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March 01, 1969 - Image 1

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Cv. 4c

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Cloudy, no chance
of anything

Vol. LXXIX, No. 127 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 1,,1969 Ten Cents

Fight Pages

Language poll behind schedule

By LAURIE HARRIS language programs are now run Gindin says Hays made a verbal
Over a year ago the literary to the requirement itself. Had it agreement with ISR last Decem-
college curriculum committee first been ready, the curriculum com- ber over the money and the survey
considered studying students' mittee would have included it in I was to have begun.
views on the language require- its report to the faculty. In January. when the survey

delayed at least one month be-
cause of the mixup, he says.
John Scott. head of ISR's field
section, who was running the sur-
vey and was responsible for the


ment. When it was clear the report was to be completed, Gindin call- financing, is just nlow completing
A study is now in the works, but would not be ready by the time ed for a progress report and dis- a five week tour of the U.S. and
It won't be done in time for the the committee drew up its report, covered that the survey hadn't can not be reached for comment.
faculty meeting this Monday the committee planned to at least been started yet because there was Robert Zehner, who is now
when the issue will be discussed present the ISR findings with no money. handling the project, says the
at length. their own recommendations, but "We thought we had placed an questionnaire is yet to be dis-
The long delay seems to be now the survey will be too late tributed, although they hope to
the result of a breakdown in com- even for that. y sa, t c do it sometime this week
munication between literary col- The communications problem beenno purchase order He says He doesn't feel there will be any
lege Dean William Hays' office came over funding the survey. The results for the next three or four
he was never aware that a formal
and the Institute for Social Re- literary college was going to pay purcase orer awa requir a weeks. When it is available ISR
search's Survey Research Center for it through the dean's office, purchase order was required. will present the committee with
The survey was to have clai- according to Prof. James Gin- "They must have assumed we tables and "marginals" derived
fied and quantified student views din, chairman of the curriculum really didn't want the report," from the questionnaire.
on the requirement, from how the committee. Gindin adds. The survey will be Hays and Gindin disagreed on
the probability of getting the sur-
vey in time before the mixup oc-
City denies November absentee Gidi was optimistic, origin-
ally, that the report would be
ready for the faculty meeting, al-
though Hays didn't expect it.
balloters vote A ril election n the announcement
that the report would not be ready
By ROERT RAFTWITLon time, the college decided to go
By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ "Now they are telling me I can't satisfies the residency require- ahead with it anyway. Hays and
City Clerk John Bentley said register for the upcoming election ment. Gindin discussed it and came to
last night his office will not allow because I voted by absentee bal- Last week James Blanchard, an two conclusions:
applicants to register to vote for lot in November," he added. attorney in the state elections di- - assuming that the faculty
the April 7 election if they voted Bentley said an applicant who vision said that married sudents continues debate' on the issue for
by absentee ballot in another state voted in another state in Novem- who meet the minimum require- some time - a continuation meet-
last November. ber "must have considered him- ments of age, and tenure of resi- ing has already been called for
This presents a problem for self a resident of that state at dence should be registered. Tuesday - the report might be
several applicants who say they that time." However, Bentley, who as city ready before a final decision is
were urged by the city clerk's of- "The constitution requires six clerk is not bound to the advice of reached and may help bring about
fice last fall to vote by absentee months residency in this state, the state elections division, says a final decision
ballot. -;Bentley explained. "If he voted married students "must meet cer- - If the faculty does decide to
Hank McQueeny, '70, Public in another state in November he tain other criteria," before hi of- retain the requirement, the study
Health, said he was given this ad- will not have achieved residence fice will register them. should help them to build a
vice last October. by the April ? election." stronger language system.
Asny Most'recently, John Huter, The language departments have
As an alternative to voting by grad, who is 34 years old and made studies of their own, and
absentee ballot, a relatively new married, tried to register. He ivas Gindin notes the conscientiousness
~eius p ed 'e state law allows potential voters to subjected to questions concerning with which they have done so. But
vote only for President in a pies- such things as self-suoport and he ,feels the computerized inde-
idential election using a "partal his association with the Univer- pendent survey would have a great
balt"sit. impact in helping the departments
housingcode blo.
housingdHowever, McQueeny says he was inprove their programs.
not informed of this law by the r Although he was ultimately leg- He sees Bass-fail or the separ-
lerk's office. istered, Huther questions the 1Hesele- reesi s-fail ,r s -
ell oreeul eilt c*Craig"Moody, '70L, who is as- vance of these criteria. tes, or even eabolition of there-
sisting several students who have "It seems to me that the re e- quirement, as real possibilities.I
By TOBE LEV been denied registration by the vant information is that I have The 26 question survey will
Ann Arbor Democrats yesterday clerk's office called Bentley's de- met the six months residency re- gather infromation ranging from
called for greater government nial of residency because of ab- quirement of the state. nd as a the major each student is fol-
concern for student housing needs sentee voting a misinterpretation property owner here, I have paid lowing, his overall grade point,
and stricter code enforcement of of the six month requirement. taxes to the city," he said. and his grade point in the re-
housing laws in the City. The partial ballot law was en- quired language courses he has
In their platform released yes- acted by the state legislature in CJ B taken, if any: to the -open ended
terday, the Democrats urged the 1965. However, it was first applied asking the Washtenaw County type of question discussing tech-
establishment of a city escrow in the 1968 presidential election. Circuit Court to hold that seven niques and the importance of
fund for deposit of rent "where Bentley says the law is speci- questions, including the ones cited. lanuage to each individual.
landlords are in continued defi- fically designed for people who which the clerk uses to determine One of the more pointed ques-
ance of city code enforcement." are "between residences" - those tions states ". . . do you favor the
City investigations of "wide- who have renounced their former eligibility are "irrelevant" and, elimination of the foreign lang-
spread tenant grievances" such as residence but do not qualify as should not be asked during regis- uage requirement for the B. A.
"alleged difficulties in recovering residents here. tration. See LANGUAGE, Page 8
damage deposits" was also called The clerk's latest action comes_
The Democrats said that c i t y thelamidst of a cont oversy over
government should "actively seektbeing denied the right to vote suet'i1lr
university involvement in provid- e
ing more low-rent multiple hous- The Problem for students has
ing. " Tepolmfrsuet a
On the question of voter regis- centered around a state lw which
tration in the City, the Demo-j states that "no elector shall e 1+rTue n
crats promised to "fight in Ann i deemed to have gained or ostf r o n J stue n t
Arbor as well as in Lansing to residence by reason of being(dn
insure those students who callI student) ... nor while a student
Ann Arbor their home the right in any institution of higher learn- By ERIKA HOFF act as a combination counselor-tu-
to vote." ing Last fall, five parents of "atyp- tor to a child with learning dif-
In other matters the :platform The statute provides the city ical" children decided to do some- ficulties.
called for more "university colla- clerk's office with the legal ineans thing about the education their Mrs. Dorothy Robohm. one of
boration in traffic control and to make students give additional children were receiving in A n n the organizers of the ACSLD, says
public safety." Walter Scheider. proof that they are legal residents. Arbor public schools. the organization title was designed
chairman of the Democrat Party, The statute has come under- The parents formed the Asso- to include all children who have
says traffic control includes shar- attack by more people than stu- ciation for Children with Social any sore of social or learning dif-
ing of bus facilities and joint dents who have a vested interest and Learning D i f f i c u It i e s ficulties.
solutions of parking congestion in in it. State Atty. Gen. Frank Kel- (ACSLD), a n d asked Dr. Percy The program's literature ex-
the campus area. Public safety ley has called for a change in the Bates of the special education de- plains: "This pilot project differs
includes joint maintenance of election law to permit students to partment of the School of Educa- from similar projects in that there
adequate police and fire protec- vote where "they habitually sleep, tion to act as adviser to the group. is no attempt to provide a pro-
tion. keel their personal effects, and Bates was joined by Prof. John gram that relies on homogeneous
The platform established Demo- ' ,ave their place of lodging." Hagen of the psychology depart- grouping. The program is designed
cratic support for a "good public ment and the two men became co- to provide individualized services
transportation system without in- However, Kelley's opinion is not supervisors of a pilot project de- to children in relation to t h e i r
terruption" legally binding and legislative ac- signed "to broaden the education specific needs."
The platform called for "effec- tion is needed to implement the of both the afflicted children and This semester Hagen requires
tive and imaginative use of avail- ruling, the University student." participation in the pilot program
able federal aid for the creation However, much of the cotro- Through the program, 13 hon- as p a r t of Psychology 391, Re-
of low-income and moderate-in- versy centers around the ^roria ors concentrators in psychology search Methods in Psychology.
come housing." that Bentley's office uses in de- and graduate students in special The program takes the place of a
See DEMS, Page 8 termining whether a student educations are each assigned to lecture and certain readings.

-Asociated Pres$

. NationilG fuar(ismen tear gas Berkeley demonStrators

Guard routs Berkeley protest;
violence erupts at Ferris State

From Wire Service Reports
Sheriff's deputies and a half
dozen National Guardsmen with
bayonetted rifles used tear gas
late Friday to break up strike
pickets blocking the main en-
trance to the University of Cali-
fornia Berkeley campus.
About 75 pickets at the entrance
and 200 spectators scattered as
the officers used a gas machine
and threw more than a dozen tear
gas canisters.
Berkeley police and highway
patrolmen later used tear gas to'
disperse groups of demonstrators
who regrouped on Durant Avenue,
a block off campus.
Meanwhile, Michigan State Po-
lice moved onto the campus of

Ferris State College in Big Rapids Telegraph Avenue and BancroftI
to quell fighting between black at Sather Gate, and in the street+
and white students. fronting the campus.
Across the state, in the Detroit .The officers acted after the
suburb of Highland Park, at least pickets blocked the entrance and
four firebombs were reported tw o of the three lanes of the
thrown through the windows of street, clogging traffic.
Highland Park Community Col- In mid-afternoon about 400 per-
lege. sons had blocked the same area
and threw bottles and rocks at-
The late aftemnoon action at sheriff's deputies who dispersed I
Berkeley came after roving iaags them.
during the day scattered windw S In the wake of the Berkeley
in several campus buildings and violence. Associate Students of;
inflicted an 11-stitch cut on the the University of Caifornia Presi-
head of a campus security officer. dent Charles F. Palmer ,ent a
The 12 deputies and the guard telegram to attorney General John
troops moved in after more than Mitchell asking that Federal
100 state highway patrolmen had marshalls be sent to Berkeley to
taken up strategic positions at safeguard the rights of minority

"The beating, the harassment
1 and the jailings are depriving
Sremonority students, many of them
ii et xta help siuinlrgt.
Vienam veterans, of their con-
stitutional rights."
r "Only the department of Just-
,, t ice and its federal marshalls
p ot roj would be able, as they were d 'ur -
ing the southern civil rights strug-
gles, to protect minority students
"If the project proves to be suc- "Both the student and the child and their white supporters," he
cessful, there is no reason why it benefit," says Mrs. Robohm. "The said.
wouldn't be continued," Hagen child gets trained help from some- Palmer also requested that fed-
says. one who is closer than a teacher eral representatives be sent to
Sharon Bader, a graduate stu- would be, but who, at the same look over affadavits of more than
dent in special education and one time, can be unromantic about the 100 arrested students which he
of the tutors, says the project "pro- situation because he is not a said "told of brutality and undue
vides us with an opportunity to member of the family. The student punishment at the hands of the
work with the child, the parents is confronted with a real-life case police."
and the school." that may not be described in a w"Minority leaders are harassed
Miss Bader believes t h e pro- text book." with daily arrests, and their balls
gram "is the best way of testing The amount of time the tutor are more than double or trile
the methods you a r e learning." spends with each child varies. Miss normal rates," he said.
Furthermore, she says the tutors Bader sees her pupil three after- IAnswering charges that the
'provide something extra that noons a week while other workers minority students were part of a
teachers just don't have time to spend less time with the children. national conspiracy, Palmer an-
offer." "I find it incredible that school swered that "the only national
"We may have to work w i t h systems in Michigan are not re- organization most of them be-
problems ranging f r o in los- quired by the state to provide an longed to was the U.S. Army."
ing weight to voice modulation," education for children who don't The Ferris State College trouble
Miss Bader says. "We help with fall into their pre-set classifica- came after a fire alarm sent white
whatever is needed, but usually tions," Mrs. Robohm says. students out of a dormitory where
the parents explain what t h e y According to Mrs. Robohm, state they encountered two black stu-
want done" law makes it optional for school dents escorting dates to dormi-
law akeitoptona-fosc tool es, the police said.


officials to discuss black culture
courses and changes in housing
The firebombing at Highland
Park damaged the student lounge
and classrooms, but officials said
the fires were controlled quickly.
In Plainfield, N.J., the high
school closed in mid-day when a
shouting, fist - swinging in e le e,
touched off by racial tension,
As a result of the turmoil, five
students were arrested and one
was sent to the hospital.
talks wih
PARIS W)~ -- President Nixon
conferred with French President
Charles de Gaulle yesterday for
more than two hours after receiv-
ing a cordial welcome from the
crowds in Paris.
The two presidents' discussions
were described as frank and cor-
dial. The White House press secre-
tary, Ronald L. Ziegler, said Nix-
on "feels it was a good start,"
and a French spokesman reported
"a good beginning."
At dinner De Gaulle toasted
more than two centuries of Amer-
ican French friendship and spoke
of the United States as a country
"which is always dear to our
The talks continue Saturday.
On Sunday Nixon returns to Rome
to see Pope Paul VI, and face pos-
sible new demonstrations. The
Vatican has expressed concern
about the possibility of embarrass-
ment through new action by the
crowds which on Thursday gave
Rome its worst rioting in years.
Vatican officials preparing for
Nixon's return to Rome Sunday
for an audience with Pope Paul VI
expressed anxiety over the riots.
They called for heavy Italian
police reinforcements to shore up
the Vatican's tiny contingent of
about 150 gendarmes and 75 Swiss
Guards. The Vatican wants a line
of policemen around the limits of
its territory.
Police were stationed all along
Nixon's parade route, but far
fewer than those who had been
posed in the streets of Rome.
But the coolness of the first
motorcade gave way to cheers
later as Nixon drove from the Arc
de Triumphe to De Gaulle's palace.
The crowds near the monument
were larger and Nixon stopped
twice on the Champs de Elysees
to shake hands with Parisians.


Move to drop youth fares meets protest

4 Campus Americans for Demo-
cratic Action Wednesday peti-
tioned the Civil Aeronautics
Board to continue low-cost
youth fares as an experiment in
"third-class" fares for people
who could not otherwise afford
air travel.
The C.A.B. also accepted
briefs from the National Stu-
dent Association (N.S.A.i and
the National Student Marketing
Corp. (NSMC). The three groups
will represent student's interests
when the board holds a hearing

(D-N.Y.) offered an amendment
to the 1958 Federal Aviation
Act that would make explicit
the C.A.B.'s right to grant youth
fares. (Opponents of y o u t h
fare contend they violate a sec-
tion of the act that prohibits
unjust discrimination). S e n .
Charles Percy (R-Ill.) offered a
similar bill in the Senate. and
Rep. Arnold Olsen (D-Mont
introduced a "sense-of-the-Con-
gress" resolution that says youth
fares are in keeping with t h e
act's intent.
N fi A norp n i , hraf ha

Striking down youth fares on
the supposition that Congress
outlawed it by a general pro-
scription of "unjust discrimina-
tion" would be an anamoly, the
petition says. "Standby service
.at a lower cost is the essence of
social 'justice' not injustice."
For the one-half discount,
youth fare travelers must trav-
el on a stand-by basis, that is,
without a reservation. (So m e
airlines do offer guaranteed
seats at a one-third discount.)
TT .C'A _ r _ rtiafnn f

ucation by making it possible for
students with limited financial
resources to select the college
best suited to their needs and
goals without being unduly lim-
ited by geography and cost of
2) The discounts help to mini-
mize localism and regionals,
making for more-diversified ;tu-
dent bodies which contributes
to the social and intellectual
growth of students by exposing
them to a greater breadth and
variety in their fellow.
'1 V,-l -. hfaros a 'c'nnia l,

Campus ADA, an organizatiod
of over 1,500 liberal students,
believes that youth fare is "a
step on the road toward the
general availability of reduced
rate transportation for persons
of restricted means willing to ac-
cept less convenient air travel
conditions for a lower price."
If the experiment is success-
ful, Campus ADA hopes that
the standby fares -will be made
generally available to all per-
sons willing to forego the as-
surance of a reservation.
mi- r A P R n.l- P he'l A a

systems to provide special educa- W ud
tion for atypical children. A n n White students brandished tire
Arbor public schools provide typeirons, baseball bats and broken
A' classes - education for the ed- fursture, and a group of t h e
ucatable mentally handicapped, school s 360 black students barri-
Di'. Hazel Turner, director of Taensi osmeveope aog.h
pupil personnel far the Ann Arbor 7,700 Ferris State students as
school system, explained that the black students met with school
state leaves the decision of pro-
viding any type of special educa-
tion up to the individual school
board. All the law requires is that k
kindergarten through t w e lf t h
grades. The type "A" classes are unchanged
designed for mentally retarded
children who are still educable.'
"What I'd like to do if we had By The Associated Press
the money is hire a lawyer and get Former President Dwight D.
the law declared unconstitutional,' Eisenhower remained essentiay
Mrs. Robohm says. "The consti- d
tution guarantees every citizen a-n!unchanged after he developed.
education." pneumonia in one lung at Walter
Dr.atesemhsi.Reed Army Hospital last night.
Dr. Bates emphasized that the The former President, who is
pilot project is outside the realm fighting to recover from abdominal
of nolitics. - ,,,. -, .'A a rt _ a

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