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February 15, 1969 - Image 3

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Page Three

>ruary 15, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY





news today
by The Associated Press and College Press Servic


few strike law changes

Labor leaders don't think the
White House plans to propose
any .major changes in federal
labor law despite President Nix-
on'scall for "newapproaches"
to deal with big strikes.
"I don't think it means a hell
of a lot," said S. Frank Raf-
tery, president of the AFL-CIO
Painters Union.
"I'm not alarmed," added Pe-
ter T. Schoemann, president of
the AFL-CIO Plumbers Union.
They were commenting on
Nixon's news conference state-
ment last Thursday that Taft-
Hartley Act provisions for na-
tional emergency strikes were
outmoded and that his admin-
istration will ask Congress for
new legislation to deal w i t h
such labor disputes.

The only provision in feder-
al labor law now for such a
strike is an 80-day cooling off
While union leaders fearrany
stiffer restrictions on the right
to strike, they don't believe Nix-
on will propose any drastic
changes in the law,
"I don't think he will toy with
the fundamentals," said Ed-
ward J. Carlough, organizing
director of the AFL-CIO Sheet
Metal Workers Union.
However, some of the union
leaders, here for a series of
AFL-CIO meetings, do think
that any attempt to open up
Taft-Hartley to changes might
lead to what they consider. an-
ti-labor proposals,
Walter Mason, legislative re-
presentative of the AFL-CIO

Building and Construction
Trades Department, said many
proposals already before Con-
gress would be harmful to or-
ganized labor if enacted into
These include proposals to ex-
tend the 80-day cooling off in-
junction to a longer period, to
establish a U.S. labor court to
replace the National Labor Re-
lations Board in dealing w i t h
labr disputes and to bring
unions under antitrust laws.
While Mason did not connect
such pending bills in Congress
with Nixon's news conference
statement he said:
"These proposals, if enacted,
would be extremely detrimental
to our trade union activity."
Mason, in a report to the
> Building Trades Department
composed of 17 unions, said it
is too early to judge the 'out-
look for labor legislation in
However, he said he doubted
there will be any severe anti-
labor laws passed but that
neither does he see prospects
for any pro-labor laws.
Schoemann said he believed
Nixon's statement was prompt-
ed by the longshoremen's strike
now in its second month on the
East and Gulf coasts.
"I do not believe that we have
enough options in dealing with
these kinds of disputes a n d
breakdowns," Nixon said.
"I have, therefore, asked the
Department of Labor to dev-
elop some new approaches in
this field, and we will submit
them by legislation this Con-
gress," the president said.
Union leaders are waiting
for Secretary of Labor George
P. Schultz to appear before the
AFL-CIO meeting here next
week to get further details on,
what the Nixon administration
might have in mind.'
Schultz originally had b e e n
scheduled to speak to this
week's meeting of the Build-
ing Trades Department. H o w -
ever, AFL-CIO President George
Meany vetoed this because he
wanted Shultz to appear first
before the full executive coun-
cil of the 13.6 million member
labor federation next week.


-Associated Press
Agnew gets expanded role
PRESIDENT RICHARD M. NIXON signs an executive order establishing an office of Intergovern-
mental Relations, to be under the supervision of Vice President, Spiro T. Agnew, left. The new office
will attempt to coordinate activities among federal, state and local government.
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WASHINGTON (;') - Vice
President Spiro T. Agnew is
making a special effort to estab-
lish smooth working relations
with senators from both 'parties
.before the year's major legis-
lative battles unfold.
Agnew, the first vice presi-
dent in 25 years without prior
Senate experience, has been
spending up to 30 per cent of his
working time in the Capitol,
presiding over the Senate and
chatting with individual sena-
In addition, he has started a
series of informal luncheons
with small groups of senators
for what Frank Da Costa, his
legislative assistant, calls "both
camaraderie and the exchange
of ideas, not necessarily legisla-

At each of these, Agnew meets
with six senators, Democrats us
well as Republicans. Aides a1 u
excluded. Later, Agnew hopes to
extend the luncheons to House
"He has been fortunate ,hat
the slow early pace of Congress
has enabled him to meet thes,:
senators under relaxed lircum-
stances and not be in a position
of twisting arms," said Waiter
Mote, a veteran of many years
with the Senate Rules Commit-
teee and the head of the vice
president's Capitol staff.
Agnew's main office is in the
White House itself and most of
his staff is quartered in the Ex-
ecutive Office Building nerby.
His aides agree, that, while the
personal approach is important



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now, other factors will be more
significant in the long run.
"The substantive issues which
are implicit in legislation will
ultimatelydetermine what the
relations are going to be," says
Da Costa, who was civil rights
aide to Agnew when he salved
as governor of Maryland.
While interested in establish-
ing rapport with all of the sena-
tors, Agnew has concentrated at
the start on the leadership.
Top Senate leaders attended
his first luncheon, andhaides
credit the many hours he has
spent fulfilling his constitution-
al duty as president of the Sen-
ate to a remark made by Sen.
Richard B. Russell (D-Ga) in
welcoming Agnew on Jan. 21.
"I hope that with all of the
new duties that the press re-
ports you will assume, it will
not "mean you will desert the
Senate or that chair, and that
you will perform as often as
possible the constitutional re-
sponsibility of presiding over
the Senate," Russell said. Ag-
new evidently got the point.
Presiding over the Senate fre-
quently can be a routine chore,
and vice presidents in the past
have often turned over the as-
signment to individual mem-
With the new administration
still feeling its way and the
breadth of Agnew's duties still
awaiting concrete definition, his
aides say it is too soon to say
what-role he will play in helping
pass President Nixon's legisla-
tive program.
But they see his lack of prior
Capitol Hill experience as a pos-
sible asset rather than a draw-
"He doesn't have a legislative
record," Da Costa said, adding
that "he's not slotted in to fix
positions" on the issues that will
be coming up.
Mote said this will enable Ag-
new to support 'administration
positions without having to wor-
ry about conflicts with earlier
viewpoints on legislative issues.
Second Class postage paid at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St., Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48104.
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Sunday morning University year. Sub-
scription rates: $9.00 by carrier, $10.00
by mail.
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relations among the various levels of government, Presi-
dent Nixon announced yesterday.
An office of Intergovernmental Relations under Agnew's
supervision was created by executive order. The President
hopes -the new office will bring together federal, state,and
local governments by providing easier access to the federal
government for local and state officials.
Asked whether the creation of the new office completes
the expansion of his role as promised by Nixon, Agnew said he
feels "as volatile as gas. I'm constantly expanding."
Nixon also suggested an eventual transfer of some fed-
eral powers to state and local agencies. He refused, however,
to designate which powers will be yielded.
PERUVIAN TORPEDO BOATS fired on a group of
American tuna boats fishing 26 miles off Peru's coast
One of the American vessels was damaged and captured.
It was released, however, after its captain paid a fine to the
Peruvian Navy.
No Americans were reported injured.
The incident was the latest of several confrontations be-
tween U.S. fishing boats and authorities of western South
American countries that claim territorial waters far broader
than limits recognized by the United States.
In Washington, Secretary of State William P. Rogers-pro-
tested to the Peruvian ambassador, calling the attack "wholly
terday as President Mohammed Ayub Khan b o w e d to
massive opposition pressure.
In recent months the president has been the target of
violent demonstrations staged by discontented students and
workers. Angry mobs yesterday took over Pakistan's major
cities in a one-day general strike against his regime and gov-
ernment troops were called out to put down rioting in Kar-
achi, the capital.
Observers see Ayub's decision to end the state of emer-
gency which has been in effect for 41 months as opening the
way for a conference between the government and the eight-
party opposition coalition.
Ayub also released his main political foe, former Foreign
Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who had been detained for more
than three months for "inciting Pakistani masses to violence."
* . !
SIRHAN BISHARA SIRHAN was "in a trance" when
he assassinated Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, his d e f e'n s e
counsel said yesterday.
Emile Zola Berman, one of three attorneys defending
Sirhan, contended that at the time of the shooting Sirhan
"was out of contact with reality, in a trance in which he had
no voluntary control over his will, his judgment, his feelings
or his actions."
Sirhan's defenders do not plan to deny that he shot Ken-
nedy, but will rely on psychiatric testimony to plead a de-
fense of "diminished responsibility."
The state yesterday began calling witnesses to try to
prove that Sirhan shot Kennedy with "malice and premedita-
* -0!
ended their strike yesterday when they voted to accept a
new work contract.
However, most of the other 75,000 members of the In-
ternational Longshoremen's Association remained on strike as
the eight-week-old walkout on the East and Gulf coasts drag-
ged on.
Officers of the I.L.A. hope the ratification by the New
York longshoremen w o u l d pressure management in other
ports from Maine to Texas into agreeing to union demands.
The strike, the nation's longest waterfront walkout, has
cost an estimated $15 million daily in lost wages and business
and tied up more than 600 ships in port.
COMMUNIST CHINA'S missile delivery system, now
under development, will only be 50 per cent efficient, the
Defense Department predicts.
A D.O.D. spokesman said yesterday that the political un-
rest in China which accompanied the cultural revolution of
Mao Tse-Tung set back strategic weapons development.
Nevertheless, Communist China is expected to have about
20 intercontinental missiles in launching position by 1975.
Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird, now reviewing the
Sentinel antimissile program, has said Sentinel would defend
the nation against any possible attack f r o m Communist

THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT yesterday urged the
Supreme Court to force the integration of privately op-
erated recreation organizations.
However, the government qualified its position so as to
exclude what it called "bona fide private clubs.
Citing the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1964, the govern-
ment said in a legal brief that Negroes have the right to pur-
chase admission to privately owned clubs that are, in effect,
open to almost any white while being closed to blacks.






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