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June 24, 1964 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1964-06-24

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Light southwesterly winds,
no chance of rain





Church to Study
Birth Prevention
First Pronouncement Promises
Broad, Profound' Study of Issue
VATICAN (R)-Pope Paul VI announced yesterday a new Roman
Catholic study of birth control developments-presumably meaning
contraceptive pills-but barred immediate changes in Church rules.
In a major speech a year after he became Roman Catholic ruler,
the Pope made his first pronouncement in a growing debate among

To Locate!
By The Associated Press
dent Lyndon B. Johnson last night
ordered former CIA Chief Allen
Dulles to Mississippi after FBI
agents found a charred station
wagon used by three missing civil.
rights workers.






Viet Nam Ambassador

Wise Asks
Nyew Pupil
"Very often today we are treat-
ing the relationship between stu-
dent and college as a "family
affair"-an approach that ceased
to be reality 50 years ago. This,
along with undue emphasis on
the strictly academic, must change
if we expect the student to make
any noticeable contributions to
the intellectual life of his univer-
sity: '
With these comments, Prof.
Joseph Wise keynoted his talk on
the nature of college-student re-
lationships before a meeting of
the Institute on College and Uni-
versity Administration yesterday.
"The old concept-the one that
visualized the college as taking
the place of the parents-is almost
meaningless today," he continued.
This in loco parentis theory has
been eclipsed for several reasons.
More Experienced
"The high schools are now the
place for many of the social ex-
periences that used to commence
in the colleges. Today's college
student is more experienced and
can act in a more mature manner
than his predecessors. Thus he
has less need of a family-like col-
lege environment.
"There is what I like to call the
'triumph of the academic.' To-
day's college professors have high-
er social status than those of 30
years ago-witness, for example,
the influx of professors into
As a result, professors today
become dedicated to their now in-
trinsically fruitful academic pur-
suits, often to the extent of slight-
ing or excluding the average stu-
dent from close relationships,
Wise explained.
Thus, good or bad, the student
is put out on his own in today's
colleges, making a mockery of
hopes for any family-like college-
student relationship, he said.
A third factor that puts students
on their own is the sheer size of
today's universities. "To think of
a campus like the University of
California at Berkeley, or even one,
like Kent State, as a family-like
affair is to be sadly deluded.
";A main offshoot of all this is,
that in his relations with students.
the professor tends always to
equate good grades with intellec-
tual achievement," Wise went on.
Any student that does not fit into
a course is then left in the cold.
Too Mature
"In addition, many students are
too mature for their freshman
college courses. Many become
bored, lose contact with teachers'
and are thus excluded, because of
academic alienation, from the in-
tellectual life of the universities."
Another result of this is a "crisis
of potency," Wise said. Students'
frustrated in the classroom devote
feverish energies to causes such as
civil rights, student movements
and the Peace Corps, partially as
a u n viheitt fnr-nlaetalo Pvner-..

some Roman Catholics about the The burned-out station wagon
use of new birth control methods. was discovered in a swamp spot
The pontiff said the birth con- northeast of this East-Central
trol question was "under study, Mississippi town. State police last
as broadly and profoundly as pos- night staged a house-to-house
sible" in the light of "both theo- search in the territory, called in
retic and practical developments." Mississippi "Bloody Neshoba" for
'Illustrious Experts' its past history of gunfire in set-
tling feuds.
He said the study was being
made "with the collaboration of This was the first clue in a
many illustrious experts" and that massive hunt by state and federal
he hoped to be able to make the agents for the one Negro and two
conclusions public soon. white youths. The trio disappeared
"But let us say frankly that we Sunday night after paying a $20
have not yet sufficient reasons to fine for speeding.
consider overcome, and therefore Confer with Governor
not obligatory, the rules given by The White House announced
Pope Pius XII in this connection," Dulles, who headed the Central
Pope Paul said. "They be consid- Intelligence Agency for many
ered valid, at least for so long as years, would leave Washington to-
we do not feel in conscience day. He will confer with Missis-
obliged to modify themi" sippi Gov. Paul Johnson, other top
Pope Pius XII in 1951 reaffirm- state officials and the FBI on the
ed Roman Catholic opposition to stateofthe invdsthgFBIon h
contraceptives. In 1958 he spoke progress of the stigationFBI
of pills, saying a woman might use Th WitHossadnFB
them to check uterine ailments if check of the charred vehicle of-
not done with the intent to pre- fered "no definite information" on
vent conception, even if that may what has happened to the three.
be a temporary result. Also yesterday, 2000 delegates to
Illicit Sterilization a convention of the National As-
"But," Pope Pius added, "one sociation for the Advancement of
provokes a direct and therefore Colored People voted to demon-
illicit sterilization when one stops strate at the Justice Department
ovulation for the purpose of pre- today as a protest against the
serving the uterus and the organ- trio's disappearance.
ism from the consequences of a Ask President
pregnancy which it is not able to A unanimous resolution called
support." . upon President Johnson to extend
This statement is still a basis federal protection to Negroes seek-
for Catholic thinking on pills. ing to register to vote in Missis-
Some moralists have suggested spi
that pills might be used to regu- sipPi.
late the menstrual cycle and allow The demonstration plan was
the rhythm method to be used sparked by two NAACP officials
w it h greater precision. The from Mississippi-Aaron Henry,
Church permits t h e rhythm state president, and Charles Evers,
system. executive secretary.

Envoy Quits
To Give Aid
To Scranton
Followers of Both
Hail Resignation;
Barry Cites 'Motives'
By The Associated Press

Murphy Notes
'U' .Programs
To Aid Negroes
University Regent Irene B. Mur-
phy told the Commission on Com-
munity Relations Monday that the
University wishes "immediately to
lift its ratio of Negro students
from one per cent to three per
cent" but that "we won't see the
results of that for 10 years or
The University has sought out
qualified minority students whose
economic sttuation bars higher
education. A group of 77 - among
them 66 Negroes-will enter the
University in the fall.
But Mrs. Murphy stressed that
"for every three of these econom-
ically disadvantaged students ad-
mitted we have anticipated the
potential failure of two."
"Despite their high grades in
high school, these young people
have been exiled for so long that
they are expected to have diffi-
culties in communication. They
have developed a written and
spoken language that is almost a
"We will treat them almost as
foreign students, offering a special
three-week orientation and special
communication courses so they can
compete on an equal basis in the
classroom," she said.

They argued at the convention
that a lawless condition exists in
St. Augustine
In St. Augustine, Fla., Negroes
and whites clashed on the beach
and streets as civil rights demon-
strators maintained their assault
on segregation in the nation's old-
est city.
It was the third straight day of
violence on the Atlantic beach.
Prince Edward
Opens- Schools
FARMVILLE, Va. (R) - Super-
visors in Prince Edward County,
Va., bowed to a federal court's
directive yesterday and approved
local funds to reopen the county's
closed public schools this fall.
It was the first time since 1959
that the supervisors, waging a
battle to avoid public school de-
segregation, voted school funds.
Thus, the only locality in the
nation to shut schools to escape
the United States Supreme Court's
school desegregation order laid the
groundwork to get the schools go-
ing again.
The supervisors approved the
appropriation of $189,000 in local
school funds.
There was no immediate esti-
mate on how much in state funds
this would generate, but prior to
the school's closing in 1959, the
state had provided generally more
than half of school funds.


Henry Cabot Lodge, the 1960
Republican Vice-Presidential nom-
inee, resigned his post as ambas-
sador to South Viet Nam yester-
day because "I believe it is my
duty to do everything I can to
help Pennsylvania Gov. (William)
Scranton win the Presidential
Scranton and his followers hail-
ed this as a big boost for the gov-
ernor in his uphill battle to pre-
vent Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-
Ariz) from winning the party
nomination at next month's con-
vention in San Francisco.
Goldwater, who hasmore than
enough convention votes to win
the prize if he can hold his dele-
gates, suggested that Lodge quit
because of disagreement with
President Lyndon B. Johnson's
program in Viet Nam. This view
was not shared by most Repub-
licans who commented.
"Ambassador Lodge is to be con-
gratulated for bearing up this long
under such adverse conditions,"
Goldwater said in a statement.
"The Johnson-McNamara pro-
gram of indecision and vacillation
has made it impossible for him to.
carry out his ambassadorial func-
tions properly and undoubtedly
motivated his resignation.
"I am sure all Americans un-
derstand and appreciate his deci-
sion and pray for return to an
affirmative and decisive policy be-
fore all Southeast Asia falls to our
Scranton told reporters in Ne-
wark, N.J., where he was cam-
paigning for delegate support,
that he is delighted with the de-
velopment. Asked if he believes
this will mean a big step forward
in his drive, he replied, "I think
it will."
Increased Likelihood
Michigan Gov. George Romney,
a Scranton booster, said he thinks
Lodge's return will help the Penn-
sylvanian and that it "increases
the likelihood of the Republican
convention meeting the needs of
the nation on the basis of the Re-
publican heritage."
Lodge, who won the March New
Hampshire primary as a write-in,
is credited in the Associated Press
survey of delegates with 45 pub-
licly-committed convention votes.
Scranton has 130 and Goldwater
stands at 694, or 39 more than
the 655 needed for nomination.
Chairman J. W. Fulbright (D-
Ark) of the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee, said he knows of
no policy differences between
Lodge and the Johnson adminis-
tration. The President has made
a point of saying several times
that Lodge was being given a free
hand on policy matters and was
being furnished with his own
chosen personnel in the post.

Widening revolts trouble the Con-
go while the last troops of the
UN army that helped to restore
order between upheavals of the
past four years pack for depar-
ture next Tuesday.
Rebels from the Baluba tribe,
North Katanga's largest, and mu-
tinous troops who last weekend
took over Albertville, the North
Katanga capital, were reported
considering a move on Baudouin-
ville, 70 miles down the west shore
A Belgian ham operator in Al-
bertville radioed that the rebels
asked the Congolese army garri-
son in Baudouinville to join them.
He said the garrison replied that
it would not resist an attack.
Series of Crises
Since Belgium freed the Con-
go four years ago, a continuing
series of crises--mutiny, secession,
rebellion, massacre and rape-has
dotted the new nation's records.
A reign of terror by mutinous Con-
golese troops brought in the UN
in the summer of 1960; the peace-
keeping army at one time num-
bered 20,000 men. Now all but
about 3000 are gone.
Farther to the South, hundreds
of armed men who once served
in the Katanga army of secession-
ist Moise Tshombe hold out in
the bush and hope for the re-
turn of their leader. Now in Ma-
drid, Tshombe has said he plans
to go back tot he Congo soon.
While old tribal rivalries stir
up the Katangans, rebels led by
Communist - trained Congolese
roam through the Eastern prov-
ince of Kivu and in Kwilu in
the Southwest and have been ac-
cused of sabotage bombings in
Leopoldville, the capital.
Baluba Tribesmen
The Albertville uprising was at-
tributed to Baluba foes of Pro-
vincial President Jason Sendwe.
Communist-backed Gaston Sou-
mialot heads the rebellion in Kivu
province, where pygmoid warriors
armed largely with spears and

bows and arrows have at times
routed Congolese troops equipped
with machine guns and other
modern weapons.
The Kwilu province rebels, who
opened their campaign last Jan-
uary with attacks on missionary
stations, are led by Pierre Mulele,
a Peking-trained guerrilla-fighter
who was education minister in the
Congo's first independent govern-
ment. The Albertville rebels seem
to have declared their allegiance
to Mulele.
Curfew on 1.2 Million
Bombing attacks have led Pre-
mier Cyrille Adoula's government
to impose a curfew on the 1.2 mil-
lion people of Leopoldville. The at-
tacks are blamed on Communist-
oriented exiles living in Brazza-
ville, the capital of the former
French Congo, across the Congo
River from Leopoldville.
Despite it all, Albertville was
reported quiet yesterday.
Yet only 70 white, persons re-
main in the town. About 150 oth-
ersescaped by lake steamer last
Friday. White technicians were re-

THE RESIGNATION yesterday of Henry Cabot Lodge, left, as ambassador to South Viet Nam set
off a chain of appointments by President Johnson. Gen. Maxwell Taylor, second from left, now the
nation's top military chief, replaces Lodge. U. Alexis Johnson, second from right, assistant secretary
of state, becomes deputy ambassador creating a military-diplomatic tea min the war-torn area. Gen.
Earle G. Wheeler, right, present army chief of staff, replaces Taylor as chairman of the joint chiefs
of staff.
Newl& CrisesThreaten Congo

ported forbidden to leave, since
rebel leaders demanded that they
stay on and keep essential serv-
ices running, although electric
power has been cut off for sev-
eral days.
Peace Corps
Prepares 9 7
For Teaching
Ninety-seven Peace Corps
trainees from all over the country
are currently undergoing an in-
tensive 11-week training program
at the University which includes
over 25 hours a week of Persian
language study.
All are preparing to go to Iran
at the end of the summer to teach
English for two years, Layne Long-
fellow, associate director of the
project, said.
The trainees, four of whom are
from the University, are on the go
from 7:30 in the morning until 10
at night. Besides Persian, they
are required to study the teaching
of English in a foreign language
for 15 hours a week, physical fit-
ness or health for 5, various topics
relating to Iran for 9 hours and
American studies, world affairs
and Communism for 5 hours.
The trainees are living in a
University dormitory - Michigan
House in West Quadrangle-and
being taught by University fac-
ulty. The entire cost of the pro-
gram is paid by the federal gov-
The government is currently
paying the trainees a $2.30 per
day living allowance. At the term-
ination of their two years in Iran
the Peace Corpsmen will receive
the equivalent of $75 a month in
"readjustment allowance" to help
them resume activities in this
Once admitted to the Peace
Corps with satisfactory scores on
various examinations and good
references, the 97 then had to
!wait until a specific project suit-
ing their individual skills and in-
terests came along. Only failure
to pass physical or academic ex-
aminations during the training
period can disqualify them for go-
ing overseas when the summer
period is completed.
"Some trainees are occasionally
ruled out for psychological rea-
sons, but such a move is rare since
it takes the unanimous decision
of an entire board of psychiatrists,
psychologists and other Peace
Corps personnel," Longfellow said.

See StepmUp
Of Fighting
Against Reds
Wheeler To Assume
Joint Chiefs Post;
Capitol Opinion Mixed
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Henry Cabot
Lodge resigned yesterday as am-
bassador to South Viet Nam to
take a role in Pennsylvania Gov.
William W. Scranton's bid for the
GOP presidential nomination.
President Lyndon B. Johnson
accepted the resignation and ap-
pointed Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff Maxwell B. Tay-
lor to succeed Lodge.
The President said that he is
dispatching to the beleaguered
Southeast Asian nation a power-
house combination of military and
diplomatic talent to turn the tide
of battle against Communist guer-
rillas from North Viet Nam.
Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, Army
chief of staff, was named to suc-
ceed Taylor as Joint Chiefs chair-
Johnson will name a care r
diplomat, Deputy Undersecretary
of State U. Alexis Johnson, to a
new post as deputy ambassador at
Saigon to assist Taylor.
Warnings have been coming
from Washington officials and U.S
authorities in Viet Nam for weeks,
and top administration spokes-
men have declared thK new
measures were under eonsidera-
tion. They have not denied that
these included possible direct at-
tacks on North Viet Nam and
possible introduction of U.S. troops
through Thailand into Laos.
In keeping with these possi-
bilities, Secretary of Defense Rob-
ert S. McNamara said "we are
prepared for any eventuality in
Southeast Asia."
Most Important
He praised the choice of Gen.
Taylor to replace Lodge. "There
is no more important position in
the government today than that of
ambassador to South Viet Nam,"
McNamara said.
Some senators who attended a
neeting with him saw the appoint-
ment of Taylor as confirming
their belief the administration has
decided to risk war with Red
China to avoid a Communist take-
over of South Viet Nam.
"It means we're determined to
win that's for sure," said Sen.
Russell B. Long (D-La). "This can
only mean the administration
plans to go all the way."
Chairman J. William Fulbright
(D-Ark) of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee called the
choice "excellent" and saw no in-
dications it would mean escala-
tion of the struggle with Com-
munist forces in Southeast Asia.
Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore), al-
so a member of the committee,
called it "a calamitous mistake"
and said he would fight Taylor's
confirmation. He said administra-
tion policies and Taylor's selection
would lead "to a major war in
"Our government's policy is to
assure the freedom and independ-
ence of South Viet Nam," Taylor
said. "I am going to carry this
policy out."
But Taylor said "for three years,
I have been convinced that South
Viet Nam is far from being a
straight-forward military problem.
It is very largely a political, eco-
nomical and psychological prob-

Red Terrorism
Johnson told newsmen that he
believes Red China and Commu-
nist North Viet Nam, whom he ac-
cused of directing the Red terror-
ism to the South, "are aware of
our attitude, and they have no
doubt. about our policy" to resist
Communist aggression there.
The President said that the U.S.
"intends no rashness and seeks no



'My Fair Lady'

to Set

'U' Players Pace



Tonight in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre the most successful mus-
ical comedy in Broadway history
takes the stage as the lead-off
production in the University
Players' Summer Playbill Series.
"My Fair Lady," the fabled ad-
aption of George Bernard Shaw's
"Pygmalion," will open for a five-
performance run ending Satur-
day. The show is completely sold
Under the direction of Prof.

Also in the cast are Gary
Schaub, Grad, as Alfred Doolittle,
Eliza's rowdy father; William Tay-
lor, Spec, as Col. Pickering, Hig-
gins' man Friday; Ellen Tyler,
'64, as Mrs. Pearce, Higgins' em-
battled housekeeper; Evie Max as
Mrs. Higgins (Henry's mother)
and Joyce Edgar as the snobbish
Mrs. Eynsford-Hill. Rounding out
the cast is Warren W.Jarowsky,
'64SM, as Eliza's fruitless suitor,
Freddy Eynsford-Hill.
The production of "My Fair
Lady" marks one of the first-times
that the show has been produced1

and settings, and the University
Players' production will be no ex-
ception. Numerous costumes, de-
signed by Prof. Zelma H. Weisfeld
of the speech department and pro-
duced by Margaret McKerrow of
the speech department, will keep
the cast busy changing their
attire. In addition, the ten sepa-
rate and distance sets designed
by Prof. Calvin K. Quayle of the

speech department will keep the
stage crew working throughout lHouse
the performance*


The Players will feature four RRT Boost
Imore nlavs this summer_ From i

: :r u

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