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February 07, 1969 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-02-07

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Friday, February 7, 1969

THaCIA AL rdaFbur ,16

Four battle fo
By DAVE IiANNES put on them. We made seven turn-
With the Big Ten basketball overs in overtime as compared to
season at the halfway point the four in the second half."

SBig Ten title

starting field of contenders for the
league title has now been reduced
to just four teams, Purdue, Ohio,'
State, Illinois, and Iowa.
Purdue, which has beaten Ohio
State and Iowa this past week,
now leads the league with an im-
pressive 5-.0 mark. The Boiler-
makers last two wins were de-
scribed by Purdue coach George
King as "must games for us."
"You just have to take those
home games," King continued.'
"Defeats in either one would have
seriously damaged our title hopes."
The Purdue coach credits this;
season's improvement over last1
year to better floor play from
centers Chuck Bavis and Jerry
Johnson and a stronger bench led
by guard Larry Weatherford and
forward Tyrone Bedford, who
started last season.'
Coaches Fred Taylor of Ohio
State and Ralph Miller of Iowa
both admit that Purdue has the
inside track at this point of the
season. "However," says Miller, "a
week from now they could have
two losses after their road games
with Northwestern Saturday and
Ohio State Tuesday."
In commenting on the past Ohio
State-Purdue encounter Coach
Taylor said, "I was extremely
pleased with the way the kids!
came back in the second half but
we were just too tired in the over-;
time period due to the pressure wei

The Ohio State coach refused
to predict the outcome of his
team's rematch with Purdue, but
admitted that "based on our per-
formance last Saturday we feel we
have a real good shot at them
this Tuesday, but we still have to
worry about Saturday's game at
Wisconsin. They're a tough team
Taylor openly states that the
play of Steve Howell has been
"going up and down like a roller
coaster. This has been our biggest
problem this year but if he fin s
himself it will be a great boost to
the team."
Iowa splits
Iowa came up with an impres-
sive 76-61 victory over Davidson
last Saturday but then failed
against conference foe Purdue
three nights later 99-87 as Boiler-
maker Rick Mount threw in a
career high 45 points. Coach Miller
described the defeat by saying,
"They just outplayed us, but we'll
be ready for them when they come
over here next month."
Recently Ben McGilmer was
moved into the starting five at
forward and Glenn Vidnovic was
switched from forward to guard
while Chris Phillips was benched.
Miller maintains that this move
"has helped our rebounding con-
siderably and has given our of-
fense a more consistent punch al-
though Phillips is a fine scorer.
"Vidnovic can play at any posi-
tion but since he is our floor lead-
er offensively I prefer to have him
at guard. McGilmer's rebounding
has helped in what was a weak
spot for us while averaging nearly
16 points a game as a starter."

-Daily-Andy Sacks
DAVE SORENSON (15) of Ohio State attempts to rebound a
shot by Michigan's Bob Sullivan in a game played earlier this
season. Ohio State won 98-85 thanks to 31 points by Jim Clea-l
mons (35), his career high, and the accurate shooting of Soren-
son, who made 12 of 15 shots from the floor. The game was an
important victory for the Buckeyes who now occupy second place
in the Big Ten.

Wrestlers face endurance test


By JOE MARKER give Michigan the toughest tus-
Tomorrow Michigan's wrestlers sle, The Panthersare currently
complete their Spartan condition- undefeated,s a n d include among
ing for next Saturday's encounter their victims North and South Da-
with powerful Michigan State as kota, both fair-to-middling Mid-
they p 1 o w through their thirdwestern squads.

triple-dual meet in four weeks;
The Wolverines wrestle Georgia
Tech, Northern Iowa, and Eastern
Michigan in that order, beginning
at 1:00 in 'Eastern's Bowen Field
Of the Wolverines' three oppon-
ents, Northern Iowa will probably

Under its former title of the
State College of Iowa, Northern
has had a long history of wrest-
ling success, culminating in an
NCAA title in 1950. as well as run-
ner-up recognition in 1964, '47,
and '49.
Georgia Tech, traditionally the


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best team in the Southeast, pro- I d
vides Michigan's, initial opposi- Iw ed i
tion. However, despite their lofty In discussing his team's
regional standing, the Yellow chances for the title Miller said,
Jackets should not prove a sig- "Our schedule definitely hurts us
nificant obstacle to the Wolver- this season since we don't play
ines, as the Southeast heavily de- Ohio State at home. We'll have
emphasizes wrestling. 'to beat them at Columbus or win,
The host team, Eastern Michi- at Illinois this Saturday to make
gan, has been beset with a multi- up for it."
tude of misfortunes, including an Should Illinois take the Big Ten
Uncle Sam greeting card for one title this year they will riot be
of its members. allowed to play in the NCAA
Consequently, the Hurons have tournament because of the slush
made an unspectacular .0-2 dual fund scandal of two years ag o.
meet showing thus far, coming up However, this fact does not seem
second best in bouts with North- to have killed Illinois' desire to
ern Michigan (25-6) and Southern win- as they have only lost at Pur-
Illinois (26-9). due and at Ohio State.
Charles Ash, who has compiled The key player in the Illini at-
a' 6-3 record wrestling at 160 tack is forward Dave Scholz al-
pounds, leads the Eastern contin- though recent improvement in the
gent. He is supported by Bill Vi- play of sophomore center Greg
verette (145) and Ikuei Yamam- Jackson has been excellent. He
oto (123), one of two Huron grap- scored 36 points last Saturday to
plers from Japan. Outside of these lead his team to a runaway vic-
three, Eastern is somewhat thin, tory against Wisconsin.
The Wolverine line-up includes Like Iowa, Illinois has a sched-
a number of new faces. Wayne ule 'which works against them.
Wentz, who wrestled two years Illinois does not play a home
ago but has been plagued con- game with Purdue so they now
stantly by injuries ever since, will find themselves two games be-
go at 177 in one meet, and Jim hind in the lost column to a
Kahl backs up Tom McCaslin in team that they will not play for
the 145 bracket. the remainder of the season.
Or Restoration Dramaor any other class
where you're missing half of what's going on be-
cause you don't get enough sleep and your eyes
keep closing.
Take a Tirend and stay awake. Just one
or two Tirend tablets help keep you alert and on
your toes when over- cramming or lack of
sleep makes everything a drag.
(Try the samples given out.) Or pick up a box
at the nearest drug counter.
And only nod if you agree.

-Daily-Andy Sacks
DAVE SCHOLZ (40) tries in vain to block a shot by Bob Sullivan
in a 72-64 win for Illinois at the All Events Building last season.
Scholz is back for his senior year at Illinois and has led his team
to a 13-2 over-all record. He was a Helms Foundation All-Amer-
ican last season whiles accounting for over one-third of Illinois'
total point output.
LSs Marav*ch rolls on
in hot scorTingscramble
NEW YORK (4P) - Pete Mara- dor of UCLA still trailing Al Kro-
vich of LSU is in a slump, but both of the Citadel in field goal
he's still pulling- away from his percentage. Kroboth is conrecting
closest competitors in the major I on 65.6 per cent of his shots to
college basketball scoring race. 64.5 for Alcindor.
Maravich's average for the sea- G FG FT Pts.. Avg.
son has dropped to 43.0 accord- 1. Pete MaravichG
ing to National College Sports LSU 15 240 165 645 43.0
Service S t a t i s t i c s compiled 2. Calvin Murphy,
through games of Feb. 1, but nei- Niagara 15 1 8 128 504 33.6
ther Calvin Murphy of Niagara 3. Spencer Haywood,
nor Spencer Haywood of Detroit Detroit 17 197 144 538 31.6
has been able to close the gap. 4. Rick Mount,
While Maravich scored 92 points Purdue 14 174 93 441 31.5
In three games, Murphy hit for 5. Taent, 16 185 113 483 30.2
73 and Haywood 91. Murphy now 6. Mary Roberts,
is averaging 33.6 a game 'and Hay- Utah state 19 202 137 541 28.5
wood 31.6. Rick Mount of Purdue, 7. Rich Travis, 4
tOkla. City 20 218 105 541 27.1
31.5, and Bob Tallent of George 8. Lew Alcindor,
Washington, 30.2, are the only UCLA 16 185 62 43 27.0
others with a 30-Plus average, 9. Bobby Smith,14
Tulsa 18 205 61 471 26L
The other three individual races' 10. Bob Portman,
are 'much closer, with Lew Alcin- Creighton 16 160 97, 417, 26.1
TM basketball pol nchanged

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The top three positions remain-
ed unchanged in last week's I.M.k
basketball action as Allen-Rum-
sey, Scott and Huber all defeatedt
their opponents. Allen-Rumseyk
buried Palmer 45-32, while Scott
c~oasted by Lewis, 32-13. Huber
wore down Mosher-Gold for a 45-E
29 win.
Previously tenth-ranked Frost
dropped out of the standings as
they lost to Adams 54-25. Angell
moved up three spots to fifth' with
an upset win over Gomberg. In
a runaway, Kelsey beat Williams'
43-34, while Anderson upset Van
Duren 57-38.
Player of the week was B o b
Heyka of Angell House. In An-

gell's upset victory over G o m -
berg, the big center scored 19
points. Six of them were within
the last two minutes after Gom-
berg had tied the game.
Heyka dominated the boards,
ndblocked several of Gomberg's
shots in the last minute., r
1. Allen-Rumsey
2. Scott
3. Huber
4. Adams
5. Angel
6. Kelsey
7. Anderson
8. Palmer
9. Gomberg
10. Mosher-Gold


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