its minimum

University in the Play of the
Month Series be integrated.
5) That this year's new play in'
the New Play Project be authored
by a Negro.
* * *
CONCEPT-EAST termed its re-
quest reasonable in view of the
two years of public and private
bigotry during the residence at
the University of the A.P.A. If
these minimum requests are met,
the A.P.A. can maintain its pri-
vate prejudices behind a mask of"
liberal equal opportunity, as be-
havior rather than attitude is
crucial to the poncept-East. It is
certain that these requests can
be met since the A.P.A. isdoing
excellent business.

In the face of obtrusive hypo-
crisy as evidenced by the situation
in the University Professional
Theatre Program one can easily
understand the invective ridden
nature of New York plays author-
ed by Negroes who evaluate their
"American Dream." James Bald-
win's "Blue for Mr. Charlie" and
LeRoi Jones "The Dutchman"
belch the grim need for recogni-
tion in the U.S.
The Concept-East has had its
broiled eyes focused on the A.P.A.
for two solid years watching the
scene develop while silently sIng-
ing the blues. Now its time for
Blues forl Mr. Charlie.
-Concept-East Theatre
Detroit, Mich.

Detoi, Mch



"Giddap, Boy----That's A Good Republican"

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