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14 ir~i$!an Di
Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan
under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications
420 Maynard St, Ann Arbor, Mich.
News Phone: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Presenting the
IN KEEPING with a long-standing tradition, The
Daily today announces the selection of 1968's
Edgar winners. The Edgars are awarded to those
public personalities who best approximate the vir-
tues of the nation's foremost Edgar, Mr. Hoover
of the FBI. A few are given to those who have
earned their own unique brand of distinction.
The George Romney "housing and urban develop-
ment" Edgar: To Peter Denton, leader of the Ann Arbor
rent strike, who said, "Students have the right to deter-
mine their own rents."
The William Jennings Bryan Edgar: To Fred Mat-
thei Jr. who spent $100,000 on his campaign for Univer-
sity of Michigan Regent and lost by a plurality of 100,000
* * *
The O. J. Simpson "publicity" Edgar: To the Asso-
ciated Press for ignoring Ron Johnson's NCAA-record-
breaking 347 yards rushing against Wisconsin in its bal-
loting for Back of the Week. Johnson was not even listed
among the top five.
* * * U .8'
Edga r
Investigating campuses:
Legislative witehhunt
Washington country clubs who discontinued interclub
tennis matches rather than face Mrs. Carl Rowan. a
black member on the Indian Spring Country Club's ten-
nis team.
* * *
The Spiro Agnew "slip-of-the-tongue" Edgar: To
Arthur Ross who emphasized a point at a University of
Michigan Regents meeting by saying "Here at the Uni-
versity of California."
* * *
The Bo Schembechler Edgar: To Bump Elliott who
asked for a new five-year contract after an impressive
8-2 season and ended up losing his job as coach.
The Joseph Stalin Edgar: To SDS members who broke
open South Quad cigarette machines and distributed
cigarettes free to show their contempt of the capitalist
establishment. The cigarette machines were owned and
operated by South Quad students.
* * *
The Chicken Little Edgar: To James Hare, Michigan's
secretary of state, who warned against "bombings and
molotov cocktails" at polling places on election day.
* * *
The Woody Hayes Edgar: To the University of Hous-
ton football team which edged by the University of Tulsa,
The George Washington Edgar: To David Strack who
admitted he knew about athletic discounts at Michigan
and ended up losing his job as head basketball coach.
The Roger Rapoport "conflict-of-interest"* Edgar: To
David M. Packard, deputy secretary of defense designate,
been rumbling for years about con-
ducting an open-ended investigation of
alleged immoral and illegal activities on
state university campuses. They have
finally decided that the eve of Richard
Nixon's inauguration is a propitious time
for embarking on this long intended
course of action.
The disrobing of an Oakland Univer-
sity student who thought himself the re-
incarnation of Ezra Pound and the use
of four-letter words in the Grand Valley
State College newspaper are the precipi-
tating incidents in this new round of
witch hunting. But one can hardly be-
lieve that the notorious Michigan State
Senate has such strong moral sensibili-
The real reason for the investigation
is to impress those proverbial "folks back
home" with their farcical moral crusad-
ing. More importantly, it provides an
excellent excuse for appropriating in-
adequate funds for state universities.
It cannot be denied that their hysteri-
cal constituents frown severely upon such
"excesses" as long hair, marijuana and
pre-marital sex, in addition to disruptive
political activity.
But the 18 Senators who tsigned the
resolution know full well that their power
to affect the policies followed by state
institutions of higher education is se-
.verely limited. The only course of action
open to them is to reduce state funds,
hardly a remedy for any supposed evils
they are sounding off about.
So the State Senate will have a stand-
ing student activities investigating com-
mittee which will draw headlines and
will ironically precipitate additional dis-
ruptive demonstrations on every campus
they visit. Instead of raising takes to
meet the real educational needs of the
state, the Senate will slash budgets and
blame it on student activism.
In 1970 when they are all up for re-
election, they will go to their constituents
and point with pride at state universities
with larger classes, higher tuition and
fewer educational programs. In their in-
imitable style they will have taken care
of the state's subversive colleges and uni-
ASSUREDLY THE long hair, marijuana
and pre-marital sex will continue. And
student dissatisfaction with the inferior
quality, the meaningfulness and the ir-
relevance of their college education will
certainly increase.
To suggest to the State Senate that
they should think about the implications
their action would have for academic
freedom is a wasted argument. Civil li-
bertarianism has never been a popular
cause in the moldy halls of our s t a t e
capitol. But perhaps it would not be ask-
ing too much of them to understand that
they have already made a substantial in-
vestment in higher education and that
the only way to prevent the rapid.. de-
preciation of this investment is to re-
store their support to the needed level.
The impending investigation should
only be feared on one level-it may hurt
the University financially. To fear a re-
petition 'of former University President
Harlan Hatcher's shameful performance
in the early fifties is to overreact. For the
Joe McCarthy nightmare has taught this
University faculty, if not the current ad-
ministration and Regents, that there
can be no compromise on issues of aca-
demic freedom.
The Pickett's Charge Edgar: To S. L Hayakawa, inter-
national semanticist and president of San Francisco
State, who told picketing students, "I will use bayonets
if neccessary to keep this university open."
The Jackie Robinson Edgar: To former Detroit Tigers
Frank Lary and Frank House who campaigned with
George Wallace in his presidential drive.
* * *
The Oveta Culp Hobby Edgar: To Ann Arbor's own
Wilbur Cohen who when asked last March about Dr.
Rev. Martin Luther King's demand that the United
States spend $26 billion on the ghettoes instead of the
Vietnam War replied, "We don't even have any plans
on how to spend $26 billion." Cohen, Secretary of Health,
Education and Welfare, then asked, "Do any of you have
any plans on how to spend that much money on the
The Thomas Malthus Edgar: To Alfred Katz, an
executive of the striking Uniformed Sanitationmen's As-
sociation, who said during the New York City's fabled
garbage strike, "This city is going to be inundated in
garbage. People are going to drown in it unless something
is done soon."
* * *
The Spiro Agnew "candor" Edgar: To J. Edgar. him
self for forthrightly admitting that "justice is only in-
cidental to law enforcement."
* * *
The Adam Smith Edgar: To Joe Namath who received
$10,000 or $10 a hair for shaving off his Fu Manchu
mustache in a Schick razor commercial.
The Ebeneezer Scrooge Edgar: To the voters of
Youngstown, Ohio, who elected to close down all public
schools rather than increase the millage allottment.
h * *t
The Little Bo Beep Edgar: To the Defense Depart-
)r Daley J. Edgar
ment for losing four hydrogen bombs off the coast of
*Greenland and the USS Pueblo in the Sea of Japan all
in one week.
* * *
The Pete Rozelle Edgar: To Eugene (Bull) Connor for
casting his vote at the Democratic National Convention
inthe balloting for the presidential nomination for Paul
(Bear) Bryant.
The1' *
The Inspector Clouseau Edgar: To Robert deVicenzo
for signing an incorrect scorecard thereby losing the
Masters Golf Championship and some $200,000 in prize
and endorsement money.
The Marie Antoinette Edgar: To Lyndon Johnson for
innocently inquiring during his state of the Union Mes-
sage, "Why all this restlessness?"
** *
The Albert Shanker "Job Security" Edgar: To Bar-
bara Newell, who has been acting vice-president for
student affairs for over five months with no end in sight.
* * *
The Muhammad Ali Selective Service Chutzpah Edgar:
To Columbia SDS Leader Mark Rudd, Who requested an
occupational draft deferment on the grounds that his
civilian occupation, "revolutionary," was vital to, the
national interest. (The Army more or less agreed and
decided he was unfit for military service.)
* * *
The Throttlebottom Edgar: To Vice-President-elect
Spiro Agnew whose innumerable gaffes about "fat Japs"
and "if you've seen one slum you've seen them all" in-
dicate that he is the first Vice-President since Thomas
R. Marshall with the personal stature equal to the job.
* * *
Woody Hayes Sheriff Harvey
The Hallelujah Chorus Edgar: To
Daley who ordered all Chicago sanitation
the gallerys at the Democratic National
applaud on his command.
Mayor Richard
workers to pack
Convention and
Righting the recruiting muddle
THE TWO DAYS of protests against a!
recruiter from Litton Industries by
about two dozen local SDS members
again raises the sticky problem of the
University's role\in the job placement of
its graduates.
Despite small enthusiasm for many
of the tactics employed by the SDS con-
tingent, one cannot deny that their ac-
cusations regarding Litton's co-operation
with the Greek military junta and the
way in which they operate a Job Corps
camp in California appear to be factually
The central problem raised by these
protests is what attitude the University
should take toward recruiters whose ac-
tivities, while - legal, are morally ques-
tionable in the eyes of some segments of
the University community.
AT PRESENT the University maintains
a strict neutrality in that it does not
make moral judgements among the firms
which it permits to use its facilities to re-
cruit on campus, although it does at-
tempt to guard against fraud and dis-
While the activities of business or-
ganizations like Dow Chemical Company
and Litton Industries have borne the
brunt of campus protests, it is a sorry
commentary on Anerican life that the
activities of many of our less publicized
corporations are of no higher moral cali-
The furor over campus war research
and the University's ties with the De-
fense Department have pointed up that
academia cannot continue to operate in
a moral vacuum, blandly accepting - all
proferred ties with business and govern-
Despite the general validity of many
of the activists' critiques against these
major corporations, the solution to the
University's recruitment dilemma cannot
be a system which opens the campus to
only certain "approved" business organi-
SUCH A POLICY of selective recruit-
ment would be unsound on two
grounds. Discriminating against some
business organizations ' and accepting
others could be seen as a dangerous de-
nial of campus civil liberties. Further-
more. it would be almost imnossible to
terday's protest "a definite disruption
of a service to our students," one won-
ders how relevant to the University's
educational function this service is.
Too often the modern University has
been accurately accused of merely train-
ing students for vacant vice-presidencies
in business and industry. The University's
active encouragement of business r e-
cruiting can only further serve to pro-
mote this commercialization of higher
FROM BOTH A MORAL and an educa-
tional standpoint the University is
under no obligation to provide its stu-
dents with the "service" of on-campus
recruiting. In light of the serious educa-
tional and moral questions raised by
the presence of business recruiters on
campus, the most obvious solution to the
problem is simply to end all non-educa-
tional recruitment on campus.
Furthermore, 'objection that an end
to recruitment would inflict a severe
hardship on those students interested in
business or industrial careers is largely
Recent studies, as well as casual ob-
servation, have stressed that business
and industry are in desperate need of
capable college graduates.
For instance, an extensive 1966 poll of
3,000 students by the College Research
Center revealed that even when business
is able to meet its manpower needs, a
large portion of the college graduates
hired are of marginal quality.
Consequently, if the University were
to end all non-educational recruitment,
one is all but certain that in a matter of
days a trade organization would establish
a center close to campus in which busi-
ness firms would carry, on their recruit-
ing activities.
The volume of recruiters coming to
Ann Arbor is such that the fees necessary
to keep such a center going would be low
enough not to discourage smaller cor-
porations from recruiting here.
ABOLUTION OF on-campus recruit-
ment would end any possible sanction
by the University of the activities of
corporations like Litton Industries, would
stop subsidizing business for office
space it is capable and willing to provide
itself, would be a move toward restoring
The Robert's Rules of Order Edgar: To Carl Albert,
chairman of the National Democratic Convention, who
had a selective hearing problem in recognizing any dele-
gation not supporting Hubert Humphrey.
The Dink Stover "good clean college fun" Edgar: To
fans of the Ohio State football team who celebrated the
victory over Michigan by practically demolishing down-
town Columbus.
The Joyce Kilmer Edgar: To Walter Hickel, Secretary
of Interior designate, who said "A tree looking at a tree
doesn't do anything."
* * *
The Chicago Tribune "responsible journalism" Edgar:
To The Indianapolis News for perpetrating the myth that
Governpr Roger Branigan was the only candidate in the
Indiana primary.
The Michael Radock "truth in advertising" Edgar:
To the U.S Army's Dugway proving ground whose com-
manding officer, after denying that escape of poisonous
nerve gas from the base had anything to do with the
death of thousands of sheep in Utah, said he was taking
steps to make certain it would not happen again.
The Francis Scott Key Edgar: To Sheriff Douglas
Harvey who told photographer Andrew Sacks to take off
his hat during the playing of the national anthem in
the Michigan pressbox before the Wisconsin game.
** *
The Bob McBride TV-2 Edgar: To Dearborn's Mayor
Orville Hubbard who refused to have the name of Wil-
lam Knight, a black PFC killed in Vietnam, inscribed on
the official list of the city's wardead.
* * *
The Orville Hubbard Edgar:, To three prestigious
Mrs. Newell Carl Albert
who will put his $300,000,000 worth of stock in his de-
fense contracting firm in trust rather than selling it
when he goes to Washington..Complained Packard, "I
refuse to live on $30,000 a year."
The Richard Nixon "forgotten man" Edgar: To one
Mrs. Perl who had reserved the Grand Ballroom of the
Plaza Hotel on the day of Julie and David Eisenhower's
wedding. When asked by the President-elect to switch
ballrooms, she responded tersely, "Are you crazy or some-
The Walter Matthau "odd couple" Edgar: To Richard
Nixon for joining his daughter and his new son-in-law
on their honeymoon.
The Doris Day "Let a smile ,be your umbrella" Edgar:
To Vice President Hubert Humphrey for introducing the
phrase "politics of joy" into our political vocabulary.
* * *
The J. Edgar Hoover Edgar: To Mayor Richard
Daley and the Chicago police for their less-than-humor-
ous actions during the Democratic National Convention.
The Edgar Spectacular
of 1968
A timid appeal for. aid to black students
EDITOR'S NOTE: Printed below
are an appeal by University Presi-
dent Robben Fleming for faculty
support of the Dr. Martin Luther
King Memorial Fund and a re-
sponse of one teaching fellow who
received the letter.
Dear Colleague:
1 SUSPECT that you are con-
cerned, as I am, with the in-
creasing tension between the black
a n d white citizens of America.
Those of us who have thought
seriously about it know that de-
magogues of all stripes to theacon-
trary notwithstanding, there is no
easy or ready solution to our pres-
ent difficulties. Nor will they go
away. Housing, employment, edu-
cation, and basic human preju-
dice are but a few of the tangled
threads in the web..
Faculty members find multiple
roles in society. We are private
citizens who participate in the af-
fairs of the larger society in ac-
cordance w i t h our individual
views. In that connection, we fre-
quently disagree, and none of us
would have it otherwise.iAs fac-
ulty members, and as citizens, we
hold a wide spectrum of views on
racial problems. We do, however,
have a special competence and ob-
Americans ought to be appointed
to faculties, not because they are
black, but because they are Amer-
icans who ought to be eligible for
such a role. For those who will
face it forthrightly, the sad fact is
that the number of Negroes who
are qualified for faculty posts is
very small. In recruiting Negro
faculty members \ we are simply
moving the presently limited pool
around. We are adding very little'
to the total personnel available.
Somehow a way must be found
to bring more black students into
the universities, and to encourage
the best of them, just as in the
case of the white students, to go,
on for graduate work. Only then
will the pool of black manpower
be enlarged and a real impact
Because problems assume a size
which far exceeds our ability as
individuals to cope with them we
are inclined to say that there is
nothing we can do. My own feel-
ing is that we can do more than
we realize if we have the desire
to do so. In making a proposal as
to what we can do, I am aware
of the dangers I incur. Neverthe-
less, our times do not permit tim-
As a part of the fund program,
you will shortly receive a letter
from William Haber, who, with
Regent Otis Smith, is serving as
Co-Chairman of the King Com-
mittee. It will invite you to con-
tribute, either through a direct
gift, or via payroll deduction.
I hope you will find it possible
to join in this expression of faith
in the need for and the essential-
ity of higher education for the
black student. We presently havey
445 undergraduate Opportunity
Award students (most of whom
happen to be black) who are re-
ceiving grants depending on need.
We badly need more money if the
program is to continue and pros-
I have reason to believe that
some of the foundations will be
encouraged to contribute to our.
fund if they believe that faculty
members care enough to demon-
strate their own commitment to
this kind of a program.r
My wife and I feel this need so
strongly that we have arranged
our priorities so that we can make
our contribution.
-R. W. Fleming
ships and 100 undergraduate
scholarships for non-whites in
In all honesty, I find the ap-
peal deplorable. It is deplorable
because you have abdicated your
responsibilities; you have respond-
ed to, the injustices committed
against black people by white in-
stitutions not as president as one
of those institutions, but as a mere
private citizen.
You are quite correct: "Our
times do not permit timidity."
And yet it is timidity which best
characterizes your call for private
contributions, a pitiable insignifi-
cant course of action. What "dan-
gers" do you possibly incur? What
strength of conviction or concern
does it take for you to rearrange
your personal priorities, when you'
choose to ignore the responsibili-
ties of your office by refusing to
change the priorities of this Uni-
Little needs to be said about
the need for a change in the Uni-
versity's priorities, for they fun-
damentally contradict much of
what Martin Luther King Jr.
in securities (8,940 voting shares)
from Dow Chemical, manufac-
turers of napalm being used
against #exploited peoples in Viet-
nam and Guatemala, if not else-
where. $200,000 of the securities
have been purchased within the
last fiscal year. And at a stock-
holder's meeting last May, the
University voted by proxy for the
continued production of napalm
by Dow Chemical.
Shouldn't these activities of the
University be changed in favor of
others more consistent with the
name of Martin Luther King, and
shouldn't these activities be cur-
tailed so as to provide the funds
necessary for the education of the
oppressed peoples here in the
United States?
If you would be as forthright
and courageous as your office and
the times require, then surely you
would exercize some leadership by
taking your money out of Dow
Chemical (and thereby stop the
University's support of the brutal-
ization of colored people abroad)
and putting in into a fund sup-
porting the education of black