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January 18, 1969 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1969-01-18

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Saturdaq, January 18, 1969


Page Seven

The Dal Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial respon sibiity. Notices should
be sent in Tl-'PEWRITTEN form to
Room 3528 LSA Bldg. before 2 p.m.
Friday for Saturday and Sunday.
General Notices may be published a
maximum='of two tinies on request;
Day-.- alendar items appear once
only, Student organization notices
are: not: -accepted for, publication.
For more -information call 764-9270.

igan New Democratic Coalition; Hand-
ball Club; Ann Arbor Junior Light
Opera; Youth Against War and Fas-
cism; The University of Michigan
Competition Club.
Approved: That SOC delegate au-
thority of recognition of student or-
ganizations to the Coordinating Vice
President subject to appeal to and
review by SC.
Approved: WHEREAS: On Monday,
January 20, our nation's new Presi-
dent, Richard Nixon, will be sworn into
office, and WHEREAS: Mr. Nixon' s
inaugural address will outline his goals
for the nation for at least the next
four years, and WHEREAS: Students at
this university have an interest in
what will be said on Monday, there-
Student Government Council of the
University of Michigan urges profes-
sors and instructors 'to dismiss 12

the Treasurer and Public Relations
4. MOVE: That the ;xecutive Board
designate an individual to contact stu-
dent groups on a continuing basis in
order to schedule speaking engage-
ments for SOC members.
5. WHEREAS, SGC, most students,
and most student organizations h a v e
consistently upheld the principle of
open meetings for student, faculty,
and administrative groups; WHEREAS,
SDS has, in the past, defended the
right of anyone to attend any meet-
ing of an organized group within the
University community; WHEREAS, the
principle of open meetings has been
ignored by SDS in its ejection of a re-
porter from the Michigan Daily;
SGC deplores SDS's new policy of
barring participation and even attend-
ance of interested students.

tion, throughout midwest and west -
Positions of supervision for large edu-
cational research project, purpose of
which is to examine a probability
sample of students, and adults in or-
der to assess their educational attain-
ment and provide a basis for measur-
ing progress, sponsored by the Com-
mittee on Assessing the Progress of
Education, headquartered in Ann Ar-
bor, Mich. Positions for new graduates
with some small amount of mgmt, or
admin. exper, and education oriented
coursework or exper.
Personal Products Company. Wilming-
ton, Ill.: Cost Acctg., degree plus 1 to
4 years. Traffic distribution trainee,
recent bus. grad.
Three M Company, St. Paul, Minn.:
Numerous engineering positions in ma-
terials handling, EE, ChE, Info, and
Control, Architectural, Standards,
Radiochem., Instructors for industrial$

Katonah, New York: Katonah - Lewis-
boro Schools, All fields.
Naples, Florida: All fields.
Flint, Michigan - P.S.: Elementary -
Art, Science, Mathematics, Vocal, Phy-
sical Education, Remedial Reading.
Secondary - Mathematics, General
Science, Chemistry, Physics, ETAology,
English, Speech, Girls Physical Educ.,1
Vocal & Instrumental Music, History/
English, S.S, Common Learning, Bus.
Ed., Art, Home Ec., Rem. Reading, Lib-
rarian, Mentally Retarded.
Highland Park, Ill. - High School:
Art, Drama, German, Industrial Arts,
Girls Physical Ed., Spanish, Health,
Soc., Drivers Educ., French, Guidance,
Librarian, Choral Music, Mathematics,
Physics, History/Eng., Spec. Educ., So-
cial Worker.

Regent's end 'Dram'tnents7

over 200 st
iously left t
ing in the Y
residence I
prepared m

inued from Page 1)
udents who had prev-
he dorms, are now liv-
added that a new
hall lease now being
lay aid in attracting
the dorms. "The new
ill make it possible for
t to contract for a
ce in the dorm. Prev-
ould only be assired
a room but could not
which room he was be-


fall short, of plans

NEW YORK (P)-An "instant The city's Housing and Devel-
rehabilitation" project designed to opinent Administration. which co-
transform tenement dwellings into operated in the development of
prefabricated dream apartments the project along v ith a private
almost overnight has proved to be foundation and the federal gov-
less than a dream come true. ernment, says that officials were
Nineteen months after the ini- premature in immediately calling
.tial. project-a five-story building the project a "resounding suc-
on Manhattan's East Fifth Street cess."
-was completed in 48 hours, the "It was a resounding success in
venture has not been repeated and 1that they did what they said they
the tenants are complaining that were going to do within 48 hours,"
some of the instant changes have said Frances Levenson, the hous-
deteriorated too fast. ing agency's director of Demon-
"I'm looking for an apartment stration Projects.



,5ATURDAY, JANUARY 18 o'clock classes on Monday for the pur- arts, Computer graphics, Educational To arrange appointments, contact students to
pose of allowing students to watch Product Dev., physics, Systems Analy- Mrs. Staelin, 3200 S,A.B. 764-7459 contract wi
the inaugural of Mr. Nixon. sis. Other positions in budget and
'Appointed: Michael Davis, C a r iaPfinancial positions. ENGINEERING the studen
Kish and Mary Margaret Livingston to PLACEMENT General Motors Institute, Flint, PLACEMENT SERVICE specific spa
the Interviewing Committee of Central 3200 S.A.B. Mich.: Program Leader for resident 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. jously he c
Bo 1OG-iOOl hl6 Fal Term 1968 Student Judiciary. training program. Fields of admin- Make interview appointment at Room f letting
istration, supervision, human relations, 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. unless other- b ueo
make-p "for the Final exam, 9:00 - Approved: The SGC allocate expens- Current Position Openings received by commnications BA, p.MA rins, w2se spcifie .e sure of
11:00 k "Roorn 2033, Nat. Sd. Bldg. es utont $00 tor hir Jim zGoss as a General Division by mail and phone, Business, Psych., or behavioral sci- JANUARY 27, 1969 ing placed
consultant onfdorm organizing and rs not interviews on campus, please call ences,prefer some exper., teaching per- E. BWaBliss Go
- ..- onsultant fr planning academic re- 764-7460 for / complete application pro-hp.BrgWneCr.-hmcs& In Other
Generi ].Noti es .r d Th R , cedures Michigan Cancer Foundation, De- Plastics Group Regents ap
Aspproved: That Room 3511 be set Indiana Department of Nat'l. Re- troit, Mich,: Assistant Project Direc- Burroughs Corp. a 400-unit
aside for Engineering Concill meetng sources Div of Fih and Game Indps. torpee esnot fsho o Corning Glass Worksmare st
Students Faculty, Staff and spouses every Thursday evening. The admin- ~dcs vit hadGm Id tr prefer person out of school for 2 onn ls ok married Stu(
Studnt~Faclty Stff ad souss eeryThurdayeveing Th ad In d.: District Fishery Management years or so with exper. or coursework in Eastman Kodak C. Ilo ntt
who didn-ot' receiVe the Hong Kong istrative secretary of the Council is Biologist, degree in biol. sci. with min. tatistics, analysis, dt anls, and Ex-Cell-O Corp. ~i Ititu
flu vaccinhr.t th last flu clinic may to inform the Offic6 of Student Af- 1 hrs. in fisheries. biology. General Motors Corp. Mental Ret
still obtain it at the Health Service fairs of this reservation. International Society for Training The B. . Goodrich Co. - B. F. Fnsh
fro 9 a m. to4 p.m., Mohdays through Approved: That SCiRai co-sponsor a anduter sn Js hAbrod Pr gram Bristol Laboratories, Syracuse, N.Y.: Gooich Tire Co..
Fridag. mass meetIng with Radical Caucus and 'BPussels: Person with good secretarial Blo. Scd., 1o. Research, Biomed. Engr., Kellogg Co. tamned for
The l shot record cards are to be any other interested group on lang- skills for Placement Department, typ- Chem., Programming, Pharmacists, Of- McDonnell Douglas Corporation - Northwood
obtained at the Health Service Cash- fice Methods Analyst, Budget and Mar- McDonnell Douglas Astronautics on North C
uage and distribution requirements, to ing, 50-80 wpm, shorthand, 50-80 wpm, ket Research personnel, conl oga srnuis o ot
ier's office at a cost of $2. b-,held on Monday evening, January knowledge of at least French, Ger- Douglas Aircraft - Long Beach,
27. man and/or Scandina'.ian lang. also State of Michigan: Welfare Social Calif. The com
The. 'makeup exam for Philosophy Approved: That SOC will hold peti- preferred. Work Administrators, MSW and 4 McDonnell Douglas Corp. - St. V is tent
363 will be aglven Wed., Jan. 22 from tioning next week for one seat on the Auto Specialities Manufacturing years exper. Budget Analyst, bus., pub- Louis, Mo. September,
4-6 p.m. for all students with excused LSA Faculty Code Revision Commit- Company, St. Joseph, Mich.: Project ho ad., or poli sci., econ., degrees. National Steel Corp. will provide
absences from the Fall final. If you tee Engr., BS plus 4 to 6 years. Metal- State of Vermont: Social Welfare Union Tank Car Co.
'haven ptbees contacted concerning the Aproved: That SC allocate $100 to lurgical, BS, recent grad. Technical Case Technician, degree and some ex- Engineering Placement Meeting: No. three-bedro
Q25 s e , the student run counseling service of Analysis, BSME, recent design exper. per. Correctional Facility Assistant 3. "Employment Interviewing and Plant quarter of w
2 the Lit. School. Sales Rep., 2-4 years in automotive in- Superintendent, BA in psych., soc., re- visits." What to expect and how to T
Mar ha Cook Building is receiving * dustry. Safety Asst., 2-4 years in safe- lated degree and 4 years exper., or MA act during employment negotiations. The Univ
a t ty and 2 years. Alternate Care Nursing Third of four meetings. Professor J. G. 000 this ye
Sophomores may apply There will also lowing at its next meeting, Janury Girl Scouts of the USA, position in Advisor. ,BSN. Young. January 20, 1969, 4:0 p.m. and finance the
be.' space, for a' limited number of pre- 23 to be held at BurleyHfll.Inte-Upper Penn., Marquette, Mich.: Execu- Johnson and Higgins, Detroit, Mich. 7:30 p.m. in Room 325, West Engineer-
sent peshmen' andJnmbrs. Please ested persons are Invitedt par.ite- tive Director, community oriented job, Administrative Assistant, to do re- ing Building (Afternoon and evening posed men
t r n i sssy partia fund raising, public relations, per- search and other advising for manager meetings will be the same.) tute. Overa
telep'hone 769-$290;frran appointment. byhsome debaothermeansn by petition, sonnel administration, program plan- of international department. BA in million will
roadostinreryce:WUOMRasdioe te mens ning. BA degree, any area, work exper any field, prefer some work exper.. gag611 m1eenrb w...TR state to co
Broac~stn~'servce:WUOMR ad 105 *in administration, finance and a t a f f if a new graduate.
(91.7 Mc.) 11 n.m. to 11 p.m. daIly, 1. Amendments to the Council Plan. supervision, ability working with adult ___n___nd
12?Noon. to 11. p. m. Saturday, 12 Noon 2. MOVE: That SGC create the fol- volunteer groups, and fund raising ed to build
to6'pn Sunday. lowing committees to serve as study techniques. EDPLAEMENT SEVISVc-rs
4turday 1:00 p.m. U-M Department groups and to make recommendations Health planning Council, Evansville, EDUCATN DVISION Vce-Pres
of Philosophy Lecture: Thomas Nagel, to SGC, such committees each to in- Ind.: Executive Director, MA an 3200 SA.B. Office Hours: 8:30 - 12:00 NOT ICES ancial Off
Priiceto. Universi ty, talking, on "Sex- chide at least three voting SGC mem- training or exper in community health, 1:30 - 4:30 reported t
ual Perversion". Saturday 2:0' p.m. bers, one of whom serving as chair- planning or related fields. Research The following schools will be inter- '.........":.;.:_".:,:;:::: "grievance
Basketball'- U-M vs. Ohio State, with man: Academic Affairs, Student In Director, MA In soc., econ., public ad- viewing prospective teachers in our
Tom Hemingway reporting the game terests. Governmental Relations. min., bus. ad, with coursework at office. American Institute of Industrial En- normal" Si1
from. .the Events B'uilding. Saturday 3. MOVE: That SOC appropriate $360 undergrad level in stat and/or com- MONDAY, JANUARY 27 gineers weekly luncheon, Tuesday, Jan- a collective
5:15 p.m. Jazz. Revisited, with H a z e n for a campaign lasting six weeks to puter sciences, basic research skills ' Glencoe, Illinois - Elementary School. uary 21, at 12 noon, Room 229 West with the c
Schumacher - Bessie Smith from 1923 publicize and foster an interest in and systems anal bkrnd. Librarian, Physical Education, Junior Engineers. Speaker: W. J. Hatch from thAm i
to 1903r,:aturday 7:30 p.m. The Re- SGC and its activities, said funds to Measurement Research Center, Divi- High: English/Soc. Studies, Mathe- Deere and Company, Moline, Illinois, e merc
cord Collector, with Prof. W a r-re n be administered at the discretion of sion of Westinghouse Learing Corpora- matics, Science. "How 'to Land the Job You Want." County and
Sunaday. 2:04,. p.m. The 'Cleveland p ka)eg-~w gr .p e-a) g -emgi e
Orchestra, Martin Turnovsky conduct-Ei ""''<' '}' ' '*"?"
int . bvdrak, Martinu, Beethoven. Sun-
day-4:OG' p.m; 'Ernest Bloch: The Man Featuring now
and. H..Music. Violin Sonatas Nos. 1
AT ITS MEETING JANUARY 16,1'69Sevndalf i 3P .--1a .
Appointed:' Mark Rosenbaum. and jDN IHU NSN A SA
Dan Mc ath to the InterviewingDEIOAS AT CHECKMATE
ConnimLtee for Vacant Council Seat. ,
Appointed: Darryl Conliffe 4s Person-
nel . Director . of Student Government
CouncilE _
Approveid To recognize the follow-
ing student, organizations: Friends of
the "Alternative"; University of Mich-
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761-3548"' Fourth Ave.
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action yesterday, the
proved plans to build
housing complex for
dents and a $14.3 mil-
ute for the Study of
ave already been ob-
the housing complex,
V, which will be built
pletion of Northwood
tively scheduled f o r
1971. The complex
200 two-bedroom and
om apartments, a
which will be furnished.
versity will seek $200,-
ear from the state to
planning of the pro-
tal retardation insti-
a five-year period, $5.8
be requested from the
mplement the federal
anticipated gifts need-
the institute.
ident and Chief Fin-
icer Wilbur Pierpont
o the Regents that
traffic appears to be
nce the acceptance of
bargaining agreement
ampus' largest union,
an Federation of State
Municipal Employes.

to move to from here," said Per-
cenia Davilia, whose family was
one of 11 that were moved into a
hotel for 48 hours in April, 1967,
while the core of the building was
removed and prefabricated units
were lowered through the roof,
Mrs. Davilla said she is disil-
lusioned with the small rooms, the
worn floors, leaks between the
units and roaches crawling be-
tween the units,
While the tenants appear to be
unanimous in their dismay over
the worn floors, most still prefer
the new quarters to the old, and a
spokesman for the building's man-
aging agents, maintains the 73-
'year-old building has worn "reas-
onably well,"

An initial federal grant of al-
most $1 million, said Miss Leven-
son, was spent primarily on time
studies, experimentation with ma-
terials and practicing the "in-
stant" procedure on two empty
adjacent apartment buildings.
- - -
1 P.M. to 12 P.M.
Michigan Union


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and Coffee

Fried Half Chicken,
Roll, Butter, and Drink

4 (ne ta w ab st
334 Maynard (nea Canterbury House)





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