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See Page 9
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Sir igtAan
Partly cloudy today;
worse tonight
Vol. LXXIX, No. 128
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 2, 1969
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
F Lit
food supply scandal
which may be offered at the meet-
O'Neill declined to specify yes-
terday which of the half dozen or
By RICK PERLOFF back-up meeting place if the turn-
After almost five month's debate, out is too large for Aud. A. Bothr
a settlement on the literary col- Monday's and Tuesday's meetings
The Fraternity Buyers Association
has an office in the SAB, a permanent
office manager, and 56 member fra-
ternities, sororities, and co-ops whose
interests it must represent by obtain-
ing low prices on food (especially since
the members are paying three per cent
of their food bills to the FBA).
Yet now that the Riopelle Packing
Co. is being tried for shorting Sigma
Nu on meat, the FBA has not bothered
to call a board meeting or to inform
its members of the case.
If the practice of shorting weights
on meat is as widespread as some offi-
cials think, the scandal may be cost-
ing fraternities, sororities and co-ops
tens of thousands of dollars each year.
On Feb. 11, officials from Washte-
naw County, Wayne County, and the
state, alerted by Sigma Nu steward
Carl Stevens. witnessed a meat delivery
by Riopelle to Sigma Nu in which the
weight of the meat was short of the
listed weight from one to 84 ounces on
all but two items.
Robert Harter, a Washtenaw County
Weights and Measures official, said.
"The violations were so flagrant that
we didn't even bother to throw the
water out of the bag when we weighed
the meat."
On most of the items the weight
listed by Riopelle was the gross weight
rather than the net weight: in other
words, the order was not just the
weight of the meat but included the
weight of the wrapping too, which is
against state law.
Furthermore, the figure for labeled
quantities were in whole numbers-
hamburger patties were labeled 10
lbs., when the actual weight was 9 lbs.
41 oz As Stevens says, "They can give
you more and round it down: but they
can't give you less and round it up."
On the $181 order the price was off
by $9.26, says Sigma Nu treasurer
Doug Beck, only "the order was off
more when you subtract the weight of
the packaging."
In another instance, Harter weighed
an order Feb. 6 with "as many flagrant
violations," although he did n'ot wit-
ness the delivery. He says the order
was off "percentage-wise, almost the
same high percentage."
Stevens says, "If the trend we've
been watching continues over a year,
at the rate of over 5 per cent and less
than 10 per cent, we lose about $300
a year to Riopelle."
Sigma Nu has bought meat from
Riopelle since 1961.
Riopelle is one of three meat sup-
pliers authorized by the FBA, and a
major supplier on campus.
Riopelle was arraigned Feb. 11 and
charged with selling food products
with a false weight. Earnest Neuvirth,
one of the owners, pleaded not guilty
to the charges. The trial is set for
March 18 in District Court.
FBA manager David Moeller says,
"I'm not overly concerned at this
point. In the majority of the houses
Riopelle is doing a great job. I'm let-
ting it slide until after the trial.
"Next fall I'll make my move. We
will be taking action if it warrants it
-if he lost his license," says Moeller.
"It's a matter of taking him off the
authorization list. But it depends on
if we can get other suppliers doing
the same service."
According to Harter, even if Riopelle
is found guilty, the company will not
lose its license. The company, says
Harter. is being charged with a mis-
demeannor. "They will pay a small
See FBA, Page 10
lege language requirement may will be held at 4 p.m.
finally be reached early this week A large turnout is being ui
as the faculty goes into two full by faculty members, incluc
meetings to consider the question. Prof. James O'Neill, chairmai
SA special Tuesday continuation' the Romance languages dep.
of Monday's regular session was hme at.
called by the executive committee
and pean William L. Hays last In a memo dated Friday,
week in the expectation that the 28. he urged all senior fac
problem couldn't be settled dur- members of the department to
ing the regular meeting tomorrow. I
The Natural Science Aud. has on hand to prevent the passag
been reserved for both days as a any foolish, piecemeal resolut
Language grads
lo retain funds
rged so motions which have been pro-
ding posed he considers "foolish" or
id of ,"icma.
"art- O'Neill's action was not taken
lightly by some faculty members.
"It is clearly possible for t h e
Feb. language department group to
ulty pack the meeting," says P r o f .
Harvey Brazer, chairman of the
'be economics department.
e of "Hopefully the turnout will be
ions large enough so that it won't be
swamped by language people," he
Others do not forsee so serious a
f problem, however. ,
"If the language department is
urging its professors to go to the
meeting, it's their business," com-
ments Prof. Wilbert McKeachie.
chairman of the psychology d e -
S.F. strikers
F romi ire Service Report~s
r - Im/mm. ii 4/ + ^r!
McKeachie says he has not sent
By CHRIS STEELE any memoranda on the language
The University will find ways to support language teach- I requirement to his department,
ing fellows whose status might be affected by changes in the which is the largest in the college.
There are few predictions coin-
language requirement, a top administrator says. ing out of the faculty now on what
"I don't think language teaching fellows should worry. will happen in the two meetings.
The University will marshal support as best we can," says Four major proposals have been
Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith. made so far: i
There are approximately 135 teaching fellows in the LSA curriculum committee, which
three departments most frequently chosen for satisfaction of would maintain the requirement
the requirement, French, Spanish and German. These grads but allow two-year sequences in
receive between $3600 and $4000 for teaching; most are de- math, communications sciences.
pendent on this income. linguistics or English to be sub-
Smith says the University would be able to find ways to - The minority report of the
reallocate student aid funds to students who depend on curriculum committee, which
L--- teaching f e 1 l o w income would replace the graduation re-
t h r o u g h shifting various quirement with an entrance re-
quirement of two years of foreign
r "language study in high school.
.L a n d lo d s Each year the University spends' - A proposal from Prof. Ro-
a total of $8-9 million for graduate bert Hefner of the psychology de-
support, Smith explains. Part of >artment to establish a 10-hour
s te, to C the grant is for payment of teach- credit hour study of a foreign
ing fellows while other funds are country and its people.
designated for scholarships and -- A proposal from Prof. Peter
various other forms of student aid. A. S. Smith of the chemistry de-
stri ers Smith says this money can be partment which would establish
reshuffled to provide for changes a new degree, bachelor of general
By JUDY SARASOHN in the number of teaching fellows studies, and eliminate most dis-
needed for basic language classes., tribution requirements, including
Two Ann Arbor landlords start- If changes in the present lan- language.
ed eviction proceedings yesterday guage requirement create a drop The Smith proposal is the latest
against several striking tenants. in the need for language teaching to enter the field, and it seems
A tenant of a third landlord, fellows, Smith believes money to have confused the situation.
meanwhile, charged him with tak- presently used to pay them could "I could make a prediction were
ing personal property from an be transeferred to other depart- it not for the new Smith pro-
apartment rented by a striker ments and replaced in the lan- nosal." says Associate Dean Alfred
Striking teachers at San Francisco State College were
expected to answer an ultimatum last night to inform the
administration whether they will return to work Monday,
or be fired.
Acting President S.I. Hayakawa rejected a request by
the local teachers union to discuss the strike situation today.
He said he wanted an answer to his ultimatum SAturday
The attorney for the some 200 striking faculty said he
would recommend that the teachers return to their jobs
Monday, after a nearly 60-day walkout.
Meanwhile, at the nearby Berkeley campus of the Uni-
Hockey clampionship
versity of California, 250 po
Guardsmen used tear gas to'
disperse a crowd of protesters.
The police had trouble dispers-
ing portions of the crowd as they
moved ahead of them, blocking
traffic around the south campus
area. The protesters were finally
broken up by a heavy rain and
The 28,000-student campus has
been in turmoil since Jan. 23, when
students began striking over such
demands as the establishment of a
Third World college.
Since that time there have been
153 arrests.
There were these other campus
olicemen and
t -
The Wolverine Icers won their second straight Big Ten Hockey Championship last night by shut-
ting out Wisconsin, 2-0. Goalie Jim Keough turned away 38 Badger blasts in collecting his second
shutout of the campaign. Don Deeks scored for Michigan in the first stanza and Merle Falk iced the
victory with an early third period tally.
eight National
locked out yesterday.
Tenants at 549 Packard. 1520
Hill, and a couple who did not
wish to be identified said yester-
day they were served summons
to appear in court Tuesday be-
cause their landlord Edward
Kloian was suing for eviction be-
cause they were withholding rent.
Anne Williamson, '70, a tenant,!
at 1520 Hill, said, "I'm glad that
we will have a chance to see
Kloian in court."
Miss Williamson said that she,
and her roommates believe they
have a good case against Kloian.
Naiomi Karow, of 549 Packard,
was equally confident, citing vari-
our building code violations be-
sides Kloian's cut-off of the heat.
Kloian was unavailable for com-
* ment yesterday.
Rent striker at two apartments
owned by Summit Associates were
also summoned to appear in court
Tuesday for failure to pay their
Carla Kish, '70. said no one in
her apartment had paid their ,ent
for February and that one room-
mate had also not paid her dam-
age deposit or last month's rent.
Brian Lang, '71, also a Summit
tenant, charged the firm has
failed to "provide enough hot;
water, proper lighting and heat."
He said he was told by Jay Camp-
*bell of Summit that it would be
too expensive to replace the water'
Lang also said that Campbell
told him some thought might be
given to his complaints if he
dropped out of the rent strike and
entered mediation with Summit.
guage departments by non-teach- Sussman. "I think the majority
ing support. report of the curriculum commit-
Other administrators say such tee would easily succeed if it
drastic changes would not be ne- weren't for that. But I can't say
cessary, however, what the exact impact of the.
Dean William Hays of the lit- Smith proposal will be."
erary college says he does not Sussman also thinks the minor-
think there would be any sub- ity report of the curriculum com-
stantial effect on the number of mittee has been handicapped by
teaching fellows from a change in the Smith proposal.
the language requirement. "It had a fighting chance be-
Hays says language courses are fore." he says. "but with the
at capacity now and could be re- Smith proposal, it would be il-
duced in size without cutting the logical to pass both of them."
amount of teaching fellows. He also thinks many faculty
And if changes in the require- members will be opposed to the
ment did result in extra teaching . Smith plan because they feel it
fellows, comments Hays, "we would cheanen the college's other
See GRAD, Page 10 See FACULTY, Page 10
'U, sci entists to 1gnor
of research Misuse i
By DAVE CHUDWIN Ross said. He asserted there was
University scientists and engi- much faculty sentiment against
neers will not take place in Tues- stopping work on a class day.
day's nationwide campus research Ross also said many professors
stoppage to protest misuse of felt it unnecessary to stage a pro-
science and technology. test on the same day as the other
"We have no plans to partici- universities. "Something might
pate," said Prof. Marc Ross of the well be done later," he indicated.
physics department. Prof. John The one-day strike, originally
Taylor indicated that the protest proposed by researchers at the
would be ignored in the engineer- Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
ing school. nology, has spread to over 30 uni-
"There was no general agree- versities. Conferences, speeches
ment on the form of any protest," and discussions on research prob-
-Forty-two black and white
college students were arested in
Colfax, Wash. by 350 policemen
yesterday after they had taken
refuge in two churches to prevent
five black students from going to
Fuedayjail. .
Those arrested included mem-
lems are planned at many of the bers of the Black Student Union
campuses. and their supporters from Wash-
ington State University and East-
At MIT, speakers will include em Washington State and Whit-
Sen. George McGovern (D-SD) er hioSt
and Nobel laureates Hans Bethe worth Colleges.
and Georeald.e sHThe convictions stemmed from
and George Wald. a fight between.the black students
A document signed by 48 MIT and members of a Washington
professors, and now in circulation State University fraternity Jan.
on other campuses, states, "Mis- 15.
use of scientific and technical -Fourteen white students. at
knowledge presents a major threat Reed College continued to occupy
'to the existence of mankind." the president's office at the Port-
The statement goes on to urge land, Ore., campus, supporting a
scientists and engineers "to unite demand for a black studies center.
for concerted action and leader- -At Wesleyan University, a
ship" against "overemphasis on five-foot high cross was set afire
military technology." on the lawn outside the Afro-
Specifically, the statement ad- American House at the Middle-
vises university professors to: town, Conn., school Friday night.
s"Devise means for turning re- Black students took over a class-
search }applications . . . towards room building on Feb. 21 on the
the solution of pressing environ- fifth anniversary of the assassina-
mental and social problems. tion of Malcolm X.
-"Ask our students to scruti-
nize the issues raised here beforeb
participating in the construction
of destructive weapons systems.
-"Express our determined op-3
position to ill-advised and hazard- leave talks
ous projects such as the ABM sys-
tem, the enlargement of our Black Student Union represent-
nuclear arsenal and the develop- atives at Eastern Michigan Uni-
ment of chemical and biological versity walked out of a meeting
weapons. with university officials Friday
At other universities the targets following the university's refasal
of the protests vary. At John Hop- to grant amnesty to 14 students
kins in Baltimore the work stop- arrested a week ago.
page is directed against the University officials explained
school's ties with the AppliedIblack student leaders refused to
Dhvcir-e Thnrvin'v whirls h nften i ri i +t, ch irr1inn r.ra~mjn'le nn
HRC hits
Elks Club.
for bias
The Human Relations Commis-
sion has sent letters to 140 mem-
bers of the local Elks Lodge No.
325 urging them to end discrimina-
tory policies in the organization.
The letters were prompted by a
recent incident in which a black
couple was barred from an al-
legedly public event at the local
Elks Club.
But HRC declared its main con-
cern was the national organiza-
tion's restriction of membership
to "white male citizens."
The letter urges a change in
local bylaws to eliminate racially
restrictive practices. It declares
that if the local chapter cannot
establish a policy different from
national organization policy, the
local chapter should dissociate it-
If this is not done, HRC wrote,
members should quit the Elks.
"In looking at the general goals
and purposes of the organization,
says the letter, Vit is obvious that
there is considerable emphasison
American patriotism, justice and
brotherly love.
"It also appears that the or-
ganization is concerned with the
plight of the poor and 'those in
distress. It would appear that
the goals and purposes of the
Elks Club have much in common
Iwith the goals and purposes of
the Human Relations Commission.
"However," the letter continues,
"the exclusion of black members
of our community from your or-/
ganization ... is an obvious con-
tradiction to your other state-
ments of concern about the wel-
fare of people and the brother-
hood of man."
"Although it is obvious that
private clubs have the right to dis-
criminate on the basis of race, it
is the goal of this commission and
we would hope the goal of most
of your members of your lodge
to bringaount a racially inclusie
English dept. approves reforms
Major academic reforms are coming to
the English department.
Students are now able to satisfy require-
ments for any department course except
composition courses by simply taking an
exam for credit and a grade.
'In addition, undergraduates next fall
will be able to enroll in 500 and 600 level
courses on a space available basis, with
the instructor's permissIon. Priority will be
extended first to graduates and then to
English concentrators.
Members of the English student steering
cnmmittee have hen wnrking with the de-_
Nancy Muchnick, steering committee
However, Mrs. Muchnick says she be-
lieves students can share the responsibility
for tenure decisions without actually being
on the department's executive committee,
which has authority for tenure.
And department Chairman Russell Fraser
says he has "a number of ideas about
student involvement in tenure decisions
which have been discussed with the execu-
tive committee and are awaiting presenta-
tion to the faculty."
Fraser declined to explain his proposals
until they have been presented to the fac-
ultv Hnwever. he save "it en he taken as
However, beginning in the fall exams
will be scheduled regularly at the begin-
ning of the fall and winter terms, and
students will need only to inform the de-
partment one month in advance.
Students originally proposed that the
exams carry no credit, but faculty mem-
bers preferred to retain credit and a
grade according to Frank Crantz, one of
the student members of the curriculum
However, a compromise was approved
which allows the student to hold the exam
grade until he wishes to submit it to the