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January 14, 1969 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1969-01-14

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Tuesday, January 14, 1969


Page Seven

':..:v.:...:.:': '.:::. ...: x:.:...i. *El Wednesday 11:00 a.m. The Eleventh
Hour {repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows Foreig Visitors
DAILY OFFICIAL hosts an hour of news and conversation
about the arts and literature, featuring The following individuals can be
NTLLEi1E a program of original teen-age poetry reached through the Foreign Visitor
and music. Division of the Visitor and Guest Re-
lations Office. Rooms 22-24, Michigan
."#229sL' Wure Series: "The LDangerf of the Union. Telephone: 764-2148.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an School System as a &elief System", Rafael del Guidice - N.; Facultad des
official publication of the Univer- with Ivan Illich, founder and Direc- Sciencias y Artes Musicales, Santiago,
sity of Michigan for which The tor of the Intercultural Documentation Chile. January 9 - January 23.
Michigan Daily assumes no edi- Center, Cuernavaca, Mexico. Part 2 of Mrs. Nitzhia Naftali; Chief Inspector
torial responsibility. Notices should 4. Wednesday 4:45 p.m. Campus News, of Kindergartens, Ministry of Educa-
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to produced by students in the speech de- tion, Tel-Aviv, Israel. January 15 - 19.
Room 3528 LSA Bldg. before 2 p.m. partment. Wednesday 5:00 p.m. The
Friday for Saturday and Sunday. Press and World Affairs with P r o f .
General Notices may be published a Ben Yablonky. 8:00 p.m. Opera Night Doctoral
maximum of two times on request; -Bizet: "Carmen" - Leontyne Price,
Day Calendar items appear once Robert Merrill, Vienna State O p e r a 1?
only, Student organization notices Chorus and Vienna Boys Choir; Vienna
are not accepted for publication. Philharmonic Orchestra; Herbert von
For more infqrmation call 764-9270. Karajan, conductor. Robert Mason Hauser, Sociology, Dis-

- I- I !I 10


'YYII YtT C+!'Y R tY Y A l!T Y A O Q) Y .i



TUESDAY, JANUARY 14 Botany Seminar: Dr. Edward L. Er-'
vin, Hope College, Holland, Michigan, S
(ayI Auen de r Seasoiral Phloem Development in g
Perennial Monocotyledons", Wednes- C
day, January l5 at 4:15 p.m., 1139 Nat.
Flu clinic offering "Hong Kong" flu Sci. Bldg.
vaccine 8:00 - 11'30 a.m. and 1:00 - 4:30 og
p.m. Charge of $2 per person. Students Educational Colloquium: K a r I W. ci
faculty, staff, and their spouses are Deutsch, Professor of Political Science, s
eligible. Harvard University, and author of The p
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- Nerves of Government, "Some Implica- U
inar: "Management of Managers, Pro- tions of Communication Theory for c
gram No. 78": North Campus Commons, Education": Wednesday, January 15,
8:15 a.m. .. 1969; 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. University High
Trumpet Student Recital: School of School Cafeteria.
Music Recital Hall, 12:30 p.m.
ACS Lecture: Dr. A. G. DeRocco. Representatives from the following
University of Maryland, "Are Liquid Law Schools will be on campus to
Crysals Really Hard?" Room 1 2 0 0 interview prospective candidates on the
Chemistry,. 4:00 p.m. dates, shown.
Placement Services Film and Discus- Stanford University School of Law, s
lon: Seminar in Sales Management :Thursday, Jan. 16.s
Multipurpose Room, Undergraduate George Washington School, of Law, c
Library, 4:00 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23.-T
Center for Russian and East European Appointments made in 1223, AngellIi
Studies and Writer-in-Residence Pro- Hall with Mrs. Johnson or by calling
gram Lecture-Discussion: Jerzy Kosin- 4-0312.
ski, Writer-in-Residence, "The Writer __2._Pr
and Collectivity: The Soviet Dilemma, " Ti
Tuesday, January 14, 4:10 p.m. Angell The U of M Student Relations Com- Ja
Heay, Janarym 1, 4mittee: Wednesday, Jan. 15, 1:00 p.m.
Degree Recital: Cosette Sanders, Vio- Open Meeting, Council Room, SAB
School of Music Recital a , 8:30 Bldg., Agenda: 1. Consideration of the o
li P ShloHl,8 minutes of December 12 and January 9; m
pm s aTheatre Program: Im- 2. Proposal for a seminar on faculty- pi
Prfessoal heatK egProgran Imo-student relations; 3. Advisory Commit- t
gene Coca 'and King Donovan in ar tees - OSA, Health Service Committee, al
bert Anderson's You Know I Can't Hear
,You When the Water's Running: iHill WCBN Committee; 4. Restructuring of D
Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. the 0iA.

ertation: Family, School, and Neigh-
3orhood Factors In Educational Per-
ormancesain a Metropolitan School
ystem," on Tuesday, January 14 at
:30 a.m. in Room 3028 L.S.&A. Bd.,
hairman: O. D Duncan.
Steven Robert Goldberg, Pharmacol-
gy, Dissertation: "Conditioning Asso-
iated with the Nalorphine-Induced Ab-
tinence Syndrome in Morphine-De-
endent Monkeys," on Tuesday, Jan-
ary 14 at 2 p.m. in Room 6413 Medi-
an Science, Chairman: C. R. Schuster.
Placemen t
3200 S.A.B.
Attention Liberal Arts and Business
Gradyates: Two large firms are spon-
soring a film discussion seminar on
ales management. All students wel-
ome, no obligation, information only.
Tonight, Tuesday, January 14, at 4:00
In Multi-purpose Room of UGLI.
Group Meeting for Summer Intern
'rogram in Washington, underclassmen,
Srs, and grad. students. 4:00 Wednesday,
an. 15, Multi-purpose Room of UGLI.
Placement Interviews: The following)
rganizations will interview at Place-
ment Services, the representatives ex-
pect to see at least a vita sheet on in-
erviewees, therefore, if you are not
already registered with the General
Division, plgase stop in and let us pro-:
ide you with the proper materials.

Please call 763-1363 to make appoint-
ments by phone, or stop in and makec
appt. in person. Make appts. as soon1
as possible, none accepted after 4 p.m.I
day preceding visit.
Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge,
Mass.,all day, B Anthro, Econ., Educ.,
Engl., Fine arts, For. Lang., Gen. Lib'
Arts, Hist., Journ., Law, Libr. Sci., Math,
Philo., Poli. Sc., Psych., Speech, Soc.
and Soc. Wk. for secretarial positions
with possibility of branching into re-
search work.
U. S. Department of Commerce, all
day, all degree levels in econ., B & M,
Gen. Lib. Arts., Poll. Sci., and Soc. for
Mgmt. Trng. and Public Admin.
Federated Publications, Inc., all day,
B. Econ., Journ., and Bus. Ad. for ad-
International Voluntary Services, B.
Gen, Chem., Geog., Journ., Libr. Sci.,
Math, Psych., Speech. B & M Anthro.,
Educ., ECgl., for Lang., Fine Arts,
Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist., Microbiol., Nat'l.
Resources, Physics, Poli. Sci., P u b I i c
Health, Soc. and Soc. Wk.
Meredith Corporation, all day. B
Econ., Educ., Engl. 'B&M Architecture,
Journ., Math. for Adv., Art & Des.,
Data Processing, Mktg. Res., Merchan-
dising, Personnel, Pub. Rel., Purchasing,
Territ. Sales, Stat, and Writing.
Cornell University School for Indus-
trial and Labor Relations, B Anthro,
Econ., Educ., Engl., Gen, Lib. Arts,
Geog., Hist., Journ., Law, Philo., Poli.
Sci., Psych., Soc. and Soc. Wk.
Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad / Balti-
more & Ohio RailroadCO., Afternoon
only. B Econ., Engl., Gen. Lib. Arts,~
Geol., Hist., Law, Math., Physics., Poll.
Sci., Psych., Soc. and Soc. Wk, for
Mgmt. Trng.
Hallmark Cards Inc., all day. B & M
Organ and Phys. Chem., Econ., Engl.,
Gen. Lib. Arts, Journ., Math, Psych.,
and Soc. for Foreign Trade, Mgmt.
Trng., Mktg. Res., Merchandising, Per-
sonnel, Production, Pub. Res., Purchas-
ing, Territ. Sales, Stat., Gen. Writing,
Corporate Planning, Operations Res.,
Production Mgmt.
International Voluntary Services, see
Thurs. listing.
Mellon National Bank and Trust Com-
pany, All day. B&M Econ., Law and
Math f'or Mgmt. Trng.

Procter & Gamble Company, All
day. B Econ., Chem., Educ., Engl., Fine
Arts, Gen. Lib. Arts, Geog., Hist., Law,
Libr. Sci., Math, Music, Nat'l. Res.
Pharm., Philo., Polit. Sc., Psych., Publ.
Health, Speech, and Soc. for Mgmt,
Trng., inside and territorial sales.
Western Union Telegraph Company,
afternoon only. B physics, D&M Econ.,
and Math for Data Processing, Mgmt.
Trng., Mktg, Res.. Personnel and Sta-
212 S.A.B., Lower Level.
January 14, Fresh Air Fund Camps,
Soc. Wk, N.Y., spec. gen. couns., vil-
lage leaders, waterfront, nature, arts,
January 15, Indiana Camp Fire Girls
spec. gen. couns., waterfront dir. &
asst., arts, nature, music, campcraft,
unit dir., program dir.
128-H, West Engrg. Bldg.
Make interview appointment at Room
128 H, West Engrg. Bldg.' unless other-
wise specified.
JANUARY 21, 1969
American Electric Power Systems--

Michigan Gas & Electric Co.
Applied Physics Lab. of The J o h n s
Hopkins University
The Boeing Co.
The Budd Co.
Caltex Petroleum Corp.
Continental Can Co., Inc.
Cook Paint and Varnish Co.
General Electric Co.
General Motors Corp.
Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.
Howard, Needles, Tammen &
Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co.
Stauffer Chemical Co.
U.S. Gov't. - Navy - Surface Wave
& Aviation - Reserve Officer
Engineering Placement Meeting: No.
2. "Engineering Careers." The different
kinds of careers for engineers, and how
to decide which you should follow. Se-
cond of four meetings. Primarily for
seniors and graduate students, but
open tb all interested. Professor J. G.
Young. January 14, 1969, 4:00 p.tn. and
7:30 p.m. in Room 325, West Engineer-
ing Building. (Afternoon and evening
meetings will be the same.)

U. of M. Ski Club
Learn T Si Ngt
Very Inexpensive
7:30 TUES., JAN. 14


Here's How To Rent It Quick Through The
Michigan Daily's "Student Housing Guide"

General Notices
Broadcasting Service: WUOM R a d i o
(91.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily,
Tuesday 1:00 p.m. Dimensions in Aca-
Tuesday 1:00 p.m. Dimensions in~ Ac-
ademic Freedom -"The Nature of the
University", with Prof. Walter P. Metz-
ger, Columbia University, recorded at
Illinois. Tuesday 5:15 p.m. U-M Feature
Story with Jack Hamilton.
r v.rv}*..}...:...... v
S.D.S.: Open general membership
meeting - War Research dorm talks,
Cu~ba, Racism, etc. -Tues.,' Jan. 14th,
8:00 p.m~. - 2nd floor of the S.A.B.
S.D.S. : Internal Education meeting,
Weds., Jan. 15th, 8:00 p.m., 1st floor
lounge of Union.
UM Scottish Country Dance Society:
Dance meeting, Weds., 8:00 p.m. to
10:30 p.m., W.A.B. 'lounge, instruction
given - beginners welcome.
Graduate Assembly: Nomination
meeting, Wed., Jan. 15th, 7;30 p.m.,
4th floor, Rackham 'Bldg.
UM Ski Club, meeting, Tues., Jan.
14th, 7:30 p.m., Union ballroom. Sign
up for the Learn-to-Ski night which
1il1 be on Friday.
UM Judo Club: First meeting of the
winter term will be Thurs., Jan. 16th,
7:30 p.m. wrestling room of the IM
Bldg. All who are interested are invited
to attend.


JANUARY 18, 19, 20
Sot., Jan. 18: Workshops & Teach-in on Imperialism,
Paris Pedce Talks, etc.
Sun., Jan. 19: Counter-Inaugural March
Counter-Inaugural Ball (free)
Mon., Jan. 20: Protest along inaugural parade route
Tues., Jan. 21 : Protest of Military occupation of ghetto in
Washington, Delaware (coordinated by People
Against Racism, PAR)
$15 roundtrip fare (rental cars, not buses)'
Leave Jan. 17th or 18th, return Jan. 19, 20, 21, or 22
Free food, Free housing



The quickest and easiest
way to sublet your pad
is through The Daily's
special apartment
supplemebt to be
published Sunday,
February 9th.
For only $5
you can place a
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guaranteed circulation of
10,000 copies and
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with central air con-
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