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March 05, 1969 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-03-05

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See editorial page

ci L

Si r4 igau


No chance
of rain

Vol LXXIX, No. 130

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 5, 1969

Ten Cents

Eight Pages







City Editor
The Union Board of Directors
last night heard a critical analysis
of the Union's financial and in-
stitutional problems over the last
few years.
Although the Board refused to
release the report, The Daily
learned last night that the study,
written by Douglas C. Osterheld,
assistant vice president for busi-
ness and finance at the University
of Wisconsin, calls for major re-
visions in the orientation and fi-
nancial operation of the Union.
It reportedly recommends that
the Offices of the Vice President
for Student Services be moved to
the Union along with the offices

of most other student organiza-
The 110-page report apparently
seeks to develop the Union as a
University center of activity which
would be operated largely by and
for students.
Osterheld was commissioned to
make a detailed study of the
Union early last summer on the
initiative of University President
Robben Fleming and the Union
"For the last two or three years
the Union has run into serious
financial difficulties." Fleming
explained last night. The Union
sought an objective report from
someone outside the University
who could make a critical ap-
praisal of the Union operation.
However, the report apparently

goes beyond simply recommending
financial improvements. It tackles
the concept of a student union on
modern college campuses and how
to make that union a successful
Osterheld's s t u d y reportedly
centers on financial improvements
emphasizing ,major changes . in
the food service, the area where
the Union apparently loses the
most money.
Osterheld offers several pro-
posals for improving the food serv-
ice including the establishment of
a centralized kitchen to service all
University buildings; the use of
prepared foods instead of meals
cooked in each dining room by
different chefs: the redistribution
of kitchen-restaurant labor, and
the closing of the main dining
room for breakfast.

The .study reportedly cites one
example where there were more
than 1-3 employes working in the
Union dining room although only
30 customers used the facility dur-
ing a typical evening.
In yesterday's closed meeting.
Osterheld also reportedly said that
part of the Union's financial diffi-
culties stemmed from their rela-
tively meager yearly allocation
from the University-$78,000.
Osterheld reported that Unions
at other Big Ten universities re-
ceive "up to and over four times
as much money" to run their re-
spective organizations.
Furthermore he apparently said
the cost of labor is unusually high
in Ann Arbor. He reportedly add-
ed that wages here are three or

four per cent higher than In other
university cities. In addition, he
cited that the Union's employes
reportedly receive overtime pay
[or working Saturday and Sun-
The study also hints that if the
Union were made more of a stu-
dent-run, student-used building, it
could legitimately ask the Uni-
versity for a larger yearly alloca-
Osterheld reportedly recom-
mends first tackling the most im-
mediate problem, the food serv-
ice, in order to demonstrate "good
faith" to the University.
Sources say Osterheld believes
this could justify increased sup-
port from University and make
long range goals for the Union
more easily reached.



De tarment


in vestigate


Conyers requests probe *
of alleged discriminationT
By JIM HECK * egsaur/ae
The Justice Department and State Legislature have'3 / ,












nitiated investigations into the recent protests at Ferris
State College following Monday's mass arrests of 300 students.
The Justice Department confirmed last night it has sent
an investigatory team to Big Rapids at the request of Mich-
igan Rep. John Conyers.
The department's "community relations" team will in-
vestigate whether there were any violations of federal civil
rights laws during the demonstration Monday night when

Richard E. Balzhiser, Republi-
can candidate for mayor, disclosed
yesterday his financial assets and
his organizational ties.
Balzhiser's detailed statement
came in response to a challenge
by his Democratic opponent, Prof.
Robert Harris of the Law School,
which asked that Balzhiser make
known his financial interests. Two
weeks ago Harris released a state-
ment of his personal finances and
his organizational affiliations.
Balzhiser, a professor of chem-
ical engineering at the University.
listed his family's principal as-
sets as a $6,500 equity in his home,
$3,875 equity in a lot in the Ear-
hart Development, stock in Huron
Valley National Bank, Pabst and
General Electric and a $350 bond
in the Raquet Club. He also list-
ed $150 in U.S. savings bonds and
two automobiles.
The statement also listed two
real estate holdings, one in the
Cady project valued at $4,400 and
one in the Earhart project with a
$9,700 value.
Virtually all his income since
1965 has come from his University
Balzhiser serves on the boards
of directors of The Michigan Un-
ion and Chemotronics.
Balzhiser plans to meet with
students of the business admin-
istration school today.
We leave you
By decree, The Daily shall
' cease publication until Tues-
day next (March 11, 1969) at
which time it shall resume pub-
lication in the public interest.

300 students were arrested
while staging a sit-in at the
administration building pro-
testing racism on the campus.
In a telegram to the depart-
ment Conyers said, "Some lives
may be lost if immediate steps'i
aren't taken to investigate the sit-
u a tion."
"We must find out," Conyersm
told The Daily, "if the situation
were really uncontrollable. We
_ must discover what has provoked
the incidents."
Conyers also requested the De-
partment of Health, Education
t and Welfare to investigate wheth-
er federal funds may be "being'
used discriminatorily" at the col-
e Five state senators including
senate minority leader Sander
Levin (D-Berkley) sent a telegram
'to Ferris president Victor Spart-
helf urging him to drop charges1
against the students arrested Mon-
day night.
The senators claimed t h a t"
prosecution, trial, conviction and
punishment "would serve no use-
ful purpose in this instance."
Two of the co-signers of the,
I telegram also demanded on the
state senate floor yesterday that,
the legislature initiate still a third;
investigation into student dis-j
Presently, both the house and'
the senate are beginning investi-
gations into student unrest.
The two black senators, Cole-
man Young (D-Detroit) and Basill
Brown (D-Highland Park) intro-f
duced their resolution while the '
arrests were being made at Ferrist
Monday night.
The Young-Brown resolution'
asks that a five-member commit-'
tee study "breaches of the peace'
and disorder at Ferris including1
any interference by individuals
and groups with the enjoymentt
and equal' use of Michigan's edu-
cational facilities."t
Gov. William Milliken replied
yesterday claiming that the bill1
was not necessary.
Sparthelf released a detailedi
statement yesterday but refused to
See U.S., Page 3

on language,
Consider .
relations ยง,


Establisli committee
on new LSA degree
The literary college faculty yesterday put off discussion of
the foreign language requirement, and at the same time
appointed a speeaal committee to report on a proposed Bache-
lor of General Studies degree.
Consideration of a number of language proposals will
await a report from the degree committee, to be appointed
within the next few days.
Dean William L. Hays expressed the hope that both
matters could be settled within the next few weeks. He indi-
cated he may call a special faculty meeting before the next
regular meeting April 7.



The Student Relations Com-
mittee last night discussed the
possibility of severing all ties
between the University and
the fraternity-sorority system.
The immediate question was on
the possible sale of 20 acres of
land on North Campus for fra-
ternities. Although no action was
taken on this proposal, the prob-
lem of the fraternity system's
privileged status at the University
was the main topic of discussion.
John C. Feldkamp, Director of
University Housing, said that the
question was whether fraternities
should continue to exist at the
University "as a favored class."
The alternative, according to
Feldkamp, would be to consider
fraternities and sororities "inde-
pendent living situations," re-
quired to be registered housing.
Diane Annale,tadvisor to sorori-
ties, believed that cutting the
University sponsored status from
beneath the Greek system would
encoui'age discriminatory prac-
tices in fraternities and sorori-
ties because the University would
cease to have any control over;
such practices.
The Regents have held that no
fraternity or sorority may rush at
the University if it has discrimina-
tory mechanism in its consitution.
However, SRC members ques-.
tioned if the fraternity-sorority
system was in fact "segregated
Dr. John Hagen of the Psychol-
ogy Department suggested t h a t
separation from the University,
See SRC, Page 3

Prof. Peter Siiith addresses LSA facu

Tenants get


Six eviction cases against mem-
bers of the Tenants' Union were
awarded jury trials on request
yesterday by District Judge Pieter
The awarding of jury trials was
viewed as a major victory by union
representatives because it delays
further rent payments during the'
strike and protects tenants from
summary evictions.
"The results of today's proceed-
ings simply mean that the land-
lords are not going to break the
strike with the courts." said Dale

Berry, a law student working on
the tenants' cases.
"By making courts an inefficient t
tool for the landlords, we will leavet
them few alternatives besides ne-
gotiation," he added.I
Evictions from six separate units
were asked by Summit Associatest
and Arbor Management. Motions
submitted by rent strike attorneyr
Ron Glotta to have the cases putt
over for jury trial were acceptedj
by the court.{
The motions for jury trial weret
not challenged in court yesterday
by the landlords. ,
"Basically, the fact that jury
trials were granted means we
can use the legal process exten-!
sively where we could not if all
judgments were summary," said.
Stu Katz of the rent strikesteering
The granting of jury trials alsot
increased the confidence of t le
steering committee members since
it will allow the introduction of
several defense procedures.
"For one thing, the landlords
will certainly incur high court ex-
penses as the strike drags out,"
Katz said.
"If we lose the case, the tenant
still has the choice of either va-
cating the apartment or paying I

The vote to postpone discussion
came near the close of the meet-
.ing, when faculty members real-
ized any decision on the lang-
uage requirement would hinge on
whether a new degree is establish-
C ed.
"Any vote today on the lang-
uage requirement is impossible,"
lty meeting said Prof. Daniel Fusfeld of the
4economics department.
"Any vote to significantly
change the language requirement
today would be defeated by a 'com-I
bination of those who favor re-
" tention of the requirement a n d
up their minds until the degree
committee has made its report,"
he said.
Commnittee members did not eHis motion to postpone discus-
feel that the change would hurt Sion passed easily.
their chancesuufeobtaining jury Before the vote, Prof. R a y -
trials in the future, however. mond Grew of the history depart-j
"Now that a precedent has ment called on fellow faculty
been set, we should be able to members to bring the topic to a
get jury trials just by demanding vote "to preserve our self-respect."
them," Berry said.
Prof. Albert Feuerwerker of the
Two other cases which were not history department countered,
represented by attorneys in pro- "We will lose face by not coming
ceedings yesterday did not ask
jury trials and received summary to a reasonable conclusion to-
ecisions fr viction and paday, but we will lose more face by
of rent. rushing into something we haven't
of rent.fully considered.",
Steering committee members A straw vote will be conducted
viewed this as evidence of legal A mavwt e nex fewndays
protection from the Tenants' Un- by mail within the next few days
ion. to determine faculty positions on
Katz said he hoped the grant- several proposals concerning t h e
ing of jury trials to Tenants' Un- language requirement.
ion members would allay fears ofjThe vote to establish a special
early eviction among non-strik- committee to study the Bachelor
ing tenants and encourage them of General Studies was interpreted
nt ad eas "an approval of the idea of a

Seven file
for SGC
A record number of candidates
have petitioned to run for presi-
dent and executive vice president
of Student Government Council.
Seven slates of candidates will be
on the ballot for the March 18-19
elections as well as two referenda.
One referendum asks that the
language requirement be abolished
and that the ballots "be divided
between the LSA school and the
rest of campus-both sections
The other proposes that SGC
expand its discount store to in-
clude a discount book store initial-
ly funded by a special assessment
I of $1.75 per student for the Fall,
1969 semester only.
In addition to selecting a new
president and vice president, stu-
dents also elect 5 at-large council
members, three students to the
Board for Student Publications
~and two students to the Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Ath
Candidates for president a n d
vice president include Michael
Davis, grad and Carol Hollens-
head, '71; Roger Keats, '70 a n d
Kay Stansburg, '70; Marty Mc-
Laughlin '71 and Marc Van Der
Hout, '71; Howard Miller, grad.
and Mark Rosenbaum, '70; Bob
Nelson, '71 and Mary Livingston
'70; Craig Ross, '70 and Peter Ja-
cobson, '72; andBill Scott, '71
and Michael Kane, '69.
Twelva students thus far have



We lfare group postpones protest

t" join1 Lt' strike.

to e

A warning
nt strikers -. .

Ann Arbor ADC mothers,
meeting yesterday, postponed
indefinitely any action in pro-
test of the rental policies of
Long Shore Apartments.
The meeting, which was the
regular session of Humanizing

had a different impression of
what this meeting was about
than we did."
Haywood, a national Welfare
Rights Organizer who has work-
ed closely with the mothers, had
hoped to organize a mass con-
frontation with the manager

The meeting yesterday was
attended by city officials who
offered ideas and listened to
some of the problems the group
put forth. Walter Paul, of the
city's office of emergency hous-
ing, and Dave Cowley, of the
Human Relations Commission,

ing girl, was accepted "eagerly."
However the second, who repre-
sented herself as a welfare
mother with a child, and no
husband, was turned down.
"It's pretty clear this isn't a
case of discrimination because
of race," Haywood said Monday.

separate degree" by Hays.
Faculty members almost unani-
mously approved the: motion, al-
though it came in its amended
form from Prof. Theodore Buttrey
of the classics department, w h o
'aid he thought the idea of a
separate degree' was "deplorable".
Buttrey's, amendment omitted
general guidelines for the pro-
posed degree, and instead called
upon the college executive com-

Unidentified individuals have
reportedly been claiming they
are Daily reporters in seeking
information from rent strikers.
If a caller refuses to give his
name or if for any other reason


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