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January 11, 1969 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-01-11

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10 per cent chance
of light snow

Vol LXXIX, No. 85 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 11, 1969

iTen Cents

Eight Pages

,Ten Cents Eight Pages


Regen ts


Over ten months of controversy
and committee work have passed
since the release of the Hatcher
Commission report on University
Finally, this month, the Re-
gents will hold open- hearings to
consider proposed bylaw changes
which would create a campus-wide
judiciary and restructure the Of-
fice of Student Affairs.
Since last summer, the individ-
ual schools and colleges have con-
trolled virtually all discipinary
procedures under systems of in-
terim rules.
These regulations were passed in
the face of expected long delays"
in the bylaw revisions and the
long-standing refusal of Joint
Judiciary Council to enforce rules
not made by the students.
Revisions in sections of the by-
laws dealing with a University
Council-a tripartite legislative

body-and a Committee on Com-
munications have been considere
previously by the Regents, an
final drafts ;Are being submitte
to them this month.
Copies of all four sections hav
also been submitted tp facult
members, administrators!and stu
dent government representative
for criticism.
The proposed revisions were de
veloped by an ad hoc committe
of students, faculty and admin
istrators which was formed afte
release of the Hatcher Commission
The committee, plagued by con
stantly changing membership an
a seeming inability to decide ona
time and place to meet, has no
yet completed consideration of th
OSA restructuring and is still spli
on. the exact form the new judi
ciary should take.
Nonetheless, committee chair
man Mike Koeneke, Student Gov-

- ernment Council president, says by leg
d the committee decided it was nec- parto
d essary to produce tentative drafts its jui
d of these revisions for fresh out- counci
side criticism, the n
e Committee m e m b e r Steve Regl
y Schwartz, Grad, explains, "If we ordina
- didn't get a draft to the Regents be eni
s this month, they would begin to proval
wonder where the thing was." Sch'
- Koeneke hinted the committee toryi
e itself may disband after the hear- would
- ing and re-form with new mem- pus-wi
r bership to tackle the problem weren
n again, dentsi
The most detailed and contro- Any
- versial draft to be submitted to comma
d the Regents concerns University by the
a judiciary practices. studen
t The proposed revisions call for bringa
e the creation of a Central Student Any si
t Judiciary which would apply reg- recogn
- ulations proposed by .University upon e
Council and ratified by SGC and appeal
- Senate Assembly. The
- Regulations enacted by SGC or ing no


j dic ary

gislative bodies having only
of the student body under
risdiction, such as dormitory
ils, would also come under
ew group's jurisdiction.
;ulations made by these sub-
te legislative bodies would
forced only if they had ap-
"of those governed."
wartz explains that dormi-
regulations, for example,
not be enforced by the cam-
ide judiciary unless they
ratified by vote of the stu-
in the dormitory.
member of the University
unity substantially affected
e alleged misconduct of a
t or group of students could
a case before the judiciary.
tudent, group of students or
ized organization could,
xhausting inferior remedies,
to the judiciary.
revisions are clear in allow-
academic punishment for

non-academic offenses. The pres-
ent draft states:
"No student shall have his
enrollment in a course or program
terminated except by a judicial
proceeding or for reasons of ex-
hibited incompetence in the spe-
cific subject matter of a course'
or program; nor shall any student
be given a course grade not based
entirely on his exhibited com-
petence in the specific subject
matter of the course."
Under terms of the proposed
new bylaws, the members of any
cooperative, fraternity, sorority, or
residence hall living unit, any fed-
eration of these, or the students
in any school or college may es-
tablish a government.
The judiciaries thus established,
together with the Central Student
Judiciary and any judiciaries
which may be established by SGC,
would be "the only judical bodies
competent to exercise original

jurisdiction in cases involving
This provision is controversial
in the case of school and college
government, which has tradition-
ally been a faculty stronghold,
Koeneke said he expects a great
deal of criticism of the judiciary
bylaws from all sides, "because
everyone has his own idea of what
a judiciary should be," but he
identified thefaculty as the most
likely source or discontent.
The revisions dealing with OSA
policy-making, which were pro-
posed in large part by a subcom-
miteee of the Student Relations
Committee, call for a substantial
increase in student influence over
The present draft proposes, that
a Student Services Policy Board
of from nine to 15 members, with
one-half plus one members being
students and the remainder fac-

ulty, as the primary determiner
of general policy in the office.
The student members would be
appointed by SGC, with at least
one-third graduate and profes-
sional students. The faculty mem-
bers would be appointed by
SACUA, composed of at least one-
third assistant professors or lower-
ranking faculty and at least one-
third associate professors or above.
Each administrative unit of the
office, renamed the Office of Stu-
dent Services, would !have its own
policy board to set policy for that
The draft also calls for a stu-
dent to be employed by the office
as official student lobbyist, "to
supplement but not replace the
vice president or student services."
In addition, the draft stipulates
that the Regents seat, without
vote but with full speaking privi-
leges, a student chosen by SGC.

students and the remainder fac-


Cal schools peace ul;
Brandeis building held
& By The Associated Press
Two strife-torn C a I if o r ni a
schools were calm yester day while
ed control of a key building at
Brandeis University.
Peaceful demonstrations took
place at both San Fernando Val-
4>: ley State and San Francisco State.
A noon rlly at San Fernando
Valley followed massive clashes
with police Thursday when 293
students were arrested for unlaw-
ful assembly.
In Waltham, Mass., Brandeis
President Morris B. Abram con-
tinued his amnesty offer on con-
dition that 65 black students leave
the building they have occupied.
He reiterated, however, that if
they fail to leave Ford Hall, they
will "be suspended forwith and
: face charges leading to expulsion."
The administration late Thurs-
day obtained a temporary restrain-
ing order against the militants.
It orders the group to leave the
building and restrain "from dis-
rupting in any way the normal,
activities of the campus."
The students took over the
POLICE ARREST two remonstrators at San Pernando Valley building Wednesday in an effort
State College Thursday. Hundreds were injured and 293 arrested. to force the administration to'
The campus was calm yesterday. meet a list of 10 demands. They
- --. building houses, among other
G! CENT Y'S ' t things, the university's telephone
SCEN Y'?[ f 1.oswitchboard and a $200,000 com-
There was no indication late'
eg~tsts yesterday that the university had
Ilegents diseiphIne poiet la h ulig
anylimmtocearte plngcali
* To " Approximately 150 white stu-
dents camped in the lobby of the
sc 1 si a er; nearby administration building
through Thursday night as a ges-
Special To The Daily ture of solidarity with the blacks.
MADISON, Wis.-The University of Wisconsin board of They marched around the com-
A munications building after day-'
regents yesterday took punitive action against the school light.
newspaper, the Daily Cardinal, for the printing of alleged The militants claim to have
obscenities. enough food stockpiled to last
Th tAhem four days. They have said ,
The regents voted 4-3 to charge the newspaper $5,000 ete fT y ave said
annullybeginin nex fal fortheuse f thir repeatedly they plan to remain!t
annually, beginning next fall, for the use of their previously in the building until all their de-
rent-free facilities. The Cardinal editors had refused to mands are met.
appear before the regents to explain what standards the Yesterday's demonstration at
paper had established regarding the use of obscenity. San Fernando Valley was in sup-
In an editorial entitled "Blackmail," the editors said they Black Stdema nin idec udi
would not attend the meeting, explaining that the publica- See CALIFORNIA, Page 2



director quits
Tenants union debate causes
resignation of Mrs. Mhoon1
A month-long series of disputes involving the Ann Arbor
Housing Commission and some of its tenants reached a
climax Thursday night with the angry resignation of Mrs.
Joseph D. Mhoon, housing commission director.
The resignation came abruptly during a debate between
Dr. Albert Wheeler, state ;chairman of the NAACP, and hous-
ing commission chairman Lyndon Welch. The debate con-
cerned the propriety of Mrs. Mhoon's attempt to set up a
public housing tenants association.
Following her 'announcement of intent to resign, Mrs.
Mhoon said, "I can't work and take a lot of abuse fronm the
commissioners and the pub-
lic." She then walked out of
the meeting. LO 1111i l
Mrs. Mhoon told The Daily last
night that she would reconsider
Sher resignation "only if the ten-


The Apollo 8 astronauts wave t
Broadway yesterday. From left to
William A. Anders,
RC reco
The intrusion of an unidentified
male into the womens' showers at'
the Residential College may force
the college to restrict its tradition-'
ally liberal policies concerning
RC Dean James Robertson yes-,
terday instituted temporary meas-.
ures which include locking doors
that provide outside access to the
women's houses and the stationing
of an assistant in the main con-,
course of East Quad, where the,
college is located.
In addition, a previously unen-!
forced policy requiring escorts for

ants, and the community-come and
- -Associated Press prove to me that they are willing
stroi aHuLs onl Dar'a(e to cooperate."
"I would rather resign if my
o the crowd against a backdrop of ticker tape as they paraded up removal will help eliminate the
right are Capt. James A. Lovell Jr., Col. Frank Borman and Lt. Col. tensions and help provide t h e
public housing that's needed
here," she said.
Mrs. Mhoon has been' public
VT: housing dii'ector since Dec. 1, 1966.
Generally considered an energetic
and effective director, Mrs. Mhoon
Si eL sS has been involved in public hous-
11 si ersVISIion coming to Ann Arbor in 1966 she
worked with regional planning and
public housing on a federal level
all male visitors in the womens' by the incident are more complex and as a public housing admin-
houses will now be observed. than simple security and protec- istrator in Inkster, Mich., for 14
Robertson's a c t i o n followed' tion in the quad. One Resident 4 years.

meetings by RC women and resi- Fellow, Jan Fred, said some stu-
dent fellows at which no conclu- dents feel that any tightening of
sions were agreed upon. security represents a partial de-
No official or permanent action struction of the student-ruled and
will be taken until the regular free atmosphere which has em-
meeting of the RC Representative bodied the RC community since
Assembly on Tuesday. The As- the college's inception.j
sembly is the governing body of This minority has been strong,
the college, and members include enough to prevent binding deci-

students, faculty and administra-
Until now, the RC has unoffi-
cially observed a policy of almost
complete freedom of visitation.
However, the problems causedI

tion's standards were an in-e
ternal matter for them to
The controversy began last fall
when the Cardinal printed alleged
obscenities in several issues. The
matter the regents found objec-
tionable included passages quoted
from Wisconsin assigned course
readings, such as D. H. Lawrence's
"Lady Chatterley's Lover."
Editors of the Minnesota Daily
and the Michigan State News
were later disciplined for their
use of alleged obscenities in their
coverage of the Wisconsin con-R
In their action, the Wisconsin
regents passed a resolution saying'
the Cardinal should be allowed to
publish on campus only as long as
it meets the standards of the Wis-
consin Daily Newspaper League.
and the Wisconsin Press Associa-
tion. However, Rina Steinzor, Car-
dinal editorial page editor, said
there would be no change in the


architects to tackle ghetto

sions so far, Miss Fred explained.
Dean Robertson emphasized,
that the open-open policy and
free flow wthin the community
are not being changed. "The'
measures are simply to give the
community members more priva-
cy," he, said "The open-open and
visitation policies are not off.
These actions have no effect on
the philosophy of the college or
the freedoms excercised by its
Robertson said, that the impor-
tant thing is "not to over-react."
However, University Housing Di-
rector John Feldkamp regarded
the attack as "a very serious in-
cident." "We have recommended
for a long time that they have
escorts and improve their secur-
ity," he said. "But the basic secur-
ity comes only from the vigilance
of the residents."

The issues which resulted in
Mrs. Mhoon's resignation are:
-Objections by tenants to spe-
cific instances of enforcement of
federal public housing regulations,
which allow only single families
to dwell in buildings designated
for that purpose.
-The formation of an associa-
tion of public housing tenants un-
der the impetus of Mrs. Mhoon.
-Personal and political objec-
tions to Mrs. Mhoon and the hous-
ing "commission, including charges
of racism.
Nearly all of the incidents seem
to involve confusion of facts, lack
of communication and mistrust of
motives between the parties in-
The tension began at the Dec.
12 meeting of the commission, a
group of angry tenants and their
relatives attacked Mrs. Mhoon
verbally, for what they felt was
improper enforcement of a federal
housing statute.
The statute in question p r o-
hibits more than one family from
living in federally funded build-
ings designed to be single family
See CITY, Page 8

bus funds
Ann Arbor may seek federal
financial aid in its struggle for
a workable municipal bus system.
All the information needed for
application for federal funds has
been ,gathered, and the city could
begin to receive aid as early as
May or June, says John Robbins,
director of parking and, traffic
City subsidy to the present bus
system runs nearly $15,000 per
month, and irate city councilmen
have threatened to break the city's
contract with the St. John Trans-
portation Co. which manages and
operates the system.
When the city originally con-
tracted with the St. John Co. last
summer, the subsidy was predicted
to run only $2,500 per month.
' City officials say 'new equip-
ment is needed to reduce the
staggering cost of the present sys-
tem which has been plagued by
exorbitant maintenance fees and a
lack of riders.
Council will discuss the bus sit-
uation at its meeting Monday
night and is expected to decide
whether to continue to subsidize
a public bus system i the city,
Robbins says.
If the decision is affirmative, a
report will be prepared and for-
warded to the housing and urban.
development department.
The report would include the re-
sult of a short-range study which
has compiled the basic informa-
tion required by the federal gov-
ernment. This study answers such
questions as the number of pas-
sengers serviced in recent years,
the cost of operation, the average
monthly and yearly revenue of the
system and a recommendation for
equipment, for example, the size
of the buses requested.
Another study will be finished
in time for the council meeting,
and will be included in the report
to Washington if necessary.
This study will answer broader
questions, such as the potential

The University's architecture depart-
ment is out to help rebuild the ghetto. And
it wants black architects as partners in
the effort.
After acting on its own to achieve these
aims, the architecture department has re-
ceived federal assistance.
The U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development announced in Wash-
ington Tuesday that two grants totalling
$128,000 will be made available to the
University to aid the education of archi-
tects and city planners from underprivi-
ledged minority groups.
One grant for $90,000 will be given di-
rectly to the University to work for the

Working relationships and "educational
interchanges" with other universities will
be encouraged, Larson adds. He says na-
tionwide efforts will be made to recruit
and counsel underpriviledged and minority
group students "who wish to go into pro-
fessions dealing with housing and allied
urban development problems."
In addition to working with HUD and
other related federal agencies, Larson
plans to work with various private and
industrial organizations concerned with
urban affairs.
The other grant, totalling $38,000, will
not be issued directly to the University but
rather to the South Eastern Michigan
Council of Governments (SEMCOG).

high school students and undergraduates
in the work-study groups.
Paraskevopoulos says there are two gen-
eral goals in both projects. One, he ex-
plains, is increasin~g the number of archi-
tecture students from inner city groups.
The other is to increase understanding of
housing needs of inner city groups.
In black communities, Paraskevopoulos
adds, "The idea of becoming an architect
is not a part of their lives." "Most people
who continue their educations become
teachers, social workers or maybe doctors,"
he says..
The first move the architecture depart-
ment made to bring more black students

The incident also raises ques- l
tions about the image of the col-I
lege in the greater University,
community. It was suggested in '1.. 1
Thursday's debate that the repo-Istill a lable
tation of the college's absolute Applications for National De-
freedom of visitation attracts in- fens Education Act loans for the
trudersn 1969-70 academic year are now
Since the college has lost sev- ,n , -+- eafanow

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