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January 18, 1969 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-01-18

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Page Eight


Saturdav, J anudrv 1$. 1969


-- .-,rday -FJA II %AI Ir V ,1R I1


W restlers
Michigan's. wrestlers will com-
pete in Iowa City today, but they
still don't know who their oppo-
sition will be,
With - three other teams parti-
cipating, Iowa, Northwestern, and
Minnesota, there are two possible
meet formats. As Assistant Coach
Rick B a y explains, we'll either
wrestle back-to-back dual meets 4
with Minnesota and Iowa or else
all three teams in a quadrangular.
In any case, we won't take on
Northwestern head-to-head, since
we've wrestled them once (Michi-
gan won, 21-10)."
Of the two teams Michigan will
be facing for the first time, Iowa -
should give the Wolverines the
most trouble. The Hawkeyes firi-
ished two places above Michigan
in the recent Midlands Tourna-
"Iowa is the toughest team in
the Big Ten n e x t to Michigan
State, and is also a funny team
that comes on late in the season,"
comments Bay.
"Last year we beat them 25-6 in
dual competition; but they tied us
for second in the conference FOR T
meet." face a
Iowa's' greatest strength lies in
unorthodox Rich Mihal, the de- western
fending Big Ten champion at 160. Today1
Bay notes, "he doesn't 1i k e to to be ci
wrestle on his feet, so he doesn't
get many takedowns. However, in ished thi
the second and third-periods he's season, ai
murder while wrestling on t i e Hawkeye
mat." Michigan
Iowa will also be tough at 137 dual mee
with junior Joe Cartensen, who The otl
has already won three early season will repre
tournament titles. Cartensen fin- the 145 p
The 171


four team meet


Wolverine frosh to encounter Toledo


Minnesota, unlike Iowa, shouldI
provide no trouble at all. The Go-
phers boast a proud Big TenI
wrestling tradition which includes
a memorable 18-8 decision over
Michigan in 1966, a victory that
stopped a 34 dual meet victory
string for the Wolverines.
However, they have fallen on
lean times recently, and this year
is no exception. With a team dom-
inated by underclassmen, Mike
Maas should be the only Gopher
to give Michigan any great trou-
Maas, third-place finisher in
the Big Ten tournament last year,
was one of two Minnesotans to
win in last year's 27-6 dual meet
romp by Michigan.
Michigan will go with the same
line-up used against Northwestern.
Tim Cech, Lou Hudson, and Mike
Rubin will wrestle in the light-
weight classes, followed by Lane'
Headrick, Jim Sanger, and Chuck
In addition Geoff Hensen and
Steve Rubin will be available and'
will likely wrestle if the Wolver-
ines are engaged in two d u a 11
Tom Quinn, broken nose and all,
will go at 167, while Cornell andj
Rawls will share the top-weight

Michigan's freshmen cagers
play their first game of a short
season against Toledo today at
11:30 before the Michigan - Ohio
State clash. It will be the first
of three encounters this season
for the freshmen while the Rock-
ets will be playing their third of
a 14 game schedule.
It will be the first big game
for both squads, however. Toledo
won its first two games over non-
collegiate AAU competition. For
the frosh Wolverines, it will be
the end of several boring but es-
sential inter-squad games.
Freshman Coach George Pom-
ey said the game "will provide the
incentive of outside competition
and will be a good test of t h e
The frosh's offense will re-
semble the varsity's. The team
is fast and quick, using t h r e e
guards. Pomey thinks the fast-
break offense will be the team's
strongpoint. "We play an o p e n
court offense. We try to open up
the middlewfor the guards.
There'll be two big men playing
at the posts and three guards."
Lamont King, 6-0, will lead the
backcourt on the fast-break.
Pomey describes King as "a bril-
liant, flashy guard who runs,
passes and shoots well, and has
the ability to drive for lay-ups,"

King was a high school standout ers at guard. Both are fast and
and all-stater at Detroit North- good shooters. Dave Hart was an
western under new assistant var- instrumental member of the Class
sity coach Fred Snowden. B state champions from Willow
Coach Pomey has six possible Run.
starters for today's game. In addi- Wayne Grabiec, a 6-5 all-stater,
tion to King, Dave Hart 5-9 and from Illinois, is another possibley
Rick Ford 6-0 are possible start- starter. Coach Pomey says Grab-
iec is probably the best shooter on
the squad and can play either
guard or forward because of his
size and quickness.

John Linnen. 6-7, and M a t t
Anderson. 6-7, are the other pro-
bable starters. They are both good
rebounders. playing at the posts.
Tim Harmon, 6-3, is the man
to watch on the Rockets. Playing
at guard or forward, Harmon has
averaged 31.5 points and 20 re-
bounds in Toledo's two victories.
The Wolverines are out to
match last year's record of three
straight wins.




1..... by Jim Forrester
How to keep a happy pressm
Fill them with food and booze

HE SECOND WEEK in a row, the Michigan wrestlers will
conference contender. Last week the team downed North-
n, 21-10, for their fourth dual meet win in as many contests.
they take on Iowa in Iowa City, with matches expected

ose as the above contest.
rd in the Big Ten last
nd was one of only two
grapplers to defeat his
opponent in last year's
,her was Don. Yahn, who
esent Iowa tomorrow in
pound class.
7 pound match should be
interesting, with Big Ten
p Verlyn Strellner most
posing Wolverine cap-
er, who hails from a place
a m a, should provide a
for Cornell, but he has
ome the psychological

block of having lost to the Michi-
gan star three times in past meets.
As in last week's meet against
Northwestern, Coach Cliff Keen is
undecided whether to use Cornell
at 177 and Jesse Rawls at heavy-
weight, or vice versa. If he needs
one victory out of the two match-
es, Rawls will go at heavyweight,
while if he needs two, Cornell will
get the nod.
In either case, the honor is a
dubious one, since Iowa has rug-
ged Dale Stearns bapk for another
year. Stearns last year earned the
distinction of not being pinned by
Dave Porter in two bouts.


Bills hire, Raider Rauclh to coach;
Baseball strike chances increase


the mostl
likely op
tain Pete
called TF
stiff test
to overc

M. U.


for t

Order Your DailyNow-
he winter term operetta production
-.M Gilbert and Sullivan Society
UNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1-1 1 P.M.

BUFFALO, N.Y. W-) - Jo h n
Rauch, a championship c o a c h
with the Oakland Raiders, now
faces the task of rebuilding the
Buffalo Bills, a one-time Ameri-
can Football League powerhouse
that fell on its face last fall.
Ralph C. Wilson Jr., owner of
the Bills, said yesterday he reach-
ed agreement with Rauch 1 a t e
Thursday for the former Georgia
quarterback to sign a four-year
contract as head coach. T h e
terms were not disclosed.
Rauch, 41, replaced Harvey
Johnson, who was named to suc-
ceed Joel Collier after the latter
was fired .by Wilsonfollowing
Buffalo's 48-6 loss to Rauch's
Raiders last Sept. 16. Johnson,
who was coach for 12 games, re-
1 P.M. to 12 P.M.
Michigan Union

turned to his former job as di-
rector of player personnel.
At Oakland, Rauch directed the
Raiders to the AFL title in 1967
but lost to the Green Bay Packers
in the Super Bowl. Last year,
Oakland won the Western Divi-
sion title and bowed to the New
York Jets for the league crown.
His teams compiled a 34-8-1
record in three seasons, best in'
the AFL. He was named coach
of the year in 1967.
Rauch's playing career - at
Georgia and with the NFL Phil-
adelphia Eagles - ran from 1945
to 1951. He coached at the Uni-
versity of Florida, Tulane, Geor-
gia and West Point before joining
the Raiders.
Players in revolt
NEW YORK (P) -- The threat
of a strike by major league base-
ball players increased again yes-
terday when the Players Asso-
ciation revealed that the owners'
offer to increase their pension
fund by a million dollars had been
overwhelmingly rejected.
According to a release f r o m
the Players Association, theI
vote by the players on whetherI
to accept or reject the offer madeI
by the owners on Dec. 17 was1
described tersely in the following1
"Accept the owners offer-6. 4
"Reject the owners offer-461."T

At the end of the statement was
a list of names, reading like a
who's who of baseball, of players
who were allowing their names to
b° used in support of the policy
of not signing 1969 contracts un-
til a satisfactory benefit plan is
worked out.
In elaborating on the statement,
Marvin Miller, executive director
of the Players Association, s a i d
that meetings with representa-
tives of the owners will continue
but he also pointed out that "time
is getting narrower."
The specter of a strike looms
when baseball's spring camps be-
gin opening late next month, at
which time it is presumed unsign-
ed players would not report to
camp if an agreement had not
been reached.
The time of the Michigan-
Southern Illinois swim meet
next Saturday Jan. 25 has been
changed to 3:30 p.m. In the
afternoon because of a concert
that night.

Win Schuler's is one of those restaurants scattered throughout
the middle-west that tries togive itself a Bavarian flavor with the
Alpine construction and the ornate wood carved interior.
The effect is lost though because nobody inside is Bavarian,
The food is'great, possibly the best in the state, and the service
excellent. But it isn't even remotely European. Good '01 American
hustle takes care of that.
This might not be fair to Schuler's though. To get atmosphere
a violin quartet should have been playing polkas. Instead we watched
a film of the 1968 World Series.
It should have been retitled, "The Greatest Story Ever Told."
The hell with polkas.
The occasion was the Tiger Mid-Winter Press Conference. The
Tigers got all the writers in the area, together in hopes they will re-
member the nice wining and dining in case the Bengals slip a little
during the season.
It's quite an impressive meeting. Walking in the door, you sign
in, a minor executive watches you sign your name and after you put
down the pen says, "Hello, Jim, glad to meet you. I'm Bill Somebody-
orother. I'd like to give you this brochure and this pen."
Turning around you find a waitress in your path, "Would you
like a cocktail, sir?" She takes the order and scurries away.
It didn't happen quite that way to us. We walked in the wrong
door, stood around looking thirsty and got our drinks (they sure
don't scrimp on the liquor) and THEN went to sign in.
Then we looked around. The room was split into a lounge and a
dining area by a partition. There were relief pictures on the walls
of characters from Dickens' Pickwick Papers, hence the name "The
Pickwick Room."
The room was plush and plush was the only place the World
Champions could be. Well, more like the men who made the Champs.
Jim Campbell, Mayo Smith and Don Lund were there, but the only
player at the gathering was Jim Northrup. His seventh inning triple
won the World Series.
But the man who found the players has been shuffled into ob-
scurity. That man is Don Lund, former Michigan baseball coach from
Lund is in charge of player personnel. He is responsible for ob-
taining and developing ball players. Since he started working for
the Bengals such stars as Willie Horton, Bill Freehan (whom he
coached) and Mickey Stanley have appeared on the Tiger roster. Not
a bad record.
There were three of us from The Daily at the conference and
along with the rest of the newspapermen we had been pretty much
shut out from proximity of these men by radio people taping inter-
We were enjoying ourselves but were a little disappointed that we
weren't able to talk with any of the people we came to talk"to. We sat
down to dinner expecting to eat and then watch the Series film,
But there was one seat left at our end on the table; and Don Lu nd
came down and sat in it.
This of course is not the most shattering event in the world, but
from the standpoint of a writer on a college newspaper, he was the
most valuable person who could have sat in that seat. Being respon-
sible for player development, Lund makes sure that the best of the
collegiate players are brought in to the Tiger fold. However, profes-
sional baseball's activities on the campus is the subject for another
Obviously, along with booze, talking to Lund made the conference
illuminating. For while most of the other writers were talking to
each other, we talked to probably, next to the general manager, the
most important man in the Detroit organization. Just a little luckin
the hassle.
Of course, if Al Kaline had sat in that seat.








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