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July 16, 1964 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1964-07-16

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See Shifting

Cite Educational Challenges




Changes in the thinking behind'
United States public education and
introduction of new techniques
and facilities were urged in two
speeches in Ann Arbor recently.
The age-old system of organiz-
ing the public schools at the local
level was challenged on Monday
by Prof. Albert J. Reiss, Jr., of
the sociology department.
"I see the public school system
as responding to pressures today
rather than as a dynamic institu-
tion capable of molding society,
Reiss told 500, school administra-
tors and teachers attending a sum-
mer education conference.
"I would suggest that a long
established principle-that our
school system should be loca-
may need revision. I am convinced
that the kind of planning neces-
sary cannot be carried out by local
authorities on one hand and pro-
fessional school people, however
dedicated, on the other."
"There was a time when the
schools could get by with teaching
children what they should know
-but the schools are now forced
to extend themselves into other
areas, resulting in the creation of
the organizational specialist.
"The schools, however, have not
attempted to formalize their re-
lations with other agencies in the
community, but rather exist in
organizational isolation.
"Perhaps it is time to raise the
question whether we should build
services around the neighborhood
school unit of whether we should
build them around people, he said.
"Take dropouts. Schools are
forced to be concerned about drop-
outs because we don't know what
to do with them. The basic issue
is not dropouts but what kind of
education is to be given youth in
terms of opportunities for them
when they leave school.
"Here we have virtually gone
into bankruptcy. We should be
starting with the implications of
automation in our society."
Tough Question
The question of education for
all cannot be escaped, but merely

to keep people in school without
defining opportunities for them is
to achieve a hollow goal, Reiss
went on.
"Schools are being asked to
keep children in and at the same
time do something for thembe-
cause kids are troublesome when
they're not in school. But we can't
do much for them when we force
them to drop out because we can
only give them a diploma, he
"Our schools will sell youth
short if they do not train them
in a broader way."
Yesterday, Gertrude Noar, na-
tional director of the antidefama-
tion league, stressed the need for
attention to the problems of the-
children of the "neglected third"
of the United States population.
Also speaking at the summer
education conference, Miss Noar
explained that "in school, the
children of these groups are ill-
prepared, unready for reading, and
confused by middle class ways and

She stressed the need for pre-
school classes for three and four-
year olds, all day kindergartens,
study and tutoring centers, sum-
mer schools, and wide use of the
community resources.
"Many poor children are in-
creasingly apathetic as a result of
experienced failure. They are not
competitive, their aspiration level
is low and they are subject to
behavior problems," she said.
school practices need to be exam-
ined in relation to providing equal-
ity of educational opportunity:
first, use of I.Q. tests, which affect
the teachers' expectations; second,
use of grouping children by ability,
a practice which is used to create
or maintain segregation, which
affects the classroom climate and
limits achievement; and third, al-
most exclusive reliance on word
symbol. "We need to use direct
learning experiences and a wide
variety of publications," she said.

Death Rates
Far-reaching shifts are taking
place in the United States pat-
terns of birth and death, The Wall
Street Journal reported yesterday.
Birth rates are declining, not only
when computed for the popula-
tion as a whole, but for those in
the prime child-bearing years.
IA deep, decades-long drop in
the nation's death rates, due main-
ly to advances in medicine, is
levelling off. Mortality rates are
even advancing in several states,
mostly in the South, including
North Carolina, Alabama and
These trends are not yet pro-
nounced enough to alter drastic-
ally anticipations of sizable U.S.
population growth in the years
ahead. But they are forcing Cen-
sus Bureau forecasters, whose
prognostications help guide plan-
ning of everything from school
construction to auto output, to
trim their forecasts slightly.
Two years ago, these seers were
talking about a range of 209 mil-
lion to 214 million Americans by
1970. Now, they reckon the popu-
lation will be between 206 million
and 211 million six years hence.
(U.S. population now is estimated
at just over -192 million.)
Even the reduced maximum
would mean a slightly smaller
population increase during the
1969-70 decade than the record
gain rung up in the preceding 10
years. And the gap between past
and present projections would
grow progressively greater in the
years after 1970.
Even so, census specialists argue
the divergences will amount to
only a few per cent. And almost
all analysts agree that the down-
turn in numbers of births, and
perhaps in the birth rate as well,
will be stemmed by an approach-
ing wave of potential mothers, who
were born in the big baby boom
of the 1940s. Women of child-
bearing age will then constitute
a larger share of the population
than now.

Adjustig to the Bill
proved effective in producing ed
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 cational, employment and housi:
can only assist the present revolu- changes.
tion; it is not a panacea for all "Changes in strategy and tacti
the problems that the Negro still today in accordance with progra
faces. designed to improve the Negr<
Prof. G. Franklin Edwards, status in education, employme
chairman of the Howard Univer- and housing may well pose a se
sity sociology department, speak- ious threat to the cooperati
ing on the topic "Beyond Civil basis on which Negro organiz
Rights Legislation: Some Problems tions now operate."
Ahead," expressed this view yes- Automation is a principal fa
terday in the fourth lecture in a tor affecting the job outlook, f
series on the "American Negro in it will eliminate those jobs whi
Transition: 1964." require a limited education-whi
While the bill is certain to help the Negro is most capable of fi
advance the status of the Negro, ing, Edwards explained.
it will not bring about easy Housing
changes in race relations, Edwards Substandard housing in lar
said. In view of many converging cities is another problem whi
trends, he reminded his audience, will not be easy to solve, Edwar
that the bill is "only one of a added, "because land and lab
correlated series of events serving costs do not make it possible
to produce the transition" of the provide good, inexpensive hou
Negro. ing."
Conflicts Finally, attempts at eliminatio
The passage of the bill has of de facto segregation of neig]
already engendered numberous borhood schools, may not be t
conflicts, Edwards stated. Al- best way of providing an equE
though there is a considerable education for all children, he sait
reservoir of sentiment working for suggesting that improving th
the bill's acceptance, he said, the quality of education in thes
white back-lash is certain to be- schools might be a better solutio
come more intense. Instances of
violence have increased in the
two weeks since the bill's passage,A cross
although violence already had be-
gun to grow before the passage.
Continued federal assistance is,
of course, necessary in the civil
rights movement or the situation
could become like the South after The public is invited to discu
the Civil War when the federal the situation in Mississippi wit
government withdrew support and the "Freedom Songers," form
law and order were not main- members of The Council of Fed
tained, he noted. erated Organizations, at 4:30 p.i
"Education, employment and today at 311 E. Ann.
housing are becoming of greater
importance in the civil rights Literature . .
struggle, and that some civil The Audio-Visual Educatic
rights groups already have begun Center will preview "Russian
to give higher priority to targets Insight Through Literature"
in these areas than to public ac- 30 p.m. today in the Multipu
commodations," Edwards continu- pose Rm. of the UGLI.
Nonviolence Concert . .
"What is of major importance The National Band Conducto
is that the nonviolent techniques, Conference Outdoor Concert wi
which played an effective part in feature an "On the Diag" coi
prodlucing changes in the area of cert at 7:30 p.m. tonight on th
public accomodations, have not Diag.



HERE IS A WORK entitled "Recruiting" which was added this
year to the collection of the University's William L. Clements
Library. It is a British cartoon, added to give the American an idea
of how the Revolution appeared to the English man in the street.

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3564 Administration Building before
2 p.m. of the day preceding publica-
tion, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Satur-
day and Sunday.
.Day, Calendar
National Band Conductors Conference
-Registration, Michigan Union Ball-
room, s a.m.
Summer Speech Conference-Regis-
tration, Lobby, Rackham Bldg., 9 a.m.
Audio-Visual Education Center Film
Preview-"Russians: Insight Through
Literature": Multipurpose Room, Un-
dergraduate Library, 1:30 p.m.
School of Music Doctoral Lecture Re-
cital-Reid Nibley, pianist: Recital Hail,
School of Music, 4:30 p.m.
National Band Conductors Confer-
ence Outdoor Concert-Summer Ses-
sion Band, William D. Revelli and
guest conductors: On the "Diag" (Hill
Aud. in case of rain), 7:30 p.m.
Dept. of Linguistics Forum Lecture-
Bertil Malmberg, The University of
Lund, Sweden, "Primitive Layers of
Phonemic Structure": Rackham Amphi-
theatre, 7:30 p.m.
University Players, Dept. of Speech
Production-Samuel Spewak's "Under
the Sycamore Tree": Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre, 8:30 p.m.
I.S.T. Special Summer Lectures -
Dr. Ian M. Mills of the University of
Reading, England,\ will speak on
"Theory of Molecular Force Fields and
Molecular Dynamics"-Lecture Nine to

be given on July 16 at 1 p.m. in Rm.
1400 of the Chemistry Bldg.
The University Speech Department
will hold its Summer Speech Confer-
ence July 16 at 9 a.m. In the Horace
H. Rackham School of Graduate Stud-
I.S.T. Special Summer Lectures -
Dr. Ian Mv. Mills of the University of
Reading, England, will speak on "Theory
of Molecular Force Fields and Molecular
Dynamics"-Lecture Ten to be given
on July 17 at 1 p.m. in Rm. 1400 of
the Chemistry Bldg.
Doctoral Examination for James;
Adam Jordan, Jr., Physics; thesis: "Col-
lision Induced Mixing in the First
Excited States of the Alkalies," Thurs.,
July 16, 2038 Randall Lab., at 2 p.m.
Chairman, P. A. Franken.
General Notices
Students, College of Engineering: The
final day for dropping courses with-
out record will be Fri., July 17. A
course may be dropped only with the
permission of the classifier after con-
ference with the instructor.
August Teacher's Certificate Candi-
dates: All requirements for the teach-
er's certificate must be completed by
August 3rd. These requirements in-
clude the teacher's oath, the health
statement, the social security number,
and the Bureau of Appointments ma-
terial. The oath should be taken as
soon as possible in Room 1203 Uni-
versity School. The office is open
from 8:30 to 12:00 and 1 to 4:30.
Probation Dept., Detroit, Mich. -
Opening for a woman to fill a vacan-
cy as Supv. of Women in a Probation
Officer No. 3 position. Degree in one of
the social sciences. 2 yrs. exper. in re-
lated area.
Penn. Insurance Dept., Harrisburg -
Life Insurance Actuary I--degree with

major in math, stat. or actuarial sci-
ence. 3 yrs. exper. in conducting ac-
tuarial studies.
Aetna Finance Co., Detroit, Mich.-
Management Trainees-BA or near -
any field. No exper. Prefer recent grads;
draft exempt. Age 21-35. Career trng.
prog. in branch ops.-1%-2 yrs. Will
learn procedures. Trng, in Detroit with
possible future relocation. Leads to
mgmt. position.
Michigan Civil Service-Institution
Youth Worker A-positions located in
Ann Arbor. 2 yrs. exper. in supv. of
children in a youth organization or
completion of 2 yrs. of college train-
ing. Will have responsibility for care
& supv. of a group of mentally dis-
turbed children during an 8-hr. shift.
A. o2 Smith Corp., Milwaukee, Wis.-
Many openings including: Economic
Analyst, Sr. Analyst-Mktg. Res., Per-
sonnel Mgr., Engineers, Jr. Auditor,
Staff Ass't. of Mkt.-Mktg. Res., also
opening for a Chemical Engnr. to work
in Plastics Res. Lab. Degree with sev-
eral yrs. exper. in thermoplastic ma-
terials with a bkgd. in Teflon fabri-
cation esp. desirable.
State of Minn., Home Sch. for Girls
-Recreation Director. Degree in Rev-
reation plus internship & some exper.
are the desired qualifications. Female
Ann Arbor Bank-Commercial bank-
ing--seeking applicants with Bus. Ad.
or Econ. or General degree with sev-
eral years of commercial banking or
loan exper. Particularly interested in
applicants with several yrs. of bank-
ing or related exper.
Welch Grape Juice Co., Inc., West-
field, N.Y.-Opening for Publications
Editor-Some exper. in newspaper or
magazine reporting pref. Must have

ability to write, type, edit & work well
with people. Some knowledge of bus.
ad. is desirable.
Chrysler Engrg., Highland Park, Mich.
-Industrial Engnr.-will head engrg.
staff suggestion prog. & act as liaison
between dept. heads, engnrs. & sugges-
tion committee. Will screen suggestions.
Male. Prefer Indus. E., consider ME or
EE. Prefer 1-2 yrs. exper.
Management Consultants in Mich.-
Design Engineers-need knowledge of
Heat Exchange, Thermo-Dynamics for
client firms. Male. BSM. Recent grads.
Also opening for Electron Beam Micro-
scope Specialist. PhD pref. in Physics.
EE or ME. Minimum 5 yrs. exper. Will
take charge of tech. supv. of design
& dev. of project related to electron
microscope design, microscope analyses,
etc. Location: Eastern Pa.
* * *
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
3200 SAB, Ext. 3544.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, Jerry
H. Bilik, instructor in music theory at
the University of Michigan, will give
an illustrated talk on "Music and
Madison Avenue" on Wed., July 22,
7:30 p.m., 1429 Hill St.

Plans Pushed
For New High
Planning for Ann Arbor's sec-
ond senior high school is "pro-
gressing right on schedule," ac-
cording to N. Edd Miller, presi-
dent of the Board of Education.
Miller said today that an out-
line of educational specifications,
which the school board recom-
mended after hearing ideas of
high school educators and ad-
ministrators last winter, is now
in the hands of the architect,
Charles W. Lane.
Supt. Jack Elzay said that the
preliminary architectural draw-
ings should be ready in about
three months.
Three weeks ago the school
board approved purchase of 7.9
acres of land to increase the pur-
chased land site intended for the
high school to about 17 acres.
8CE 717 N.
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