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Sunny and humid
with rising temperatures


VOL.LXXIV, No. 15-S-





Faculty Microcosm

Singers Goldwater
Cite Work



Based on the principle that
the unit is more viable than the
mass, the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Af-
fairs (SACUA) serves as the
University's most effective ve-
hicle for faculty opinion.
True, the University has a
faculty Senate which contains
1200 members. But it meets
only twice a year and is an
unwieldy instrument for public
Realizing this, the Senate.
elects a 19-man microcosm
which can represent its. views
to the administration. This is
SACUA. Two ex-officios are
added to make up the full com-
plementof 21 members.
From their rank is chosen
one man annually who, more
than anyone on the campus, is
responsible for seeing that SA-
CUA distills and transmits fac-
ulty sentiment.
For the coming year that
man will be Prof. Richard Well-
man of the Law Schoo , the
SACUA chairman. He replaces
Prof. William Kerr, chairman
of the nuclear engineering de-
partment. '
As chief faculty representa-
tive, Wellman will have a for-
midable task in crystalizing
faculty opinions. This is due in
part to the segmental or "state
rights" approaches of profes-

Their doctrine demands that
faculty members maintain ter-
ritorial rights over the run-
ning of their departments and
schools. This limits their scope.
In the Law School, faculty
members help "set admissions
policies and aid in the selec-
tion of new staff members."
With their interest centered
in their own schools and their
time devoted to research and
teaching, faculty members "are
reluctant to assume any more
responsibilities in a power
sense," Wellman observes.
They are only too glad to
leave the running of the Uni-
versity to the administrators.
Their task is to be a "viable
working advisory body to the
administration, aware that ad-
vice is best received when it is
isked for."
Wellman checks off a list of
cases where faculty opinion
was solicited and followed:
-The Reed report of 1962
(named for chairman Prof.
John W. Reed of the Law
School), which called for re-
vamping the Office of Student
-The Harris report (named
for Prof. Robert Harris of the
Law School) which set down
the guidelines in which a mem-
bership selection document was
drafted to guard against dis-
To prepare these and other
recommendations, SACUA re-

lies upon the principle of the
smaller unit. It has more than
15 subcommittees, each special-
izing in one field. Their invest-
igations explore all the major
issues of the University.
From the freedom and re-
sponsibility committee last year
emerged a proposal to alter the
nature of the University Senate
and SACUA. The provisions
would establish a University
Assembly of 65 persons elected
to three-year terms. SACUA
would be reduced to nine mem-
When the issue comes up for
discussion in the Senate next
fall, Wellman will remain neu-
tral. He does retain some
doubts: "I don't think that
shrinking SACUA will help it,"
he contends.
For Wellman and SACUA,
the next y earw ill be full of

In South

Delegates Approve,,Mule:

"We've come to Michigan to
portray the folk history and prob-
lems of the South and to give an
indication of the situation we face
there today."
Speaking was Raphael Ben- Meets Varied,
tham of New York City, one of a
four-man singing group composed R
of members of the Student Non-
Violent Coordinating Committee.
The group is touring the Midwest
this summer to create interest in Platform 'Bellicose'
the work of their organization in
Mississippi and elsewhere and to Moscow Contends
raise funds.
The "Freedon Singers." who By The Associated Press
have been visiting Ann Arbor for Reaction abroad to Arizona Sen.
several days, attended a reception Barry Goldwater's nomination was

Lashes at


issues demanding scrutiny. We the oo T M. Ne
must be prepared to discuss the; home of Prof. Theodore M. New-
host of new problems arising comb of the sociology department.
hos ofnwpolmrsn All members of the group have
with the third semester." These Almebrofteguphv
will include staffing, the new contributed to the voter registra-
schedule and admissions diffi- tion efforts in Mississippi. "The
cultie nn situation in Mississippi is much
worse than that in Alabama," one
SACUA subcommittees will commented. "Our Mississippi pro-
also face a flood of new stu- jects cannot in a true sense be
dents, sent by Student Govern- called 'voter registration'; they
ment Council, who wish to sit are, rather, - only concerted and
as ex-officios on its committees. occasionally successful attempts at
But Wellman sees no possi- voter registration, opposed on
bility for any form of mutual many sides by the governing white
"government" between teach- majority in Mississippi - which
ers and students; due to the constitutes only 60 per cent of the
faculty's advisory capacity. population."
Another singer explained the
Freedom Schools which have been
and are being set up in the South,
"We try to provide services and
instruction in remedial reading,
oh ela hygiene and community service,"
these centers is directed mainly
toward children who desire help."
$11 million in damages from the The other string of projects set

Law Seeks Ite grati

JACKSON, Miss. - Mississippi
Gov. Paul Johnson signed into law
yesterday a plan for avoiding
massive public school desegrega-
tion this fall, the United Press
International reported.
Children of both races who de-
sire to attend private, non-sec-
tarian schools will be eligible for
up to $185 yearly, according to
the new law. The program will be-
gin with a $1 maillon appropria-
tion passed in a special session of
the legislature.
It took Johnson's personal in-
tervention in the issue to break
a two-week deadlock in the Mis-
sissippi lawmaking body over the
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Reliable di-
plomatic informants reported yes-
terday a wave of executions and
mass arrests of opponents and
suspected . foes of Haiti Presi-
dent Francois Duvalier.
The arrests and executions arej
believed to follow the land-
ing of a small rebel force in Haiti
June 29.
LONDON-Britain agreed Wed-
nesday to call a conference of
Southern Rhodesians, black and
white, to discuss terms on which
the self-governing colony would
achieve independence.
Prime Minister Sir Alec Doug-
las Home approached Rhodesian
Prime Minister Ian D. Smith to
try .o persuade him to release
African nationalists detained by
his government.*
NICOSIA-Tension on Cyprus
appeared to be mounting danger-'
ously Wednesday as the Cypriot'
;overnment exerted new pressure
on the Turkish Cypriots.
The' government restricted en-
try of certain Turkish Red Cres-'
sent relief supplies for Turkish
Cypriots and advised Greek Cyp-
iot businessmen to end bulk sales
to the Turkish Cypriots of goods
newly classified as "strategic ma-
VIENTIANE-Four battalions of'
communist infantrymen began
arossing the Nam Ngum River yes-
terday in what appeared to be
an all-out attack on Muong Soui,
ast neutralist strdnghold on the
northwestern fringe of the Plaine
des Jarres.
* * * i
NEW YORK-Scores of steel-
helmeted patrolmen poured into
an upper East Side neighborhood
yesterday to prevent a riot after
i police lieutenant shot and killed
a Nero vuth.

Mississippi officials c o n t e n d
that their proposal will not fall
to federal court rulings in the
way that similar plans have been
overturned in Virginia and Ala-
bama. Unlike the bills of the other
two states, Mississippi's would not
close down the state's public
In other civil rights-related ac-
tion, a South Carolina school dis-
trict asked to be included in that
state's tuition grant plan, similar
to the new law in Mississippi. But
the state's education department
notified the district and 12 others
that it stood to lose federal funds
for impacted areas if it didn't pre-
sent desegregation plans by this
In more hopeful events, Federal
Bureau of Investigation Director
J. Edgar Hoover announced he
would conduct a series of confer-
ences with law enforcement offi-
cers on provisions of the new civil
rights law.
'Working Together'
Hoover said the conferences
would be aimed at providing a
clear understanding of the act and
enabling local, state and federal
agencies "to discharge their obli-
gations by working together."
Today the first court challenge
of the new law will be taken up
by three federal judges. Two sepa-
rate lawsuits under the two-week
old statute are set for hearing in
the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals
in Atlanta.
First on the docket is a com-
plaint by the Heart of Atlanta
Motel seeking an injunction1
against Atty. Gen. Robert F. Ken-
nedy's enforcement of the law and

federal government.

The second suit, which is likely
to be delayed, seeks an injunction
against a segregated restaurant.
The injunction was requested by
three Negroes who were chased
from the eating place at gunpoint
July 3.

up by the Council of Federated
Organizations is the system of
Community Centers. "The efforts
of these centers are directed at
the adults who desire to register
to vote, at those who want a place
for relaxation and recreation and
at those who want an explanation
of COFO's program in the South."

basically anxious, while comments
on the home front showed a wider
mixture of disfavor and support.
A rather general view in West-
ern Europe's press was that the
event was a victory for reaction-
ary elements and a setback for
world peace.
The Communists we'e stridently
anti-Goldwater. The soviet Com-
munist Party newspaper Pravda
said Goldwater is running on the
"most reactionary, bellicose and
adventurist pre-election platform
in American history."
Civic and other leaders in Amer-
ica normally considered outside
the GOP camp were critical of the
choice-a few claiming it spelled
doom for the party in the Novem-
ber elections.
Some party leaders offered their
support on a qualified basis, hing-
ing its continuance on Goldwater's.
Henry Cabot Lodge, farmer
United States ambassador to Viet
Nam, declined to say if he would
throw his political weight behind
the Goldwater campaign.
Walter Reuther, President of the
United Auto Workers, predicted
the Goldwater nomination would
mean defeat at the polls in No-
Reuther predicted President
Lyndon B. Johnson would win the
election "easily" on the grounds
that "the election of Goldwater
would be a catastrophe for Amer-
ica and the free world."
In Los Angeles the state Demo-
cratic Chairman said moderate
Republicans there flooded the
headquarters with calls seeking in-
formation on how to register Dem-
James G. Patton, President of
the National Farmers Union, de-
scribed Goldwater's nomination as
"a throwback to times alien to
the rank and file citizen."
Some Signs
Back in Europe, Copenhagen's,
conservative Berlingske Aftenavis
said there were "some signs of
hope that presidential candidate
Goldwater will not be quite the
same person as Sen. Goldwater."
In white-ruled South Africa,
Johannesburg's pro - government
Die Vaderland interpreted Gold-
water's victory as "a triumph over
the liberal tyranny in U.S. policy."
Several Spanish government of-
ficials expressed delight at the
nomination. "Now we will see a
real live, hard-hitting campaign
in the states," one said.

POLICE WENT INTO action Wednesday night as hundreds of
Negroes staged, a "lie-in" at the Cow Palace. The Negroes, many
of them from the Congress of Racial Equality, were protesting
Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater's nomination and the Republican
civil rights plank.
Negro Spokesmen Decry
Goldwter Nominatior
ATLANTA VP)--Spokesmen for the nation's 20 million Negroes
reacted with bitterness yesterday to Sen. Barry Goldwater's nomina-
tion as the Republican candidate for President.
The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. said that although he doesn't
regard Goldwater as a racist, the senator "articulates a philosophy
which gives aid and comfort to the racists."
"I think that it's obviously an attempt to appeal to all of the fear-
ful, the insecure, prejudiced people in our society," Whitney Young,
director of the National Urban<

League, said.,
"It's a test of all Americans
. whether they really belive in
democracy, in sharing, in civil
rights for all people. This whole
campaign is based on the notion
that most Americans aren't really
ready to live up to their demo-
cratic or religious creeds."
The Congress of Racial Equality
called the nomination a "tragedy
for the Republican party and for
the American nation."
Roy Wilkins, executive director
of the NAACP, said Negroes "gen-
erally will be disappointed at the
"Goldwater himself is not re-
garded as a racist in their minds,"
he said, "but they note with dis-
may that among his supporters
are some of the most outspoken
racists in America.
"Their quarrel with the senator
lies in their opinion that the fed-
eral government must act to pro-
tect the rights of citizens against
infringement by the states and
the senator's belief that the fed-
eral government has no such
role," Wilkins said.

IRomney Backs
special To The Daily
publican campaign proceeds tin "a
responsible manner, free of hate-
peddling and fear-spreading, and
is devoted to the issues of the day,
I will be happy to support it," Gov.
George Romney told the Michigan
delegation yesterday.
He also explained why he sud-
denly switched Michigan's votes
to Goldwater, without consulting
the state delegation, after the first
ballot Wednesday. "Sen. (Thrus-
ton B.) Morton (convention chair-
man) recognized me, and I was
unprepared for it. I had to do it
or look foolish."
A state Negro delegate, who
walked out Wednesday night, re-
turned to attend the caucus. A. D.
Chennault told the delegation that
the Negroes who walked out were
not deserting the GOP. "We're
still supporting this party, but we
think we can do it better, having
walked out."

Says 'Extremism Fo
Liberty Is NO Vice';
Names GOP Chairm
By The Associated Press
Barry Goldwater accepted the R
publican presidential nominat
last night and vowed to wrest I
White House from Democrats w
he said "have distorted and l
freedom's vision.
He counseled against Reput
canism "made fuzzy and futile
unthinking labels."
The convention ended soon af
the delegates had finished a
plauding his speech.
"Extremism in the defense
liberty is no vice," Goldwater d
Blared in a speech prepared :
his triumphant appearance befo
the convention. "Moderation
the pursuit of justice is no v
Confirm Miller
Earlier in the evening, the cc
vention picked Goldwater's cho
for a vice-presidential nominee
William 1. Miller.
Miller, a congressman from N
York and the outgoing chairm
of the GOP National Committ
was tapped by Goldwater Wedn,
day night. He was the only p
son nominated for the post.
Miller was introduced for
acceptance speech by Charles
Percy, Republican candidate .
governor of Illinois, as "a persu
ive, a r t icula-tae, hard-hitti
spokesman of the Republic
Miller confined his brief acce
ance remarks mainly to expe
ing his delight at standing e
"a man who, more than any ot
I have known, speaks the truth
the people."
Yesterday afternnon Goldwa
made a surprise selection for
new GOP National Chairm
Dean Burch, a Tucson attorney
"We can be freedom's rissi(
aries in a doubting world," Go
water said in his speech, "
first we must renew freedo
vision in our own hearts.
Distorted Vision
"During four futile years, i
administration which we shall :
place has distorted and lost t
vision. Because of this admiri
tration we are a world divide
we are a nation becalmed,"
"We are plodding at a pace
by centralized planning, red ta
rules without responsibility as
regimentation without recour
he said.
"Rather than useful jobs,
people have been offered den
cratic make-work. Rather ti
moral leadership, they have be
given bread and circuses, sp
tacle and even scandal.
Violence, Corruption
"There is violence in our strei
corruption in our highest offi
aimlessness among our youth, a
iety among our elders."
Earlier in the day, Pennsylva
Gov. William Scranton, appr
ing the results of his unec1
ful fight for the nomination,' s
the attempt may have helped
move Goldwater "a little bit a
from the right."
Scranton told a news coni
ence he had no regrets that
aad waged the four-week fight
said he could think of no
mistakes that he had made.
But he said he did not in :
way regard his 1964 White Ha
bid as a prelude to better thi
four years hence.
"I have no such plans," he
No Protest
Sen. Kenneth B. Keating
New York left the Cow Pa
immediately after Godwat
speech, but an aide said it '
not a protest gesture.

Keating and some other mi
bers of the New York state d
gation left while the ovation
Goldwater still was going
Keating was one of the most
Live opponents of the Arizona c
servative's nomination and his
parture stirred speculation thai
and his colleagues were mal
a gesture of protest. ,

THE FREEDOM SINGERS visited Ann Arbor to portray the
folk heritage of the South and discuss problems of voter regis-
tration workers there. A reception was held for them last night.
Pictured from left to right are James Peacock of Mississippi,
Raphael Bentham of New York City and Emery Harris of
Georgia. Not pictured is Marsh Jones of Tennessee.


Professors Rate Goldwater s Chances, Appeal


Three political science profes-
sors disagreed ; esterday on Sen.
Barry Goldwater's chances for
election in November, but all
thought he will carry a large
appeal for the white "backlash"
against recent civil rights ad-
Prof. Norman Thomas termed,
Goldwater's chances "minimal."
Prof. Henry L. Bretton said the
Arizona conservative "has a bet-
ter chance than he is generally'
given credit for." He mentioned
possibly sufficient electoral vote
blocs in the West, South and Mid-
west. And Prof. Eugene Feingold
gave Goldwater a good chance,
"given the right combination of
For each of the three, reaction
against the Civil Rights Bill and
growing violence across the na-

feel insecure, especially about Ne- Thomas and Feingold noted that
groes taking their jobs away." those affected by Negro advances
are often recent immigrants from
He also contended that any Eastern Europe. But "lower status
general increase in civil rights vio- whites anywhere in the nation
lence over the summer-which he tend to view social differentiation
considers likely-will be to Gold- based on race as a positive bene-
water's benefit, since the Arizonian fit, a sign of social superiority. The
is "identified as the candidate of Negro poses a threat to these peo-'
those opposed to racial change. ple." Thomas said.
He has said he does not believe
in discrimination, but his symbol- Privileged Position
ic value to integration opponents is Bretton spoke of backlash as
most important." coming from the "economically
,onservative." These are people
who are "almost by definition op-
nosed to the kinds of social change
invited by the civil rights move-
nent, who want to maintain their
privileged position," he said.
All three thought that Goldwa-
ter's choice of Republican Na-
;ional Chairman and Rep. William
Miller of New York as his run-
rung mate would considerably

On the reasons for Goldwater's
nomination, Bretton said that Re-i
publican forces had been success-
Ful in rallying various groups of'
people. These include economic
,onservatives, middle-class anti-
labor elements, Western regional-
ists and people subscribing in
varying degrees to white suprem-
"By all indications, Goldater'si
strategy is directed toward these;
groups, especially the last. If this
is so, then the Republicans will
be putting human relations to the
porch. They will do more damage
to the nation than battalions of
Dommunist agents, whether they
win or lose," Bretton said.
Easy Solutions
Feingold mentioned that Gold-
water has been able to exploit
various contradictions in cur rent

All three professors noted Gold-
vater's success in getting dele-
gates in the West, South and Mid-
west and predicted that these
areas will give him his largest
votes in November.
Thomas and Feingold noted fur-
ther that Goldwater has been
striving for the GOP nomination
since 1959. While extreme right
groups were moving into state Re-
publican organizations in the
South and West, Goldwater was


d " tea


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