Mario Savio was in town ( probably in 1)ecemnber of '64) to (Iddress a rally of students.
a fg
Po tes ts o f esteryear...
While the AP tells us daily of campuses
across the nation "erupting" a n d being
fLU r~r "rocked by violence,''ttho tor taldy tha
6 of higher~ learning, we wonder why, in these
i turbulent days is good old Michigan staying
calm as a kettle? Our radical friends a r e WVhen students returned from Christmas vacation in ,
having to travel miles to get into anything. on h haesntwnhdrseadisnpicsr
really deep - Bill Ayers had to go to Eastfo dththarsito .hdraedamson rcsfr
Lansing to make his contribution to the poli-
6 * tics of change, and then he was busted for~
"felonius assault with a dangerous weapon,"
which apparently was hitting a movie camera
with a piece of wood.
Although things are calm now, Ann Arbor
has had its share of hot times. While many
a of today's seniors were watching the Home-
coming Parade in October of 1965, Selective
Service System Office No. 85 .was hosting an
historic sit-in where 39 students prompted
- the authorities to call out local police, state
police, and of course the c o u n t y sheriffs t
(whose appatite has yet to be satiated even
by the ADC mothers). Those students who
sat-in were reclassified by their draft boards
for un-citizen-like behavior, a n d everyone
found out about General Hershey's yearningp
to beat a child until he stops crying.
A year later 1500 students marched into
the Ad. Bldg. to protest the administration's
compliance with Selective Service System's
request for student transcripts. The sit-rn
was mostly orderly, and after a few hours on
the hard tile floor in the Salmon Loaf, every-
one went home.
The other pictures on this page idicate
that e v e n before my college career began,
students were agitating and rock 'n rolling
for s o m e fairly important issues. Richard
Daley was pegged as villian earlier than last
fall, and the local theatre owners will re- x.
Wednesday, March , 1969
rm'$1.00ito $1.25.
t gar
T member with something less than a smile,
the pickets demonstrating against Mary Pop-
pins and her higher price.
Photographs from the files
of The Michigan Daily in November of 1966, 1500 students marched into t
ministration Building, and conducted a day long peacef.
Pickets against Chicago s Mayor Daley marched in the 4
spring of 1965.
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Re ard yessC' tP
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lie old (orange) Ad-
'ul sit-in.
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