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July 11, 1964 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1964-07-11

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Johns a Sees 'Good Times' for U.S.

Diversions for Summertin

WASHINGTON UP) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson declared yes-
terday "times are good" for the
nation's economy, they are getting
better and the economic horizon
is bright "as far as the trained
eye can see into 1965."
Johnson told a news confer-
ence he hopes to "have some good
news" in announcing, in a week
or 10 days, the final figures for
the government's fiscal year which
ended June 30.
But after ticking off what he
called "glowing reports on our re-
cent economic advances," Johnson
added a note of caution.
Profound Impact
Current contiact negotiations
in the auto industry "will have
a profound impact upon our fu-
ture price stability and therefore
on our economic prospects at
home and abroad,"'he told news-
The President then went on to
say he is confident that both
sides will work out "a 'settlement

ing that we are determined to
maintain in this country."
4.9 Per Cent Growth
United Auto Workers President
Walter P. Reuther has rejected
Johnson's previous plea that wage
boosts be 'kept in line with the
national producitvity increase of a
little more than three per cent
and has spoken of a goal of 4.9
Work ers
JACKSON, Miss. (P) - FBI Di-
rector J. Edgar Hoover said yes-
terday he believed the three civil
rights workers who vanished mys-
teriously in Mississippi last month
are dead.
But he said the search for the
three civil rights workers whq
disappeared June 21 at Philadel-
phia would nonetheless continue
until "the bodies are found."
The FBI chief came to this
racially troubled state yesterday
to talk with Gov. Paul B. John-
son and other officials and ex-
pand the FBI already in the area.
He dedicated a new FBI office
after conferring nearly an hour
with Johnson. The new office was
set up on a crash basis over the
past 48 hours, at the direction of
President Lyndon B. Johnson.
President Johnson announced in
Washington earlier in the day that
50 FBI agents would be perma-
nently assigned to the Jackson
office. The FBI declined to say
how many agents it previously
had regularly assigned to the
Gov. Johnson, Jackson Mayor
Allen Thompson and Col. T. B.
Birdsong, director of the Missis-
sippi Highway Patrol, were all
present for Hoover's news con-

per cent, which he says is the
productivity increase in the auto
In talking of good times now
and in the future, Johnson said
there is an impressive "calm con-
fidence that we find in the con-
suming public and in the business
He said he looks for continued
strong gains in the second half
of the year as the benefits of the
tax cut flow through the econ-
Record High
"This is partly based," he said
"on surveys of 1964 business capi-
tal spending plans which now show
a rise of nearly $5 billion, or 12
per cent above 1963. There are
consumer spending surveys which
show buying intentions near a
record high."

Johnson mentioned the expect-
ed "good news" outcome for the
last fiscal year only briefly. But
the Treasury had said only re-
cently that as a result of the tax
cut the deficit would be about $8.8
billion instead of $10 billion.
The President said the midyear
review of the economy gone over
with his Council of Economic Ad-
visers Thursday included these
1.6 Million More Jobs
"1.2 million more people have
jobs than six months ago. 1.6
million more people are at work
than a year ago. Average week-
ly earnings in manufacturing hit
a new high of $103 in May, $3.74
more than a year earlier ...
"Great gains in profits are be-
ing translated into rising invest-
ments and new highs in the Dow-

Jones average of stock prices. Dow-
Jones averages of stock prices
were around 700 when we came in
on Nov. 22, and they are now 840-
plus. Dividends are 11 per cent
higher in May than they were last
year ...
"The tax cut and prosperity are
boosting incomes to new peaks.
The estimated after-tax incomes
of American people in the second
quarter of this year, which has
just ended, were running at a rate
of about $19 billion above the
fourth quarter of last year-and
$30 billion above a year earlier."
Johnson said the average fam-
ily of four has gained about $500
in annual income after taxes in
the past year, which he said is
a rate of advance matched only
once before in America's peacetime
history: 1984.

SUMMER IS A TIME for browsing, and the Undergraduate Library's
vides an interesting-if wierd-diversion from studies. The exhibit is
from the Museum of Art collection.

-Daily-James K
exhibit of modern art r
a rotating array of painti

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


VOL. LXXIV, No. 14-S




1 Tit for Tat 'in Viet Nam

Protestors To Meet with Sie


Associated Press Staff Writer
SAIGON -- The United States
may institute a "tit .for tat"
plan of military action against
Communist North Viet Nam if at
some point Washington feels South
Viet Nam is going down the drain.
There are indications top Wash-
ington officials recently have been
studying a number of possible con-
tingency plans involving direct
military action /gainst the North.
Under the "tit for tat" plan,
U.S. planes might be called upon
to bomb one North Vietnamese
hamlet for each hamlet destroy-

which will reinforce and extend
the excellent non-inflationary rec-
ord which has characterized our
vigorous economic expansion."
"We are of one mind that the
collective bargaining p r o c e s s
should be conducted and complet-
ed in accordance with the pat-
tern of free collective bargain-

Scranton Loses Fight
For Tough GOP Plank
On Civil Rights Issue

ed by Viet Cong guerrillas in
South Viet Nam. Or they might
bomb a bridge or destroy a road
or railway in the North for com-
parable Viet Cong damage in the
Bomb Hanoi?
Such a plan is one alternative
in a wide range of possible courses
of action that have been under
study. A more extreme approach
could involve actual bombings of
factories in North Viet Nam and
possibly Hanoi, the capital.
By all indications, apparently
none of these plans has been
adopted and decisions to invoke
any of them presumably would be
made only by President Lyndon
B. Johnson.
Proponents of direct military
action against North Viet Nam
argue that the Viet Cong would
have great difficulty staying in
business if the North were under
direct attack, and bombing Hanoi
would have a demoralizing effect
on Communist agents throughout
Southeast Asia.
Viet Cong 'Snake'
But current U.S. thinking is
that the "Viet Conig snake prob-
ably would take a long time to
die even with its head cut off."
While the Viet Cong gets some
supplies and arms from outside
South Viet Nam and while many
of its cadres were trained in the
North, the main force of the Viet
Cong is southern. The overwhelm-
ing majority of its weapons have
been seized from South Vietna-
mese troops.
The argument against the ef-
fectiveness of direct attacks in
the North is based on intelligence
estimates that the Viet Cong has
60,000 to 80,000 men in arms, few
of whom could be expected to
give up fighting immediately.
In any case, the war in the
South would have to be continued
with action against the North con-
sidered as a supplement to the
main campaign.
U.S. officials are modestly op-
timistic about prospects in South
Viet Nam and feel the new pacifi-
cation plan 'is neginning to bear a
little fruit. This plan is to secure
areas in South Viet Nam, win
over the people with aid and other
measures and protect them from
reprisals by the Viet Cong.
Of scores of U.S. advisers this
correspondent talked to on a re-
cent tour of the critical Mekong
River Delta, not one felt the war

effort ought to be taken over by
American troops at this stage.
With some qualifications, most
felt current plans stand a rea-
sonable chance of success.
The reports of advisers like
these to Saigon and ultimately+
to Washington are probably the+
trigger that would fire an Ameri-
can military campaign into North
Viet Nain. So far, the trigger
finger does not appear to be
But there is general agreement
that the trigger is onsa hair
spring, and no one is sure just,
how much pressure would be
needed to bring on general war.
'Friends' Ask,
For Bail Funds
For Volunteers
The Ann Arbor Friends meeting9
yesterday appealed to individuals
and religious and civic groups in
the city for funds to support six
Ann Arbor volunteers working in
Mississippi, on Negro voter regis-
The goal of the Friends' Free-
dom Fund is a reserve bail fund
of $3000 in anticipation of arrests
stemming from the students' ef-
forts in the South.
According to Rev. Paul R. Dot-
son, a local minister recently re-
turned from such work in Missis-
sippi, the arrests are likely to be
made for numerous offenses:
-"Subversion"-when the vol-
unteers are c a r r y i n g reading
primers in their cars;
-"Disturbing the peace"-when
they are physically attacked by
integration opponents;
-"Speeding" - when they are
carefully obeying speed limits;
-"Insurrection" -- for teaching
Negroes how to register to vote.
Dotson said that the availabil-
ity of the bail money is essential
if the volunteers are to be .able
to continue their work without
having to remain in jail for un-
certain periods of time following
their arrest or until a trial is held
or a decision appealed.
The Freedom Fund is being
organized by Friends member
Walter Scheider. He explained
that the Ann Arbor students now
in Mississippi raised some funds
before they left but did not reach
their goal of $500 per person in
bail money. /

"Francis G. Shiel, manager ofl
Service Enterprises and in charge1
of the parking situation on North
Campus, has agreed to meet early
next week with two spokesmen for
the North Campus parking pro-
testors," a North Campus spokes-
man said yesterday. A definite'
date has not been set.
"This marks an appreciable
breakthrough in the parking pro-,
test, since until now the protestors
have been able to get no direct
discussion of their complaints
with the administration," another
protestor noted.
In the agreement to meet with
Shiel, the protestors temporarily
suspended their former request
that a one- or two-month mora-
torium on the regulations be ap-
plied before any discussion start-
ed. They had expressed this wish
in an open letter last week and
in a note to Vice-President for
Business and Finance Wilbur K.
PierPont earlier this week. There
had been no administration replies
to either request.
Moratorium Decision
At their meeting yesterday, the
protestors arrived at the decision
on the moratorium request, ap-
proved the tentative meeting with
Shiel and scheduled the next
meeting of their group for Mon-1
The ' group continued parking
about 150 cars on the vacant
lawn adjacent to the Phoenix
Project yesterday in protest over
the parking regulations which went
into effect the first of this month.
It marked the eighth straight day
of the protest "park-in."
Executive Vice-President Marvin
L. Niehuss held a short discussion
with protest representatives earlier
this week, but "it has been in-
dicated that we should talk to,
Shiel , about the protest com-
plaints," a protestor said.
Apparent Concession
Before this month, all parking
places on North Campus were free;
now about 100 are free, 150 meter-
ed and 650 paid staff permit park-
ing. The University made an ap-
parent concession to the protes-
tors Thursday when it changed to
only one-thirld paid parking a lot
which had been previously about
two-thirds paid under the new

But the protestors want a free
lot, closer to the Phoenix Project
than thechanged one.
The protestors complain that
conditions on North Campus do
not warrant the same type park-
ing regulations as those on Cen-
tral Campus. In addition, ,.they
claim that they received only one
month notice on the parking;
Overall Plan
Pierpont has countered by say-
ing that the changes are part of
an overall plan for parking con-
trols on allUniversity campuses.

In addition, he has noted
the changes were discussed b:
Senate Advisory Committe
University Affairs in April
that the changes were pub
in the SACUA minutes later
month. In addition, notices
sent to all department I
deans and project superviso:
On the first day of the pry
Ann Arbor police recorded 1i
numbers of' the "park-in" can
left notices that the cars
subject to possible removal.
have done nothing since

World News Roundup
By The Associated Prem
BURLINGTON, Vt.-A three-judge federal court panel
yesterday both houses of the Vermont Legislature are malapportio:
The judges called for a new plan which would support the p
ciple of "one man, one vote."
ATLANTA-Restaurant owner Lester Maddox said yesterday
would continue to operate his business on a segregated basis e
if ordered by a federal court to"

Vows To Act
Under L w
Hecklers Question
His 'Integrity' on
Rights, Nuclear Arms
almost hostile questioning by some
Republican platform writers, Ari-
zona Sen. Barry Goldwater prom-
ised yesterday to uphold the civil
rights law as It stands.
He delivered strong assurances'
that he expects to support any
platform the GOP Platform Com-
mittee drafts.
But needle-sharp questions fol-
lowed. Goldwater pledged himself
not to seek repeal of the two por-
tions of the Civil Rights Act he
considers unconstitutional, then
flared when a Negro member re-
opened the rights issue.
Could Goldwater "consistently,
conscientiously and in good faith
use the powers and prestige of
the presidency to carry out the
civil rights law?" asked George A.
Parker of the District of Colum-
"When you use that argument
you are questioning my honesty,"
Goldwater snapped. "I should re-
sent it but I won't. I'll answer
your question."
Parker protested he was not
questioning Goldwater's integrity.
Majority Voice
"You are, sir," said the senator,
tor, and then repeated his pledge:
"I will uphold that law because
it is the voice of the majority."
Another long exchange followed
a request by delegate John Del-
lenback of Oregon for Goldwater
to explain his views on giving Eu-
ropean military commanders con-
trol of nuclear weapons. The dele-
gate said there was "much con-

Ask Neutral
Viet Nam,
WASHINGTON (a')-Some 5000
university professors y e s t e r d a y
urged President Lyndon B. John-
son-and both the Republican and
Democratic parties-to work for
a neutralized North and South
Viet Nam..
The teachers circulated a state-
ment under the auspices of the
National Committee for a Sane
Nuclear Policy. The document de-
clared that neutralizing both parts
of the country would end its ter-
ror and suffering as well as the
continuing loss of American and
Vietnamese lives.
"It would be preferable to deep-
er involvement or irresponsible
pullout," the educators said. There
was no immediate response from
the State or Defense Departments.
T h e statement appealed to
Johnson "not to enlarge the scope

May Forfeit
-Up To -58
Votes In Ohio
But Denies Trouble,
Says He Can Win
Presidency in '64, '68
By The Associated Press
lican Platform Committee yester-
day rejected a strong civil rights
plank proposed by Gov. William
Scranton of Pennsylvania, giving
him another drubbing in his drive
to win the GOP presidential nom-
Yet the same day Scranton re-
fused to concede that his chances
of getting the nomination were
hurt by release of the 58-vote
Ohio delegation from their com-
mitment to back Gov. James A.
In fact, he told a whooping
crowd of boosters that he expects
to win the presidency both in 1964
and in 1968.
The platform committee's ex-
ecutive body, which is drafting
the GOP document, nevertheless
rejected three additional proposals
advocated by moderates backing
These dealt with political ex-
tremists of the left and right, op-
position to right-to-work legisla-
tion, and control of nuclear
Scranton told a news confer-
ence that it was "beginning to
sound" as though the platform
drafting was rigged.
Scranton had urged the plat-
form drafters to endorse the con-
stitutionality of the new Civil
Rights Act and call for "full and
effective enforcement." Arizona
Sen. Barry Goldwater questioned
the constitutional validity of the
legislation in two sections in vot-

serve Negroes.
"If I am enjoined, I will go
back and continue to operate until
the President says I have to go
to jail," Maddox said.
WASHINGTON-The comman-
dant of the Marine Corps indi-
cated yesterday he will ask for a,
boost in "the present 190,000-man
strength of the corps.
MOSCOW-A local Communist
party big shot in the district of
Tambov recently knocked down a
low flying crop dusting plane with
a well-aimed vodka bottle, the
newspaper Izvestia reported.
NEW YORK-The stock market
advanced to another all-time ,high
yesterday of 847.51 on the closing
Dow-Jones averages. Thirty in-
dustrial were up 2.38, 20 rails up
.79, 15 utilities up .76 and 65
stocks were up 1.05.
* * *
white men, one swining a heavy
iron bar, attacked' and beat a
rabbi and two other white civil
rights workers here yesterday.

Report Cypru
Troop Move
States has received reports t
Greece and Turkey have been
filtrating troops in small numb
into strife-torn Cyprus for,
past six or eight weeks.
Officials said yesterday the
ports are "fairly well substanti
ed" and they do not doubt t
some infiltration has been gc
on, with a greater number
Greeks than of Turks landing
the island from small boats.
The situation in Cyprus is c
sidered becoming increasingly
plosive, though the White Hc
and State Department still h(
that diplomatic measures will i
ceed in preventing open warf
between the two NATO allies.
Major diplomatic activity
which the United States is n
involved is taking place in Gene



Join The Datiy--and yStay for Life

We need you now more than evei'-no one can get out of
building and we're too weak from hunger to put out another Da
You'd better bring along enough food to last until the end
the summer if you decide to join our vigil, though. No one can
how long we'll be holed up here.
It won't be quite like being stranded on a desert island.
Daily is literally crawling with oddballs who will keep you laugh
all the time-or crying, or running in fear. And there's alw
plenty to do.
You can be a photographer and take pictures of the cc
in the women's lavatory where famous senior editors are alle
to have spent whole nights. Or you can try and get a shot of
Daily's night desk-if you can find it.
You could be an editorial staff writer. You may not be
to get out of the building to punch your favorites administrato:
the mouth personally. But you'll soon learn the gentle art of
i'vna.1iah 1A~nio--sar1there's an awful 'lt you can tell th

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