ge Seven
Wednesday, March 5, 1969
Wednesday, March 5, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~e Seven
Associate Sports Editor
Special To The Daily
LAFAYETTE - Purdue didn't
really have to play last night,
since the Boilermakers have al-
ready clinched the Big Ten bas-
ketball championship. Michigan
should have taken advantage oft
the situation and offered to have
the game cancelled. Instead, the
Wolverines showed aup and took
their worst beating of the year,
falling ignominiously, 116-87.
Purdue was led, as usual, by
All-American guard Rick Mount,
who poured in 45 points on a va-
riety of jump shots, drives, and
fast break lay-ups.
substantiated both of Orr's con-
tentions early, as they jumped into:
a 4-0 lead and built it up for the
full 40 minutes of the game. Once
Purdue opened up a ten point leadI
with only seven minutes gone, the
issue was never in doubt.
By halftime Mount had 20
points and Purdue was up by a
16 point margin. Mount was joined
in the first half by sophomore for-
ward George Faerber who poured
in 16 points and pulled in seven
The whole Boilermakers team
had to make up for the absence
of their star forward and leading
rebounder, Herman Gilliam, who
was incapacitated with a sprain-
This Weekend in Sports
HOCKEY-WCHA Playoffs at Coliseum
Michigan State vs. Michigan Tech, 6:30 p.m.
Minnesota vs. Michigan, 9:00 p.m.
BASKETBALL-Michigan at Ohio State
HOCKEY-WCHA Playoffs at Coliseum, 8:00 p.m.
INDOOR TRACK--USTFF Championships at Milwaukee
vords couldn't have been more ing his brilliance as an
rue. shooter.
Mount completely mystified a ed ankle. However, his loss made
number of Michigan defenders. He no difference, as the Boilermaker
bench lei by Larrv Weatherford
dropped in 18 field goals and nine
free throws. Both Ken Maxey and
Mark Henry fouled out while try-
ing to stop the "Rocket," and Dan
* Fife picked up four personals.
"He really put them in the
hole," said Michigan coach John-
ny Orr after the game. "He's just
a great player and Purdue is the
best team we've faced this year."
Mount and the Boilermakers,
filled in' admirably.
The Boilermakers were helped,
though, by one of Michigan's
worst performances of the season.
The Wolverines hit only 37 per
cent for the game and committed
19 turnovers. Orr admitted, "After
the first Minnesota game, that
was our worst job of the year."
He continued, "We just never
could get going."
The Wolverines tried every pos-
sible combination to get back in
the contest in the second half,
but none of the Michigan sub-
stitutes could provide an effective
spark. Even Rudy Tomjanovich,
who finished with 26 points and
15 rebounds. had a poor game.
Tomjanovich managed to hit only
one-third of his shots as his shoot-
ing followed that of .his team-
mates. "When you shoot like that
it's a long night," said assistant
coach Fred Snowden, and his
After the first half, the only "I'd like to see him get the
real interest in the game was record," said Purdue mentor
Mount's assault on the record George King, "so we let him stay
books. He now needs only 23 in the game a little longer than
points to snap Gary Bradds' Big we usually would." It was finally
Ten season scoring mark, and 12 Mount who pulled himself out of
to top Dave Schellhase's Purdue the game with three minutes re-
season record. maining. As he left he was treated
The whole Purdue team was to a thundering ovation by the
conscious of Mount's effort and homecourt crowd.:
constantly fed him in the second But Mount, just as in the first
half. As a result, he began to hit half, was not the whole show in
on the fast break along with show- the second half. Faerber continued
his tough board work and guard
Down in the dumps Bill Keller piled up most of his
20 points.
MICHIGAN (87) Even reserve center Jerry John-
FG FT' R PF TP son came in to garner nine points,
Sullivan 1-8 0-0 1 2 2 as nearly the entire Boilermaker
Stewart 5-13 7-7 8 3 17
Tomjanovich 10-30 6-9 15 0 26 squad hit the scoring column.
Fife 2-5 0-0 2 4 4 As the score "mounted," theI
Maxey 2-.4 2-2 1 5 61 fans began to scream for 120
Henry 5-9 2-5 2 5 12 s
Edwards 0-1 0-0 1 0 0, points, and cries of "two" were'
Carter 1-5 1-3 0 2 3 heard every time a shot was put
Bloodworth 1-4 3-4 3 3 5 up. They didn't reach their goal,
HFcksic 2-3 0-0 3 4 but none were really disappointed.
Forda- -
Frunan 1-1 0-0 2 0 2 The loss left Michigan with a
Totals 32-86 23-32 39 25 87 7-6 conference record and hurt
the Wolverines' chances of finish-
'OSU whips Indiana;
Iinois downs MSU
By The Associated Press five by Nuness-to put the game
COLUMBUS -- Jim Cleamons on ice.
scored 37 points and teammate 1 * *
Dave Sorenson added 29 last night MADISON-A 15-foot baseline
as Ohio State overpowered Indiana shot ,by Northwestern's Terry
108-86. Gamber with four seconds left
Cleamons, a 6-foot-3 sophomore, I gave the Wildcats a 72-70 Big Ten
was sensational from the floor, basketball victory over Wisconsin
canning 13 of 16 tries. He added last night.
11 of 15 from the free throw line Gamber's shot was set up when
for his 37, top individual high for Northwestern's Jim Sarno stole a
a Buckeye in two seasons. Wisconsin pass with 23 seconds
Sorenson, Ohio's leading scorer left as the Badgers were trying to
with 23.7 average, also hit 13 of set up a winning shot.
16 from the field. High man for Northwestern was
The losers were paced by Ken Dale Kelley, who scored 25 points,
Johnson's 34 points, the high point 15 of them coming in the second
total for a Hoosier this season. Joe half. James Johnson led Wiscon-
Cooke contributed 15 and Jeff sin with 23.
Stocksdale added 10 for the
Ohio shot a sizzling 59 per cent
on 43 baskets in 72 attempts
while the Hoosiers were 35 of 84
for 41 per cent. The 108 points b
missed by three of equaling Ohio's
all-time scoring mark of 111.
Faerber 8-11 4-6 13 2 20 ing in second place.
3avis 0-3 1-2 4 5 1 Purdue, meanwhile, continues
Keller 9-15 2-3 4 2 20 with but one loss in league play,
ount 18-36 9-12 3 1 45 as it heads for the NCAA tourna-
Weatheford 6-9 01'55 2ment.
Bedford 0-3 2-2 5 2 2met
oynson 4-6 1-2 8 2 9 It was a humilitating defeat for
Kaufman 3-3 0-0 1 2 6 Michigan, but it did prove why
Ireasor 0-1 0-0 2 20 the Wolverines are fighting for a
Longfellow 0-2 1-3 1 1 I runner-up spot with Ohio State
Young 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 and Illinois, while Purdue is all
IELD GOAL PER ENT2GS48 25 116 alone at the top. The Boilermakers
Michigan--.372 just had too much class for Mich-
Purdue-.530 igan, starting with the superstar,
IICHIGAN 43 44 - 87 Mount, and going right on down
_____59 57 - _16 the rest of their line-up.
Special To The Daily
CHAMPAIGN - Senior Dave YPSILANTI-Eastern Michigan '
Scholz scored 26 points and set University handily defeated Mich-
an Illinois career record of 1.451 igan Lutheran, 99-87, last night,
in leading the Illinito a 71-57 Big to qualify for the NAIA Small
Ten basketball victory over Mich- College Tournament in Kansas4
igan State last night. City later this month. Monday
Scholz hit 13 points in each night the Hurons blasted Lutheran
half. He topped the school record off the court, 90-70.
total of 1,449 set by Don FreemanI Eastern built up a quick lead
in 1966.a sle rnm st oft h w ,a ti ed
Scholz made a layup hook shot and led most of the way, at times
and a free throw on a three-point by as much as 20 points. At the
play in the final 21 seconds of 8 minute mark of the second half,
the game to nail down the new though, the Saints pulled to with-
scoring record, in six and forced the Hurons to
* * -take a time-out.
MINNEAPOLIS - Reserve John But the key to the game was
Beyer, who didn't score a point,' 6'8" Earle Higgins. Higgins poured
fired up the Minnesota Gophers in 22 points and was the key man
to a 71-65 Big Ten basketball , on the devastating Huron fast
victorv over Iowa last night. break.
-Associated Press
OHIO STATE'S DAVE SORENSON goes up for the rebound as
Indiana's Bill DeHeer (31) and Ken Johnson (33) try to stop him
in their game tonight in Colombus. Ohio State went on to win
easily, 108-86 to go one game ahead in the race for second place.
-Associated Press
WOLVERINE MARK HENRY spreads his arms attempting to
keep Rick Mount away from the basket, but none of the Michigan
players were very successful in stopping him as he scored 45
points, a personal high, in leading the Boilermakers to an easy
116-87 win.
Tennis teamn racks
Stanford in warmu
M ichifish to'
i 4
defend title
Forget Charlie Hickcox. Mike
Burton, and even Michigan's own
Juan Bello. Turn one's thoughts to
the idea of girls' swimming. Not
in racing, but in the grace and
beauty swimming can produce.
The girls create intricate move-
ments, synchronize them, and with
a bit of spice for a catalyst-voila!
One has Michigan's synchronized
swim team-Michifish.
Twenty-five girls, coached by
Joyce Lindeman and Roberta Am-
mirati, comprise Michifish. They
spend the year preparing for their
annual show, March 27-29 this
year, and for the intercollegiate
Synchronized Swim Meet which is
this weekend at Central Michigan.
Fifteen teams, including Michi-
gan State and Indiana will take
part. Michigan is the defending
champion in the trio and team
competition and has single and
duet entries also. Six girls from
each team perform specified stunts
in the single competition.
This is the only meet Michifish
participates in since the others
are held after school is out.
The team is almost waterlogged
from practicing, is anxious to de-
fend their titles. Remember- them
this weekend while gazing at the
backyard pool and wanting to fill
Big Ten Standings
Beyer, who pulled down onlyI
one previous rebound all season,
entered the game for the first
time with less than 13 minutes
left, swiped the ball and passed it
off to Al Nuness, who sank a lay-
up and pulled Minnesota within
two points at 49-47.
John Johnson. who scored a
game high 33 points, pulled Iowa
back into the game at 64-63 with
1:30 to play but the Gophers
reeled off seven straight points-'
In November, Eastern Coach
Jim Dutcher said, "With our
schedule, I don't see how we can
win 18 games and go to the
Without Higgins Eastern strug-
gled to a mediocre 8-5 record. But
Higgins was reinstated in early
January and with the high scor-
ing forward the Hurons won 11
of their last 14 games, including
the two wins over Michigan
Ohio State
Michigan State
12 1
8 5
7 6
7 6
Yesterday's Resu
Purdue 116, MICHIGA
Ohio State 108, Indian
Minnesota 71, Iowa 65
Northwestern 72, Wis
Illinois 71, MichiganS
Puirdue clif
to no. 6 in
By The AssociatedI
1. UCLA 44
2. La Salle 1
3. Santa Clara
4. North Carolina
5. Davidson
6. Purdue
7. Kentucky
8. St. John's, N.Y.
9. Duquesne
10. Villanova
11. Drake
12. New Mexico -State
13. South Carolina
14. Marquette
15. Louisville'
16. Boston College
17. Notre Dame
18. Colorado
19. Kansas
20. Illinois
7 .462
7 .462
7 .462
8 .385
9 .308
9 .308
AN 87
na 86
consin 70
nibs Tenants suspecting possible unwelcome intrusion or
oillegal entrance into their apartments during spring
vacation can arrange for the Tenants' Union Mobil-
24-0 898 j Tactical Unit to make periodic security checks.
23-1 724
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18-4 465
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21-4 159
23-2 154 763-3102
19-5 122
21-4 119
20-3 85
20-5 61
19-6 46
20-6 381
17-5 27
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Special To The Daily
The Michigan t e n n i s teamj
racked up another victory yes-
terday, by thumping Stanford 5-2,
in the beautiful California sun.
The netters are currently on tour
out west, getting ready for the Big
Ten season and catching some
rays in the process.
Tennis coach Bill Murphy was
very pleased with the form the
Wolverines are showing, "They
hung in there real well, for this
early in the season."~
Michigan beat a very highly
rated Stanford team, which coach
Murphy was most concerned
The Wolverines' only setbacks'
were suffered by singles players
Pete Fishback and Mark Conti.
Both players, however, hung in for
three sets, losing 4-6, 6-4, 5-7 and
6-8, 6-4, 2-6, respectively.
Jon Hainline had the easiestI
time of it for the Wolverines, do-
minating his opponent, Chuck Al-
loo. 6-2, 6-1.
Also winning their matches for
Michigan, were singles players
Dick Dell (8-6, 0-6, 6-4), Brian
Marcus (6-4, 8-6), and Bruce De-
Boer (6-4, 6-4).
The doubles team of Hainline
and DeBoer smashed their adver-
saries 7-5, 6-4. The remaining
doubles matches were called due
to darkness.
Michigan entered the contest,
just coming off from a successful
trip to Berkeley, where they
knocked off California, 5-2.
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Chicago 114, Philadelphia 113
New York 102, Detroit 99
College Scores
Brandeis 85, Tufts 75
Providence 91, Brown 74
Baylor 65, Texas Tech 63
Bradley 64, Cincinnati 61
Dartmouth 83, Harvard 71
Wayne 77, Doane 71
TCU 94, Texas A&M 71
Alfred 99, Rochester Tech 86
Arizona State 95, Texas El Paso 82
East. Mich. 99, Mich. Lutheran 87
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