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July 22, 1964 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1964-07-22

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lavits, Keating Reject
,OP Ticket; Goldwaterj

Chances Mixed for Federal Funds

Iits Poverty

Terms Bill

Pooly Done
Comments as Senate
Prepares for Debate
Goldwater (R - Ariz) yesterda
termed President Lyndon B. John
son's anti-poverty legislation
misleading and poorly constructe
program that seems designed pr
marily to secure votes.
The presidential nominee wa
joined by Sen. John G. Tower (R
Tex) in filing a minority repor
on the $962.5 million bill approv
ed by the Senate Labor Commit
tee two weeks ago.
The measure is to be brough
up in the Senate today and wi]
provide a first test of Goldwater
influence with his colleagues sinc
his nomination by the Republi
can national convention last week
Goldwater and Tower called th
measure a "hodgepodge of pro
grams treating only the results, no
the causes of poverty.
"Whatever its professed pur
poses," they declared, "it seems de
signed to achieve the single objec
tive of securing votes."
The majority report by the la
bor committee, sugmitted I b
Chairman Lister Hill (D-Ala), sai
the bill marks "a commitment b3
the Congress and the nation t(
dedicate themselves to the elimi
nation of deprivation and depend
ency in this land.
"The war on poverty is not ar
effort simply to support people;
to make them dependent upon the
generosity of others," the report
said. "It is designed to give them
a chance to help themselves."
S'en. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY),
who yesterday said he could not
at present support Goldwater, said
there is a genuine need for a war
an poverty. But he added, "it
calls for a defined and selective
approach with practical objectives
rather than an inadequate, omni-
bus attack."
In opposing the bill, Goldwater
and Tower said they consider it
"an attempt to reap political re-
wards from the American people's
natural and humane desire to im-
prove the lot of our less fortunate
World News



WARSAW (P)-Soviet Premier
- Nikita S. Khrushchev accused Sen.
- Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) yester-
day of campaigning for the White
- House "under the slogan of fran-
y tic anti-Communism and military
d threats.
Y "We are not afraid of threats,
o but we cannot be indifferent to-
- ward threats," the Soviet leader
- declared. "Therefore we should,
as the saying goes, clean our
a weapons and stay on full alert."
' Goldwater also came under vio-
e lent attack' by Polish Communist
t leader Wladyslaw Gomulka at a
SWarsawgathering of Red chiefs.
Gomulka said Goldwater's policies
'are "directed toward a world nu-
t clear catastrophe."
A denunciation by Gomulka of
the United States as "pushing the
world to the brink of war"
prompted a walkout by U.S. Am-
bassador John M. Cabot and the
British ambassador. Cabot had
left when Gomulka launched into
his attack against Goldwater.
Khrushchev said "the Americans
themselves say that one should
not take everything said during
a presidential campaign seriously,"
but added "the election of a Pres-
ident and the laying down of
foreign policy for several years
cannot help but absorb our at-9
He said the Republican plat-
form, "reflecting the views of thef
most reactionary circles, was
adopted with the full approval
of a whistling, stomping crowd ina
an atmosphere reminiscent of the
fascist gatherings in Nuernberg."
The Soviet news agency Tass
quoted Khrushchev as saying the
American electorate must decide
whether they are willing to adopt
the Republican party platform
"and thus approve the coursej
dangerous to the whole world, in-
cluding the people of the U.S."
House Passes
Censor Billa
ignoring charges it was creating
a nation of censors, yesterday
passed a bill designed to let home-
owners block "morally offensive" i
A 325-19 roll call vote sent the
bill to the Senate.
Under the bill, a person receiv-
ing mail he considers morally of-P
fensive could ask the postmaster
general to halt future mailings
from that source. The sender z
would get 30 days to comply with :
the postmaster general's order. p

Senators Rap
Say Support Hinges
On Clarification of
Candidate's Positions
NEW YORK () - New York'
two Republican senators said yes-
terday they could not at this time
support Arizona Sen. Barry Gold-
water, the party's nominee foi
Sen. Jacob K. Javits coupled
his statement with a rap at what
he called "ultra-conservative forc-
Sen. Kenneth B. Keating said
Goldwater should disassociate
himself from all extremist groups
"likethe John Birch Society."
Both Javits and Keating ex-
pressed hope they could support
the GOP national ticket before
the campaign is over, but Javits
indicated his decision would hinge
on restatement or clarification of
Goldwater's position.
Keating, up for reelection this
year, said again he hasn't de-
cided whether he will run. He al-
so has indicated that, if he does,
it would be as an independent Re-
Goldwater's office in Washing-
ton said he would have no com-
Most other Republican senators
who commented generally con-
cerning Javits, prior to the Keat-
ing announcement later in the day,
said his position was his privilege.
'Abiding Conviction'
"I'm sure he made the state-
mnent out of an abiding convic-
tion," Senate minority leader Ev-
erett M. Dirksen (R-Ill) said.
Javits said he was not bolting
the party-that he would remain
a Republican and would not sup-
port President Lyndon B. Johnson
in November. He urged "all pro-
,ressive Republicans" to remain in
the party and said:
"We must n)t surrender our
party for all time to the ultra-con-
servative forces."
He also accused Goldwater of
making no move to unify the par-
ty. Javits said his decision was
the most difficult of his career.
Willing to Reconsider
But he left open the possibil-
ity that "as the campaign devel-
ops and issues are raised and opin-
ions restated or clarified, I must
always be willing to reconsider
this position.
"I will maintain the hope that
I shall be able to support my par-
;y's national ticket in the course
of the campaign, but this will call
for some actions by Goldwater."
Keating said he would examine
3losely Goldwater's legislative rec-
ord on human and foreign needs
Turing the remaining days of the
88th Congress.
Silent on Votingt
Asked whether he might vote1
for Johnson this fall, Keating said,
I don't want to talk about vot-
ing at this time."
Rep. John V. Lindsay (R-NY),f
also up for reelection this fall, saidr
after the convenbion that he would
have to search his conscience be-r
ore deciding whether to supporte
Meanwhile, Maryland's two lead-t
ng Republicans also withheld any1
mmediate endorsement of Gold-e
water. Sen. J. Glenn Beall saidI
ie was withholding his supportt

"for the time being, at least," andI
Baltimore Mayor Theodore R. Mc-
Keldin said he would be unable tot
upport Goldwater unless the Ari- i
ona senator modified his stand(
in the civil rights and extremism e
planks of the Republican party. f

The University's hopes to receive several million
dollars in federal grants for construction were alter-
nately boosted and jolted by events yesterday.
The boost came as the Office of Education out-
lined its long-awaited rules for dispensing $230
million this year for undergraduate facilities. This is
the sum contained in a House-passed authorization
bill (H.R. 10809). The state of Michigan is eligible to
distribute over $10 million this year.
The jolt came as the office of Sen. Phillip Hart
(D-Mich) reported "its great disappointment" that
the Senate Appropriations Committee has been unable
to report H.R. 10809 out of committee, thus halting
release of the actual funds.
HEW Budget
The bill makes appropriations for the Department
of Health Education and Welfare for the 1964-65
fiscal year. In addition to allocating some $463 million
overall for educational construction, the measure con-
tains a specific $2.5 million authorization to the Uni-
versity to build a water pollution laboratory.
Coupled with the criteria set yesterday, the bill's
expected passage through the committee and the
Senate would set the following wheels in motion:


Sitr itrna
Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


-The Office of Education would begin receiving
bids on a state-wide basis for the $230 million in
undergraduate facilities. These would come from
Michigan through a nine-man Higher Education
Facilities Commission which was set up last spring
by the state Legislature. The grants go directly to the
schools. The University has not determined what it
would request.
Graduate Library
-As a second feature of H.R. 10809, the Univer-
sity could apply directly to the Office of Education
for $1.3 million to fund one-third of an addition to
the Graduate Library. The criteria for distributing
these funds have not been set.
Both undergraduate and graduate funds are being
made available under a program set up by the
higher education facilities act which Congress passed
last December to span a three-year period. However,
the actual dispending of funds will be done on an
annual basis through the Department of Health Edu-
cation and Welfare. H.R. 10809 is the request for
this year.
-The Senate bill, under separate provisions, would
give the go-ahead to the HEW to give the University
$2.5 million for its water pollution lab. An unspecified

Midwest laboratory was authorized in principle in
1956 and aagin in 1961 under a Federal Water Pollu-
tion Control Act.
Two Years Old
Two years ago Ann Arbor was officially selected
as the site for the Midwestern laboratory-one of 10
nationwide--and preliminary planning on it began
last year.
The Office of Education criteria released yesterday
reiterated what was emphasized in the facilities act
last year: enrollment is the major criteria for funds.
In addition to enrollment, projects will be assigned
point values in terms of location, program and type
of facility which the funds would help.
The criteria are needed so that the state facilities
commission can give the Office of Education a priority
list of how its $10 million should be spent. This is the
first attempt in a federal education bill to let the
states assign building priorities which will cover
public, private and community college institutions.
The usual procedure has been to let the institution
apply directly to the office for federal funds-as they
must do to obtain the graduate facilities funds.

VOL. LXXIV. No. 21-5- - ----


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Pickets Keep Regents in Town

Rather than cross a union pick-
et line, the Regents have decided
not to hold their Friday meeting
in Traverse City.
Regent Eugene B. Power, who
owns a Traverse City hotel cur-
rently being picketed, decided he
did not want to ask fellow Regents
to cross the picket lines, high ad-
ministration sources revealed yes-
The pickets are protesting ac-
tions Power took three months ago
when he bought majority owner-
ship in the Park Place Motor Inn.
He terminated the contract of the
union with the old majority own-
ers, made several job changes in
the operation of the motel, but
left the way open for his employes
to form a new union.
Power won a court decision last'
month against the union; it is
planning to appeal the case to
the state Supreme Court.



By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-A bill to in-
crease social security retirement
benefits and extend coverage ti
some 500,000 additional retired
persons was cleared yesterday for
House debate next week. .
The rules committee approved
the legislation which, if it reaches
the Senate, may revive the fight
over a health plan for the aged
under sociay security.
* * *
search for three missing civil
rights workers continued in the
Philadelphia area without change
yesterday-with some 400 sailors
still taking part in the hunt.
Since sailors from the Nava.
Auxiliary Air Station at Meridiar
finished a foot-by-foot search of
the hilly area and found no trace
of the three, the hunt has spread
over a wider area.
SAIGON - Communist guer-
rillas ambushed a big government
convoy in Viet Nam's deep south
yesterday and set off a series of
battles that raged into the night,
ISTANBUL -- Top leaders of
Iran, Pakistan and Turkey met
twice yesterday to write an agree-
inent leading to closer economic,
cultural and technical ties among
the three countries.
A final communique is expected
A Turkish spokesman denied the
summit conference was political
in nature, but officials of all three
countries admitted there was some
feeling of disenchantment with
the Western alliance and that a
new cooperation agreement was
meant' to draw them together in
regional friendship.
WASHINGTON - A bill that
would create a 14-member com-
mission to study the impact of
automation on the economy was

Johnson Asks
FBI To Study
Harlem Events
NEW "YORK UP) - An air of
uneasy calm settled over riot-
wracked Harlem yesterday as
President Lyndon B. Johnson or-
dered an FBI probe of racial vio-
lence in the city.
Johnson entered the picture
with a call for a full FBI investi-
gation of the violence which
claimed one life and resulted in
the injury of more than 100 other
persons over the weekend.
He said that the FBI is "con-
ducting a complete investigation
of the possibility of violation of
federal laws in connection with
recent disturbances.
"Violence and lawlessness can-
not, must not and will not be tol-
erated," he said.
Meanwhile, p o Ii c e continued
their patrol of the streets of Har-
lem where bloody encounters;
erupted after the shooting of a
15-year-old Negro boy last Tues-
day by an off-duty white police-
Extra police patrols also roamed
the streets across the East River
n the predominantly Negro area
of Brooklyn where brief encount-
ers between police and Negroes
flared early yesterday morning.

Power sent a letter to the oth-
er Regents last week indicating
that "he would think himself a
poor host if he invited the Re-
gents to a meeting at his hotel
and then asked them to cross a
picket line," Erich A. Walter, sec-
retary to the University,-said yes-
Power commented that though
the desirenot to cross the union
pickets was not the only reason
for switching the site of the meet-
ing, "it was a factor."
Power has spent over $1 mil-
lion in improving the motel since
he bought it in March. He ter-
minated the contract of the union,
which had operated under the old
owners, on the ground that he was
buying just the physical assets of
the establishment and starting an
entirely new corporation.
The picketing has been going
on since termination of the con-
tract. From two to four pickets
are on duty in what is called an

'instructional" picket. Its purpose
is to inform the public of union
,omplaints, not to block access or
motel operations.
After terminating the old 'con-
tract, Power decided to dismiss
several employes of the motel be-
cause of their age. Most were over
65. Power in addition termed four
employes of the old owners as "ab-
solutely unemployable."
There is an unofficial tradition
among the Regents that one
monthly public meeting a year is
held away from the University's
Snn Arbor home base. The meet-
ing in Traverse City was to be this
,ear's "away" meeting. Instead,
the meeting will be held in theI
.sual place-the Regents' room in
the Administration Bldg. There
was on announcement of another
meeting being planned away from1
jhnn Arbor to compensate for the
switch of sites for the Friday ses-
Exiles Protest
Against Castro
WASHINGTON (P)-Thousands3
of Cuban exiles, chanting "Cubat
si, Russia no," fought yesterday
with police trying to keep theml
from demonstrating in front of the
Pan American Union Building in
demands for action against Fidel
Representatives of 20 American
republics were meeting in the
building considering the questiont
of sanctions against the Havana1
government because of its allegedr
attempt to overthrow the govern-t
ment of Venezuela.
The Cuban exiles, here from At-i
lantic coastal areas and from as
far west as Chicago, carried ban-x
ners down Constitution Ave. I

outset last February.
.He also put in a plug for pro-
posed legislation to extend the
present time and one half pay
required under federal labor law to
industries previously exempt, par-
ticularly laundries, hotels and res-
"In all, about one and a half
million hours of overtime were
worked per week in these three
industries," Wirtz said. "It is our
contention that employers in these
industries, when confronted with
the choice of paying premium pay
for overtime or hiring more people,
will hire more people. And these
industries, will be able to absorb
youths and unskilled workers-
that segment of the unemployed
whichdhas worried us the most,"
he said.
It doesn't make sense to have
"4.7 million men and women un-
able to find the work they seek
when extensive overtime is being
worked," Wirtz added.
Hesaid a recent "business-
oriented" survey, showing that
only 17 per cent of the nation's
plants indicated they would hire
more workers if they had to pay
double for overtime, was "ob-
viously self-serving, and it does
not make sense."
He rejected contentions that
most overtime is seasonal or of
an emergency nature.


Wirtz Alsks Double
Overtune Pay Plan
WASHINGTON (IP)-Secretary of Labor Willard Wirtz to:
Congress yesterday that millions of hours of overtime work cou
be translated into new jobs for the unemployed.
Testifying in support of legislation that has roused vigorou
business opposition, Wirtz urged expanding and increasing overtim
pay in many industries.
His proposal would require double pay for overtime, rather tha
time and a half, in some industries. This, he said, would make
more expensive for employers to schedule overtime work on a regul
basis than to hire new workers. It was Wirtz' second appearanc
before a House labor subcommittee whose Republican membe
made a strong but unsuccessful -
bid to kill the proposal at the A V

Lemble Lashes at Jones School Plans

The proposed plan to bus chil-
dren from Jones school to other
schools in Ann Arbor is not ad-
visable because "it involves the
use of Ann Arbor children in an
experiment whose success is far
from insured," George Lemble said
last night.


Women Suffer

Identity Crisis

Lemble, chairman of the Wash-
tenaw County Conservatives, noted
that no information presented "by
either the Citizens' Committee
which studied Ann Arbor's schools
or the Congress of Racial Equality
or any other organization has
proved that this experiment would
In this light, "it is discrimina-
tory toward the children of Ann
Arbor to enlist them in an experi-
ment which might well fail."'
Buses Daily
The Ann Arbor Board of Educa-
tion is at present considering the
proposal to which Lemble referred.
It involves closing down Jones
school and bussing its students
on a daily basis to other schools
in Ann Arbor.
The plan was proposed by a Citi-
zens' Committee appointed by the
school board to study racial im-
balance in Ann Arbor's schools,
and was backed by local chapters
of CORE and the National Asso-
ciation for the Advancement of
Colored People.
Lemble cited a progress report

Approve Bill
To Release
WASHINGTON 4A')-A freedom
of information bill that would
buttress the public's access to
news of the federal government's
affairs was approved yesterday by
a Senate committee.
The measure now goes to the
full Senate as part of the first
major effort in 18 years to over-
haul operating procedures for
some 100 federal departments and
Sen. Edward V. Long (D-Mo),
co-sponsor of the bill with Senate
Republican Leader Everett M.
Dirksen of Illinois, said it would
"go a long way toward correcting
the current miserable situation
under which bureaucrats can and
do hide any and all embarrassing
The Senate Judiciary Commit-
tee cleared the bill after endorse-
ment by Sam Ragan, president of
the Associated Press Managing
Editors Association, as an effort
to "make more accessible public
information which the public has
a right to know."
Regan told a judiciary subcom-
mittee earlier in the day that the
bill "can go far toward clearing
some of the channels of informa-
tion that have too long been clog-
ged by whim or deliberate abuse
of authority."
The measure would require all
federal agencies to make public
how, where and when they oper-
ate and clearly identify the means
of public access to information
about decisions, ruling and state-


The feminine mystique is only
one of many myths in today's so-
ciety that are preventing human
beings from achieving full poten-
tial, Mrs. Elizabeth Sumner de-
clared in a discussion of Betty
Friedan's "Feminine Mystique"
Miss Friedan's book describes
the identity crisis experienced by
wlnnan nyknm o1hPa hal iaC ac ranf

said. People can no longer find
an identity in a job which may
be meaningless to them and may
soon be nonexistent.
Quoting a recent article which
said automation will eliminate the
necessity for work and free men
to do more meaningful things
with their lives, Mrs. Sumner said
that this search for meaning is a
necessary part of life.
Shp jdicenri ta, he iy., rof ci,.

W~rs. Sumner said, has until re-
cently prevented the Negro from
realizing his identity.
False Choice'
The feminine mystique has made
women victims of a mistaken
choice, since women think they
have to make a choice between
being a wife and mother or a
career woman.
Mrs. Sumner believes that wom-
en have shied away from the op-

Theologian Derrik Baily be-
lieves that it is only by discard-
:ng the notion of male headship
of a family that a responsible and
zreative marital relationship can
be attained, Mrs. Sumner noted.
The male-female relationship has
been degraded, she said, because
women have sold out to men, be-
coming "respectable whores."
Women have become creatures
who either use sex to exploit men


volved. This is not evident in the
report," Lemble noted.
He also cited several legal pre-
cedents which he said put in doubt
the legality of school bussing to
correct racial imbalance. His
claims in this area were disputed
in several questions from the

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