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July 02, 1964 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1964-07-02

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4t C4tgaYi


Little temperature change,
chance of thundershowers

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Residence Planners
Seek Innovations
The residence college is being put together bit by bit.
Its planners are utilizing the summer months to gather
background data onhinnovations in buildings, curriculum and
instructional techniques.
Come fall, these planners-a faculty group headed by As-
sociate Dean Burton Thuma of the literary college--will pool
their material to set the specifications for the 1200-student,
self-contained undergraduate college.
It is to be situated and administrated autonomously
from the rest of the campus. The location is a 40-acre tract
between Fuller Rd. and the
Huron River at the gateway to
North Campus.
Precisely what and where the
final clump of buildings will be
remains uncertain, since "a
"residential college of this type
is unique in American educa-
tion," Thuma observes. Two
members of the faculty plan-
ning committee for the college,
Prof. Theodore Newcombe of
the sociology department -and
Prof. Alan Gaylord of the Eng-
lish department, will bring
back first-hand accounts of
- hsimilar experiments on the west
In addition, the group will
' springboard t h e i r thinking
from a series of guidelines
hatched by the literary college
DEAN BURTON THUMA faculty. A first major question
will be whether to launch the liberal arts unit in its own
buildings-yet to be planned-or start a pilot group in West
Quadrangle in 1965.
Beyond that, here's a rundown on what the planners know
and must decide:
-The 1200 students will live in a complex of dormitories
housing from 150-200 residents apiece. These residence halls
will offer a choice of living units varying from suites to
apartments for married couples, Thuma explains.
Herbert Sigman, secretary of the faculty planners, noted
their concern "with how to make dormitory living appealing
for upperclassmen." He elaborates that the majority of upper-
classmen usually evacuates the current residence hall system
for apartments or Greek life. Those who stay do not interact
effectively with the freshmen, he says.
In the residence college, where the hope is that students
voluntarily remain for all four years, the loss of older students
would rob the educational process.
-Clustered around the residence halls will be the academic.
buildings. These structures should be conducive to innovation
in learning and teaching, particularly facilitating independent
study, according to Prof. Stanford Ericksen, director of the Cen-
ter for Research on Learning and Teaching.
-Once educational ideas are sufficiently concrete, the
planners will be prepared to create the "bricks and mortar"
plans for their product. Already John McKevitt, assistant to
the vice-president for business and finance, has begun "site-
planning" with an architectural firm.
The planners will have about nine months, starting in the
fall, to draft their educational and physical blueprint. This
would permit a 1968 inauguration.

Rush Sees Asia Victory
without More Fighting
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Secretary of State Dean Rusk said yesterday it
should be possible to achieve peace in Southeast Asia, including the
independence of the countries there, "without any extension of the
Rusk told a news conference "our first objective is to explore
that possibility." But he emphasized that United States interest in
-peace did not mean "acquiescence

Personnel Stage 'Park-In'
O 0n North Campus Lawil

To Nominate
Senator Barry Goldwater's name
will be placed in nomination at
the Republican National Conven-
tion two weeks hence by Sen.
Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois,
Dirksen said yesterday.
"The request has been made,
and I have agreed to it," Dirksen
told a reporter.
The Illinois senator, GOP Sen-
ate leader, came out publicly for
Goldwater at a caucus of the Il-
linois convention delegation in
Staff Member
Dirksen said later he was first
approached with the suggestion
he place Goldwater in nomination
by a member of Goldwater's staff
whom he did not identity,
The staffer, Dirksen related,
made the approach "within the
last few days," telling Dirksen
"Barry is a little shy about asking
for himself."
Dirksen described as "one of
those speculative things" a re-
porter's question as to whether
he would accept a vice-presiden-
tial nomination on a Goldwater
'As Well or Better'
He said he has no reason to
believe that Goldwater, as the
GOP presidential c a n d i d a t e,
"can't do as well or better" than
anyone else to help Republican
Senate and House candidates win
He challenged anyone to name
another Republican who has flown
around the country, "in fair
weather and foul," as he said,
Goldwater has done to help House
and Senate members with
Dirksen said he is confident
that Goldwater as President would
carry out his oath of office and
vigorously enforce the civil rights
bill now nearing passage, even
though he voted againsi it on
grounds that parts of it are un-

to aggression" by the Communists
in Laos and South Viet Nam.
Questioned about whether the
administration was blowing hot
and cold on Southeast Asian war
dangers from one week to anoth-
er, Rusk said the situation is in-
deed very risky and gravely dan-
gerous in that the U.S. does not
control all the critical decisions,
which depend on what the Com-
munists do.
He described the future as
"crowded with uncertainty" and
sai: that the emphasis made by
public officials often determines
whether their statements make
an impreosicns as peace talks or
talks ibout war.
On other rlated points Rusk
maie uhf- foltwing commnts
He did not see any possibility
that Laos or South Viet Nam
could be moved toward peaceful
sclutions by "throwing the ques-
tion cve' night into the United
Nat innO"
Not Paitsan Questions
-He deciaed that he expects
a "lively pubc discussion" of the
government's southeast Asian pol
icies during the politicalhcan-
paigns this year. He said the is-
sues do not, however, "lend them-
selves to partisan debate.
'These are serious questions to
whch . . . both parties ought to
a9dress themrr;elves in terns of th
national inte t and the interest
of ):-e Amersa people,' he said.
-He expressed hopeful optim-
ism about the outcome of the cur-
rent political crisis in the Congo,
concurrent witn. the withdrawal
of UN forces. "We do not despair,"
Rusk said.
Gains 6-8 GOP
Votes in State
LANSING-Arizona Gov. Barry
Goldwater picked up between six
and eight first ballot delegate
votes after a meeting yesterday
with Gov. George Romney and the
Michigan delegates to the GOP
It appeared that Romney is los-
ing hisgtight grip on the state's
48 delegates, the Detroit x! ree Press
reported. Besides the delegates
rather certain to support Gold-
water, from nine to 15 others were
reported inclined to him.
Last week GOP pros said that
Goldwater had at best six votes.
Two weeks before that party lead-
ers were giving him only four
While Goldwater refused to
comment on the situation, a field
coordinator of his, Richard Klein-
dienst, said that the Arizonian
had 10 positive votes.
"We really don't need them, be-
cause we have enough to win the
nomination," he said.
Goldwater spent more than an
hour with the delegates and Rom-
ney behind closed doors and an-
swered prepared questions.
"The senator received a rising
ovation when he got through
(with the questioning)," Romney
said later. "I wasn't entirely satis-
fied with all his answers to the
Asked if Goldwater had answer-
ed queries dealing with civil rights,
foreign policy and economic con-
centration of power, Romney said
that "his answers just about bal-
anced off my questions. In some
areas it made it easier for me to
get together with him; in others
it made it harder."


-Daly-Kamalakar Rao
THIS IS THE formerly vacant lot next to the Phoenix Project on North Campus. Protestors covered
it with 200 of their cars yesterday in protest over changes in University parking regulations. Plans
are to do the same thing today and tomorrow and await consideration by the University. The pro-
testors complain that conditions do not warrant the regulations; the University considers them nec-
essary to expand the Central Campus parking plan and alleviate traffic and parking problems.
Farmer Outlines CORE Pans

Dotson Relates Southern Visit

KANSAS CITY (AP) - The Con-'
gress of Racial Equality will stage
demonstrations at both national
political conventions and will at-
tempt to unseat the Mississippi
delegation to the Democratic con-
vention, the head of CORE said
James Farmer, National Direct-
or of the civil rights organization,
outlined CORE's summer program
in advance of the group's 22nd an-
nual national convention that
opens here today.
He said the program will in-
Voter Registration
--Crash voter registration drives
in Mississippi, Louisiana and
North Florida and a stepping up
of CORE community centers in
Mississippi-especially at Merid-
ian where three civil rights work-
ers disappeared recently.
-Rent strikes in Chicago and
organization of unemployed work
squads. These squads will clean
up vacant lots and other civic
nuisances, then present the bill
at city hall to prove there "is work
to be done and that there are jobs
for the unemployed."
-The 21 CORE chapters in
California will stage demonstra-
tions at the Bank of America, the
world's largest bank, demanding
that 300 to 800 Negroes be hired.
The bank employs 30,000 people,
Farmer said.
-CORE will pay half the ex-
pense of transporting 68 Missis-
sippians-mostly Negroes-to the
Democratic convention in Atlantic
City in August to challenge the
seating of the delegation.
-As soon as the civil rights bill
is signed "CORE delegates return-
ing from this convention will be
urged to go to places of public ac-
commodation to see whether the
law is being enforced," Farmer
He read a telegram sent to Pres-
ident Lyndon B. Johnson yester-
Law Enforcement
"No less than in Oxford and
Little Rock, law enforcement in

Mississippi has broken down. The
intervention of the federal gov-
ernment is essential to preserve
the lives and property of Ameri-
can citizens engaged in peaceful
activities protected by the United
States Constitution. Such power
Broaden Hunt
In Mississippi
The broadening hunt for three
missing civil rights workers cen-
tered in neighboring Newton
County yesterday with officials
still mystified as to what hap-
pened to the trio 10 days ago.
A force of 400 sailors, led by a
dozen officers, pushed through
dense, overgrown marshes, and
three helicopters checked clear-
Dragging operations in this
Neshoba County area-where the
trio vanished June 21-were sus-
pended. FBI and state agents re-
sumed a door-to-door quest for
Search leaders were baffled at
the lack of clues to the disappear-
ance of Michael Schwerner, 24
and Andrew Goodman, 20, white
New Yorkers and James Chaney,
22, a Negro from nearby Meridian.
They were last seen when they
posted a $20 bond here for speed-
ing. They left town headed south
on Rt. 19 toward Meridian. Their
charred station wagon was found
two days later at the edge of a
swamp north of here.
As the hunt shifted further
from Philadelphia, this Neshoba
County seat settled back to nor-
mal. A press corps that numbered
nearly a hundred last week was
down to a handful.
Schwerner, Goodman and Chan-
ey were members of a task force
working on a summer-long edu-
cation and voter registration cam-
paign among Mississippi Negroes.

"I felt after I got off the bus
as if I were in a foreign country
in which a war was going on,"
Rev. Paul R. Dotson said last
night in the first of a series of
lectures sponsored by the B'nai
B'rith Hillel Foundation.
Dotson recently returned from
civil rights work in the Mississippi
town of Hattiesburg, where he was
helping register Negro voters. He
was received with what he called
"Southern hospitality: Mississippi
style." On his arrival the local
civil rights headquarters was
stoned by belligerent citizens.
Dotson discussed the opposing
beliefs in the South on segrega-
tion. "You have a hard time be-
lieving that people think the
Negro must be kept in his place,"
he said. "People who try to change
these ideas are called meddlers".
Dotson described the state as
a closed society seeking to exist
in a pro-slavery atmosphere. He
noted that the well intentioned
white man of Mississippi is a
captive of this society.
Dotson told of his experi-
ences in meeting various southern
white people. "Almost 60 per cent
of the police in this area were ru-
mored to be members of the Ku
Klux Klan: police by day and
hate-seekers by night," he said.
Of the 7200 Negroes of voting
age in the area, only 12 were
registered when he arrived in
Forest County. Through civil
rights efforts and federal action
300 were registered for the recent
R phmfbrt WP Mn V

He described the work of the
many students who have volun-
teered their time to work on Ne-
gro voter registration in many
areas of the south this summer.
Most of them work in the Negro
community and live with Negro
families, he said.
"They've made their decision to
work in the Negro community and
to help that community as much
as possible."
Dotson had been asked why he
was going to Mississippi. His reply,
he said, was "The students are
going to Mississippi. The question
is whether we are going to stand
behind them or not."

exists presently in the hands off
the agencies of the U. S. govern-
"Therefore we demand effectiveb
use of the U. S. Justice Depart-p
ment, the FBI, the U. S. marshalsr
and the U. S. Armed Forces ifa
necessary to protect the rights ofa
all citizens in Mississippi fromy
brutal acts of terrorists acting
under the authority of the localt
and state officials or with theirp
tacit approval."i
Some 600 delegates are expected
for the four-day convention. tt
Malcolm X. t
To Support
Rights Efforts
OMAHA kAP)-Malcolm X, lead-
er of a new civil rights group he
calls Afro-American Unity, de-
clared his people "are ready to
give the Ku Klux Klan" a taste
of its own medicine in Mississippi
and St. Augustine.
At a news conference in Omaha,
Malcolm X said his organization
has telegraphed the Rev. Martin
Luther King that it is ready to
send help to St. Augustine if the
federal government does not pro-
vide aid.
The day of "turning the other
cheek to these brute beasts is
over," he said. "We can send
enough help to get results."
He declared he does not advo-
cate "initiating violence. But only
a few days ago President Lyndon
B. Johnson warned others that
America would strike back if our
interests were jeopardized. We
feel the Negro should be prepared
to defend his life and his prop-
In a public address Malcolm X
declared "America is the country
of the past and Africa is the
country of the future.
"If we don't get help here, we
shall seek allies elsewhere such
as in Asia, Africa and Latin Amer-
ica," he said.
He said, "It's time to start
swinging. The only thing that.
stops a man with a shotgun is
another man with a shotgun. It s.
ridiculous to send our people into'
an area and tell them to be peace-
ful when they're confronted there
by blue-eyed whites armed with
the most vicious weapons imagin-
'Guests' Boost
'U' Enrollment

Against New
Seek Talks with 'U'
To Continue Protests
Today, Tomorrow
Over 200 North Campus person-
nel staged a 'park-in' on the lawn
next to the Phoenix Project yes-
terday, protesting new North
Campus parking regulations which
went into effect at the same time.
The protest move also spread
to the University's Plant Depart-
ment facilities in the old Hoover
Ball & Bearing Co. plant, with
large numbers of employes park-
ing their cars along the street
instead of in the lots.
The Traffic Bureau of the Ann
Arbor Police Department recorded
the license numbers of all who
parked their cars in the vacant
lot, the police department said.
Another source confirmed that all
cars were given warning notices
stating that they were subject to
possible removal from the lot.
However, John W. Walters, ad-
ministrative assistant for parking,
said yesterday that "we are not
going to have the cars towed off
during the three-day protest per-
iod." The protestors plan to keep
'parking-in' today and tomorrow
and are awaiting consideration
from the University.
Until yesterday, all parking
places on North Campus were free.
Now there are about 100 free
places left, since the University
has installed 150 parking meters
and made 650 parking spaces
available only to those with $25
yearly permits.
The installations and regula-
tions were part of a University
plan to integrate North Campus
into the scheme of the Central
Campus parking plan. "We feel
that this is the year to move, be-
cause we must solve the growing
problems of parking space," Wil-
bur K. Pierpont, vice-president for
business and finance, said. "More
students are parking on North
Campus all the time."
The piotest group met later in
the day and issued an open letter
stating their position and seeking
a one month moratorium "during
which time an equitable arrange-
An Open Letter
The following open letter was
written by representatives of
the North Campus employees
organization protesting Univer-
sity meters on the lots where '
they park:
"We want to inform the Uni-
versity community of the fail-
ure of negotiation between the
faculty, students and research
and the parking administra-
"Parking regulations now in
effect on North Campus were
instituted with no discussion
with the faculty, students and
research personnel on North
Campus. Because of many dis-
tinct differences, North Cam-
pus does not pose the problems
of Central Campus. This is true
of parking.
"We are boycotting paid
parking facilities in order to
be heard. We wish only a stop-
page of present parking regu-
lations for one month, during
which time an equitable ar-
rangement can be worked out
for all the diverse and special
cases on North Campus. We
would appreciate your support
in this matter."

ment can be worked out (with the
University) for . . . North Cam-
The protestors had met last
Thursday with Francis G. Shiel,
manager of service enterprises,
who is in immediate charge of the
parking situation. They asked for
a two-month moratorium on the
new regulations. Shiel conferred
with Pierpont and the vice-presi-
dent announced that there was
to be no; change in plans. Pier-
pontsaid yesterday that he sees
"no reason for any further meet-

The secon
REV. PAUL DOTSON presented by
"This is why voter registration ture Bayard
is the heart of the civil rights rector of the
movement in the South this sum- Washington
mer,'' he said. week fromI

1d in the lecture series
y B'nai B'rith will fea-
d Rustin, associate di-
e civil rights march on
, as guest speaker a
last night at 7:30 p.m.


Negroes Prove Change Possible in U.S.

The greatest contribution of the Negro to American society is
showing that the tools available in a democracy can be used suc-
cessfully to solve his problems, Luther H. Foster, president of Tus-I
kegee Institute, said yesterday.
Essentially optimistic about the outcome of the Negro's struggle
to obtain the same rights as other citizens, Foster spoke at the
opening of a summer lecture series, "The American Negro in Tran-
sition: 1964."

The last decade has marked an acceleration of attempts to
promote full, responsible Negro citizenship, Foster declared. Although
segregationists remain admamant in some areas, it is evident that
the whole structure of American society is being reshaped to en-
courage equal participation of all citizens.
Not Yet Full-Fledged
Although much progress has been made in this transitional per-
iod, the Negro has not yet taken his place as a full-fledged citizen,
he id.

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