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June 30, 1964 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1964-06-30

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Ke pel Calls

for End to Segregation)

Associated Press Education Writer
SEATTLE--The United States
must "end for all time the blight
of segregation wherever it exists
and in whatever forms and shapes
it assumes," United States Com-
missioner of Education Francis H.
Keppel said yesterday.
The commissioner spoke to the
annual convention of the Nation-
al Education Association, itself em-
broiled in dispute about its segre-
gated state and local affiliates in
11 southern states.

Some delegates want the affili-
ates to integrate now or face ex-
pulsion from the NEA. The lead-
ership, which also wants deseg-
regation, is urging a moderate
course. The NEA itself always
has been an integrated organiza-
Over and beyond desegregation,
Keppel said in his prepared ad-
dress, there are a number of steps
the schools can take "to meet our
responsibility and the challenge
presented to us by civil rights."

These are: in the educational enterprise with Keppel said "the war against
Lower the age limit at which an intensity unmatched in the his- segregation is education's war .. .
the public schools assume respon- tory of education." but all too often it is waged on
sibility for children and begin Form active alliances with all the flanks."
work with three and four-year- community resources, social agen- "These flanking forays," he said,
olds. cies, neighborhood groups, labor, "are taking place in curious sec-
Broaden and enrich the chil- business and civic leaders "and tors-over neighborhood schools,
dren's horizons of experience in on a level and in depth unparal- over mobile classrooms, over com-
every area. led to this time." pensatory education - and even
Lengthen the school day and "Most important, we need to over the use of a school bus."
school year. Keep the schools open create a corps of outstanding These areas are not incom-
12-14 hours a day and perhaps 12 teachers for these schools, teach- patible with segregation, Keppel
months a year. ers who are trained and gifted in said, but where there must be a
"Search out parents as partners teaching these children." choice, "I choose integration."




Congress Republicans
Atak War inV iet 1N am
As Lodge Coes to U.S.
Ford Heads
House Grou
With Report A
Claimi Administration
Pursues 'Why Win'
Policy in Asia Conflicts
lican Congressional task force, op-
posing the views of former Am-
bassador Henry Cabot Lodge,
thrust the Viet Nam war further
into the political arena yesterday.
It accused the Johnson admin-
istration of followingha "why win?" REPUBLICAN LEADERS Henry Cabot Lodge and Gerald R.
policy in South Viet Nam and Ford Jr. yesterday traded blows over the war in Viet Nam. Ford
recommended a more active Unit- says it's mishandled, but Lodge doesn't agree.

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Protestors Plan


Judge Sets Postponement'
In Local Loitering Trial
The Circuit Court trial of Quin McLoughlin, charged with
loitering in City Hall in an August demonstration protesting a weak
Fair Housing Ordinance for Ann Arbor, has been postponed to July 14.
The case, now before Judge James R. Breakey on appeal from
the Municipal Court, has been postponed several times in the past,
McLoughlin said. The case brought against McLoughlin by the City
of Ann Arbor-'is based on a dis-


Over 200 North Campus faculty,
staff and student personnel held
a rally from 5-6 p.m. yesterday,
planning boycott, procedures to
start tomorrow morning when new
University parking rules for North
Campus go into effect.
The rally produced plans to park
over 400 cars on a huge vacant
tract next to the parking lot on
the west side of Phoenix Center.
The cause of the protest and rally
was that the University is install-
ing parking lot meters, leaving
only 88 free parking places on
North Campus. "The cost of these
meters to the faculty, students and
workers using them would be over
$60 per person per year," Richard
Roberts, one of the leaders, said.
The protestors are against the
parking regulations for several
reasons. They explained that Uni-
versity officials are trying to
equate North Campus with the
Central Campus, ignoring several
The Differences
First, they noted that there is
much more space on North Cam-
pus than on Central Campus. On
the latter, the University is forced
to charge money for construction

of parking structures. This need
not be true of North Campus,
where there is space for less ex-
pensive ground-level lots, they
Second, despite the amount of
land on North Campus, there are
few parking places besides the
ones for which the University is
planning to charge a nickel an
hour, they said.
Third, there is no student traf-
fic congestion on North Campus
as there ishon Central Campus.
Most of those who use North
Campus work for the University;
there are very few students who
use North Campus full time.
Meter Plans
Those at the rally also com-
plained that they were not noti-
fied until the last minute of the
University parking meter plans.
"The University told a few offi-
cials out here and a few people
not on North Campus, but word
of the plans, which were made
four months ago, did not leak
down to us until a few weeks ago,"
Roberts said. '
Shortly after that, North Cam-,
pus personrel formed a commit-
tee to deal with the problem. A
petition of complaint against the

University move was circulated onI
North Campus and signed by 4401
people. "We informed (Vice-Presi-
dent for Business and Finance)
Wilbur K. Pierpont that we had
the petition, but he showed no in-
terest in it, so we kept it," Ted
Birdsell, North Campus research;
mathematician and a spokesman
for the group.
About 15 of the protest leaders
met with University Manager of
Service Enterprises Francis C.
Shiel, representing Vice-President
Pierpont, to protest the move last
Thursday. Shiel said that he had
no authority in the matter, and
reported the group's feelings to
Pierpont last Saturday, Roberts
Rally Plans
Vice-President Pierpont replied
that the parking plans could not
be delayed and would go ahead as
scheduled. It was then that plans
were made final for yesterday's
"The 400 cars will be parked on
the vacant lot tomorrow, Thurs-
day, and Friday and we will await
consideration from the Univer-
sity," Birdsall said at the rally.
The protest was approved by the
rally of 200 persons unanimously.

orderly conduct law which in-
cludes provisions against loitering.
The defense contends that neither
this law nor any previous decision
by the Michigan or the United
States Supreme Courts prohibits
loitering inside a building for the
purpose of demonstrating.
Lack of Precedent
To Breakey, this same lack of
precedent seems to mean that
McLoughlin's original conviction
still stands, McLoughlin says.
Much of the reason for the Cir-
cuit Court's delay has been efforts
by the defense to research higher
court decisions on loitering laws
applying to demonstrations inside
Since demonstrations outside
buildings are protected by law,
the defense is contending that the
prosecution of the city law is an
attempt to muffle free speech.
They are pressing their appeal in
order to prevent the city from us-
ing such an "inappropriate device"
to stop future demonstrations and
also in hopes of eventually-getting
a ruling by the State Supreme
Court against such applications,
McLoughlin explained.
Big Help
"Such a ruling would be a big
help to civil rights groups in other
cities in the state," he said.
He maintains that "ithe city is
attempting to broaden the loiter-
ing clause for the purpose of stop-
ping civil rights demonstrations."
McLoughlin was convicted on
the loitering charge earlier this
year in Municipal Court. He was

ed States role in an intensified
effort against Red guerrillas.
The Republican House group,
headed by Rep. Gerald R. Ford
(R-Mich) of Grand Rapids, made
its attack on Viet Nam policy part
of a general criticism of what it
called the Democratic administra-
tion's "pervasive softness" against
the worldwide threat of Commun-
Misplaced Trust
"The administration's tragically'
misguided reading of Soviet in-
tentions has become the impetus
for a new mood of misplaced trust
and accommodation," the group's
report said.
"We are letting down are
Pressed for an explanation of
how the Republicans would wage
war in South Viet Nam, Ford
said that two steps should be
taken immediately:
Two Points
"American forces must take
command of the forces in Viet
Nam" and not simply remain ad-
visers. He called the present policy
"one reason why we haven't done
as well as we should have done."
He said our strategy "ought to
be aimed at sealing off South Viet
Nam, preventing the infiltration
from North Viet Nam." Ford said
this could be done by sending
more United States special forces
to Viet Nam for this job.
Lodge, who has resigned as ain-
bassador to South Viet Nam to
help Gov. William W. Scranton of
Pennsylvania fight Sen. Barry
Goldwater (R-Ariz) for the Re-
publican presid-ntial nomination,
told newsmer "I don't see how it
is practical to make this (the war
in South Viet Nam) a politicalj
"Obviously there is no victory
yet," Lodge said. "But I believe
that if we persist, there isn't any
question at all that there will be
a victory in South Viet Nam."

Reuther To Head Session
As Labor Talks Open at GM
DETROIT (P)-On the eve of bargaining sesions with the United
Auto Workers union, General Motors Corp. yesterday described its
354,000 hourly workers as "among the best paid industrial employes
in the world."
GM, citing dollars and cents payments to hourly-rated employes,
mailed the booklets to its 325,000 UAW members.
UAW President Walter P. Reuther will lead a delegation into
GM headquarters here today to start what is expected to be a
summer-long bargaining campaign -

with the auto industry.
Negotiations begin
with Ford Motor Co.,


St. Augustine Strife Continues

By The Associated Press
first criminal information for as-
sault on police officers in St. Au-
gustine's racial disorders was fil-
ed Sunday night as a result of a
crackdown ordered by Gov. Farris
Bryant. State Atty. Dan Warren
said a white segregationist was
charged with revengeful assault
on a state trooper during a riot
last Thursday night.
In an abrupt change of tactics,
200 state officers held angry white
segregationists at bay yesterday
while Negroes romped in the surf
at St. Augustine beach.
CHICAGO-A night march and
a rally at the Federal Building

Schwerner told reporters the Pres-
ident advised her he couldn't send
so many.
* * *
al and state agencies, pressed re-
lentlessly ahead yesterday for clues
in the baffling, eight-day-old dis-
appearance of three young civil
rights workers.
Volunteer workers in the Missis-
sippi civil rights project vowed to
move full steam ahead although
they said they were shaken and
some even frightened by the dis-
appearance of three co-workers a
week ago.
LONDON - Turkey raised the
threat once again yesterday to seek
a Cyprus settlement by force of
"We have prepared to send our

approval yesterday to administra-
tion-backed legislation to put on a
nationwide basis the food-stamp
plan aimed at helping the needy
eat better.
* * *
BUKAVU, The Congo-Congo-
lese army forces inched forward
yesterday in lukewarm pursuit of
Communist-backed rebel warriors
* * *

Kennedy Says
Oswald Killed
U.S. President
KRAKOW, Poland OP)-Attorney
General Robert F. Kennedyl said
last night "there is no question"
that Lee Harvey Oswald killed
President John F. Kennedy and
"did it on his own and by him-
Kennedy spoke publicly on the
assassination of his brother in re-
ply to a question from a Pole
during his second day of tumultu-
ous emotional welcomes from Pol-
ish street crowds.
He called Oswald a "misfit in
society" and said it was not Os-
wald's professed belief in Com-
munism that prompted him to
murder the President.
"Ideology in my opinion did not
motivate his act," Kennedy said,.
"It was the single act of an in-
dividual protesting against socie-

with Chrysler, and July 8 with
American Motors. Profits of the
automakers are the biggest in his-
tory, and so is the UAW's list of
bargaining proposals.
Current three-year contracts
with the big three automakers ex-
pire Aug. 31-just about the time
the presidential race slips into
high gear. President Lyndon John-
son has warned labor and industry'
generally there must be no settle-
ments which would force prices up.
Auto industry contracts often
set national wage-settlement pat-
terns. They cover more than half
a million workers, and indirectly
they affect approximately that
many more in supplier plants and
in the agricultural implement and
aerospace industries.
The President's Council of
Economic Advisers has proposed
that wage boosts be geared to in-
creases in productivity, which it
estimated at 3.2 per cent annually
for industry in general.
But Reuther insists automation
boosts productivity in the auto

U' Experts
View Talks
On the eve of the United Auto
Workers bargaining sessions with
auto management, University in-
dustry and labor experts viewed
the negotiations optimistically;
but they based their opinions on
high auto profits and the determ-
ination of both sides to be amen-
able to concessions.
Prof. Harold Levinson of the
economics department said "I
doubt there will be a strike. I
think that both labor and man-
agement will be able to reach a
settlement without a work stop-
page because profits are high and
auto companies are having a good
Prof. Meyer S. Ryder of the
business school, also agreed there
would be no strike.
"Neither party wants to jeop-
ardize the successful trend in auto
sales at present," he explained.
This factor should limit both sides
from pressing unfair demands, he
went on to say.
Despite this optimistic forecast,
Prof. Shorey Peterson of the eco-
nomics department injected a note
of concern over possible neglected
ideas during the negotiations.
He predicted a "strong tendency
for the wage rates established in
the auto industry for any particu-
lar kind and grade of labor to be
extended to include other parts of
the economy."
He voiced criticism of any at-
tempt by the labor leaders to ask
for wage increases of over national
productivity levels. Governmental
guideposts have set 3.2 per cent
productivity increases as an ac-
ceptable standard,
"If profits are relevant at all,
a limit of wage increases must be
set by the profits of less profit-
able companies."
Levinson saw a definite possi-
bility of the 3.2 figure being ex-
ceeded. "Given the high profits
and the generally low rate of un-

WASHINGTON-President Lyn- sentenced to pay $50 or spend 5
don B. Johnson signed into law days in jail.
yesterday a bill raising the tem- If convicted before Breakey, he
porary national debt ceiling to a faces a fine of $100 or 30 to 90
record high of $324 billion. days in jail.
Candidate Thurber


JJC May Set Precedent in Fall
BJy Ruling on Ouff-Campus Case
"Joint Judiciary Council may set a precedent this fall if it asks
to review a case of property destruction in off-campus housing,"
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Leslie, coordinator of affiliated, associated and
off-campus housing, reported yesterday.
The case involved four men who caused severe property damage
in their rented apartment.
The case, which was pending before Joint Judic last April, is
still with the Office of Student Affairs. The occurrence last April
brought complaints from the apartment owner and neighbors of
the students. The OSA handled payment of damages by the students,
but conferred with Joint Judic over whether it should ask to make
a ruling on the case.
But Joint Judic did not ask to review the case, and adjourned
for the summer. Meanwhile, the four men decided to sublet their
apartment for the summer to several girls. "Then they again severly
damaged the apartment and left for the summer, leaving the girls
a greatly damaged place," Mrs. Leslie said.
Since Joint Judic will not meet until the fall, it can take no
further action until then, but there is a good chance that it will
take up the case when it returns, Mrs. Leslie said.

lcttm+nc nci inn

troops into Cyprus on four dif- L CI L 1 %J I L I VI I ty " b
ferent occasions up to now and the Aides said it was the first time a
latest occasion was on June 5," a By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM that the head of the United States
high Turkish source said. If Michigan redistricting has been the constitutional crisis of Department of Justice had spoken
* *publicly about who killed his
WASHINGTON The Senate 1964, the State Board of Education is almost sure to take its place brother.k
Rules Committee yesterday ap- in 1965. There have been suggestions, es-d
proved a resolution calling for par- The authority of this new "coordination and planning" body for pecially in Communist countriesa
tial disclosure by senators of their state higher education has long been a heated issue among edu- such as Poland, that the slayings
financial assets but not of their cators. Now that the board-set up under the new constitution in of Kennedy and Oswald were partf
income. 1962-is about to become operative next January, the debate should of the same conspiracy.t
* * * flare again. t
LEOPOLDVILLE-Antoine Gi- The big question in 1962 -7) O '"
zenga, head of Stanleyville's 1961 when the constitution was drawn FOR WARD TO 1984
Communist - backed breakaway up - will be the big question
government, will be freed soon of 1965: How to reconcile the
from an island prison in the mouth power of a coordinating body for Et n S C s Ft r
of the River Congo. all higher education institutionsaton Sees F u tu re
This was announced last night with each institution's individual
by ex-President Moise Tshombe power guaranteed by the constitu-BW
of Katanga after a meeting with tion. By KENNETH WINTER
Premier Cyrille Adoula. Gizenga The new constitution which sets Co-Editor
has been detainedo for two and up this question is very vague on New materials-and new ways of putting the old ones together-
one-half years. answering it. The new state board will lead to dramatic architectural advances in the decades to come.
* * I is given the rsosblt o ed
hiIeresponsibility for lead- "The 1950s and the 1960s were busy decades for structural engineers
WASHINGTON - The Civil eship, planning and coordination and architects, and future decades will be even busier," Prof. Leonard
Rights Act of 1964 reaches its for all of education. K. Eaton of the architecture and design college predicted Sunday
next-to-last legislative barrier to- Yet the ambiguity of this pass-
day. age is heightened by the fact that Ight.
The Senate-passed bill comes each governing board-and there His discussion of "Cities and Architecture in 1984" kicked off
before the House Rules Committee, are 10 including the Regents-re- the Unitarian Church's series of lectures on "What the Next Twenty
which must grant permission for tains its constitutional autonomy Years Will Bring." Eaton used examples of present-day buildings
the House to consider it later this and rights to govern itself. which may point to the buildings of the future.
week. Into this ambiguous void some He cited the increased use and the growing versatility of con-
The Rules Committee step is eight men will step officially Jan- crete. "This material has everybody interested these days because
considered a technicality because uaiy1. They will be history's first it can be made to do almost anything."
:_ :.a.. . . tio-ht elected o fficialsc hosen to I .__.11., 1--

Architectural Breakthrough

by civil rights demonstrators yes-
terday provided something new but
apparently less than rousing after
a week of tense confrontations
with Chicago federal officials.
The march was the first dem-
onstration organized by a newly
activated Chicago rights group,
called ACT.
Organizers met also yesterday
with Laurence Landry, Chicago
ACT chairman, and mapped plans
to picket Gov. William W. Scran-

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