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February 19, 1969 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1969-02-19

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Wednesday. February 19 1969

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Vame 37 Wilson runners-up

'Group asks
OS A to drop

.e University has announced
names of 37 seniors who have
ved honorable mention from
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship
venty-four seniors were named
n designates by the founda-
yesterday,, placing the Uni-
ty second in the nation. Only
ell University, with 30 seniors
nated, ranked higher.
e runners-up are also eligible
fellowship support from the
uate school they attend. Wil-
fellowships are awarded to
rs who plan a career in col-
teaching. More than 1000 des-
;es and another 1000 run-
-up are chosen each year.

The honorable mention recipi-
ents are: Barbara A. Banchero,
African studies; Shelia Bihary,
philosophy; Nancy S. Blaker, poli-
tical science; Susan H. Cargill,
history; Grace A. Cohen, history
of art; Julie Cox, history; Con-
stance R. Dick, biology.
Also William G. Duddleson, his-
tory; Daniel J. Feld, history;
Helen L .Fox, physical geography;
Bruce E. Friedman, economics;
Steven C. Gold, English; Marc A.
Grainer, political science; Mia K.
Hartsook, philosophy; Thomas P.
Jedele, classics; Richard S. Katz,
political science.
And Kathleen H. Keeler, zoolo-
gy; Judith A. Kirchick, history;
David H. Knoke, sociology; David


Newspaper dispute
continues -at MSU
(Continued from page 1) Also slated for further discus-
Prof. Anne Garrison, chairman sion are a letter from B e r m a n
of the advisory board,. yesterday to the board attacking the per-
denied charges that the censure sonal and professional integrity of
motion was linked to the obscen- the State News editors, and a
ity charges. She added that there series of complaints the editors
was no outside pressure on the have submitted concerning actions
committee to ,censure Brill. Berman has taken.
At yesterday's meeting Miss Gar- The editor's complaints include:
rison reportedly-complained about - A highly subjective 12-page
the large amount of space t h e document submitted by Miss
State News gave to its coverage of 'Cline, the executive editor, chron-
Black History. Week. icling her deteriorating working
Miss Garrison also said t h e pos- relationship with Berman. In it,
sibility of withdrawing the cen- Miss Cline claims Berman called
sure motion would be discussed at her "revolutionary" and "a
tomorrow's 4meeting. /!tramp," and said she had "no
constructive reason for existing
j i. other than to spread filth every-


W. Koster, philosophy; Joan M.Knrg
KjcEngs; Barbara L. Kuhn, hosngpa
history; Robert N. Lytle, American
studies; Elbert H. Magoon, psy- By JIM BEATTIE
Also Frances J. Malinoff, Eng- The Student Advisory Commit-
lish; John J. McCaffrey, ancient tee on Housing (SACH) recom-
history, Cecelia J. McGill, classics; mended to the Office of Student
Peter C. McKelvey, history; Bar- Affairs Monday that a proposalv>
bara E. Miller, history; Sandra L. requiring all women under 21
Morter, political science; Terrence to live in University registered
O'Rourke, philosophy, housing be dropped.
And Barry R. Scatton, political The committee will continue to
science; Constance A. Sekaros, recommend strongly that all stu-
English; Benjamin C. Stanczyk, dents live in housing registered
economics; Willem M. Van Den with the University, however.
Broek, history; Rafael R. Weston, Support for the proposal, which
was made only a month ago, was
economics; and Mrs. Jane H. dropped, because committee mem-
Johnson, English. bers felt that students' freedoms
were being unnecessarily inhibit-
ed by the requirement.
j a"At a joint meeting of SACH
vo and the Office of Student A f -
fairs' student operating commit-
iF tee, SACH members realized that
West Quad b t
W est R ud the loco parentis nature of the old
recommendation inhibited s t u -
'house idents' freedom to live where they
house plan wish to a degree that outweighed
any advantages of the proposal,"
said Sherry Meyer, a member of
The Hughes Committee on University Housing Director
Dormitory Planning voted yester- John Feldkamp added that "t h e
day to accept the decision of the program was not widely enough
West Quadrangle Committee to known among the students to be
place Michigan and Williams really effective." He expressed'
Houses on "reserve" next year if hope that the recommendation
the houses are needed for some would be better publicized next
use other than men's housing. year.
The committee, a subsidiary of Currently University registration
the Offtice of University Housing, requires only that the manager of
also voted to recommend to Un- the property be known, that t he
versity Housing Director John landlord use a University-approv-
Feldkamp a special committee be ed lease and that the landlord
established to look into "long- agree to use University mediation
range planning and use of facil- in case of contractural disputes.
ities" of University residence halls. If students do not live in re-
It was suggested that the com-
mittee take as its first task con- gistered housing, the University at
sideration of the problems of West present merely withdraws its sup-(.
Quadrangle. port in disputes with the landlord.1
Most students on the committee
It is likely that the two reserve said they felt the force of the
houses would be converted to
women's residences in accordance current program so insignificant
wome's esiencs i acordncethat the enforcement measure of'
with the recommendation of the withhw suppot coue
Wes Qudragl Comitee withdrawing support could be
West Quadrangle Committee. dropped without injury to the
Students in Michigan House program.
last week voted to voluntarily close "
down their house next year in the"If the University would r e
event that "reserve" housing is quire an eight month lease with
needed. a rent ceiling or if it would de-
needed.mand that damage deposits be
Williams House Council passed kept by the University things
a resolution not to be placed onkeptdbe nffert ,"thiss
reserve. However if Williams House e did. he verstys
iscoerpeenaie1fth Meyer said. "The University
is closed, representatives of the {would then have the tools to real-
house suggested that any students ly get at the landlords."
and staff now living there who _________
plan to return next year be "mov-
ed to another house en masse." u
According to William Russell, l10 H use t study
president of Michigan House)
Council and a West Quad Com-
mittee member,the decision colleges
make Williams House the second
house on "reserve" was based on continued from page 1)
the hope that both Michigan and the process of drawing up a
Williams Houses would be con- schedule to meet with colleges
verted into women's residences and universities across the state.
next fall. Open hearings will be held on
The proposed special commit- or near the various campuses,
tee would serve as an umbrella "We will not only conduct stu-
for housing proposals formulated dies on such areas as student un-
by other groups such as the West rest, student disturbances and ob-
Quadrangle Committee, w h i c h scenities in student newspapers,"
are concerned with the problems Petitpren said, "but will also de-
of specific residence halls. termine means by which the Le-
The committee would include ;islature can be of assistance to
one member from the S t u d e n t higher education in all of its fa-
Advisory Committee on Housing cets in the state."
and a professional architect from Members of the special com-
the Office of University P 1 a n- mnittee are Reps. Jackie Vaughn_
ning, as well as "appropriate re- III (D-Detroit), Mrs. Daisy Eliot A sound jockey workit
presentation" of all residence (D-Detroit), Ray Smit (R-Ann
halls. Arbor), Charles Varnum (R-Man-
In other action, the H u g h e s istique and Petitpren.
Committee postponed any decis- Petitpren said the Legislature,
ion regarding the conversion of has "gotten out of touch with stu-
Bush House in South Quadran- dents." He said he believes *t h e
gle into a co-ed dormitory next hearings and consequent discuss-
year. ions may remedy this situation.

-Daily-Daniel Okrent
Phyllis Diller stops by to say hello to the TV boys


tinsel. ..
Feature Editor

hits ,CO's


(Continued from page 1)
off because the country needs
"No one's been able to convince
me that we do, but I'm in a minor-
ity,' he smiled. "Personally I think
journalists should be deferred.
"Anyway the shadow of the
draft'is always going to. be there.
Whenever Congress wants more
men it's going to draft them.
That's why all the Selective Serv-
ice Acts were passed."
Hershey said that he would back
the drafting of women as nurses
but disclaimed any viable pro-
grams for effecting a female draft.
"From the standpoint of equality
women should serve," he explain-
ed, "but not from any practical
"Women would be worse draft-
dodgers than men. As soon as
they found out what they needed
to avoid the draft, they'd go out
and get it," he added.
Hershey admitted that Nixon
has not yet conferred with him on
continuing as selective service di-
rector 'but then neither did Eisen-
hower, Kennedy or Johnson." He
was appointed by Harry Truman
in 1948.
The 76-year-old Hershey said he
will retire "when they abolish the
position or when I can't .make it
down to the office."
He is blind in one eye and can
see'only partially out of the other.
But he quipped merrily in ieply
to an unspoken question about hi's
sight, "Some people see more than
they ought to see anyhow."
Copyright, 1969: The Michigan Daily

- Berman's threats to cut staff
- Beinman's hiring of three
former staff members without the
knowledge or approval of any
members of the editorial board;
- Berman's "harassment" of
the State News editors in their
community newspaper project.
The staff is assisting in the pub-
lication of a newspaper for resi-
dents of Lansing's west side, a
black neighborhood;,
- Berman's refusal to allow the
State News to join College Press
Service's nation-wide telex sys-
tem. His refusal came despite the
generally affluent status of the
paper. The State News has. the
largest budget of any student
newspaper in the country.
Brill said yesterday he had sign-
ed for the installation of a telex
unit earlier in the day without
Berman's knowl'edge.
In his letter to the board, Ber-
man charged that:
- "Edward Brill has been and
continues to be guilty of grave de-
relictions and incompetencies
which threaten the well-being of
the State News."
- Brill's approval of publication
of the controversial quote w a s
"contrary to promises made to the
advisory board at the time of his
selection" as editor-in-chief.
- Brill has failed to organize
his staff well enough to c o v e r
campus news adequately.
Meanwhile, Frank Angelo, man-
aging editor of the Detroit Free
Press, said a request for the ous-
ter of the State News from t h e
Michigan Press Association would
be forwarded to the ethics com-
mittee, which mets March 28. An-
gelo is president of the associa-

Do you remember the image of Hollywood you fostered when
you were young? .A glistening palace of lavish luxury, the never-do-
wrong haven of the big movies, the big stars, the big Romance.
Beautiful women, masculine men, Hollywood-the purveyor of Amer-
ican glamour.
But as you got older, and the protective veneer of public relations
flackery became transparent, Hollywood became a monster, a fake
structure of tinsel, a factory of fantasy. And beneath the "surface
tinsel," you would find what Groucho Marx did-"the real tinsel."
And then you had the chance to find out for sure. You got a
telegram one day from a PR man at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. They
wanted you to come to Las Vegas for five days, to see their new movie,
to talk to their stars, to drink their liquor and spend their money.
Then, to come home and write a story about it all and 'tell college
students what the new film was like, and what Hollywood was like.
And so you got on an airplane-first-class, round-trip ticket had
come in the mail two days earlier-and you were taken to Las Vegas,
where Hollywood would show you exactly how it lived, where you
would somehow get an idea of exactly how they had once made you
think Hollywood wonderful and how, today, you could think it so bad.
You got on the plane, you arrived in Las Vegas, you saw MGM
blow something over $200,000 on a weekend promotion for the benefit
of about 150 radio, television, and newspaper people from around the
The film they showed was Whef'e Eagles Dare, scheduled for an
American premiere sometime within the next few weeks. It is a big,
action packed adventure film about World War II, and it stars
Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood, and the two of them demolish
half the German army (with machines guns and neat, wire-triggered
dynamite bombs) and half the laws of science (with pre-invention
helicopters and gravity-defying cable cars). Brian Hutton, a young
director who made the film with nearly $9,000,000 of MGM money,
says its the type of film for "the guy who works eight hours in the
factory and wants to be entertained."d_
You see the film on Saturday afternoon, but you arrived on
Friday night, so MGM-in the persons of a legion of Nice Young Men
from their PR department-gives you cocktail parties to occupy your
time. And a little MGM briefcase to carry your papers in. And an
MGM pen to take notes with. And an MGM beer mug-to take home
.and put your MGM pen in?



-Daily-Daniel Okrent
ng on an MGM PR film

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication ogf the Univer-
sity of Michigan for_ which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before
t p. m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of twb- times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only,
Student organization notices are
not accepted for publication. For
more information, phone 764-9270.

p.m. The Press and World Affairs, with Series: Dr. Albert W. Bally, chief geolo-}
Prof. Ben Yablonky. Wednesday 8:00 gist of the Shell Oil Company, "Moun- I
p.m. Opera Night: Smetana's "The Bar- tain Ranges and Continental Drift" at.
tered Bride", given by the U-M School 4 p.m. Thursday (Feb. 20) .in Room
of Music and Department of Art in 3082 Natural Science Building.,
March 1968, Mendelssohn Theater. Mu-
sic Director and Conductor, Josef Blatt.
Thursday 1:00 p.m. The Asia Society Doctoral
Presents - "Pakistan: The Development
Miracle", with Prof. Wayne A. Wil- E"
cox. Columbia University. Thursday x i L
4:45 p.m. Conservation Report with
Prof. Karl Lagler. Thursday 5:15 p.m. John Timothy Sawford A n d r e wNX,,
U-M Feature Story, with Jack Hamil- Chemistry Dissertation: "Studies in
ton. Thursday 7:30 p.m. U-M Sym- Structural Thermodynamics," on Wed-
phony Band, another in a series of sda Febry9 i969 at 2:00
prgrmscodutd y r.Wilimnesdy, Feruary 1, 16, a :40p.m.
programs conducted by Dr. William in 3003 Chemistry Building, Chairman:
D. Revelli. E. F. Westrum, Jr.

Coed. Senior counselors, spec. in camp-
craft, boating, canoeing, swimming, di-


Botany Seminar: Co-sponsored by
ay Ca lnd(,ar Departments of Human Genetics and
,J Zoology - Dr. Waclaw Szybalski, Uni-
versity of Wisconsin will speak on
rtment of Journalism Lecture: "Initiation and Patterns o& Trans-
I P. Morgan, Chief Correspond- ?cription During Phage Development"
ublic Laboratory, "Is Broadcast- Thurs., Feb. 20, 1969 at 4:00 p.m., 1400
eally All That Bad?": Rackham Chemistry Bldg.I
theatre. 4:10 p.m.
ema Guild: The Coming of Sound, The Child Development Consultant
useum of Modern Art's compos- Project. Mr. Anderson Thompson, Cen-I
the efiect of sound on the film, ter for Inner-City Studies at the1
ng scenes of the original Mick- Northeastern Illinois State College in!
use: (free showing), Architec- Chicago, on February 20th from 4 - 6
uditorium, 7:00 and 9:05 p.m. p.m. in the Shorling auditorium of the
ersity Players (Department of University High School on East Uni-
) John Osborne's The Enter- versity. Topic: "Urban Education from
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, the Perpnctive f a iah Schnn1 Prin-

Placernr C
3200 S.A.B.
Attention, Juniors and Seniors in Li-
beral Arts, Math, 'Communications Sci.,
Bus. Admin., and Engineering: Learn
while you earn, Trainee positions in
many areas of computer work, come to
information meeting on Feb. 25, at
4:00 p.m. in Room 25, Angell Hall.,
212 S.A.B., Lower Level
Interviews in Summer Placement:

128 H, West Engrg. Bldg.
Make interview appointment at
Room 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. unless
otherwise specified.
FEBRUARY 26, 1969:
Abbott Laboratories
Atlantic Richfield Co. - Richfield Div.
Bastian-Blessing Co.
Battelle Memorial Institute
Beckman Instruments, Inc.
Cadillac Gage Co.
The Carborundum Co.
CEI - Div. of Watkins Johnson
Koehring Co.
Lear Siegler, Inc. - Instrument Div.
LTV Aerospace Corp.
New York State Dept. of Trans.
Sealed Power Corp.
Sparton Electronics
Squibb Beech-nut Inc.
Watkins-Johnson Co.
US. Gov't
Naval Air Systems Command
Naval Ordnance Systems Command
Naval Facilities Eng. Command
Naval Ordnance Lab.

Around the cocktail parties and
around the showing of the film,
you don't just find the news p#6-
ple and the MGM people. Las
Vegas-a veritable suburb of Hol-
lywood, the desert between not-
withstanding-is loaded with Hol-
lywood types and they make their
presence known. Jan Murray and
Marty (Hello Dere) Allen-paren-
thesis is, not mine--show up, shake
hands with the newsmen and
women, force interviews, and man-
age to get their names in the
gossip columns.
After the film, and after a press
conference with the new president
of MGM, Louis Polk, who answers
a question concerning his favorite
films'with a string of MGM titles,
is dinner and a cocktail party.
The cocktail party has caviar and
pate and anchovies, and it has
Phyllis Diller dropping by to say
hello and get interviewed by the
TV boys. The liquor-as at all the
other functions-is the best, Beef-
eater's and Jack Daniels and De-
war's Whife Label. The, dinner
following is pheasant and suckling
pig and 30 other dishes laid out
on a seemingly miles-long buffet
A PR man takes away from you
one of the few young, nice-look-
ing girls there, because her "pres-
ence is requested at Mr. Polk's
table." And the image of The
Making of a Young Starlet swirls
ito view.
Sunday is much the same and,
as on Saturday, the press people
end their official MGM day with
a free dinner and show at one of
the resort hotels. Saturday, 't vas
the Folies Bergere at the Tropic-
ana. Sunday, Phyllis Diller at the
Riviera. Monday, it will be Don
Rickles at the Sahara. You are
somewhat heartened by the fact
that the Nice Young Man from PR
who is assigned to the three or


essional Theatre Program:Jan
ig in Peter Shaffer's Black Comn-
Hill Auditorium, 8:30 p.m.
d Development Consulting Pro-
Rhody McCoy, "Problems and
ses of School Decentralisation,"
Ballroom, Wednesday, Feb.- 19,
- n



Irish Hills5 qGirl Scut Council, Jack...........-. '!'.' '
The Department of Germanic Lang- son, Mich. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Gen. Couns.
uages and Literatures announces two unit leaders, waterfront, cook, handy-
competitions for students of 200 and man, kitchen assistants.
400 level courses. The deadline for ap-
plication for entering either conipeti- FEBRUARY 20, 1969 .... .....
tion is Wednesday. February 19, at 4 Detroit Edison, Detroit, Mich.: 10 a.m.
p~mm; in the German Office, 1076 Frieze - 5 p.m. Juniors and Seniors and University Lutheran Chapel, Feb. 19,
Building. raduates in Electrical. Mechanical, 7-30 and 10:00 p.m., 1511 Washtenaw.I

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