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July 07, 1964 - Image 6

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- - - Powip

N.L. Can Even Star Bouts

Ter-Ovanesyan Sick,
Will Miss L.A. Meet

Threat of Ump Strike Averted
By The Associated Press

NEW YORK (/P)--Dean Chance,
the fun loving Los Angeles An-
gels' right-hander, was the Amer-
ican League's surprising choice
against big Don Drysdale of the
Los Angeles Dodgers in this after-
noon's All-Star baseball game at
Shea Stadium.
After years of chasing the Amer-
ican League in All-Star competi-
tion the National League, a 7-5
favorite, finally had a chance to
even matters in this 35th renewal.
Although the American won 12
of the first 16, the National has
taken 12 of the last 18 with one
tie. As a result the American's
edge is 17-16-1.
About 45,000 fans are expected
to see the game at the Mets'
new stadium in Flushing Mead-
ows. Game time is noon, EST.
Because the starting line-ups,
selected by vote of the players,
coaches and managers, are load-
ed with right-handed batters, both
manager Al Lopez of the Chicago
White Sox and Walter Alston of
the world champion Dodgers pick-
ed right-handed starting pitchers.
Tony Oliva, Minnesota's fine
rookie right fielder, is the only
regular lefty swinger in the Amer-

000 salary. The owners asked him
to prove he could pitch well
enough to earn more.
Drysdale, 27, will be making his
fourth All-Star start, having open-
ed both of the 1959 games and
also the first game at Washing-
ton in 1962. Alston said he pick-
ed him because he had the most
Drysdale, 11-7 for the season,
beat the New York .Mets Friday
night in his last outing although
he was hit hard.
Short Next
"I'll probably come in with
Chris Short of the Phillies after
Drysdale," said Alston. "It de-
pends how many of these right-
handers they leave in there. Or
I may talk to Jim Bunning to see
how he feels."
Philadelphia's perfect g a m e
pitcher pitched 10 innings Satur-
"The ideal thing in these games
is to get as many men as possi-
ble in the game but still to win
it. I followed the voting for both
first and second teams and had
only four lefty hitters so I added
Johnny Callison, Philadelphia, who
always wears us out, and Smoky
Burgess, Pittsburgh, who hits a
ton against the Dodgers," Alston
Alston was not annoyed about
managers pitching All-Star pitch-
ers over the weekend. Four of
the Nationals started Sunday, in-
cluding his own Sandy Koufax.
"I don't know how you can tell
a manager not to use his best
pitcher," said Alston.
In addition to Drysdale. Short
and Bunning, Alston will have
available Juan Marichal of San
Francisco, Dick Farrell of Hous-
ton, Dick Ellsworth of Chicago and
Yanks and Twins
The American starting line-up
will have three Yanks and three
Minnesota Twins, plus third base-
man Brooks Robinson of Balti-
more and shortstop Jim Fregosi of
the Angels.
Facts and Figures
NEW YORK (P) - The batting
and pitching records of the play-
ers selected for today's Major
League All-Star game at Shea Sta-
AB, H RBI Pct.

The Yanks are catcher Elston
Howard, second baseman Bobby
Richardson and Mantle in his 13th
All-Star game. The Twins' dele-
gation includes left fielder Har-
mon Killebrew, the major league
leader with 30 homers and 64 runs
batted in, first baseman Bob Alli-
son and Oliva.
San Francisco has center field-
er Willie Mays and first baseman
Orlando Cepeda among the Na-
tional starters and St. Louis has
shortstop Dick Groat and third
baseman Ken Boyer.
Other starters include right
fielder Roberto Clemente of Pitts-
burgh, second baseman Ron Hunt
of New York, catcher Joe Torre of
Milwaukee, Williams and Drysdale.


MOSCOW ()--Igor Ter-Ovan-v
esyan, world record holder in the
broad jump, will not be a member
of the Russian track and field
team to oppose the United States
at Los Angeles July 25-26, Gavrill
Korobkov, chief coach of the So-
viet team said yesterday.
Korobkov told Tass, official So-
viet news agency, that Ter-Ovan-
esyan had fallen ill. He did not
take part in the Znamensky
Brothers memorial meet in Mos-
cow Saturday and Sunday.
Ralph Boston bettered Ter-
Ovanesyan's 27:3%/4 record with a
wind-aided leap of 27-5/2 at the
U. S. Olympic Trials Friday.
The Soviet coach said he will
take a much stronger team to Los

Angeles than the one that beat
the Americans here last year.
"This does not mean, however,
that we are bound to repeat last!
year's success," Korobkov said.'
"We are clearly aware of the fact
that in Los Angeles we shall meet
a team of much higher class than
we received in Moscow.
"There is going to be a close

attorney, Judge Robert Cannon,
NEW YORK - The National and secretary, Frank Scott.
League umpires, who on May 26 They then discussed phases of
threatened to strike, reached a the agenda with Warren Giles, Na-
verbal agreement with the league's tional League president and
executive council yesterday pro- American League prexy Joe Cron-
viding for an increase in their in.
pension fund.

John Reynolds, attorney for the
Association of National Baseball
League Umpires, said after a
three-hour meeting that:


AFL Players Move
For Pro Football Unity


Allison, Minn, lb 280 94 55
Richardson, NY, 2b 342 85 22
Robinson, Bal, 3b 287 91 48
Fregosi, LA, ss 218 69 40
Killebrew, Minn, if 275 79 64
Mantle, NY, cf 217 72 54
Oliva, Minn, rf 337 113 52
Howard, NY, c 265 77 39
Bressoud, Bps, if 297 90 29
Maizone, Bos, if 268 79 35
Siebern, Bal, if 238 64 31
Pepitone, NY, if 301 78 27
Lumpe, Det, if 310 78 27
Hinton, Wash, of 315 96 38
Colavito, KC, of 272 74 51
Hall, Minn, of 245 61 44
Freehan, Det, c 232 69 38
Radatz, Bos 83 100 7 4
Ford, NY 144 101 10 2
Pizzarro, Chi 116 80 11 4
Chance, LA 111 85 5 5
Peters, Chi 121 89 93 3
Wyatt, KC 62 38 5 4
Kraliek, Cleve 118 83 8 4
Pascual, Minn 125 96 9 6


ican line-up although Mickey
Mantle of the New York Yankees,
a switch hitter, will bat lefty
against Drysdale.
Billy Williams, Chicago Cubs'
left fielder, is the only lefty bat-
ter among the National starters.
"Actually it doesn't mean that
much," said Alston at a morning
news conference. "These guys
wouldn't be on the All-Star team
if they couldn't hit both left and
right hand pitching."
Surprise Choice
Lopez's choice of Chance sur-
prised many. The 23-year-old
playtime buddy of Bo Belinsky's
started Sunday in Boston and was
knocked out in the second inning.
Chance, named to the All-Star
team for the first time, has a
5-5 won-lost record. He is the
young man who made quite a stir
by feuding with the management
asking for a raise over his $18,-


BOSTON ()-Tommy Addison,
president of the American Foot-
ball League Player Association,
proposed yesterday an inter-
league meeting of associations to
"end this senseless war."
The Boston Patriots' linebacker
said he has contacted Baltimore
defensive end Ordell Braase, NFL
player association president.
"I cannot understand why the
AFL and NFL will not come to an
understanding with reference to
their mutual problems," Addison
He said he is seeking a meet-
ing of the associations "for the
Emerson Bids
For Sanction
MELBOURNE, Australia (A')-
Wimbledon champion Roy Emer-
son has taken the first step toward
winning reinstatement in the
Lawn Tennis Association of Aus-
tralia for himself and other top
In a letter to LTAA president
Norman W. Strange, Emerson said
he is seeking reinstatement be-
cause the present situation "is
hurtingAustralia as well as Aus-
tralian tennis."
Emerson and Fred Stolle, the
beaten Wimbledonfinalist, and
several other male tennis stars,
were dropped from the Davis Cup
team and suspended from the as-
sociation early this year when
they refused to heed an associa-
tion ban on playing in tourna-
ments abroad before the Austral-
ian championships.
Emerson's letter to Strange was
discussed by the association's
four-man executive committee
The committee was expected to
call a full LTAA meeting later in
the week to consider lifting the
Final voting among members of
the traditionally conservative as-
sociation is likely to be close, but
there are indications that some
states which originally supported
the suspensions now will vote to
reinstate the players.
Service Men
Toyko Bound
Marine Corps captain, two mem-
bers of the Army marksmanship
training unit and an Air Force
sergeant earned berths yesterday
on the rifle and pistol team that
will represent the United States
in the Olympics.
Marine Captain William Mc-
Millan, Air Force Sgt. Edwin
Teague, Second Lt. Gary Ander-
son and Sgt. Martin I. Gunnarson
were all picked during competi-
tion held at Fort Benning.
The remaining four members of
the 10-man team will be selected
between now and July 14 as com-
petition at this Georgia military
base continues.
Gamma Alpha 16, Pharmacology 13
Bloops 10, Animal Care 6

purpose of solving any problems
we may have as players."
"I make this as a proposal and
not as a challenge. I know Or-
dell and I are working for con-
tinued improvements for our play-
ers and pension plans.
"I, such a meeting between the
players could bring the two leagues
closer together in a playoff game
or an all-star game, then it would
benefit the players participating
in such a game and enlarge both
our pension funds.
"Both leagues and players' as-
sociations will survive without
each other. I am not in favor of
any type of merger because the
players will only continue to pros-
per from a two-league system.
"However, I think we 'can end
this senseless war between the two
leagues by the players reaching a
mutual agreement and working
together for the improvement of
pro football and the players in
both leagues."

Krk sateekd e "We have reached a verbal
Korobkov said thedwetkesMesagreement on an increase in the
morial meet showed better results pension fund which I will pre-
than the Russians displayed at sent to our association and Mr.
the same time last year and Giles (Warren Giles), president of
added: the NL, will present to the Na-
"I believe that now the Soviet tional League at its summer meet-
Union has a group in the events ing in Chicago."
from 1,500 to 10,000 meters such The meeting is tentatively
as no other country can boast." scheduled for Aug. 10.
The coach pointed out that the No details of the agreement were
Olympic 10.000 meters champion, announced.
Pyetr Bolotnikov, who recently "I feel the umpire's association
outraced Ron Clarke ofhAustralia, will approve the verbal agree-
as not yet beaten his Soviet ment," Reynolds said. "We met
sounh it Memorial meet 10,00as for three hours in a very friendly
sixthn th Meko ialmeet10, atmosphere conducive to good re-
won by Nikolai Dutov. lations. Mr. Giles and the execu-
"Rein Telp 800 meters, Vasily tive council were very reasonable."
Savinkov 1,500 meters, Dutov,athemtignad
Ksttisio Orentas and Mrart Witresent at the meeting in ad-
long distances are runners on dition to Giles and Reynolds were
whom we count very much in the Thomas Rogan, an insurance con-
Olympic year," Korobkov said. sultant associated with Reynolds,
"Most of them have shown their and executive council member Bill
worth only a short time ago. Dis- DeWitt of Cincinnati, John M-
tance runners Leonid Ivanov and Hale of Milwaukee and John Hol-
Yuri Tyruin are approaching their land of the Chicago Cubs.
best form. Five NL umpires were on hand
"There is less progress in the as observers. They were Stan
short distances from 100 to 800 Landes, president of the umpires
meters. But the Soviet team will association, Al Barlick, Augie Don-
be very able in the 400-meter re- atelli, Tom Gormon and Shag
lay race, and it seems that we will Crawford.
have a strong team in the 1,600-
meter relay for the first time." Grey Flannel Players
In the 1963 meet in Moscow, NEW YORK-Six members of
American men defeated the Rus- the Executive Committee of the
sians 119-114 while the Russian Major League Baseball Players As-
women trounced the American sociation yesterday discussed the
women 75-28. agenda for the association's an-
nual October meeting with the
the meet the American women presidents of the American and
must give a better showing. An National Leagues.
indication of how strong the The players - Bob Friend of
American women's squad is will Pittsburgh, Jim Bunning of Phila-
come this weekend in the Nation- delphia, Ken Boyer of St. Louis,
al AAU Women's track and field Harvey Kuenn of San Francisco,
meet. The meet is being held in Bob Allison of Minnesota and Lee
the central California town of Walls of the Los Angeles Dodgers
Hanford. -met first with the association's

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Scheduling, spring training ac-
tivities and pay television were
among the areas discussed. The
players continue to oppose the
scheduling of night games on
"getaway" dates and are seeking
better facilities for visiting clubs
during the spring exhibition
They are at present concerned
with pay-TV only as it may apply
in the future to World Series and
All-Star Games.
* * *
Staub Released
HOUSTON-The Houston Colts
have sent Rusty Staub, apparent-
ly the team's biggest bonus play-
er, to their Oklahoma City farm
club in the Pacific Coast League.
The 20-year old first baseman-
outfielder was a prospect who
rated the "can't miss" tag from
most every evaluator of talent.
Baseball men said Staub, a
native of New Orleans, showed
extraordinary poise for a teen-
ager. After a year at Durham in
the Carolina League where Staub
hit .293 and batted in 93 runs, it
was decided he would hold up
to the talents and pressures of the
major leagues.
Last season he hit .224 and
knocked in 45 runs. His batting
average this season was .202 for
233 times at the plate but he had
batted in 27 runs, third highest on
the nnith-place Colts.

Cepeda, Sf, 1b 2347
Hunt, NY, 2b 2838
Boyer, StL, 3b 3028
Groat, St.L, ss 321 9
Williams, Chi, If 2919
Mays, SF, of 2839
Clemente, Pgh, rf 296 10
Torre, Mil, c 277 8
Santo, Chi, if 2748
Cardenas, Cin, if 285 8
White, StL, if 2977
Mazeroski, Pgh, if 271 6
Aaron, Mil, of 3049
Flood, StL, of 3219
Stargell, Pgh, of 221 6
Callison, Phil, of 302 8
Edwards, Cin, c 244 6
Burgess, Pgh, c 103Z
Short, Phil 91 77
Koutax, LA 141 131
Drysdale, LA 162 121
Bunning, Phil 135 108
Marichal, SF 152 109
Elsworth, Chi 148 83
Farrell, Hous 116 83

71 44
88 22
87 54
93 29
96 44
96 44
02 39
87 48
83 52
80 41
78 30
66 28
93 45
95 21
65 48
85 43
66 35
25 9
t7 4
12 4
11 7
9 2
11 4
10 8
10 3

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3564 Administration Building before
2 p.m. of the day preceding publica-
tion, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Satur-
day and Sunday.
Day Calendar
Audio-Visual Education Center Film
Preview-"Scandinavia" and "Japan:
Miracle in Asia": Multipurpose Room,
Undergraduate Library, 1:30 p.m.
Dept. of Linguistics Forum Lecture-
Allan R. Keiler, The University of Mich-
igan, "Indo-European Laryngeal Phon-
emes": Rackham Amphitheatre, 7:30
University Musical Society Piano Re-
cital - Daniel Barenboim: Rackham
Aud., 8:30 p.m.
IST Special Summer Lectures - Dr.
Ian M. Mills of the University of
Reading, England, will speak on "Theory
of Molecular Force Fields and Molecu-
lar Dynamics"-Lecture Two to be given
on July 7 at 1 p.m. in Rm. 1400 of the
Chemistry Bldg.
Doctoral Examination for Jon An-
thony Rudbach, Microbiology; thesis:
"The Nature of the Alternation of En-
dotoxin by Human Plasma., Tues., July
7, Microbiology Conference Room, E.
Medical Bldg., at 1 p.m. Chairman, A.
J. Johnson.
Doctoral Examination for Gerard Lin-
coln Gebber, Pharmacology; thesis: "Re-
flex Inhibition of Adrenergic Activity at
a Peripheral Locus," Tues., July 7, 6314
Medical Science Bldg., at 10 a.m. Chair-
man, Lloyd Beck.
General Notices
Notice: Any currently enrolled new
student may secure their plastic iden-
tification card by making appltcation
at Window A of the Office of Registra-
tion & Records. Only those who in-

tend to enroll in the fall term need
apply. Registration in either the fall
or winter term requires a current I.D.
card. Individuals who have lost their
I.D. cards are reminded that this Of-
fice shuold be contacted for informa-
tion about their lost cards or replace-
Appointments--Seniors & grad students,
please call Ext. 3544 for appointments
with the following:
General Foods Corp., White Plains,
N.Y.-Seeking MEN, May & Aug. grads
(p.m. only). BA or MA or BBA. Psych.,
Ind. Reis. or anyone interested in
Personnel work. Positions: Personnel
Admin. Trainee Program.
The Peace Corps is on campus this
week. They will have information cen-
ters in the lower lobby of the Michi-
gan Union and on the Diagonal. Spe-
cial program for experienced teachers.
Make appointments with representatives
for placement test.
NoticetoStudents from India: In-
terviews will be held in October-No-
vember, 1964, at various centers in the
United States for students from India
in several Science and Engineering
categories. Positions will be in various
departments of the Government of In-
dia, and are for students who will be
returning to India in the next 12-14
Application Forms for Overseas Can-
didates were not furnished, but must
be obtained from the Indian Embassy/
HightCommission/Consultants. Appli-
cations must be returned by July 20.
A brochure describing the opportuni-
ties is available at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.
Allstate Insurance Co., Detroit, Mich.
-1. Office Supervisor Trainee-BA w/
some Accounting pref. No exper. Age 23-
28. Trng. prog. for 1-1% yrs. in operat-
ing dept.; will rotate on assignment to
other depts. Will be assigned at end of
trng. as Supv., heading clerical unit of
about 15 employes. 2. Accounting Supv.
-BA with acc't. major or minor or 1
or 2 yrs. supv. ace't. exper. Age 24-30.
Leads to mgmt. position. 3. Casualty

Staub was given the news after
the Colt-Pittsburgh game on Sun-
day night. Staub did not play i.
the game.
Finley Fires
CHICAGO-Charles Q. Finley,
owner of the Kansas City A's, fired
a letter of protest yesterday to
Joe Cronin, president of the Amer-
ican League, concerning a curfew
order on the July 4 twilight game
with the Orioles at Baltimore.
The game ended in a 6-6 tie
after nine innings and will be
replayed in September.
"When we arrived in Baltimore
there was a directive from Cronin
to my manager, Mel McGaha, or-
Jering a curfew that no inning
may start after 8:15 p.m.," said
Finley. "I, as owner and my gen-
eral manager, Pat Friday, were
not informed of that order.
"I resent very much the fact
that Cronin would issue such a
directive to my manager with-
out considering me or my general
"The ninth inning started at
8:13 p.m. The curfew ended the
game after the ninth in a 6-6
tie. Then they had a fireworks
"There were 37,000 fans at the
game. They were lured to the
park to see a game between the
A's and the league-leading Orioles,
played to a decision. They booed
when the curfew order was an-
"Cronin's decision was a dis-
grace to baseball and when it took
place, it was one of baseball's
saddest days."

r I

Underwriter-mgmt. potential. College
bkgd.-at least 1-2 yrs. underwriting
exper. Age 24-30.
Friden, Inc., Detroit, Mich.-System's
Sales Manager-2 openings-sales of
data processing equipment. Punch pa-
per tape & cards. BA any degree. Must
have 2-3 yrs. exper.
Saginaw Downtown Improvement Co.,
Saginaw, Mich.-Director - BA or MA
Poli. Sci. or Public Admin.-or ex-
per. with trade ass'n. or Chamber of
Commerce. Age open-will consider re-
cent. grad-related exper. desirable. Proj-
ect to imp. business dist. of Saginaw.
Will coordinate the various recommen-
dations, plan program & put into ef-
fect. Will involve contacting new busi-
ness prospects, real estate, etc.
Association in East Lansing, Mich.
Managing Editor of the organization's
Journal. Position is on hdqts. staff.
May require long hrs. at times. Plan
future issues, solicit appro. material,
oversee prep, of other material. Write
articles, edit all material; also designs,
copyfits, & produces the Journal. MA
degree-male. Pertinent exper.
Battle Creek Civic Theatre, Battle
Creek, Mich.-Seeking Director for 1964-
65 season. This is a small civil thea-
tre with an active Bd. of Dirs. which
is interested in improving the local
theatre scene. This is a 9 mo. season,
which is tentatively scheduled to in-
clude 5 plays, one of which will be a
musical. Pertinent exper. required.
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
3200 SAB, Ext. 3544.
VOLVO Dealer
Sales, Service & Parts
319 W. Huron

beer in




Major League Standings


W L Pct. GB
Baltimore 48 28 .632 -
Chicago 44 30 .593 3
New York 45 31 .592 3
Minnesota 43 37 .538 7
Detroit 38 39 .494 10 j
Boston 38 41 .481 111
Los Angeles 37 44 .457 13/
Cleveland 34 42 .447 11
Kansas Ctiy 31 47 .397 18
Washington 31 51 .386 191,
No games scheduled
American League All-Stars vs. Na-
tional League All-Stars at Shea
Stadium, New York

W L Pet. GB
Philadelphia 47 28 .627 -
San Francisco 47 31 .603 1f2
Cincinnati 42 35 .545 6
Pittsburgh 40 35 .533 7
Los Angeles 38 39 .494 10
St. Louis 39 40 .494 10
Milwaukee 38 40 .487 10
Chicago 36 38 .486 101,12
Houston 37 43 .463 12%f
New York 28 58 .284 27
No games scheduled
American League All-Stars vs. Na-
tional League All-Stars at Shea
Stadium. New York

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