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August 01, 1964 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1964-08-01

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eeny-hird Year
Truth Will Prevail" U UGE
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Unification Efforts Increase

Campaign Should Dw
In Internal Reform



-State Rights Commission
Confused, Indecisive

THE STATE Civil Rights Commission,
which went into effect on Jan. 1, is
currently gliding into its third straight
month of inaction over discrimination in
Ann Arbor housing. To achieve this star-
tling if unenviable record, it has had to
overcome several obstacles.
First, the commission is on paper one
of the two or three strongest state civil
rights bodies in the entire nation. Other
states have been fighting for years, and,
will be fighting for years more, to get
on paper what Michigan now has - on
Second, in an opinion issued last year,
State Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley interpret-
ed the constitutional provision creating
the commission as giving it power to ob-
tain court orders in matters of discrimi-
nation in state housing.
It has been left to the commission to
make specific procedural rules and to de-
cide what types (i.e., three or more rooms,
etc.) of state housing it would cover.
And third, the Ann Arbor Chapter of
the Congress of Racial Equality has how
waited for three months for the commis-
sion to take public action on a case CORE
has backed charging the Cutler-Hubble
Company of Ann Arbor with discrimina-
tion in renting its Arbordale Manor
THECOMMISSION has overcome all
these impediments and achieved its
remarkable record of delay by several
decisive steps.
I First, it has taken the commission
months to convince itself that the Cut-
ler-Hubble Co. does not want to nego-
tiate in good faith a settlement with
CORE and the commission. The normal
procedure in cases of discrimination is
for the commission to make a short ne-
gotiation attempt before it decides
whether the dispute must be brought to
a public hearing.
The commission tried for two months
to negotiate with Cutler-Hubble, but the
negotiations consistently yielded no re-
So the commission decided to bring the
case to a public hearing. But it immedi-
cjlg AidijV4 &i t
Editorial Staff
KENNETH WINTER ..................... Co-Editor
EDWARD HERSTEIN ..................Co-Editor
MARY LOU BUTCHER............Associate Editor
CHARLES TOWLE................. Sports Editor
JEFFREY GOODMAN .............. Night Editor
ROBERT RIPPLER .................... Night Editor
LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM ................ Night Editor
Business Staff
SYDNEY PAUKER...............Business Manager
PETER DODGE ........Assistant Business Manager
CY WELLMAN ..............Supplement Manager
RUTH SOHEMNITZ............ Circulation Manager
Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning.
Summer subscription rates $2 by carrier, $2.50 by mail.
Second class postage paid at Ahn Arbor, Mich.

ately ran into troubles, for incredibly the
commission has established no procedures
for handling public hearing cases. Thus
it must decide on procedures - which
should have been settled upon when the
commission was formed-before it can
finally get to the stage of planning the
JN ADDITION, it had another problem..
It had not yet decided-almost six
months after it constitutionally went in-
to effect-exactly what types of housing
it would try to cover.
It recognized the vague provisions of
the constitution, and generally agreed
with Kelley's opinion, but in all this time
had.just not decided what housing it was
to cover. This too must be done before
any public hearing can be definitely
At present, the commission has the
hearing planned for next month. But
this date assumes the commission is able
to clear up its internal confusion over
procedural rules and coverage.
DURING THE TIME the commission has
been setting itself straight, Ann Ar-
bor CORE has not been just sitting on
its hands. It has repeatedly tested the
renting procedues of Cutler-Hubble's Ar-
bordale Manor and every time has discov-
ered discrimination.
Just last week, Cutler-Hubble turned
down two Negro applicants when there
were vacant apartments. In several oth-
er instances, Negroes have been told that
there was no room left, only to see the
rooms they wanted go to whites the next
Thus, if CORE ever does get its case to
a public hearing before the commission, it,
has a solid stand with plenty of evi-
dence. There always remains the chance
that Cutler-Hubble can successfully ap-
peal the case in state courts, claiming
that because of vague constitutional
wording, the commission does not have
power that Kelley has said it has.
BUT THIS ALL LIES in the future.
Meanwhile, CORE is keeping the case
before the public eye by picketing Ar-
bordale every week, and by occasionally
trying (and failing) to rent ain apart-
ment for a Negro. This morning, CORE
is picketing Cutler-Hubble's office in
downtown Detroit.
If the hearing before- the commission
is held-and is a success for CORE-it
will be well worth the effort for CORE
and for the Negroes trying to rent com-
fortable apartments in Ann Arbor. But it
will matter perhaps most of all to the
commission-which will finally have de-
fined its own functions in cases of hous-
ing discrimination.

Daily Correspondent.
of the effects of Senator Barry
Goldwater's nomination for the
presidency was an intensified
flareup of mistrust in America's
ability to lead the free world. Sud-
denly, the idea of an independent
nuclear deterrent isn't so remote
And, especially in Great Brit-
ain, the need is felt once more to
strengthen Europe's unification
process. This realization, that
there could be an "or else," has
chillingly crept up the spines of
many hitherto somewhat compla-
cent politicians.
This chill may actually have
come at the right moment to get
stalled things going again in Eu-
rope's unification process.
much criticism has been leveled
at the main instruments of this
process: The Common Market
Euratom, The European Free
Trade Association and the Euro-
pean Coal and Steel Community.
Both Bonn and Paris have ac-
cused "technocrats" in Brussels
and Strasbourg of wanting to in-
tegrate Europe's economy more
quickly than adaptation would
allow for. Europe's economy and
channels of thought very often
seem to be less concordant now
than they were just after the War
or ten years ago.
One main reason for this devel-
opment is the re-emergence of
several competing national blocs.
For instance, ten years ago it
seemed that France's and Ger-
many's economies were compli-
mentary, rather than exclusive.
But now it appears that produc-
tion in certain areas and, to a
high degree, agriculture, is too high
for the internal market if com-
Also, some countries in the
Common Market are unwilling to
loosen formerly close economic
ties with countries outside the
market. Germany, for instance, re-
fused to cut down on Danish
cheese imports in favor of French
ones. Denmark is not in the
Common Market, while France is.
However, Bonn did not want to
alienate Denmark because in turn,
Denmark is a big consumer of
German manufactured goods.
THUS ARE the troubles on the
economic side. But on the politi-
cal side as well, integration is cri-
ticized now more drastically than
it used to be. The rise of a de
Gaulle who through pressure in
several areas tries to impose his
>wn dominating concept of inte-
gration added much to a public
unwillingness to unite progressive-
ty. Few non-French West Euro-
peans desire to be tied even more
closely to France politically than
they are at present. This political
union is often pictured as an auto-
,natic development along with fur-
ther steps of economic integration.
But foremost union builders, as
Prof. Walter Hallstein, president
of the Common Market Commis-
sion, maintain that no clear dif-
lerence can be made between eco-
nomic and political integration.
Economic cooperation and ex-
change is already part of a coun-
try's foreign policy. Thus, rather
than limping along with the "eco-
nomic thing," political integration
is already an active factor in
every country that is part of a
market organization.
Even now, countries are learn-
ing to consult with the members
of their trade families (the Com-
mon Market or the EFTA, the
Outer Seven) in making economic
or socio-economic decisions. Hope-
fully, this will lead on to other
areas, as defense decisions, non-
economic foreign policy and per-
haps cultural policy.
* * h

been in existence for over six
years. Its first integration step of
12 years is thus just halfway over:
and, as the European technocrats
in Brussels assure,hno less than
half of the work has yet to be
At the end of these 12 years, at
least this one part of Europe will
have a unified agricultural policy,
fn- agricultural agency in Brus-
sels will regulate the Market's ex-
ternad policy; the rest of the
:conomy will have integrated near-
ly completely by that time.
The Outer Seven countries
(Great Britain, Austria, Portugal,
Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden,
Norway) are progressing no less
quickly in their own breaking
:own of trade barriers. Here, the
problems are smaller on the one
hand; but on the other hand, EF-
TA's future is less bright. EFTA
?ountries have very little agri-
cultural exchange. Their main
trade is in machinery and cus-
tomer's goods; however, their re-
ciprocal markets are not big
enough. They depend on further
trade with other countries, like
the United States, developing
countries and members of the
Common aMrket.
r . YY4 CV it YY T .7L'... . .. . 7

As joining the Common Market
means a delegation of political de-
cision power to Brussels, these
countries would have to break
their neutrality policies for com-
plete membership. In the case of
Austria, this would mean break-
ing her independence treaty with
Russia under which she pledged
complete political neutrality. For
Switzerland, it would mean break-
ing a century-old tradition of
armed neutrality which kept that
country out of two world wars.
But breaking traditions and sac-
rificing previous taboos is the cost
of any integration attempt. To

Kaufman On Rights Progress

make this process as smooth as
ever possible, the trusted old sys-
tem of federalization is applied.
This system welded the U.S. into
one economic and political piece
without trying to interfere with
an area's particular characteris-
tics. Considering that it took
the U.S. a century and a grue-
some internal war to establish
a working union of any quality,
one can only stand in amaze,
ment at what a decade has done
to Europe's integration-without
arms, and for the first time, too.
As Hallstein once said: "History
is on our side."

platform and speeches with
the Johnson performances, one
can begin to see, I think, that the
two men differ on two overriding
questions. The first is whether we
must move toward or can move
away from a thermonuclear show-
down with the Soviet Union. The
second is whether we should take
up the unfinished business of in-
ternal reform and development,

To the Editor:
I AM REPLYING to Jeff Good-
man's editorial of Wednesday,
July 29th. He criticizes not the
validity, but the appropriateness
of my remark. He thinks my re-
mark about the possibility of ra-
cial riots is likely to cause un-
sympithetic members of council
to be even more intransigent than
they would normally be.
I find his claim that my "pro-
phecy" (sic) is likely to be self-
fulfilling puzzling. For, he does
himself point out that at present
conditions in Ann Arbor are not
as incendiary as they were in
Harlem and Rochester. This may
be wishful thinking-apparently
there had been an enormous
amounthof wishful thinking in
these two cities just before the
riots. But I am inclined to agree
with Goodman's judgment in this
To the extent that we are right
in this assumption, there is time
for action which will make it
even less likely that a few will
resort to violence as a means of
settling racial grievances. What
seems perfectly clear, and what
the Executive Director of our Hu-
man Relations Commission has
emphasized, is that all the in-
gredients for a racial explosion
are present in this town.
NOW GOODMAN happens to
think that alerting city officials
to the real possibility of violence
will be perceived as intimidating
and will cause a bad reaction.
Thus far, however, there is no
sign that this has happened. Quite
the reverse-in the three days that
have elapsed a meeting between
local civil rights leaders and coun-
cil has been set up, the police de-
partment has. publicized its ef-
forts to recruit Negro patrolmen,
the Ann Arbor News has written
a generally sensible editorial point-
ing up the crucial role of civil
rights leaders in finding some
moral equivalents to violence, and
the community has become alerted
to what is, after all, a genuine
I do not claim that this has all
resulted from efforts to publicize
the danger; but they are certain-
ly connected. If there has been a
slight increase in racial tension,
this seems a small price to pay
for such gains.
Personally I doubt that my re-
mark, intended for publication in
The Daily, had such an effect-
but Goodman's guess is as good as
mine. It certainly is the case that
here in Ann Arbor, local govern-
ment has not made a single pro-
gressive move in the civil rights
area except as a result of pressure
and fear. (Note: I said fear, not
threat.) We are beset in this com-
munity with persons of passive
goodwill who exercise extraordin-
ary ingenuity in finding ample
reason for doing nothing unless
These remarks raise a deeper
question-when is one justified in
maintaining silence about some-
thing he believes both true and
important because of the bad .n-
sequences its publication might
produce? Experience of my own
reactions as well as the actions of
others is that it is all too easy
to perceive the quiescence of con-
venience as "responsible" inaction.
I find also that though the in-
clination to calculate the poten
tial costs of speech and action is
very common, the inclination to
calculate the potential costs f
silence and inaction is relatvely
THE TRUTH of the matr t
that Ann Arbor is both lh :xral
and conservative-it is conserva -
tive in its liberalism. T perso tally
believe that a stable, healthy so-
ciety requires both inteligent,
liberal conservatism and inteli-
gent liberal radicalism; the first
to check the eecessive enthus-
iasms of the second, the second to

counter the excessive cautiousness
of the first. Intelligent radicalism
seems to me to imply that one
has a definite obligation to speak
out unless one has very strong
reason to suppose that saying
something he believes to be both
valid and important will have
erio1slv harmful nnseiences.

admit that he and Prof. Albert
Wheeler were justified in making
the statements they did.
Those who were or are likely to
resort to violence to express their
grievances are not, by and large,
likely to be affected by the state-
ments of the morermoderate elem-
ments in the Negro community-
such as the NAACP. While it is
equally unlikely that more mili-
tant groups will forget their hatred
if City Council passes new civil
rights laws or if the police depart-
ment hires more Negroes, the posi-
tive value of alerting the whole
community to the needs of the
Negro population does outweigh the
possible "infiamatlon" of potential
And while we cannot be sure of
the unpublished reactions of coun-
cil to Mondaynight's statements,
it may well be that council is
readier to act, now that it and the
whole city have a better under-
standing of the situation, than if
the possibility of racial violence
had been couched in milder terms
or if that possibility had received
less widespread publicity.
It still remains to, be seen, of
course, whether there will be racial
violence in Ann Arbor. But If there
is, it will be more a function of
continued inaction by the city's
lawmakers and of militant groups
that are themselves intransigent
than of Wheeler's and Kaufman's
statements. Indeed, the potential
forviolence would not have di-
minished by verybmuch if that po-
tential had not been described.
It is even possible that Monday
night's statements, indicating the
very real concern of Negro leaders
in the community, had something
to do with the lack of incident at
a street dance Thursday night,
where Negro, and white teenagers
in some numbers mixed for about
three hours. Perhaps those teen-
agers sensed the heightened concern
of local leaders and the heightened
chance of political action in their
favor-and thus felt less impatient.
In any case, they could hardly
have missed noticing that a large
number of those leaders attended
the dance, hoping to quell any
tempers that might have flared.
Certainly the presence of these men
was a sign of their responsibility.
COFO Needs
To the Editor:
THE LAST time I wrote a news-
letter on this subject, I re-
quested funds- for Joseph Harrison
in the name of COFO (Council
of Federated Organizations) work-
ers in Mississippi who are risking
their lives every day for something
more than the petty cares and
worries of most men's superficial
worlds. I received two responses
which, I hope, does not mirror the
callousness of the American read-
ing population.
Joseph called again last week.
He talked to me of the tremend-
ous spirit of the Negro people
down there. He spoke of the prob-
lems and small successes which
they are encountering in their
fight against prejudice and de-
spair. And he spoke of a certain
"ghetto glory" which arose from
a minor tragedy.

It was like this: Joe's car-one
of a civil rights worker's most
needed possessions - broke down
just outside McComb county. Joe
was forced to take a bus back to
COFO headquarters. It was not a
pleasant experience for a believer
in freedom and dignity to con-
template. Nevertheless, he walked
into the bus station, went unhes-
ttantly to the clean and well-
lighted section which was in such
contrast to the dirty, dingy place
on the other side, and asked for
a ticket. Whites gathered around
him. "Git where you belong, nigger
boy," the sneered at him. Joe, a
man with two small children,
stood before them, his guitar in
his hand, surrounded by the jeer-
ing crowd of lighter skinned men'
who torment for sport, and waited
proudly. "You may board the bus
early," said the ticket agent, hop-
ing to avoid conflict. Joe stepped
into the bus and surveyed the
seats. Deliberately, he took a front
one Just behind the driver. A few
minutes later, a Negro serviceman,
boarded, and walked automatical-
ly to the back of. the bus. Joe
watched and saw the young sol-
dier's shoulders straighten sud-
denly, at which point he turned
staunchly around, returned to the
front, and took a seat across from
As the bus rolled through Mc-
Comb's Negro section, the strange
sight brought the people from
their homes. And their r)eaction
was spontaneous: "HI FREE-
DOM!" they cried as the bus made
its way through the unpaved road
of the ghetto.
* * *
JOE WAS lucky this time. He
made it back to Mobile alive. But
the future holds many dangers.
He has asked for the donation of
a dependable car-or at least
enough money to have his old one
COF'O workers also need mus-
ical instruments, unbiased history
books, all types of textbooks (the
Mississippi legislature has a series
of laws now pending which would
deprive Negroes of all educational
facilities), money to help families
whose homes were burned down or
bombed because they registered to
vote, bond money for civil rights
workers easily put in jail to pre-
vent them from giving Negroes
any kind of hope which would
lessen white supremacy.
I could go on with this list, but
I hope the response to help has
already been stimulated. What
does a man need in order to fight
for freedom in America?
Please send your donations to
me (or COFO, c/o Joseph Har-
--Miriam Dann
Ann Arbor Liaison to
COFO Freedom Fighters
in Mississippi
709 E. Ann

which has been interrupted by
wars of this generation.
The Johnson administration
been proceeding on the fun
mental assumption. that we;c
movenaway from thermonuc
war and that this enables us
to deal with the unfinished bi
ness which we cannot afford
neglect any longer.
The Johnson administration
taken off from the point w
the Kennedy ' administral
achieved-from the fact that
nuclear showdown has alre
taken place. As a test of will,
showdown took place in
Cuban missile confrontation;
a test of nuclear capability,
showdown tooks place in the 1
aliel Soviet and American nu
tests which preceded the test
IN THOSE tests both s
failed to win the radical bre
through which would 1
changed the existing balance
nuclear power. American nU
superiorityr was not challenged
the tests. Nor was the :
changed that American super
ity is very far short of Ame
supremacy, that is to say,
American capacity to dictat
settlement to the Spviet Union
The net result is a balanC
nuclear power in which both s
are mutually deterred.
As a result, there Is a paus
lull, an unratified truce wl
cannot be altered drastically
our favor by brinkmanship, I
is. by threatening nuclear war.
thorough has been the showd
and so deeply have the mind
men been :impressed by it to
brinkmanship is out of date:
has been deflated into
THIS PAUSE, thls lull, this
ratified truce is a condition Wl
the American people have
known during the 30 years or n
since Japan Invaded Manch
and Hitler rose in Germay
whole generation of Americans
grown up in a time when
main preoccupation was war-
second world war, the Kor
war, the cold war.
The Johnson administrati
policy is based on the pause,
lull, the unratified truce-not
eternal peace, not on general
armament, but on the achi
ment of a balance of nuclear p
er which establishes and crn
an' armistice in the cold m
S E N A T OR Goldwater dif
sharply from President John
both in his estimate of the (
dition of international affairs
in his beliefs about domestic
fairs. Senator Goldwater de:
that there has been a showdc
Indeed, he rarely even ilenti
the Cuban missile confrontat
His belief is that we shall com
a series of showdowns, not
where there is revolutionary C
munist activity, but also when
come to give active American a
port to revolutionary movem
in Eastern Europe and within
Soviet Union itself.
If Senator Goldwater is rig
that we must enter a period
showdowns until Communism
been defeated throughout
world-it follows, of course, I
our overriding preoccupation I
Goldwater administration W(
have to be war.
These are, it seems to me,
basic Goldwater - Johnson iss
Is there a military pause? Is t
unfinished national business wi
we can and must tend to?'
more closely the campaign car
focused upon these two questi
the more sense it will make.
(c),1964,The Washington Posoc


t I W
+ r-

Voices and Viols conducted by
Andrew Minor, presented a concert
of music from the Renaissance last
evening in Rackham Aud. This
group, made up primarily of stu-
dents from the School of Music,
performed a varied program with
enthusiasm and a good deal of
polish. The programming was es-
pecially ingenious, presenting mu-
sic from the various cultural cen-
ters that flourished during this
period, including the Courts of
Lorenzo de Medici, Francis. I,
Cosimo de Medici and music from
Spain and Venice.
The program consisted of many
solo and ensemble numbers too
numerous to mention; however, a
few deserve special note. Quilhian
White takes the honors as the
outstanding soloist of the evening,
especially for her singing of Mon-
teverdi's motet "Exulta filia." This
work, full of the ornamentation
so popular with the monodists of
that age, was performed with taste
and exquisite musicianship. The
harpsichord accompaniment of
Robert Jones also should be cited
for snecial note.

ing and rewarding. The complex
rhythms and imitative texture of
Isaac's "La Mi La Sol," performed
by a brass ensemble, was a most'
thrilling composition. This com-
poser's "A la bataglia" for trom-
bones was also very enjoyable.

Janequin's "La plus belle de
ville" and Pace's "Magnific
were sung by the vocal ensem
and present a contrapuntal i
harmonic texture unique to I
period of music.
-Paul Boyla:

Presents Renaissance Music

" And We're Casting YOU Off"

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