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July 16, 1964 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1964-07-16

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Miller Gets V-P Bid
Republican nominee Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) acknowl-
edged early this morning that he "inclines very favorably" to
Rep. William E. Miller (R-NY) as his running mate. Goldwater
said he would discuss the matter with Miller later this morning.
By The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO-Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) has chosen
Rep. William E. Miller (R-NY), the Republicans' retiring national
chairman, as his vice-presidential running mate, GOP Convention
Chairman Sen. Thruston B. Morton of Kentucky said early this
Goldwater aides deported, however, that the Presidential nominee
had not yet informed Miller of the decision as of 2 a.m. It will be
officially announced today, they said.

Sidelights of the Convention

883 Delegates G

By The Associated Press
so thick on the freeway route
to the Republican National Con-
vention at the Cow Palace yes-
terday that the chairman of the
Connecticut delegation wasn't on
hand when his state's name was
called during nominations for
So Searle Pienney of Brook-
field, caught in a traffic jam on
the Bayshore Freeway, had to
listen on his car radio as an-
other delegate announced that
Connecticut passed--that it had
no nominee.
"Let's go!" a Goldwater aide
shouted to 150 young women pack-

ed into a room just outside
Cow Palace. "Now's the time."

the I tional



Out charged the Goldwater Gals,
chanting "we want Barry" and
almost bowling over a burly ser-
geant-at-arms who tried to block
Dressed in blue, white and yel-
low and waving placards, the girls
streamed onto the floor for their
climactic foray.
For once, however, Goldwater
tacticians were off in their tim-
ing. Sen. Everett Dirksen of Illi-
nois had not finished his nom-
inating speech for Goldwater and
the girls had to wait self-con-
* * *
Police officers licked a thumb
and rubbed the tickets of Na-

guests yesterday to determine
whether they were real or phony,
"If it is counterfeit, the ink
will rub off," said Lt. Paul Bo-
lich of the San Mateo County
Sheriff's Department. "There has
been a constant stream of officers
bringing in the tickets, most of
them held by just kids."

"We're not
just throwing
lich said.

filing any charges,
the kids out," Bo-

* * *

The convention is
In Soviet

expected to - endorse Miller as its second
-standard bearer tonight. Tradi-
tionally, the nominee's selection is
accepted unanimously.

Parked in
Palace was a
ed with signs

front of the Cow
yellow bus plaster
saying "justice for

Hoffa," "stop illegal surveillance,"
"end government snooping." and
"investigate Bobby Kennedy."


Power Post:
MOSCOW (JP)-Leonid I. Brezh-
nev took a long step forward to-
day as Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev's heir apparent. He relin-
quished his figurehead role as
President of the Soviet Union to
concentrate on work An the Com-
munist party, the real source of
power in Moscow.
Anastas I. Mikoyan, a close
confidant of the Premier who
went on many a delecate mission.

Miller, who is not seeking re-
electionto, his Congressional seat,
is considered a rough-tough cam-
paigner and has a family attrac-
tive enough to decorate any plat-
form. He is a Roman Catholic
and comes from a big vote state.
Other Names
A half dozen or so other names
have also been mentioned for sec-
ond place on the Goldwater ticket.
One of those is Scranton.
The governor has said a dozen
times he is not interested. And
Goldwater has said almost as
many times that he doesn't think
he and Scranton would feel "com-
fortable" as teammates after all
the sharp things Scranton has
said about him.
But, still, they might be brought.
together in a unity m o v e.
Stranger things have happened.
John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B.
Johnson agreed to be paired after
their heated competition for the
Democratic Presidential nomina-
tion in 1960.
'Good Ticket''
Former President Dwight D.'
Eisenhower, who is urging unity in
the party, thinks Goldwater-
Scranton would be a good ticket. +
But Richard M: Nixon doesn't.
The former Vice-President, also
appealing for unity, says he
doesn't think they would be "com-
patible" after the bitterness of+
their nomination battle.
Other names that have been
mentioned include Rep. Gerald
Ford of Michigan and Sen. Thrus-l
ton Morton of Kentucky.
Ford is another aggressive cam-
paigner An athletic 51-year-old,
he is chairman of the House Re-1
publican Conference Committee. I
Morton, former Republican na-J
tional chairman, is getting plenty
of exposure this week as chairman
of the GOP convention.

Citizens Support Jones Closing

It is just one of the many mes-
sages various people are trying to
get across as the crowds stream
into the huge cattle pavilion.
The hand-lettered ones compete
with the printed variety, which
carry the "go with Goldwater" and
"Scranton for President" type of
convention political appeal.
* * *
Hundreds of college students re-
cruited to parade in' the nomi-
nation demonstrations at the Re-
pblican Na tilonal1 Convention
found themselves on the outside
looking in wistfully.
"They ran out of demonstrator
passes after about, 200 had been
handed out," said Paul Weaver, a
Harvard student in summer school
at nearby University of Califor-
"Why did they bring 15 bus-
loads out if they weren't going to
let us in?" asked Ellen Miller of
Ithaca, N.Y.
These two, plus about 750 oth-
ers, signed up two weeks ago at
the University of California to pa-
rade when Gov. William W. Scran-
ton of Pennsylvania was nominat-
* * *
Barry Goldwater is a man with
his own ideas, not only about pres-
idential campaigning, but most
everything else.
"I'm not one of those baby-
kissing, hand-shaking, blintz-eat-
ing candidates," he said once. "I
don't like to insult the American
intelligence by thinking that slap-
ping people on the back is going
to get you votes."
Once during the ill-starred New
Hampshire primary campaign,
Goldwater's state managers de-
cided he should shake hands in
some restaurants.
Goldwater went, but he didn't
like the idea a bit. "If someone
came up to me and stuck out his
hand while I was eating a ham-
burger, I'd put the hamburger in
it," he said.

About 300 Ann Arbor citizens
last night voiced their opinions
on the proposed closing of Jones
School due to "racial imbalance."
Their overwhelming verdict was
to discontinue operation of the
school and transport its 200 stu-
dents by bus to other schools in
the city.
The open hearing was held at
the school, 401 N. Division. Its
purpose was to test citizen senti-
ment on the recommendation for
closing made in June by a citi-
zen's group. The group was asked
by the Board of Education to
look into all the city's schools.
'Incompetent' Teachers
Argument favoring the school
closing followed two basic lines.
The first, voiced mainly by in-
dividual citizens, was that children
attending the school receive a poor
education. Various citizens men-
tioned "incompetent" teachers,
low academic records achieved by
their children, racial prejudice and
the rejection of a child termed in-
capable of learning by one Jones
The second attack came mainly
from spokesmen for local civil
rights groups. They stressed the
effect of the school's "de facto
A statement by the local chap-
ter of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People contended that "in a so-
ciety dominated by white people,
the welfare of Negro children
forced to live and learn in a seg-

10 IAJY IN omine

regated environment will be ad-
versely affected. . . Nothing short
of full integration as equals can
reach into the hearts and minds
of Negro youngsters in a way
which will repair the damage seg-
regation has already done to their
sense of personal dignity and their
motivation to succeed and de-
velop their capacities."
Jones school has a three-to-one
ratio of Negroes to whites, ac-
cording to the citizen's report.
Racial Departure
A spokesman for the Washtenaw
County Conservatives, George F.
Lemble, delivered a statement
against closing of the school. He
said the closing is "a most radical
departure from normal procedure"
and would involve "damaging"
psychological effects upon chil-
dren who would attend schools
outside their neighborhoods.
Other advocates of closingmen-
tioned related economic factors-

high- rents in Ann Arbor and the
inability of Negroes to move out
of the Jones school district. These
conditions, they contended, made
it even more important that chil-
dren in the Jones area be bussed to
other city schools if citizens de-
sired true integration.
And 26 parents with children
in the Pattengill school felt that
their children were being deprived
of the opportunity to attend schooll
with Negroes because there are
no Negroes at Pattengill. Only at!
an early age can children be
adequately prepared for life in
an integrated society, they said.
One citizen lauded the neighbor-
hood school concept and claimed
that closing Jones school would
destroy the identification and
loyalty which close-by schools af-
ford. But a second citizen thought
it would be beneficial to break
down neighborhood lines in order
to achieve city-wide integration.

Special To The Daily
SAN FRANCISCO--Sen. Barry M. Goldwater (R-Ar
yesterday was nominated on the first ballot as the Repub
can Party's twentieth nominee for president of the Unil
States amid the screaming cheers of his partisans who pack
the house.
The vote total was 883 of the 1308.
After the last vote was cast, Gov. William Scranton
Pennsylvania came to the rostrum to move that the vote
He commended the senator on his race, and he ma
a firm plea for unity behind the Goldwater ticket: "I
must now be about the busi- , . . ... . .
ness of defeating Democrats."
"The platform is broad enough
for all of us to stand on, and I
shall put whatever campaign tal-
ent I have to the job of winning
this fall."j{
Romney Goes First
Gov. George Romney was the
first to switch his delegation's sup-
port to Goldwater and he saidV
"It is perfectly evident that we
have dedicated ourselves to a re-
birth of individualism in Amer-
Others nominated and their vote
totals were Scranton,,214; Gov.
Nelson Rockefeller ?of New York,
114; former ambassador to Viet
Nam Henry Cabot Lodge of Massa-
chusetts, 2; Sen. Margaret Chase
Smith of Maine, 27; Romney, 41;
Sen. Hiram Fong of fHawaii, 51
and former Rep. Walter Judd of SEN. BARRY GOLDWATER
Minnesota, 21.
The convention greeted Sen
Everett Dirksen of Illinois with ~
wild enthusiasm as he rose to make
Goldwater's nomination.
The e n s u i n g demonstration
raged on unstoppable for 35 min
utes, while Sen. Thruston B. Mor-
ton of Kentucky, the convention
chairman, gavelled in vain for or-
Romney was offered in nomi- .
nation by Rep. Gerald R. Ford
(R-Mich) of Grand Rapids. Rom-
ney told the Michigan delegation
earlier that his nomination would
not violate his pledge not to be- ...
come a serious candidate. He said
he was only allowing his nomina-
tion as a means of demonstrat-
ing Michigan's progress under his
Johns Hopkins University Presi- REP. WILLIAM E. MILLER
dent Milton Eisenhower offered
the name of Gov. Scranton.
Civil r i g h t s demonstrators
blocked the exits from the CowBritish Talks
Palace again yesterday and early
this morning, physically~ jamming mh Ba y
the turnstiles and forcing police
to carry them away.ai IAC
CORE l Age
Organized by the Congress on
Racial Equality, ,some 150 dem- LONDON (AP)-Statesmen of
onstrators joined hands in a hu- B r i t is h Commonwealth natic
man chain to prevent the depart- wound up their weeklong sumi
ing crowds from reaching the talks last night in a blaze of v
parking lots. Many engaged in lence, recrimination and discord
acts of civil disobedience and were Jomo Kenyatta, bearded pri
arrested. minister of Kenya, was assault

Viet Cong Victors in Battle

abroad for Khrushchev, became
the new President. At 68, he is
reported to have asked for the
easier job of President after re-
cent illness. Brezhnev is 57,
Khrushchev 70.
Khrushchev proposed the moves
in tjie clearest public indication
yet that he considers Brezhnev to
be his successor to Soviet power..
The Supreme Soviet, or Parlia-
ment, gave unanimous approval
and long applause to the changes
after Khrushchev had explained
the reason.
The premier said Brezhnev had
done "fruitful work" as President
for the last four years, but now
he is needed for full-time work as
a Secretary of the Communist
Party's Central Committee.
Khrushchev is First Secretary.
The stocky, heavy-browed Brezh-
nev is known to Western diplomats
as a man with a sharp mind and,
a friendly, but reserved, manner.
Gave Up Post
Brezhnev gave up his post as
one of about a dozen party sec-
retaries after,he succeeded Mar-
shal Kliment Voroshilov as presi-
dent on May 7, 1960. At that time,
Frol Kozlov was generally regard-
ed as Khrushchev's political heir.
But two heart attacks and a
stroke beginning in April 1963
removed Kozlov from the picture,
although he still retains top posts.
In June 1963, Brezhnev re-
turned to a secretaryship and
lately he has been too busy for
most protocol demands of the
Khrushchev said the party's
Central Committee recommended

Administrators, Academic
Heads Confer on Protest
The North Campus parking protest was the subject of a meeting
Tuesday of high administration officials and department heads, it
was reported yesterday. The protestors are hoping that a settlement
will emerge from these discussions within the next few days.
Because of the meeting, the protestors have cancelled the meet-
ing they had planned with Francis Shiel, in charge of parking on
North Campus. Shiel was present at the meeting Tuesday.
The protestors had planned to draw up a "position paper" to
present to Shiel at the meeting, but that too has been cancelled. The
protestors have reportedly with-"

By The Associated Press
SAIGON - Hit-and-run Com-
munist Viet Cong pounced once
again on a Vietnamese military
convoy yesterday, boosting gov-
ernment losses to 223 dead, 401
wounded and a number missing
within a week.
Reports reaching Saigon said
17 Vietnamese died and 21 were
wounded when a Viet Cong bat-
talion ambushed a truck convoy
lumbering along a winding foot-
hills road 8 miles inland from
Tam Ky, on the South China Sea
coast nearly 350 miles northeast
of Saigon.
In an ambush Monday near
Chon Thanh, 80 miles north of
Saigon, the Vietnamese suffered'
16 dead and 20 wounded.
* * *
HONG KONG - Communist
China, flashing danger signals
warning, the United States to
watch its step in Southeast Asia
is believed to have initiated sev-
eral diplomatic moves aimed at

rallying the support of some of
its neighbors.
This is the evaluation of many
Western experts who weigh every
word that comes out of Peking
and chart every Chinese Com-
munist move visible from this
listening post alongside the Bam-
boo Curtain.
The few Communist sources
available to Westerners here con-
cur with this analysis. There is
general agreement here that Pe-
king does not want to tangle with
the United States in a hot war
over Southeast Asia at this point.
* * *
WASHINGTON-The long rise
in the nation's economy continued
during June, the Federal Reserve
Board reported yesterday.
Its index of industrial produc-
tion, the measure of the output
of factories, mines and utilities,
went up for the 10th consecutive
The rise was from 131.2 to 131.8.
This means that production for

. -

the month was 131.8 per cent of
the 1957-59 average.
zenga,, of the 1961 Stanleyville
separatist government, has been
freed after 2% years of "adminis-
trative detention" on Bula-Bumba
island in the mouth of the Congo
The liberation was announced
last night in a statement issued by
the office of the new Prime Min-
ister Moise Tshombe.
Tshombe also announced he and
the Congo President, Joseph Kasa-
vubu, would boycott the summit
meeting of African heads of state
and government opening Friday
in Cairo.
* * *
NEW YORK-The stock market
closed slightly higher in active
trading yesterday. 65 stocks were
up .39; 15 utilities were down .11;
20 railroads were up .52; and 30
industrials were up 1.17, closing
at 844.80.

drawn their request for a one- or
two-month moratorium before any
negotiations can begin.
The parking protest rolled into
its eleventh day yesterday, with
the usual 150 cars parking on the
vacant lot next to the Phoenix
The leaders have scheduled no
further meetings, but "we're sit-
ting here with our fingers crossed
and hoping for a solution," one
of them commented.
"Our main problem-lack of
contact between the administra-
tion and the personnel-is being
solved through members of the
several academic departments out
here," he added. At the meeting


India: A Democracy with Problems

The new chairman of the poli-
tical science department said last
night that Americans must con-
sider several important perspec-
tives when they attempt to an-
alyze and understand India.
Among these perspectives Prof.
Samuel J. Eldersveld considered
the followng:


ditional system lacks a centraliz-
ed political movement, and in-
volves a localized relationship be-
tween society and government, ty-
pified by the lineage groups and
castes. The Indians are now mov-
ing away from the caste system,"
he said.
The basic problem is to inte-

optimist who is a constructive
realist is the position which we
Americans should support.
"India is the only bastion of
democracy in Southeast Asia," he
emphasized. "It is our best rep-
resentative of universal suffer-
age, of competitive political par-
ties and of freedom of speech. It
is tniup that, TvAip.nnfiizalh, fnl1

duction has doubled, and electric
production has quadrupled in the
last 10 years. Agriculture produc-
tion has increased about 40 per
cent, according to one estimate
in the last 10 years. "Certainly,
there are health problems. But
think of it in relativist terms,"
Prof. Eldersveld said. "Life expec-
nnis4.,A tpar~n. An't,

i . :.

I gav~te the class,, ica oial gvstn, I

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