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July 25, 1964 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1964-07-25

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Zontract Change Upsets Computer Money

Passport Confiscation Sough

(Continued from Page 1)


the understanding that the money
saved will be used to finance the
University's computer education
programs. The government wanted
the wording changed to conform
to the wording of a contract it
signed with Carnegie Institute of
Technology several years ago.
Carnegie had also been charging
the government the gross rate,
but the government sued and ob-
tained rebates on the money it
had paid Carnegie over several
So the new contract with the,
Soviet Growth Rate
Shows Sharp Slip
MOSCOW-The Soviet Union
reported Wednesday that its in-
dustrial production growth rate
rose 7.5 per cent in the first of
this year.
Food. output, however, declined.
The first-half growth rate of 7.5
per cent for industrial output rep-
resents a serious decline from 8.5
to 10 per cent increases reported
in recent years.
Copyright, 1964, The New York Times

University was changed to read:
"IBM gives the University a dis-
count" with the understanding
that the money saved will be used
to finance computer education.
This new wording is identical
with that of the Carnegie con-
tract; thus the government has
obtained a legal precedent for a
successful suit against the Ui
versity if the University tries to
keep charging it the gross rate.
The only principal difference be-
tween the contracts is the sub-
stitution of the word "discount"
for the word "refund."
Legal Grounds
Thus legally, the University was
being charged the full rate under
the old contract; but it was re-
funded a percentage on each con-
tract. Under the new agreement,
the University is being charged
only the percentage it actually
pays; on these legal grounds, the
government can claim that the
University must pass on the dis-
For eight months after the new
contract went into effect, the Uni-
versity kept charging the govern-
ment 100 per cent gross rate.

But in April, those in charge of
of the business end of computer
research decided that the Univer-
sity had better stop charging the
government gross rate; because if
the University didn't stop, the
government was very likely to suc-
cessfully (and embarrassingly) sue
the University for the money it
had been clearing on the new
contract in the eight months
since it had gone into effect.
8-Month Period
With this decision, the Univer-
sity tookthe initiative from the
government, and avoided the em-
barrassment of a suit. Computer
research refunded to the govern-
ment the money it had cleared on
the contract over the eight-month
period. In charge of the refunding
operation was Audrey B. Hicks, as-
sitant controller and business
manager of sponsored research.
Thus, the University now has
no federal funds to finance com-
puter education. The money that
the federal government formerly
pail must now be supplied by the
state Legislature through the
"general fund" it votes the Uni-

versity each year. barely off the drawing board. They
But the University has appar- would replace the 7090 computers
ently been in no way discouraged the University is now using. If the
from dealing with IBM. Recently it University gives final approval to
put in tentative orders for two the orders, the new computers will
new IBM 360 computers, which are be delivered in two years.
Re entsd ame Norman
.To Head Research Plans

(Continued from Page 1)
came executive vice-president, re-
maining the second-in-command.
Heyns became vice-president
for academic affairs.
At this point the research vice-
presidency became equal in au-
thority to the academics vice-
presidency. Both Heyns and Saw-
yer were directly under Niehuss.
Under Heyns
Officials revealed that with Prof.
Norman's appointment, the re-
search vice-president will move
under Heyns, once again subordi-
nating research to academics.
Whether this move will be made

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TODAY dre s the 12th annual Art Confer- tion from Latin" in Rackham Ami-
TODAYence on "A Critic Looks at Con- phitheatre.
7and 9 p m.-Cinema Guild will '1temporary Art" in Rackham Lee- 8 ~.TeUiest lyr
pesent Buster Keaton in "The ture Hall.8pm-h nvriyPaes
Gneral," Charlie Chaplin in 1:0am-einiAtEh- u ee
nedyh in "A Paio Tigts"Kand bition, Third Floor Galleries, rected by Morto Achitei Lydia
Mac .nnettA s P irhes ofthe .. Rackham Bldg. Mendelssohn Theatre. r, y
Fed" in the Architecture Aud 1:30 p.m.-Audio-Visual Educa- 8:30 p.m.-Stacy Carpenter will
tion Center will present two filmsprsnan rgnrctln l
TOMORROW - Second World War: Triumiph o preen a ornreilinHl
4:15 p.th-University Organist the Axis" and "Second World War: Audm
o ert Noehdren will present a mu- Allied Victory" in the Multipur- FRIDAY
sic shoolhfacle Rm. of the UGLI
Aud sho auyrciam i 1:30 pm-Prof. Jeanne Foster 1:30 p.m. - The Audio-Visual
pnt Brf alnW. Wrdin of Whitwrth Colewill Center will present two films, "City
eof the business school will speak . bfetred in a music scho lec- ofpuGod" an "Samf i the u
on "The Economiics of 1964," a ture, speaking on "rogrammed tproem.fthUGI
Unitarian Sunday Forumn lecture nstruction the Elements of 4:30 p.m. - Franklin Dybdal'
"i the Unitarian Church Social , in te music schl reci- bass baritone, will present s de-
{allt ,ihall. gree recital in the music school
8:30 p.m.-Marjorie Stettach- 4:10 p.m.-Blyden Jackson, dean recital hall..
Sclarinetist, will present a mu- Cof the graduate school at South- 7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild will
S chool deree recital in the temn University in New Orleans will present Charlie Chaplin and Paul-
usic school recital hall. speak on "The Negro's Negro in ette Goddard in "Modern Times,"
Rbet onAmerican Literature," a Summer Snub Pollard in "Join the Circus"
Session Special Program on the and Mary Pickford and Kate Bruce
1:30 p.m.-Audio-Visual Educa- American Negro in Transition, in "The Stranger Returns" in the
tion Center will present two filmso 1964, Aud. A. Architecture Aud. f
mrand Canyon" and "Morning 7:30 p.o".-Prof. Willard S. Ox-
in theLievres in the Multipur- toby of the Near Eastern studies 8 p.m-The Universiy Phyer,
nose Rm. of the UGLI. department will speak on "Re- will present ames
8:30 p.mn - The University PIANIST VOLTAPEK overing the Past," at Hillel Foun- Thurber Carnival," starring Da-
Woodwind Qinntet will p resent a dation ide Hirvaaus Thas Mannin
oncert featuring Nelson Hauen- recinctUtovPresident"NeinOtheaMul- .warl7 ndTravisichaeGelac
steini, flute; Florian Mueller, oboe; tipurpose Rm. of the UGLI. 8l pes-en "ATUivert larsa, Stephen Wyman, Betty Ellis, Joyce
wil prsn}AThre ania"Erind CaleShaeinBab ara uan
John Mohlerclarinet; Harry Berv, 1:30 p.m.-Prof. Bjornar Berge- by James Thurber, directed byEgrmd hyB-
Fench horn, and Lewis Cooper, than of the University of Illinois Prof. Nafe Katter of the speech nig,an Mihe Meacey
m scol ahallswillspeak on "onceptual Teach- department, in Lydia Mendelssohn encstmes by Pr. e a Wes
TUESDAY ing" in the Music School Recital Theatre. feld of the speech department and
12 HnD 8:30 p.m.--Ralph Voltapek will sets by Prof. Calvin Qualyle of
Spr t ad7:30 p.m-Prof. Donald C. E. present a piano recital in Rack- the speech department, in Lydia
uff of the Research Center fo Swanson of the University of M6- ham Aud. Mendelssohn Theatre.
Group dynamnics speakin on nesota will speak on "Structural THURSDAY 8:30 p.m. Prof. William A.
Hmnistic Psychology: A Grow- Dating in Historcal Studies innest le
in~ thirFe" in the MAndepr-Rakhm Aphthatr. t3hpe. ear aentudislCdeofAnsSttolgea
TseR.oteU 'dktCenter will present two films, "Ju- Decatur (Ga.) will speak on "The
son Rm. of the Michigan Union- 8:30 p.m.-John Colangelo, clar- lius Caesar: The Rise of the Ro- Measurement of Distances in As-
1:15 p.m-The library science inetist will present a degree re- man Empire" and "CHartres Ca- tronomy," an astronomy depart-
departfent will present Douglas cital in the music school recital thedral" in the Multipurpose Rm. ment Visitors' Night program in
J. Fos8ett of the University of hall. of the UGLI. Aud. D.
LonMshpeain th rharEvAY B b7:30 a.m. - Prof. Sherman M 8:30 p.m.-Robert Austin Warn-
Urnnalromns ."n LewiCheg an oteDnesi Kuhn of the linguistics depart- er and Andrew C. Minor will con-
U:0non Bnrm. hevAuoVsal 9:30 akm.-Prof Franz Schulze ment will speak "On Syntactic An- duct a nusic school collegium mu-
Cent r will present a id " M Lake Forest College will ad- alysis of an Old English Transla- sicun in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Wulff...f.....Research Center for. Swanson of...h..Un.i.ersity of Min- ham Aud...Mendelssohn..Th...re.
Gru yamcseknD eoaIYl OFFIo "trcaL BULLETIN ~. Prf.WllamA
"Humanisti Psycholog:, A Grow-Dating in istorical tudies in awvlde f gesSot oleea

by a formal Regents action or
whether Heyns will simply as-
sume authority, is not known.
The appointment represents the
second change in executive offi-
cers this year. Michael Radock was
promoted to vice-president for
University relations in July. He
had formerly been director of Uni-
versity relations.
Sawyer's Record
Dean Sawyer has been at the
University since 1919. He became
dean of the graduate school in
Prof. Norman is a native of
Great Britain. He was born in
1905 in Birmingham, England and
was educated at King Edward's
School and the University of Birm-
ingham. He received a B.S. in 1925
and a doctor of philosophy de-
gree in plant biochemistry in 1928.
He came to the United States
in 1930 and to the University in
1952 to supervise a plant nutrition
Brazil Grants
Longer Term
To President
amended the Brazilian Constitu-
tion Thursday to give President
Humberto Castelo Branco 14 ad-
ditional months in office.
A joint session of Congress in
Brasilia voted a package of con-
stitutional amendments in a sec-
ond and final reading that gave
the president all but one of the
electoral reforms proposed by the'
revolutionary regime.j
The defeated amendment would'
have giveni lliterates, who are es-
timated to make up more than
half of Brazil's rural population,
,he right to vote in municipal elec-
The key vote was on the ex-
tension of Gen. Castelo Branch's
term until March 15, 1967. It was
i clear victory for the government,
with the Chamber of Deputies vot-
ing 238 to 94 and the Senate 46 to
Copyright, 1964, The New York Times

NEWARK-Confiscation of the
passport of Michael D. Brown, '64,
for travelling to Cuba awaits or-;
ders from Washington, Assistant
United States Attorney Martin G.
Holleran said yesterday.
Brown and 59 other American
students spent lastasummer in Cu-
ba in defiance of a State Depart-
ment ban on travel to that coun-:
try. Brown's passport was revok-
ed shortly after his return in Sep-
tember, but federal authorities
have not yet obtained the docu-
ment from him.
United States marshals found
Brown yesterday in an apartment
in New York City and demanded
that he surrender his passport.
Brown refused.
He claims, as he stated on his
return to the University last Sep-
tember, that the State Depart-.
ment was acting illegally in trying
to keep Americans out of Cuba.
"If America is so afraid of (Cuban
Premier Fidel) Castro's ideas that
' U' Ranks Higfh
In Foreign
Student .Rate
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-The University Is
listed fifth among America's uni-
versities in the enrollment of for-
eign students, according to the
survey released yesterday by the
Institute of International Educa-
Listing the 1963-64 enrollment
figures, the report credits the Uni-
versity with 1,265 foreign students,
4.6 per cent of the student body.
Having the largest number of
foreign students is the University
of California with 3,927, follow-
ed by Columbia University with
The University also ranked ninth
among the nation's universities in
the number of foreign scholars,
totaling 171 in residence and was
the only Michigan school listed
among the 25 with 100 or more
visiting professors and researchers,
from other countries.
In this category, California
is again first, Harvard Univer-
sity second and the University of
Illinois third.
Michigan State University, the
only other Michigan institution.
listed in the report, was ranked.
second in the number of its fac-
ulty members abroad, with a count
of 209.
The University was fifth in that
category with some 96 members of
its faculty out of the country.

we won't let others just see Cuba,
then America is in pretty bad
shape. If Cuba is doing something
good, we should try to learn some-
thing from it," he said.
The marshals visiting Brown
yesterday had been ordered not to

Baker Pores over Accoui
Of Kennedy's Assassinati
Prof. Dean C. Baker of the jour-
nalism department is spending his
hours out of the classroom these
days with a microfilm projector, -
carefully poring of thousands of
newspaper accounts of the asas-
sination of the late President John.>
F. Kennedy, in an attempt to dis-
cover just how well the nation's X
press covered this historic event.'
His time is donated, for the ben-
efit of the journalistic profession
as is his wife's assistance, but the -
Journalism department is supply-
Ing needed materials, including mi-
crofilms of 225 different newspa-
pers from all 50 states, covering
the days November 22-26, 1963.

use force to obtain the pass
"We have plenty of legal r
ods to prevent him from usir
passport," Holleran said. "We
want him to be able to clam
was under pressure or ha

Prof. Baker is a former city
editor, who has undertaken this
project at the request of the As-
sociated Press Managing Editors
Association. He has already drawn
preliminary conclusions from the
study, even though his deadline is
in September.
On the basis of scrutiny of 91
papers, he concludes that many
of the journals provided interpre-
tation, background and sidelight
Information that exceeded that
which other news media wre able
to provide.
He also observed that newspa-
per reporters and columnists fre-
quently rose to the occasion with
very perceptive analyses, even
though the many pictures used
"told" the event in striking fash-
Many daily newspapers appear
to have thrown their pages open
to the events of those few days,
ignoring much other news and
possible revenue losses, but at least
two large papers gave very little
special coverage.t

U.S. Grants
Fellowshi ps
Award of 1500 federally-fina
ed graduate fellowships was
nounced yesterday by the Un
States Office of Education.
The fellowships will fina
graduate students scheduled to
tend 156 colleges and universi
in 50 states and the District
Columbia during the 1964-65 i
demic year opening in Septemb
Purpose of the program,
thorized by the National Defe
Education Act of 1958, is to
crease the number and quality
students preparing for col



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c~ r

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the 'Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room,
3564 Administration Building before
2 p.m. of the day preceding publica-
tion, and by 2 p.m. Fbiday for Satur-
day and Sunday.
Day Calendar'
Cinema Guild-Buster Keaton in "The
General"; Charlie Chaplin in "Caught
in the Rain"; Edgar Kennedy in "A
Pair of Tights"; Mac Sennett's "Lizzies
of the Field": Architecture Aud., 7 and
9 p.m.
General Notices
French and German Screening Exams:
The screening exams in French and Ger-
man f or Doctoral candidates will be ad-
ministered on Thurs., July 30 from 7-9
pin. in Aud. B, Arrgeii Hail. Doctoral
candidates must pass the screening
examination before taking the written
test in French or German, unless they
have received B or, better in French 111
or German 111. Those who fail the
examination may take it again when
the test is administered In September.
Graduate Outing Club, Swimming,
July 26, 1:45 p.m., Rackham. Huron St.
rT a.....a.. z. as...... s.,« 3 .,~*~

William Warner Bishop Lecture:
Douglas J. Foskett, librarian, Institute
of Education, University of London,
England, will deliver the William Warn-
er Bishop Lecture on Tues., July 28,
in the Ball Room of the Michigan
Union. He will speak on "Comparative
Librarianship" following the annual
student-faculty luncheon. Both the
'lecture and the luncheon are open to
the public. Reservations for the lunch-
eon (12:15) should be made by tele-
phoning the Library Science Office (NO-
3-151i, Ext. 765). Those comning for the
lecture only should plan to be seated by
1:15 p.m.
August 4 & 5-John Andrews, public
health advisor, of Detroit, Mich., will
be in the lower lobby of the Michigan
Union to provide information about
the opportunities available with the
U.S. Public Health Service. Openings
presently exist in most all the large
cities for Public Health Program Reps.
Degree majors desired are Econ., Poli.
Set., Engl., For. Lang., Geog., Soc.,
Psych., Hist., Journ., Philo., & Gen. Lib-
eral Arts. U.S.. citizenship required. Mr.
Andrews will interview in the Bureau of
Appointments on Aug. 6 for those po-
sitions. Please make appointments by
calling Ext. 3544 or come to the office
at 3200 SAB.
Allied Chemical Corp., New York, N.Y.
-Openings for Industrial Relations
Trainees at many locations throughout
the U.S. Trainees" are, exposed to mul-
tiple facets of Industrial Rels. activity
& may be subject to relocation as
part of their career dev.
Westran Corp., Muskegon, Mich. -
Cast Accountant to be in charge of all
cost-accounting for the co.; will supv.
clerks, but will do much of the work
himself. Will help build up the cost
accounting area. Career oppor. BBA or
BA with course work in cost account-

School of Music Degree Recital-Mar-
jorie Stettbacher, clarinetist: Recital
Hall, School of Music, 8:30 p.m.
Events Monday
Doctoral Examination for Alan Jo-
seph Brainard, Chemical Engineering;
thesis: 'tA Study of the Vapor-Liquid
Equilibrium° for the Quaternary Sys-
tem Hydrogen-Benzene-Cyclohexane-n-
Hexane," Mon., July 27, 3214 E. Engrg.
Bldg., at 2 p.m. Chairman, G. B. Wil-
Audio-Visual Education Center Film
Preview-"Grand Canyon" and "Morn-

ing in the Lievre": Multipurpose Rn.,
Undergraduate Library, 1:30 p.m.
Dept. of English Lecture-John F.
Muehl, University of Michigan, "Class
Discussion for Motivating Writing: A
Demonstration Class": Aud. C, Angell
Hall, 4 p.m.
School of Music University Woodwind
Quintet-Nelson Hauenstein, flute; Flor-
ian Mueller, oboe; John Mohler, clar-
inet; Harry Berv, French horn; Lewis
Cooper, bassoon: Rackham Lecture Hall,
8:30 p.m.


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8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion.
10:00 a.m.-Holy Communion (1 s" and 3rd
Sundays). Morning Prayer (2nd and 4th
7:00 p.m.-Evening Prayer.
7:00 o.m.-Holy Communion.
12:10 p.m.-Holy Communion.

1432 Washtenow Ave.
NO 2-4466
Ministers: Ernest T. Campbell, Malcolm
Brown, Virgil Janssen
Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.
Presbyterian Campus Center located at the
Staff: Jack Borckardt and Patricia Pickett
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
John Koenig, Vicar'
Sunday at 9:15: Bible Study
Sunday at 10:30: Service, Sermon, " A Les-
son in Praise."
Sunday at 6:00 Supper & Program, Talkon
her work with the Peace Corps in Colombia,
South America, by Sandra Earl.

1501 W. Liberty St.
Ralph B. Piper, David Bracklein,
Fred Holtfreter, 'Pastors
Worship Services-8:30 and 11:15 a.m.
Holy Communion - Second Sunday of each
Church Schol-9:45 a.m.
Holy Baptism-First Sunday of month.
Nursery facilities during worship services and
church school.
(National Lutheran Council)
Hill St. at S. Forest Ave.
Dr. Henry O. Yoder, Pastor
9:00 A.M. Bible Study
10:00 A.M. Worship Service & Communion
7:00 P.M. Rev. Malcolm Ballinger, Chaplain
U-M Hospital, "Healing: Medicine and the



W. Stadium at Edgewood
Across from Ann Arbor High
John G. Makin, Minister
10:00 a.m.-Bible School.
11:00 a.m.-Regular Worship.
6:00 p.m.-Evening Worship.
7:30 p.m.-Bible Study.
Transportation furnished for all
NO 2-2756.

Corner State and William
Dr. Fred E. Luchs, Minister


Wednesday at 9:00 Review of Book-

- L~I 'iYiitZ/ ~m B

'4s .ow:: ..; = :<

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