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March 23, 1969 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1969-03-23

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Sports Editor, 1968-69
Since Don Canham became athletic di-
rector last June, the 50-year old former
Wolverine track coach has consolidated his
power in the Michigan athletic corporation
to a point where he is now (like his prede-
cessor H. 0. "Fritz" Crisler) virtually a
At the same time, he has increased his
influence regionally and nationally and is
probably the most powerful athletic director
in the Big Ten.
During his seven months in office, Can-
hm has made extensive changes in personnel
-the 4nost notable being the big name
shifts in football and basketball. Former
head coaches Bump Elliott and Dave Strack
ae now assistants on his administrative staff.
Canham has hired ,11 new coaches, in-
cluding three blacks, and released five others.
The new composition of his staff should
result in more wins and more money for
Michigan's athletic structure in the near

Four key episodes are involved in Can-
ham's restructuring of the department:
-At the December Big Ten meeting, Can-
ham talked conference commissioner Bill
Reed out of putting Michigan on one-year
probation for a loan violation:;
-Within a month after the football sea-
son ended, Canham convinced Elliott to
retire as football coach and hired Bo
Schembechler to replace him:
-Currently, with Elliott's assistance, Can-
ham is soliciting funds from alumni to ex-
pand Michigan's intercollegiate and intra-
mural facilities;
-Last summer Canham innovated a series
of sports "clinics" for area youth.
Two major problems confronted Canham
when he took office July 1: he had to find
a way to make money and he had to reno-
vate Michigan's tarnished athletic image.
The second of these proved to be a com-
plex problem. He was obliged to make whole-
sale personnel changes and to conduct a
first-rate job of diplomacy before the Big
Ten conference meeting in December.

In February, 1968. the Daily reported that
Michigan athletes were receiving illegal dis-
counts from local merchants. Subsequent
investigations conducted by both the Big
Ten and the Board in Control of Intercol-
legiate Atheltics corroborated practically all
of the charges, but concluded that only a
reprimand was necessary.
However, when John Dewey, Big Ten as-
sistant commissioner and examiner, came to
Ann Arbor to conduct the official investiga-
tion, the Daily informed him of an illegal
loan transaction between football player
Cecil Pryor and ex-assistant Y. C. McNease.
Pryor had been arrested on an assault and
battery charge, and McNease paid his $25
bond and $57 in parking fines.
Before the incident was made public.
McNease resigned and Crisler ordered Pryor
to repay the loan. Pryor promptly did and
was placed on a temporary suspension over
the summer.
Before the 1968 season started, Canham
and Marcus Plant, the Michigan faculty
representative to the Big Ten, went before



the conference eligibility committee and
ensured Pryor's eligibility to play for the
upcoming season.
In Oct. 13, 1968. when the Big Ten rep-
rimanded Michigan for local merchant dis-
counts given to athletes, the Pryor-McNease
incident was specifically left unresolved.
Commissioner Reed said at that time
"whether anything more should be done will
n~ews -analysis
be up to the athletic directors" at their
December meeting.
Canham and Plant feared Reed might
recommend to the directors that Michigan
be put on probation for the Pryor-McNease
incident. They reasoned that since Reed was
a Michigan graduate, he might- feel com-
pelled to maintain his integrity as com-

missioner by ruling harshly against his alma
In discussions with Reed and several ath-
letic directors in the conference. Canham
introduced an argument against putting
Michigan on probation. He hoped to change
enough minds by the December Big Ten
meetings to eliminate the possibility of any
type of institutional penalty.
Canham's argument, which proved suc-
cessful at the December meetings, went
along the following lines:
Before the Illinois "slush fund" scandal
the year before, Big Ten officials had always
punished the institution involved in a rule
violation. In the Illinois case, however.
coaches and players were punished for
violating the rules.
In the Pryor-McNease case, then, the
institution (Michigan) should not be held
accountable. And, since Pryor had made,
restitution and McNease had left the school.
neither of them should be punished.
Canham further recommended that if the
See DON - CANHAM, Page 5

See Page 9

Sir -ta~


Partly cloudy, showers probable
tonight and tomorrow

Vol. LXXIX, No. 142

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 23, 1969

Ten Cents

Ten Pages






Miller boycotts election
Student Government Council leaders lashed out at candi-
dates Howard Miller and Mark Rosenbaum yesterday and an-
nounced that the three-way presidential run-off approved
A at last Thursday's meeting would go ahead this Wednesday
as scheduled.
Miller, reversing his earlier support of the rim-off pro-
posal, refused to run in a three-way election, making it a two-
way battle between Bob Nelson and Marty McLaughlin.
SGC Vice President Bob Neff
I said yesterday, "We have d o n e
BULLETIN Jeverything we could to persuade
Miller to accept arbitration. We
An uncertified machine re- have tried to reason with him, but
count released early this morn- we must make a definitive decis-
ing showed that leading SGC ion now."
presidential candidate Howard SGC President Michael Koeneke,
Miller would not receive a ma- amplified Neff's statement. He
jority of all ballots even if all attacked Miller for going back.,on
other candidates were elimi- attce ilrfrgigbc,
nated under the transfere his word "after he' had agreed
natdsysdethe trawith the Credentials and Rules
ballot system. Committee (C and R) decision to
The recount reportedly a l s 0 havea run-off."
showed that Marty McLaugh-
lin trailed second place candi- "In fact." Koeneke added, "Mil-
date Bob Nelson by 96 votes, ler's inconsistency has placed him
not 7 as previously reported, in such an absurd position that
The recount has not yet been the only action he could take1
certified by the SGC Creden- would indeed be to withdraw his
tials and Rules Committee, al- name."
though it had been requested Miller was unavailable for com-'
by a member of C and R, SGC ment last night.
Vice President Bob Neff. The other two slates have agreed
Mark Rosenbaum, Miller's to the C and R statement calling
vice presidential running mate, for a three-way run-off.
said he would accept a two-way Mary Livingston, Nelson's run-
,run-off if the statistics are cor- ning mate, supported the run-off.!
rect. "The most important aspect of
having a run-off is that it will be
the students' decision who the
president of their student gov-'
ernment will be." he said.
McLaughlin also supported the,
Irun-off plan.
1 "The only way to have a legi-
By The Associated Press timate SGC president is to go back
to the students in a run-off-not
President S. I Hayakawa of to sabotage the election by claim-
sand estray tatheUisagistying a victory for a candidate with
i yeeday tat es against 23 per cent of the first choice bal-
recommending amnesty for stu-lots"
dents who were arrested during McLaughlin was referring to
the et old student strike at Miller's' claim that since he had n

fays to


Literary college Dean William
Hays this week will ask the col-1
lege's executive committee to call a
special faculty meeting to con-;
sider a proposal for restructuring
the Bachelor of Science degree.
The proposal was arafted yes-
terday by the general studies com-
inittee, which was commissioned
at the last faculty ;meeting to
study the new degree program.
Hays is expected to release the
report to the faculty tomorrow.
The special session would pre-
cede the faculty's regular month-
ly meeting on April 7, Hays paid
Members of the executive com-
mittee contacted indicated they
favored scheduling a special meet-
The Daily learned yesterday that
the committee decided not to re-
commend a new degree program
in general studies. Instead, it un-
animously approved the restruc-
turing of the Bachelor of Science
degree to provide "a flexible al-
ternative to the Bachelor of Arts
The members of the committee
favored retention of the tradi-
tional BA degree, but did not feel

Students who enrolled in the
BS degree would have to choose
whether they were interested in
"the student orientation or the
discipline orientation." Both would
require 120 credit hours for grad-
uation t h o u g h the student's
hours might be spent differently
in each program.
Although the details of the two
approaches have not been released
yet, it is not likely they will not
set the same requirements for the
The specific requirements of
students who chose the discipline
approach would be contingent on
the particular discipline they se-
Entrance requirements and grad-

ing standards for both the stu-
dent and the discipline approaches
'would be the same. A student
would be admitted to the literary
college first and then choose his
degree program.
The committee has met several
times and discussed how to struc-
ture the general studies program,
Several proposals have been con-
sidered by the committee.
One proposal suggested that one
of the requirements for admission
to the college and, the degree pro-
gram be a two-year study of a
foreign language In high school.
Another proposal recommended
that students be required to take
at least 60 hours of 300 level and
above courses, but with no con-
centration reqirements.

T Vomen strike out against pageant prostitu tion


Freedom from 36-22-36

., .,. !

The key to the ending of the
strike was an agreement between
the Black Student Union and a
faculty committee appointed by
Hayakawa. The agreement stated
that all those charged with non-
.vlolent acts were to be given a
"letter of reprimand" and those
charged with violent acts be at
most suspended for the rest of
the semester.
Members of the Black Student
Union said they believed that the
faculty committee had the power
to bind the administration to all
agreements, including amnesty.

a majority when the second choiceA
votes of all the other candidates p
are added to his total, he shouldA
be declared the winner.
Earlier in the day Mark Rosen-I
baum said that he and Miller t
would be willing to accept arbitra-v
tion if one candidate were drop-Ic
ped before the talks began. This
limiting to two candidates was un- b
acceptable. Neff indicated.A
Miller attacked the impartiality i
of the C and R committee. "Con- t
sidering that Neff and Rubin were f
the only ones in the C and R com- tr
mittee. and that they publicly en-! c
See SGC, Page 10!

By JENNY STILLER especially one willowy sorority- ings, their aims draped on the air it necessary to design a new de-
Editorial Page Editor type blonde who marched serenely in supposedly ngraceful attitudes. gree title, explained committee
"I dreamed I was liberated from along carrying a sign which read' They were all dressed in blue, in chairman Prof. Ronald Tikofsky
my Maidenform mentality." read "Make Love. Not Whores." one of those all-purpose styles d'e- of the psychology department.
the sign of one of the 30 pickets They passed out leaflets ex- signed to look the best on the "In the BS we already have a
marching before the entrance of plaining that they were not wag- greatest possible number of women vehicle for restructuring the cur-
Ann Arbor High School as the ing a personal attack on the con- -gathered under the bust to rent degree program," he said.
people came to view the Miss Ann test's participants but on the make the breasts look larger and Tikofsky added there was some
Arbor Pageant. . mentality behind it. belling out to a demure one inch concern on the part of some con-
"The pageant exercises thought above the knee to cover a multi- mittee members that the bachelor
the ieddleked bemu sdy pastcontempts txertes me tude of sins in the derriere region. of general studies degree might be
he circle of pickets, more young sonto our minds, to further make They held the pose for an inter- interpreted as "a lower-level de-
women and a few men piled out of women oppressed and men oppres- minable time, relaxing only to gree."
osen jan few menpiledh. ut o woenppessed a men o h- break into a song-and-dance rou- "The Bachelor of Science has
cars to join the march. sos, to enslave us all inchigh- tine that would have driven Zieg- credibility," Tikofsky explained.
They wer'e a heterogeneous heeled, low-status roles; to incul- nho epe hs ikt.ct as ausi on il;t field to drink. "The Bachelor of Science degree
bunch of people. tese pickets. cate false values in young girls; to Talent competition, bathing suit can be interpreted as a Bachelor
bout half of them were pobably use women as beasts of buying to s- all -of Knowledge degree allowing the
n the Movement before they got seduce us to prostitute ourselves pge
opprssio."lust like the Big Time, complete student to pursue a program of
turned on to Women's Liberation, before our own oppression."with a geasy dirty old man foi great flexibility," he said.
'or their dress and professional Our first glimpse of the ten an emcee. The Bachelor of Science is cur-
manner gave them away as old contestents came early in the eve- But there were ironies to keep rently available to students who
ampaigners ning. The curtain rose to reveal us from falling asleep. have completed 60 hours or more
Others seemed more amateurish them frozen in picturesque group- Parts of the program seemed to in mathematics and physical and


Jury reduce
re tpayment
The Ann Arbor Tenants Union won a favorable' decision
in District Court early yesterday when a jury reduced by $110
the amount of back rent owed to Arbor Management by rent
striker Virginia Lewis.
After two hours of deliberation, the jury awarded $140
in back rent to J. Edward Kloian, owner of Arbor Manage-
ment, which owns the house in which Miss Lewis lives at 549
Kloian had asked for full payment of $250, the total rent
which Miss Lewis had withheld for the past two months.
Miss Lewis' case is the second-
jury trial resulting from the rent
strike. The first also involved Ar-
bor Management in another action R ~ Y h t
brought against Fred and Nancy


"We basically consider our-
selves radical lawyers," they ex-
And they are. The 30 mem-:
bers of the recently formed stu-
dent chapter of the Lawyer's
Guild are applying professional
skills to activism in the tradi-
tion of the national guild, an
organization of lawyers whose
concern is aimed toward social

lawyers establish guild

Guild members attribute a re-
cent increase in the number of
radically-minded lawyers at
least partly to concern with the
Vietnam War.
"There is a decrease in faith
in the government," explains
Judith Kahn, a guild member.
"Part of the problem has been
the handling of protest demon-
strations, as well as the war it-

The national Guild was re-
organized in the 1960's to an-
swer the need of the civil rights
movement for legal aid, says
Prof. Joseph Sax of the Law
School, a Guild member.
The original guild, formed in
1937. ended a long period of
steady growth when it was i't-
ed as a subversive organizat ion
in the 1950's because members
were defending Communists.

three Guild members to the
school's board of directors.
In addition, Guild members
are pressing for a more relevant
curriculum. They are asking
more courses in landlord-tenant
law and accreditation of a course
on selective service law taugaht
by a Detroit lawyer, James Laf-
The Guild members have been
Ar'nnialy nfiP i fh rlr

have been chosen with Women's ' biological sciences. However, these
Liberation in mind-particularly students must also fulfill the re-
in the talent competition. One girl quirements for a liberal arts de-
sang Cole Porter's "I Hate Men," gree-including language. The
another sang of "Much More" B.S. degree is granted only at. the
from "The Fantasticks", ("I want student's request.
much more than keeping house Tikofsky pointed to BS degrees
", while a third gave a fairly in library science and formerly in
convincing portrayal of Medea. philosophy as examples of the po-
The excitement came just as the tential diversity of a restructur-
pageant was ending, when a group ed degree program.
of about ten girls from the I4bera- - ----------------
tion stood up and began chant-
ing "We are not sex objects; we
Cles .sought
will not be usud."
They were greeted first with i cor
shocked gasps, then with disdain- 111 (0C s yv l
i ful smiles and catcalls. When the
band couldn't drown out their Police are searching for clues in
chant, about 15 male ushers (all the murder of Jane Louise Mixer,
of them well over 30) surrounded a law student at the University.

Rosen, of 1120 South Forest.
In that case, the jury ruled on
Thursday that Kloian could only
collect $280 out of $300 owed in
back rent. In addition, the Rosen's
were required to pay court costs.
Court costs in the Lewis c a s e
will be assessed next week.
Under the law, the tenant has
ten days in which to pay the land-
lord the back rent assessed by the
jury. If this is not done, the
tenant can be legally evicted.
In reaching their decision, the
jury largely accepted Defense At-
torney Ron Glotta's contention
that by the denial of essential
services. Kloian had broken the
lease and had "partially evicted"
Miss Lewis.
Miss Lewis claimed that Kloian
had repeatedly failed to provide
heat, had failed to "dry-wall" the
furnace in line with city fire safe-

crxiticism Of
model ciie
Ezra L. Rowry, member of the
Model Cities Planning B o a r d,
issued a statement last night con-
demning City Council for attempt-
ing to reconstitute the member-
ship of the board.
Republican members of City
Council have suggested that the
present board does not represent
the black community in Ann Ar-
The plan for the composition of
the present board was submitted
by the black North-Central Neigh-
borhood Association. It was sub-
sequently approved by City Coun-

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