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July 25, 1964 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1964-07-25

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Seventy-Third Year

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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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Race Conflict Needs Aid
Of Local Governments

ATURDAY, JULY 25, 1964



North Campus Settlement:
Victory for Entire 'U'


IN REACHING a tentative agreement
Thursday over the North Campus park-
ing situation with the administration, the
North Campus protestors won a definite
victory. They obtained all three conces-
sions they had demanded since the out-
set of their protest; a moratorium on
new North Campus parking regulations,
a further evaluation of parking conditions
there, and a promise for free lots con-
venient to the Phoenix Project.
But the victory of the protestors was
an effort in which no one, including the
administration, need take the losing end.
And the victory has been not just for
them, but for anybody in the University
who has an interest in maintaining com-
munication and rapport between the ad-
ministration and those who work with it.
From the outset of their protest over
three weeks ago, the protestors made
their material complaint very clear. They
were against the parking regulations
which had gone into effect on North Cam-
pus as part of the overall parking plan
for the University community.
Their objections, which were hotly ar-
gued both ways, were based on differ-
ences between the Central and North
Campus parking situations.
Campus was not at all the parking
changes as such. The problem was that
North Campus personnel felt the admin-
istration either did not know of their
troubles and opinions, or knew of them
and didn't care. Many held the latter
And many complained that the parking
rules for their campus were passed with-
out consulting them. Actually, the plans
were submitted to the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs for ap-
proval, and got it; but SACUA represents
only faculty, and not other personnel
who were also subject to some of the new
Another complaint was that the per-
sonnel did not know of the approval of
the regulations until three months after
it happened, and only one month before
the rules went into effect. Vice-President
for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pier-
pont countered that SACUA had publish-
ed rules approval in its monthly minutes.
BUT AGAIN, SACUA sent its minutes
only to faculty members, not to other
campus personnel. Early in the protest,
Rethinking S1

one observer noted that when such a
sweeping rules change was planned, the
University might have submitted a few
paragraphs to The Daily as publication as
a short news item, and thus better in-
formed those working for it. The sug-
gestion still stands.
Others ventured that a plausible idea
would have been to display notices of such
a regulations change prominently on bul-
letin boards in areas where they were to
take effect.
But none of this had been done, and
the protestors flooded the lawn next to
the Phoenix Project with cars, to draw at-
tention and avoid parking in the now-ex-
pensive lots. The steering committee of
the protestors published an open letter
asking for a moratorium and reconsidera-
tion of parking plans.
MANY THOUGHT IT mandatory that
the University acknowledge the plead-
ings of the protestors if it wished to avoid
a complete demoralization of personnel
on the campus. Though at first it made
no moves, the administration finally com-
plied with protestor requests for nego-
tiations. Early last week, high adminis-
tration officials met with North Campus
academic heads to work out a solution.
They apparently made a good start, since
they reached a tentative settlement sat-
isfactory to all within a week.
But it was only that-a start. The pro-
testors made it clear yesterday that
their prime goal is to set up stable, per-
manent and effective lines of communi-
cation between North Campus and the ad-
ministration, to insure that nothing like
the recent battling ever has to happen
It is quite apparent that the protestors
the ready to go through the whole mess
again If they feel that they are being
mistreated or ignored, or if they think
that the lines of communication are
breaking down.
THIS IS GOOD REASON for everybody
affected -- all University administra-
tors and personnel-to take advantage of
the victory the protestors have gained for
them in the struggles of the last month.
If University administrators and person-
nel set up and maintain lines of com-
munication, they can forget (except as an
ugly reminder) the recent inconveniences
-which need never occur again.

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ANYONE TRYING to look at
the Harlem riots in the light
of the official ideology adopted in
the Cow Palace is bound, it seems
to me, to quote Grover Cleveland.
We are dealing not with a theory,
but with a condition.
There is no meaningful relation-
ship between the Harlem facts
and the Cow Palace theories. The
rioting did not break out because
the Goldwater platform is not
sympathetic with the grievances
of the Negroes. The rioting did not
break out because a coalition of
Republicans and Democrats have
enacted the civil rights bill.
The rioting did not break out
because the budget is unbalanced
or because the federal govern-
ment has an enormously large
bureaucracy or because the fed-
eral government has usurped the
powers of the states.
it is in the first instance, the
Harlem disorders are the respon-
sibility of the New York City
government and its police force.,
If they cannot cope with the dis-
order, they can call for help upon
the governor of New York and on
the federal government. But fed-,
eral and state intervention are
bound to remain secondary.
The main responsibility is and
will always remain that of the
mayor of New York. We must
suppose, therefore, that when Sen-
ator Goldwater inveighs against
crime and declares that the streets
must be made safer for law-abid-
ing citizens, he is not suggesting
that we establish in this country
a national police force command-
ed by the President. For of all
imaginable kinds of centralized
power and potential threats to
local and individual freedom, a
national police force would be the
most blatant.
If he were President, Senator
Goldwater could do no more than
President Johnson-is doing, which
is to assist the mayor of New
York City in his efforts to restore
law and order.
* * *
WHEN WE LOOK beneath the
immediate need, which is to stop
the rioting, we are confronted

most vividly with a condition-
a condition of racial conflict-
with which the Cow Palace ideol-
ogy does not come to grips. The
condition is that so many of the
grievances which moreand more
Negroes find unendurable are not
redressed by the civil rights act
itself and can be redressed only so
slowly that the leadership of the
moderate Negroes is threatened by
the Negro extremists. The moder-
ates are being told that in the face
of injustice "moderation is no
Senator Goldwater has shown a
commendable distaste for identify-
ing himself with the white back-
lash.hButthe ideology of the Cow
Palace would do nothing to allay
and much to aggravate the racial
conflict.between the grievances of
the Negroes and the grievances
of the whites. For the fact re-
mains that the protest of the
whites is against the redress of
the grievances of the Negroes.
FOR ONE THING, the platform
is tailored to attract the votes of
the white supremacists, and the
immediate withdrawal of Gov.
George Wallace from the Presiden-
tial race is proof that the plat-
formrwas accuratelytailored. The
whole weight of the platform is to
throw the onus of racial disorder
on the Negroes and at the same
time to donnothing, indeed to ob-
struct doing anything much, to
redress the grievances of the Ne-
For the indisputable truth of the
matter is that in general through-
out the country it would be im-
possible to provide better houses,
better schools and better jobs
through the state and local gov-
ernments alone.
If we look at the facts and not
at the theories,twe must see, I
think, that the truth is more com-
prehensive than the theories.
Neither the elephant nor the don-
key can walk far on his two right
legs alone. The truth is that to
deal with a great condition like
the racial movement it is necessary
to act at all the levels of govern-
ment, from the precinct to the
federal republic. Not only is it
necessary to act at all levels, it
is also necessary to act more
energetically at all levels.
(e), 1964, The Washington Post Co.

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A Memorial to Suffering

tates' Rights

"RIGHTS" in the United States are sur-
rounded by such well-conditioned de-
fenses, that all one has to do to arou'se
indignation is declare that his "rights"
are being violated. Those people who do
not leap immediately to his defense will
at least feel a guilty twinge.
The ultimate outcome of an unthink-
ing, automatic defense of "rights" has
been the issue of states' rights.
States' rights are being advocated by
Southerners who want to protect their
way of life from change. That way of
life includes diversions as innocuous as
possum-hunting as well as pernicious
activities such as preventing Negroes from
THE REPUBLICAN presidential nomi-
nee is also a proponent of states'
rights, mainly it seems, because the Con-
stitution says that this is a good way to
run the government, or more accurately,
the governments in the United States.
Barry Goldwater would say that since
the delegation of certain powers to the
states was good in the days of the little
country schoolhouse, the self-sufficient
pioneer, and legal slavery, it is still good
enough now in the time of expensive edu-
cation, extensive unemployment, and a
civil rights revolution.
He and other advocates of states' rights
may believe that the Constitution is a
sacred and perfect document, complete-
ly valid in all times and all ages. But
they are making themselves and their
fellow citizens prisoners of the dogma
that the states must handle certain prob-
lems even when they are unable to do
so or willing to ignore them. Some states,
for evamnlai ore inahlt tn finanrng a ann

dictatorship. But regardless of how power
is distributed, it is unlikely that justice
can be guaranteed at all times. The issue
is whether giving the federal government
a greater share of the power will increase
the amount of injustice. It is not the
amount of power, but the way in which it
is exercised that limits rights. In the civil
rights issue, a great deal of injustice is
being perpetrated by the states.
ANOTHER REASON proposed for pre-
serving states' powers is that this is
putting the government closer to the peo-
ple where it can be more effective and
responsive to their wishes. Certainly some
issues are best handled at the local level.
But are most states capable of and in-
terested in clearing their slums and pro-
viding medical care for those unable to
afford it?
The idea that the state governments
are somehow closer to the people seems to
be a confusion of geographical with poli-
tital and psychological closeness. Can
anyone seriously say the Mississippi Negro
has a "close" relationship with his state
government? The state does not look out
for his interests; it does not even allow
him to express-his interests by voting.
Goldwater's statement in his accept-
ance speech at the Republican conven-
tion that "the ladder of liberty is based
on decentralized power" contradicts real-
ity. The advocates of states' rights are
upholding a philosophy of government
that is sometimes destructive of individ-
ual rights, to say nothing of economic and
educational progress in the country as a
THE BEST CHANCE for promoting in-

Daily Correspondent
MUNICH-One of the lesser
known tourist attractions in
Germany is located ten miles
northwest of here on the outskirts
of the little town of Dachau.
There are no guided tours to
this place. It is little publicized.
Only a small sign in three lan-
guages a kilometer away directs
visitors to it. In English the sign
says simply: concentration camp
Still a surprisingly large number
of visitors make it out to the for-
mer Secret Service-managed camp
Dachau where over 30,000 human
beings were murdered between
1933 and 1945. Dachau was the
first concentration camp opened
by the Nazi regime but the suf-
fering and dying that wept on at
the camp was no worse than at
many of the 250 other camps. As
unbelievable as it may now seem,
between two and one-half and
four million died at the Ausch-
witz (Poland) camp alone.
THE VISITOR to Dachau today,
in the 19th year after its liberation
by American armed forces, sees
a strange mixture of sights. Sev-
eral mass graves in a peaceful
setting today can hardly compare
with the mountains of bodies and
the thousands of sickly prisoners
who greeted the American libera-
The crematorium, an uncom-
pleted gas chamber, a box where
human ashes were stored, a small
museum, the rifle range where a
mass execution of 6,000 Russian
prisoners-of-war took place are
all to be seen today.
Alongside these memories of the
past are reminders that life must
continue, that people must adapt
to new times as best they are able.
The old camp barracks are in-
habited by the desperately poor.
These are expressionless people
who watch strangers walk past on
the way to see the crematorium
and the museum. Several televi-
sion attenae are attached to the
roofs of these homes.
THE U.S. ARMY which main-
tains a camp next to Dachau
uses one of the old concentration
camp buildings. Before 1945, one
of the uses of the building was as
a torture chamber where prisoners
were shot, whipped, and hung

from posts among other things.
The U.S. Army also occupies the
gatehouse, before 1945 the only
entrance to the camp, which then
bore the inscription "Work makes
you free.-
But these incongruous sights
are scheduled for change. A group
of the camp survivors, organized
as the International Dachau Com-
mittee, in close cooperation with
the Bavarian state government
have made plans to make Dachau
a fitting memorial to those who
died there.
Already a Roman Catholic
chapel, a cylindrical building
shaped like a gigantic winepress
and crowned with a metallic
crown of thorns, has been com-
pleted on the former camp in-
spection grounds. Both Jewish
Concerto. E-flat for Two Pianos
and Orchestra, K. 365
Rondo; allegro
Variations on Theme of Haydn, Op. 56b
Second Suite, Op. 17
Bossart, duo-pianists, present-
ed in Rackham Auditorium Thurs-
day evening a program which was
one of the most enjoyable even-
ings of music in the past year.
The program was opened with
Mozart's Concerto in E-flat for
Two Pianos and Orchestra. A fine
chamber orchestra, made up of
students from the School of Mu-
sic, was conducted with taste and
precision by Gilbert Ross of the
School of Music faculty.
Mozart wrote a large number of
solo piano concertos besides this
one for two pianos-certainly this
concerto is one of his nicest. It
has an arresting dialogue between
the two instruments. Although
Bossart and Fisher can play like
a single artist, they enhanced this
dialogue with their individual mu-
sical ideas.
THE BRAHM'S Variations on a
Theme of Hayden followed. This
masterpiece, more often heard in
the orchestral version, is an ex-
tremely difficult work, both mu-
sically and technically. Indeed
Bossart and Fisher almost made
the pianos sound like an orches-
tra with theiy many contrasts in
tone, texture and dynamics. Es-
pecially moving was the passa-
caglia which concludes these varia-
Rachmaninoff's Second Suite
followed intermission and allowed

and Protestant religious memorials
are also being planned.
THE FORMER administration
building, until recently owned and
used by a textile company, will
house the new museum which re-
places the temporary one at the
crematorium. Near the cremator-
ium, a memorial statue has been
erected to the memory of the camp
victims. The first two barracks at
the inspection grounds will be re-
paired and made ready for visi-
tors. All other barracks will be
torn down and the area of the
former camp will be fenced in.
A question may be raised as to
what all this will accomplish. The
point is not to horrify for this is
not possible without recreating
the pre-1945 camp environment.
The physical setting can never
communicate to the visitor the
sneer horror of what went on at
the camp.
The pure beastiality of one
group of human beings in their
actions towards another group are
what mark this camp and all
others like it as a place of in-
famy. Even the gas chamber,
which the Secret Service never
put into operation as the result
of three years of sabotage by the
prisoner-laborers, does not shock
the emotions as one might think.
The same is true of the crena-
torium and the camp as a whole.
* * *
force many people to think deeply
about the conditions which per-
mitted such a period in history to
take place and how a recurrence
can be prevented. It is this ra-
tional response rather than a lim-
ited shock value that should be
the result of a visit to Dachau
Concentration Camp. It was the
dying wish of many inmates of
the camp that what went on in
that time not be forgotten. From
the efforts to create a better me-
morial and from the already large
number of visitors to the camp-
Germans as well as tourists-it is
likely that this wish will come

At the State Theatre
E HAVE become resigned, of
late, to the fact that every
Walt Disney movie will bear that
inevitable Disney stamp, which is
renowned for its good taate in en-
tertainment, but not necessarily
for its high quality.
Yet, every now and then, even
Disney can break out of the rut,
and for the most part, he has
done so in "The Moonspinners."
Filmed in beautiful color, this
is the story of Nicola Ferris
(Hayley Mills) and her aunt
(Joan Greenwood), who come to
the island of Crete in search of
folksongs. And eventually their
travels take them to the hidden-
away village of Agios Georgios
where they discover that guests
are patently unwelcome at the
lach) seems deathly afraid of vis-
itors and his sister (Irene Papas)
seems deathly afraid of him. And
everyone seems quite suspicious of
the English youth Mark (Peter
I'll not destroy the plot by re-
vealing it, for it is amazingly sus-
penseful, based vaguely, on Mary
Stewart's successful novel of the
same name.
In the film, Disney once again
reveals that his studio is a master
of the photographic art. The color
is stunning, the shots are creative
and imaginative, and the director

has been clearly aware of what
techniques the camera can achieve
to heighten suspense. For in-
stance, twosituationsesimply cry
out for shock stereotypes. In the
first, Miss Mills is searching for
McEnery among the ancient
stone caskets in the catacombs of
a deserted church. One is abso-
lutely certain that an eerie hand
will suddenly shoot onto the
screen, yet when it does the ef-
feet is electrifying as it is handled
so cleverly.
* * *
IN ANOTHER sequence, Wal-
lach is searching in the labyrinth
of an ancient Greek temple,
drawing closer and closer to the
screeching cats. One knows that
a cat will suddenly spring out at
him, but when it does the effect
is quite startling.
This is the combined craft of
a 'master film director and film
editor, and it demonstrates once
again the Disney studios are
masters of the art.
Surprisingly, the acting in this
film rises above the usual Disney
norm of syrup and sugar; and un-
til the very end (which is the
usual Disney madhouse), the plot
supports the fine performances of
the players.
* * *
MISS MILLS is an increasingly
competent young actress, and al-
though she seems a bit precocious
in this particular part, her native
skill as a performer comes across
in several scenes.
Wallach, Miss Papas, and Miss
Greenwood all turn in perform-
ances which do them credit. But
the standouts are from a new-
comer and an old timer.
A new face to Americans is
British charmer Peter McEnery,
whose Puckish good looks and
winning personality cannot over-
shadow his fine talent as an actor.
Although put to a number of typ-
ical Disney stunts (chases, acro-
batics), he still delivers a good
performance in the catacomb
scene when he is injured and in
the labyrinth scene when he is
too tired to carry on. These se-
quences could easily have been
overdone, but McEnery carries
them off beautifully.
THE OTHER standout is Miss
Pola Negri, a glamour girl of the
silent film era, but not seen at all
in recent years. She came out of
retirement to create the exotic
Madame Habib (this character is
not in the novel), and until she
is subiected to the ludicrous Dis-

Disney Breakds Auay
From Syrup and Suagar

"You Still Hanging On?"

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To the Editor:
DO YOU LIBERALS really ex-
pect us to believe there is such
a person as Michael Harrah?
"RP Dfin-a rTheCa A vainst

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