Friday, January 17, 1969
* i .w.)ogwA0 gsw A.. .Broadcasting Service: WUOM R a d i o uate May 3 must observe the following at the Phoenix Memorial Laboratory on ti
DAILY OFFICIAL (9V.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily, deadlines: (A) Three unbound copies North Campus or by calling 764-6213.:d
Friday 11:00 a.m. The Eleventh Hour of the dissertation, complete in e v e r y
(repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows hosts way except for binding, and three ab- I1 H
ULLE TI an hour of news and conversation about stracts must be submitted to the Rack- laceient p
toe arts and literature, featuring a ham Dissertation Secretary by Monday,
::visit to the opening of the "Magic March 17. B) Two corrected copies of PLACEMENT
Thete^"ehiiton t heToldoMu the dissertation _ one bound and one! 3200 S.A.B. ;
Theater" exhibition at the Toledo Mu- I 10
The Daily Official Bulletin is an seum of Art. unbound - two abstracts, and t h e
official publication of the Univer- Frida 1:00 m From The Mid Chairman's report on the final oral ANNOUNCEMENTS: In
sity of Michigan for which The The Use and Abuse of Drugs", w examination must be submitted to the International Voluntary Services is r
Michigan Daily assumes no edi- Dr X Friedman University of Dissertation Secretary by Monday. showing a film describing their opera- Ie
tonal responsibility: Notices should Chr.DanielXF 5:ema m Unves of April 14. (Fees must be paid and pap- tions on Jan. 23 & 24 at 4:00 pm. in si
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Chicago. Friday 5:00 yp.m. Focus on erwork completed by that second dead- room 3532, S.A.B, everyone welcome. e
Ro 358LABldg. before students, produced by students in the line),____
speech department. Friday 5:15 p.m.
Friday for Saturday and- Sunday. Business, Review with Prof. Ross Wil- Students, Faculty, Staff and spouses General Division by mail and phone. in
General Notces mye publiheds a helm. Friday 8:00 p.m. U-N% Orchestras who did not receive the Hong Kong not interviews on campus, please call H
Day Calendar items appearqonce a concert broadcast live from H i1l flu vaccine at the last flu clinic may 764-7460 for complete application pro- a
Day Clendr Itms apearonce Auditorium, part of the 24th annual: still obtain it at the Health Service cdrs
only, Studetorganiation Noties d at h ilob i4atmMna tr ecedures.
orenlyot acetedorpizaia~tionE iwsenCneec nSho 0from 9 am, to 4 p.m., Mondays through Hi
are ot ac~p~d fo publcatpn. cal and Instrumental Music. Friday 9:45 Fridays. Saeo lios et f3
For more information call 764-9270. pnm U. S. Political Exiles in Sweden - Tyre Heath Crleois, Dept. ofC e n t a ian
p m U. S r v i e n i na l E x ile .se 's o fi e a t a c o t o f$Sg awp a n igdc o d.nd m n,-n
N Prof. Joseph Sax of the Law School The flu shot record cards are to be Health; Charles F. Read Center, Chi- i
FRIDAY, JANU$RY 17 rerorts in full on his recent visit with obtained at the Health Service Cash- cago, Ill.: Special Educators for pro- g
U.S. servicemen in exile. ier's office at a cost of $2. gram planning, coord., admin., and ve
D~supv. BA and MA degrees in spec ed. ye
Day Calend Saturday 1:00 p.m. U-M Department
of Philosophy Lecture: Thomas Nagel, The Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Pro- in many areas in work from direct- ti
Princeton University, talking on "Sex- ject invites reQuests for grants to sup- ing program, 4 yearsexper, to trainee
Midwestern Conference on School Vo- ual Perversion". Saturday 2:00 p.m. port research within the scope of the positions. r
cal and Instrumental Music: Registra- Basketball - U-M vs. Ohio State, with term "peaceful uses of nuclear ener- State of Wisconsin: Mental Retarda- in
tion: Rackham Building, 8:00 am Tom Hemingway reporting the game gy." Typical areas in which the Pro- tion Institution Program specialist, MA
Bureau ofk a Indusi lng el aon s T-fom hem ven t r p r ing . at uda y ject is interested are: N uclear w ea- in spec. ed., psych., nursing, rehabilita- W
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- from the Events i:tedd ith. Hazenda pons proliferation and disarmament
mnar:"Manag ement of Managers, Pro- 5:15 p.m. Jazz Revisited, with Haznpospoifrtooaddsrmmnu- ___
: N rnth Cap s, mos Schumacher - Bessie Smith from 1923 Evaluation of hazards to urban popu
gram No. 78." North Campus Gammons' to 1933. Saturday 7:30 p.m. The Re- lations from nuclear activities; Econ-
8:15 a.m. cord Collector, with Prof. W a r r e n omic studies of nuclear power produc-
Astronomical Colloquium. 4:00 p.m. Good. tion; Biological effects of radiation;
Room 298 Physics-Astronomy B 1 d g. _=New uses of radioisotopes; New tracer
Theodore V. Seling, Radio Astronomy Martha Cook Building is receiving techniques and novel applications of
Observatory, will speak on "Helium-3 applications for Fall 1969. Present existing techniques; Direct conver-
Line Observations. I/Sophomores may apply. There will also sion of nuclear energy to electrical C 0
Swimming: U-M vs. Indiana: Matt "be space for a limited number of pre- energy; The fusion process; Plasmas as
Mann Pool, 7:30 p.m. sent Freshmen and Juniors. Please related to controlled fusion.
University , Philharmonia: Michigan telephone 79-3290 for an appointment. New research ideas and pilot projects
Chamber Ensemble: Theo Alcantara, are particularly encouraged. The rela- W I
Conductor, University Symphony Or- Bot. 160 - Zool. 106 FaIl term make-' tionship to peaceful uses of nuclear
chestra, Josef Blatt, Conductor: Hill up for the Final exam will be held on energy, however, must be clearly stat-
Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. Saturday, January 18, 1969, 9:00 - ed in the application. Routine use of
Cinema Guild: Mizogushi's Street of 11:00 a.m. in 2033 Nat. Sci. Bldg. isotope tracer techniques will not by
Shame: ,Architecture Auditorium, 7:00 itself justify support. Learn from hin
and 9:05 P.m. A new, sixteen-page Summer H a 1 f Requests for grants of $3,000 or less
on, soc. work, and 2 years exper m Inelligence Research specialist in
rdmin., or supv. work. nhoto interpretation, Digital Corn-
State of Moassachusetts:Dan ersState puter Operator, other computer
osp. near Boston seks ph3.alal thor postins, Engineering Aid, Engineer-
iists, Mass, registration necess. lg positions in many areas, Supervis-
State of illinois, xept. or M e i a I ory Illustrator of technical equi., Rus-
ealth, Herman M. Adler Zone Center: i ari Chinese translator, position
cated on campus of U. Ill., Chn- i phys s. Optics, and Chem., Tech-
aign, Ill., seek persoPel in areas of ni-al Information Specialist, Mathema-
ndust. Arts, learning Disbilnes. cur-- tamn. Equipment Specialist.
ic. dev. spec., children's librarian, spec. State of Connecticut, Fairfield Hills
d. supervisors, classroom w arners for Hospital Newton, Conn.: Staff Psy-
mall residential-treatment cener for ehologist positions for PhD with be-
motionally disturbed children. haior therapy and/or behavioral re-
Grand Rapids - Kent Cinty Haith s'arch orientation. Will engage in
epartments, Mich.: Statistician, BA range of clinical research activities.
n stat, or math, pref. MA in Public State of Washington: Caseworker 1,
,ealth with two years exper in health BA level for performing entrance level
gency in stat. social work to determine eligibility for
State of Connecticut, Commission for financial assistance and casework serv-
[igher Education:, Associate in Fin- ices.
nce, spec, in areas as unit measures of Treasury Department, U. S. Secret
ncome and expenditure, program bud- Service, Detroit, Mich.: Special Agent
eting, master planning,- facilities in- applications invited, young person, new
entory, and space utilization, min. 4 grad in no specific field.
ears serv. in college or administra- City of Milwaukee, Wisc.: Bacteriolo-
ion, pref. person near or with PhD. gist, MS or 2 years exper with BS, re-
City of Benton Harbor, Mich.: Child- gistry with Nat'l. Registry.
en's Librarian for new library. Degree Systems Research Laboratories, Inc.,
n Libr. Sci., and some exper. Dayton, Ohio: Sr. General Electrical
Aeronautical Systems D i v i s i o n , Engineer, BS/MS/EE with 5-10 years,
Nright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio: with BS, 3-5 with MS. Positions in
electronic instrumentation, data sys-
tems, Engr. Services. Physics, all re-
quiring EE degrees and some exper.
Descriptive material on this company
at Placement Service.
212 S.A.B., Lowel Level
Camp Tamarack, Mich. Coed and soc.
wk camp interviewing Jan. 17 from 9
a.m. - 5 p.m. General Couns., spec. in
waterfront, arts and crafts, nature -
camperaft. tripping, music, dramatics,
unit supervisor and assist., caseworker,
truck - bus driver, nurse, and c a m p
128 H, West Engrg. Bldg.
Make interview appointment at Room
128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. unless other-
wise specified.
JANUARY 24, 1969
Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.
Ehurgess & Niple, Limited
Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co.
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co.
Eaton Yale & Towne, Inc.
Factory Mutual Engineering Assoc.
Federal-Mogul Corp.
General Mills, Inc.. Corporate
General Motors Corp.
International Voluntary Services -
Make appt. at Placement Services
LTV Aerospace Corp. - Missiles
& Space Div. - Mich.
Modine Manufacturing Co.
The Proctor & Gamble Co.
G. T. Schjeldahl Co.
Union Carbide Corp. - Materials
Systems Div.
United Aircraft Corp. - Hamilton
Standard Div.
The Western Union Telegraph Co.
Wyandotte Chemicals Corp.
U'of M chess club, January 22, 7:30
pm. 3 B Union, Weekly meeting.
,n and let horm learn from you.
Term (IIIB) General Information bro-
,3 chure has superseded the traditional
General Notices Announcement. This publication is
made available through the combined'
efforts of the Scheduling Office and
The' make-up exam for Philosophy the University Publications Office.
363 will be given Wed,, Jan. 22 from Single and bulk orders may be plac-
4-6 p.m. for all students with excused ed by telephoning 3-2113, or directing
absences from the Fall final. If you a memorandum to the Scheduling Of-
have not been contacted concerning the fic, 3564 LSA Building.
final, please call Leslie Pickering, 764- ;.
6285. Doctoral Candidates who plan to grad-I
are considered appropriate. Grants
may , cover equipment, supplies, re-
search assistance, and field trips. Ex-
cept under unusual circumstances, the
Project will not pay the salary of the
principal investigator. Applications for
grants should be returned to the
Phoenix Project by Monday, January
27, 1969. Grants will be made- by April
1, 1969.
Application blanks may be obtained
from the office of the Phoenix Project
Seek him out by calling the U cf M tutorial project 663-
8607 P.M.'s or 769-4758 late eves.
or by stopping in
2547 SAB
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