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July 10, 1964 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1964-07-10

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Warmer and fair, with
rising temperatures

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Set To Risk War: McNamara


WASHINGTON (T) - Despitev
sharp Senate charges of "brink-
manship," Secretary of Defense
Robert S. McNamara backed two
top military leaders who said the
United States is prepared to risk
war with Red China to preserve
South Viet Nam's independence.
McNamara told the Senate for-
eign relations committee at a clos-
ed session June 23 that the U.S.
effort to save South Viet Nam
"carries the risk of escalating to
military actions outside the bor-
der of South Viet Nam."

In his testimony, released yes-
terday, McNamara defended state-
ments made in separate interviews
by Adm. Harry D. Felt, outgoing
commander in chief of U.S.'forces
in the Pacific, and Gen. Paul D.
Harkins, retiring commander of
the American advisory and train-
ing mission to South Viet Nam.
Sharply Questioned
McNamara was questioned
sharply about the interviews by
both Democrats and Republicans.
Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper (R-


Iowa) ranking minority member
of the committee, demanded to
know "who speaks for American
"They say something this com-
mittee has not been told is official
American policy," Hickenlooper
"Isn't that a form of brinkman-
ship that they are playing?" asked
chairman J. W. Fulbright (D-
Ark). "They don't wish to say that
we won't fight under any circum-
stances and they don't want the
President to pledge this."
Morse Shocked
Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore), who
has long been a critic of U.S.
policy in South Viet Nam, told Mc-
"I think it is a shocking thing,
the military being allowed to be
unleashed in the matter of for-
eign policy."
"If we get into a war-and I
think we are going to-when we
get into that war I will be behind
it," Morse said. "But I have a duty
as. a Senator to do everything I
can to stop my country from get-
ting into a war. I think we are
headed straight for one.'
Earlier, he had told the Senate
that "war clouds are becoming
more black and ugly over South-
east Asia."
He said the United States should
stop "acting like an aggressor"
and take the whole Viet Nam
issue to the United Nations.
Seeks Posture
McNamara told the committee
that the United States is seeking
to develop "a sufficiently strong
military posture to deter our op-
ponents from either political or
military aggression, and through
that deterrence to avoid a break-
down of the peace."
McNamara said no responsible
military or civilian official in the
defense department has spoken on
a foreign policy matter without
specific approval from the highest
ranks of the U.S. government.
But he stopped short of saying
that President Lyndon B. Johnson
had authorized Felt or Harwkins to
speak out on risking war with
Communist China.

China Bid
For India
LONDON (P)-Two long-fueding
neighbors, Pakistan and India,
clashed at the British Common-
wealth summit talks yesterday
over whether Red China can and
wants to invade the Indian sub-
President Ayub Khan, a field
marshal who has kept Pakistan
linked militarily with the West,
told fellow leaders this idea is a
bogey that must be destroyed.
"No major invasion of India
(across the Himalayan mountains)
is possible," he said. Smaller Asian
countries may turn to Peking for
protection if the West goes on
building up India's military power,
he warned.
But Indian Finance Minister T.
T. Krishnamachari challenged
Ayub's claim that the Himalayas
are impregnable.
"Our experience has been very
different and no democratic gov-
ernment in India can ignore the
threat from China," he said. "We
must build up our defenses be-
cause of our experience with
China." Advance elements of
Chinese invading forces in autumn
1962 breached the Himalayan
passes and reached the Assam
plain before stopping voluntarily.
Behind the differences between
leaders of the Commonwealth's
two giant member-nations lies
their nearly 17-year-old quarrel
over the future of Kashmir, the
mountain-topstate both claim.
Ayub and Krishnamachari each
professed readiness of their gov-
ernments to try once again to
settle that dispute. But both stood
fast on their old positions that
have defied all attempts at recon-
"Pakistan will not abandon the
right of Kashmiris to selfdeter-
mination," Ayub was quoted by
aides as saying in emphatic terms.
Like Pakistan, Kashmir has a
Moslem population majority.
The two men have arranged to
dine together July 15 in what may
be a start of a new bid to bury
the hatchet.

-Daily-David Lambert
THESE ARE SEVERAL MEMBERS of the Ann Arbor CORE chapter which last night approved the
Citizens' Committee plan for Jones School. They are Percy Bates, guest lecturer at the University this
summer; Walter Blackwell, chairman of the chapter; Evelyn Moore, chairman of the CORE educa-
tion committee; and Harry Mial, member of the Ann Arbor Human Relations Commission and psy-
chometrist for the Ann Arbor public schools.
Goldwater Proclaims Triple Victory

Ann Arbor CORE Agrees
With Jones School Plan

Negroes File
Suit Testing
Rights Bill
1 S1
ATLANTA (A) - Three Negroes
filed suit against a segregated At-
lanta restaurant yesterday in whatl
they described as the nation's first
major test of compliance under
the new civil rights law.
The restaurant owner, Lester
Maddox, who twice has turned
Negroes away from his eating es-
tablishment, was ordered to show
cause why an injunction should
not be granted to make him com-
ply with the law.;
U.S. District Judge Frank A.
Hooper set July 17 as the date for
a hearing on the suit which the
Negroes said was a class action
seeking to open the restaurant to
other Negroes.
In their petition, the Negroes
said Maddox threatened them with+
a pistol while a white crowd
brandishing ax handles looked on.
This was the first test of com-
pliance with the public accommo-
dations sections of the new federal;
law although an Atlanta motel
owner filed the first court suit
attacking the constitutionality of
the week-old statute Monday.
Elsewhere, a fact-finding com-
mittee of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People predicted that opposition
to the civil rights law would bring
widespread bloodshed of Negroes
in Mississippi.
John F. Davis, a spokesman for
the nine-member group which has
just completed a five-day tour of
Mississippi, said conditions, as far
as Negroes are concerned, "ap-
proach a police state."
Blames FBI
A congressman-who is a for-
mer Federal Bureau of Investiga-
tion agent-agreed with this an-
alysis in the House. He blamed the
"There is a very deep distrust
of the FBI among students in the

ADVOCATORS of segregated
education, former Gov. Ross
Barnett (upper) and George
Wallace. Efforts to resist inte-
gration 'will now cost millions
of dollars.
LJJ Forms
President Lyndon B. Johnson is
preparing enforcement regulations
which c o u ld cost segregated
schools throughout the country
more than $2.5 billion in federal
The regulations will define the
authority of Office of Education
officials to cut off funds under
Title VI of the enacted Civil
Rights Bill.
This title authorizes federal
agencies to withhold funds from
any program in which discrimina-
tion is found.
New Estimate
The $2.5 billion estimate has
been set by the Department of
Health, Education and Welfare as
the sum of federal support to ele-
mentary, secondary and higher
education institutions. The amount
going to discriminatory schools
has not been estimated.
The University, a recipient of
more than $40 million in federal
funds, is not expected to come
under investigation.
A spokesman for Commissioner
of Education Francis Keppel said
yesterday that the President is
"particularly anxious to clamp
down on the nation's segregated
school systems."
The White House is authorized
by the bill "to establish guidelines
for discrimination," the spokes-
man said.
"Johnson has given every indi-
cation that these guidelines will
place numerous higher institutions
and public school systems in the
category of being segregated," the
spokesman said.
He was referring mainly to
Southern schools.
Mississippi alone has no inte-
grated.school in its entire public
system. "It would stand to lose
millions upon millions of dollars"~
when the Office of Education
clamps down, the spokesman ob-
Even a Department
Under the rights law, even a
special project or department
within an institution could be de-
prived of federal funds. This
means a laboratory which dis-
criminates against Negroes might
lose any federal grant it currently
Although the determination of
what constitutes discrimination
will be difficult, the Office of Edu-
cation "will have arbitrary powers
within the President's guidelines
to make that determination," the
spokesman said.
If the Commissioner of Educa-
tion-director of the office-con-
cludes that an institution is guilty
of discrimination, he has the ab-
.n,+a p m nu p t cl o nfffplp

U.S.Opposes Thant Plan
To Convene Geneva Parley
WASHINGTON {P)-The United States turned a cold shoulder
yesterday to United Nations Secretary General U Thant's suggestion
that a 14-nation conference be reconvened to seek a peaceful settle-
ment of the Communist guerrilla warfare in South Viet Nam.
Behind the U.S. opposition is the conviction of administration
leaders that such a conference would only open the door to a renewed
- effort to neutralize South Viet

Barry Goldwater flashed across the
continent yesterday and delivered
a triple promise to capture the
"Republican presidential nomina-
tion, defeat President Lyndon B.
Johnson and preserve freedom
"Win we will!" Goldwater as-
sured a roaring throng of well
wishers who swarmed the airport
to welcome him to the Republican
party's national convention city.
Backed by a massive array of
.voters, Goldwater already is well
on the way to making good on the
first part of the pledge-to win
the presidential nomination. Pros-
pects of his making it on the first
ballot brightened.
Ike Neutral
Former President Dwight D.
Eisenhower insisted he would re-
main neutral in the fight for the
Republican presidential nomina-
At a terse trainside news con-
ference before leaving for the GOP
convention in San Francisco, Eis-
enhower said only:
"I am showing no partiality to
anyone. I've been completely con-
sistent in this and I have double-
crossed no one."
But Gov. William W. Scranton
of Pennsylvania, predicting victory
as all politicians do, kept on fight-
ing a dogged uphill battle against
the Arizona senator.
Scranton Pounds
Scranton pounded a w a y at
Goldwater at hearings on the
party platform and in sessions
with newsmen. At the hearings he
slashed simultaneously at the sen-
ator, at extremist groups and at
the John Birch Society. He refer-
red to the society disdainfully as
"this weird presence in America."
Goldwater had declined to repudi-
ate the organization.
Scranton had preceded Gold-
watter to San Francisco by a day.
Last night the rivals were living
one floor apart in headquarters
at the Mark Hopkins Hotel on
Nob Hill.
An estimated 4008 , partisans
waited for Goldwater to come into
the airport from Washington yes-
terday. Banners and signs of every

description all added up to what
the fans were chanting wildly:
"We want Barry."
Unity Plea
The senator came to town with
an arrival statement all ready-a
statement that blended together
more predictions of a defeat for
Johnson and a bid for Republican
unity in the coming political wars
against the Democrats.
He didn't read the statement,
though. Instead he climbed onto
an airplane boarding ramp, waited
for the cheers to subside and told
his audience:
"I am returning to San Fran-
cisco today to win next week the
Protestors Eye
Future Moves
The North Campus Parking Pro-
testors have scheduled a meeting
for today to determine the course
of their actions in the next few
"We are going to discuss vig-
orously seeking negotiations in
light of the lack of response from
the administration," one protestor
The protestors sent a letter
Wednesday to Vice President for
Business and Finance Wilbur K.
Pierpont, asking for a moratorium
on the new North Campus park-
ing regulations which went into
effect this month.
No reply has been received.
The protestors parked about 150
cars on the lawn next to the Phoe-
nix Project yesterday, rounding
out a full week of 'park-in'
protests. Few cars are parked in
the paid places on North Campus.

'Will Accept
Denounces Effects
Of Segregation
In City Education
The Ann Arbor Chapter of the
Congress of Racial Equality last
n i g h t expressed "substantial
agreement" with a citizen's group
report on racial imbalance. It
called for the closing down of
Jones Elementary School, 401 N.
Division St.
The committee was appointed
by the Ann Arbor Board of Edu
cation for 'the study of racial
imbalance in the city's public
CORE's agreement with the
recommendation is expected to aid
implementation of the committee's
report-if the Board of Education
agrees with the proposals. The
school board has yet to discuss
Made Public
The committee's report, which
was made public June 11, asks:
-That Jones public elementary
school be closed and its 200 stu-
dents be bussed daily to other pub-
lic schools in Ann Arbor. Jones
school has been called by many,
including CORE, the poorest edu-
cational unit in the city of Ann
Arbor. Achievement ratings and
grades for Jones school students
are consistently below. those of
students in other Ann Arbor pub-
lic schools. CORE has attributed
this situation at least in part to
he facto segregation. The propor-
tion of Negro to white students in
the school is approximately three
to one.
The CORE statement noted that
"the committee report persuasively
demonstrated the lowered aca-
demic motivation and achieve-
ment that accompanies de facto
-That a person be employed
full-time to study the situation of
racial proportions in the Ann Ar-
bor public school system. CORE
agreed with this suggestion and
noted that "consideration should
be given to additional personnel
that may be required."

contest for the nomination of my
party. I come to you today to
promise you that I will preserve
and extend freedom all over this
country and all over this world.
"We're going to win next week
the chances are excellent that
we will win on the first ballot.
But win we will !"
Then, he said, Republicans will
march forward together to defeat
L y n d o n Banies Johnson in
Meanwhile, Scranton's backers
lost badly in their first test of
strength in the platform commit-
tee, failing by a margin of more
than 5-1 to get the committee to
revise its platform-drafting rules
to permit more debate.
Senator Hugh Scott (R-Penn),
field general for Scranton, said
the setback leaves no question
that there will be dissent from the
platform version to be drafted this
weekend by a 13-man executive
This could mean that Scran-
ton's small but vocal following will
precipitate a floor blattle in the
Republican convention next week
in their effort to write a more lib-
eral party policy than the front-
running Goldwater can accept.
Scranton scored high on the
applause meter, but low on the
vote chart on the first day of his
on-the-scene struggle to block
In fact, some of Scranton's few
remaining hopes of strength - in
states like Ohio, New Jersey and
Pennsylvania - were r e p o r t e d
crumbling before the Goldwater

'U' Players Set
Second Fantasy
The second offering of the Uni-
versity Players new program in
children's theatre has been sched-
uled for Aug. 11 in Trueblood Aud.
Margaret McKerrow of the
speech department will direct
"Greensleeves Magic," a fantasy
by Marion Jonson.
This play will be the sixth and
final offering by the University
Players in their current summer
Written especially for children,
the show will have only one per-
formance, at 4 p.m. Advance
ticket sales are now open through
the speech department's theatre

Nam while leaving North Viet
Nam in Communist hands.
In addition, U.S. officials looked
askance at the Thant suggestion
when the Communist Viet Cong
have refused to permit a UN in-
spection team to enter Commun-
ist-held areas on the borders of
Viet Nam and Cambodia.
State Department Press Officer
Richard I. Phillips spelled out the
long-standing U.S. opposition to
another Geneva conference on
Viet Nam.
"The problem is not the ab-
sence of a political settlement or
the need for a new Geneva con-
ference, but rather that Commun-
ist regimes in Hanoi and Peking,
which were parties to the (1954
and 1962) Geneva agreements,
have continuously violated them."

National Roundup,
DETROIT -- The Ford Motor Co. will construct a $92 million
stamping plant establishing 4000 new jobs here, Board Chairman
Henry Ford II announced yesterday. It will be Ford's largest single
<automotive plant in the country.
* * *


Wants Art to Do More than Protest

Any painting, whether it contains a message or not, must stand
the test of time. In addition to whatever social point it makes, it
must have quality, Prof. Hale Woodruff -of New York University said
He was exhibiting his work and speaking on "Negro Art in
America Today.",
Woodruff explained that "a work of art which tries exclusively
to convey a social message can turn out to be more propaganda or, at
best, 'social protest' art.
"Many a Negro artist marches to Washington may be active in
the National Association for the Advanment of Colored People or even
gives his works to CORE," Woodruff noted. "But when it comes to
expressing himself through art, he concentrated on his subject, his
form, and the content of the picture, and says whatever he intends
to get across with dignity and quality.
"The Negro has writers-like James Baldwin and LeRoy Jones-
and it has voices-Roy Wilkins, Martin Luther King." But art can not
be used only to spur the movement without lessening its value, Wood-

NEW YORK - The Board of
Education suffered a defeat yes-
terday in its school integrating
program when a judge ruled that
five pupils who live across the
street from a public school shall
not be transferred to another
school almost a mile away.
Justice Henry J. Latham of
Queens Supreme Court said the
board's program in this instance
was "arbitrary and unreasonable."
* * *
WASHINGTON-A 2-5 per cent
pay increase for most of the 2.7
million uniformed members of the
military forces won quick and
unanimous approval of the Senate
armed services committee today.
* * *
eral Aviation Agency's plans to
continue sonic boom testing here
while admitting it is a more serious
problem than originally believed
was described yesterday as "more
bureaucratic double talk."
Attorney George Miskovsky said

These are excerpts from the
CORE statement made last
"The (Citizens) Committee-
has performed a valuable serv-
ice by viewing the Jones School
situation in the broader con-
text of quality integrated edu-
cation in Ann Arbor and by
considering many of the other
evils which accompany racial
"While the Committee re-
port was a good first step, it
will amount to very little unless
the Board of Education is will-
ing to adopt a firm policy based
upon the Committee's recom-
mendations and-more import-
antly--to ensure that admin-
istrative failures do not under-
mine this policy.
"If the Board displays the
same sound reasoning shown
by its appointed Committee,
any' steps taken to correct the
narrower problem of racial im-
balance cannot help but bring
improved educational ' benefits
to all the children in Ann Ar-
bor's public schools."
-That a kindergarten "beefing
up" program be administered to
Jones' pre-school age children be-
fore they are bussed out to super-
ior schools. CORE was in agree-
ment with this recommendation
The CORE statement went on
to suggest that "regular progress
reports should be issued and that
a re-evaluation of the programs
for implementation, together with
public hearings, be held after a
specified period of time."
The committee renort was pri-


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