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January 25, 1969 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-01-25

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Elyr E c x an Bailly
Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan
under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications

The 60's: Hung up on, anachronisms

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



MiHliken's funding recommendation:
Short-changing the 'U'

T HE MEASURE of the 60's will be in its contour rather
than in its content.
A decade of rebellion, not reform, of taking down
fences rather than mending them. A decade which be-
longs to the young much like the 20's belonged to the
businessman and 30's to the politican.
At the University the 60's are for the students. In
1961 Mrs. Deborah Bacon, then dean of women, was
writing home letters of warning to parents whose daugh-
ters were dating inter-racially.
Suddenly Mrs. Bacon's letters were an issue. Several
student groups petitioned and pressured for her resig-
"I can't understand all the excitement," wondered
Mrs. Bacon. "This has always been our policy." In the end
she resigned though, and the deanship of women was
STUDENTS enrolling at the University now pay little
homage to the visage of in loco parentis. Living in the
dorms isn't even required, and the structural taboos of
drinking and sex have vanished.
Those stylists who drew lines to serve the old rules
have tripped over their own artistry. And the generation
of the 60's, our generation, at times as blunt and blind
as our parents, has tried to expunge all lines, to jettison
all rules into a void without limits.
Young urban blacks burned and looted to make school
boards change their curricula and corporate executives
their hiring procedures.

mended state appropriation for t h e
University shows a basic misunderstand-
ing of the fiscal issues involved a n d
wound undoubtedly necessitate another
huge increase in student fees.
In fact, if the new Governor's $67.2 mil-
lion appropriation proposal is approved
by the Legislature it would very likely
compel the Regents to increase out-of-
state tuition between $150 and $200, with
in-state increases of up to $40.
To maintain even their austerity bud-
get, the University has over the past two
years needed a $6 million annual increase
in its general operating budget to offset
rising costs.
The general operating budget comes
from two main sources-state appropria-
tions and student fees. If Milliken's rec-
ommendation is followed, the state ap-
propriation would provide only a $4 mil-
lion increase. The remaining $2 million
would have to come from increased tu-
And considering the usual University
and state attitude toward out-of-state
students, these students are most likely,
to bear the brunt of the increase.
MILLIKEN BELIEVES his recommenda-
tion w ill actually provide enough
money to maintain austerity operations.
University officials disagree.
The Governor's figures are based on
Bureau of the Budget statistics which in-
dicate the University will show a $1.75
million surplus at the end of the current,
fiscal year.
University officials point out, however,
that this money is the school's working
capital to cover expenses fqr this July -

the month between the expiration of the
1968-69 appropriation and the initiation
of payments for,.1969-70.
Thus, the Bureau of the Budget has
created a mythical "surplus" for the Uni-
versity and substracted it from the Uni-
versity's appropriation for 1969-70. Such
funds simply do not exist.
SHOULD THE STATE stand by t h i s
blatant error, the Regents will have-no
choice but to turn to the students for the
necessary funds.
And another huge increase for out-of-
state students will undoubtedly have an
incalculable effect in personal and aca-
demic terms.
Out-of-state students who came to the
University only two years ago, for exam-
ple, expecting to pay $1,000 a year will
now be forced to pay almost $1,750, with
another year and possible new increases
to come.
ACADEMICALLY, the new tuition in-
crease would mean a further limita-
tion of the student body to the rich. Out-
of-state students, supposedly present to
provide diversity, are more and more pro-
viding simple reinforcement of t h e
school's for-rich-white-only image.
The Bureau of the Budget's error must
be rectified if the University's state ap-
propriation is to prove equitable. T h e
consequences of an unduly low appropri-
ation this year can only be continued de-
terioration of education at the University
and undue financial hardships for the


...f .

Young politicos of the left slandered a war-mongering
President until he finally retired from office. And young
screenwriters told of the challenges and the emptiness in
productions like "The Graduate."
CERTAINLY our victories have not been complete.
The long-guarded autonomy of the faculty still stands,
along with the parking meter system of education en-
forced by meter maid teachers.
Young blacks arestill harassed'by vengeful police who
pick them up on phony charges so they can be put on
probation by the courts and told how, when, where and
what to do in the tradition of slave ownership. Richard
Nixon, who trusts in the supremacy of nuclear power, is
And even the cameramen in "The Graduate" seemed
unnaturally nervous about Anne Bancroft's nudity.
But we have attacked, exposed, belittled, defiled and
sometimes killed the hang-ups. We have had some help.
The 6 o'clock news showed the dying in Vietnam and the
squalor of the cities. Awakened high school educators
finally talked of extra-marital sex and the lust of mate-
Yet in just aggregate sums we did the most to destroy
the mythical moral world of Puff the Magic Dragon. We
smashed values which pursued the prestige barons into
the Depression and out again.
IN RETURN we have been publicized. What we do is
.Letters I
Editor's Note: The following is litical le
a copy of a letter sent to the American
*. Ann Arbor Housing Commis- If the c
sion: permit t
/ Leasesand cont
eases sion to a
Commissioners: cause the
IN RESPONSE to a request for uneducat
me to comment specifically on not only
your proposed revised lease dur- tion "All
ing the audience participation worthy o.
portion of your public meeting on ized.
January 9, 1969, I promised to -A.I
make such comments after further Ho
study. An
I have made such study, have Ja
consulted with some tenants and
other low-income persons and also
with other concerned citizens and
org nizations. As a result of these To the E
efforts my comments can be very ANOTH
brief. last t
I believe that the revised lease ment rig
is illegal, punitive, inhuman and Michigan
enslaving. The basic document is readers c
so grossly inadequate that t h e oping gap,
lease should not be discussed un- Evelyn
til the Housing Commission estab- lenging t
«:: r lishes a basic policy on the ques- which pr
tion of whether tenants and pros- son, Eric
pective tenants will be treated as drafted w
human beings entitled to the per- parents, h
sonal dignity, justice and legal letter fro
rights accorded more fortunate office.
citizens or whether they will con- The leti
on's in- tinue to be viewed and treated as with the
f events. poor, dependent subjects of an ;n- scriptable
ave been sensitive, insulting Housing Com- concludes
mission. It cann
cuments IT IS ONLY AFTER this Cam- ents ha'
mporary mission or the citizens of Ann A- over the
on with bor, if necessary, resolve this ba- authorit
sic question that the time is right tic polic
s devoid to discuss a Housing Commission travenep
ion pre- lease. as ultia
esources I would suggest that the Hous- zens, ma
both the ing Commission make available to the child
ch with the public, either at publicex- other.
Fpes and pense or through the Ann Arbor
Nes and News a n d the Michigan Dail, Mrs. W
Never- copies of the revised lease an and I inf
ess were tenants' handbook which the re- refers tot
longtime vised lease incorporates as a part I empa
3. of the lease. The Commission are from
should then hold a special public Hitler's s
ismissed hearing to get citizen recommen- months si
e serious dations about r u e s and leases received,I
governing public housing In Ann two letter
y -of the Arbor. him if si
y -of the made; on
ion, the IF THE COMMISSION or the tified ma
his first news media are unwilling to make who hass
these documents available, we will on the s
print and distribute copies to a received n
specially number of individuals and organ- Why is
afts and izations of all political, racial, ec- luctant t
umerous onomic and cultural compositions the psit

to determine what kind of human ter? Why
d a dif- beings constitutete civic, educa- vate stand
-- +1". tional, business, religious and po- draft diffe

important because we do it. We are at the locus of atten-
tion. And simply because of that we have broken our caste
of niggerhood.
We expect to be heard. We expect to be respected or
at least feared, and sometimes idolized.
Unfortunately we can't institutionalize our youth. As
much as we have pointed up the jagged cracks in the
plaster of the establishment, we have also uncovered our
own vulnerabilities and especially our ephemerality.
We have bought our glory at a very high price.
By trying to erase all standards we have had to settle
for negative standards. Our every reaction is actually
only a counter-reaction, a one-to-one denial of an old
lifestyle. Student autonomy, black separatism, free love,
SO WE REMAIN hung up on the same stimuli, even
though our responses are completely polarized from
those of qur parents. We're over-aware in our awareness.
Even the most radical of our changes, the most vitu-
perous of our attacks are already anachronistic in their
conception. We are old before we can be young, mature
before we can be immature. We have lost innocence of
the present for knowledge of the past and future. We
are a transitional generation in the history of time, with
no promise of a time for our own.
Because even more than the 60's belong to us, we
belong to the 60's.


to the Editor

Dangers of voluntarism

ONE OF the trademarks of the Nixon
Administration will be a strong em-
phasis on nongovernmental solutions to
the social problems confronting the na-
Nixon aides indicate that a massive
program is in the works to encourage
businesses and private individuals to con-
tribute their time and effort toward pro-
viding realistic, local solutions to which
the government alone has been able to
Nixon hopes to push such volunteer ef-
forts in a number of ways:
0 By personal televised appeals to the
0By directing Cabinet members to
place a greater emphasis on volunteer
contributions to their areas of concern;
A By setting up a special office in the
White House for the purpose of serving
as a "computerized clearinghouse" of
ideas and projects;
By establishing a special Presidential
award to be bestowed upon those w h o
make particularly large or original con-
INASMUCH AS these efforts are aimed
at good solid Republican businessmen,
it is to be hoped that they would meet
with some acceptance and even a degree
of success. Industry-sponsored training
programs can certainly do no harm, and
any growth of black ownership and op-
eration of ghetto businesses w o u 1 d be
truly laudable.
But it is difficult to be as optimistic
CL7L r .ff.r
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Editorial Director
DAVID KNOKE, Executive Editor
WALLACE IMMEN ........ .....News Editor
CAROLYN MIEGEL ...... Associate Managing Editor
DANIEL OQRENT .... , ...............Feature Editor
PAT O'DONOHUE ........News Editor
WALTER SHAPIRO ...... Associate Editorial Director
HOWARD KOHN ........ Associate Editorial Director
NEAL BRUSS............... ... Magazine Edito-
ALISON SVMROSKI . .... Associate Magazine Editor
AVIVA KEMPNER.........Personnel Director
ANN MUN3TER ... ....... Contributing Editor
DAVID DUBOFF..............Contributing Editor
ANDY 84CKS .. .. .................... Photo Editor

about any individual volunteer effort the{
President and his advisers may have in
mind. One wonders just how many volun-
teers the Administration will be able to
recruit from the ranks of the disillusion-
ed young - at whom the campaign seems
primarily directed. It is disgruntling to
read proposals to recruit thousands of
college students to do volunteer work in
the ghettoes after 1968's shattering evi-
dence of our own impotence before the
nation's stagnant institutions.
Furthermore, all available evidence in-
dicates that any scheme which will bring
yet another horde of lily-white students
into the ghettoes is bound to meet with
disfavor among the very people it pur-
ports to help. It is time the government
learned that the black man is tired of
ineffectual paternalism.
AND IN THE END, any volunteers would
only learn what the innumerable ide-
alists who have joined the Peace Corps,
or VISTA, or Head Start Projects have
learned before them: that no amount of
originality and enthusiasm can surmount
the lethargy that plagues the very insti-
tutions that they are trying to transform,
be they the U.S. Department of State or
the New York public school system.
IF THE PROGRAM were totally harm-
less, we could ignore it and let those
who volunteer find their own disillusion.
But the danger remains that such a pro-
gram, if carried out, would only propa-
gate the distortion t h a t something is
really being accomplished; plainly noth-
ing is. We have done nothing about so
much for so long that we can hardly af-
ford to cushion ourselves in sublime com-
placency again now.
Honor roll
THE FOLLOWING 16 Democratic Sena-
tors voted against the confirmation of
Walter Hickel as Secretary of the Inter-
Allen (Ala), Cranston (Cal.), Harris
(Okla.), Hartke (Ind.), Kennedy (Mass.),
McCarthy (Minn.), McGovern (S.D.), Mc-
Intyre (N.H.), Moss (Utah), Muskie (Me.),
Nelson (Wis.), Pastore (R.I.), Pell (R.I.),
Proxmire (Wis.), Tydings (Md.), Young
In addition Senators Innoye (Hawaii),


' Men and word
IN THE LONG RUN the relief many found in Richard Nix
augural Address will be measured against the cruel test o.
Pessimists may even forecast that the speech will prove to ha
the high point of his Administration.
But in the here and now it must be conceded that few do
have so effectively achieved their immediate purpose-the te
political disarmament of many who viewed Nixon's accessi
mingled anger and apprehension.
A few voices have dourly observed that the address wa
of pragrammatic promise; indeed, the most concrete conclus
sented was that the government is nearing "the limit" of its r
in dealing with want and inequity-a declaration that enabled1
Wall Street Journal and the Daily News to accept the spee
surface equanimity despite its broader commitment to ho
horizons uisualy identified with "bleeding-heart liberalism."
theless, on balance, both the tone and inclination of the addr
far more calculated to diminish the fears of Mr. Nixon'sI
adversaries than evoke the cheers of his old right-wing fans
AMONG PURISTS ON THE LEFT, his rhetoric will be d
as another strategy of the great pretender rather than as the
pronouncements of a new President.
But they may be missing the real point. For while many
ambiguities he recited are obviously subject to future definit
real fact may be that the spirit of the address representedI
crucial choice of identity in his new role.
Which brings us to the matter of ghosts.
The preparation of any modern Presidential speech-and e
an Inaugural-is variably preceded by the submission of dra
fragments by members of the speech-writing staff, as well as n
volunteer contributions.
There is no reason to believe that President Nixon pursue
ferent formula. The cast of characters participating in the pro
year was described by William H. Honan in an informed, lively
last Sunday's New York Times magazine. It is clear from1
report, and some other indications, that the winner of what r
described as the 1969 Inaugural essay contest was RaymondI
Jr., former editorial page editor of the Herald-Tribune and, acco
the description of former associates, a liberal unafflicted by
NO SPEECH-WRITER is rendered a service by notority;
jealous fraternity, and the ghost who receives special noti
soon find himself living a haunted life-both among his co
and the man who delivers his words. In Price's behalf I shoul
that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, we have never
But certainly it is apparent that the disciples of William1
who are also members of the Nixon writing squad could have p
few of the fines finally delivered-and presumably wrote ma
were discarded. Neither can it be said that the style bore a
spicuous Nixon imprint, or that conglomerate quality of collec
cerpts amassed in his acceptance speech at Miami Beach.
anything if it merely suggests that one ghost had a bet
than others? Is it true, as Mr. Honan contended, that a Pres
address offers "no subtle indices of the Presidential mood or
but "is just a matter of who happened to have written the Pre
speech that day"?
A veteran ghost-Arthur Schlesinger Jr.-sharply dispu
cently that view. It is ,he pointed out, the President who ma
choice after examining the products of the contestants. Ther
words (about which we can only conjecture) may be no less sig
than the accepted ones, particularly on so fateful an gccasio
We have the right to assume that Nixon came outa

adership of this All-
citizens of Ann Arbor can
his politically, appointed
trolled Housing Commis-
abuse human beings be-
y are poor, unskilled and
ed, then the community
does deserve the designa-
-American," it is un-
f being classed as civil-
H. Wheeler, Chairman
using Committee
n Arbor, NAACP
n. 23
ER credibility gap is the
hing needed in govern-
ght now. Perhaps The
Daily or some of its
ould help close a devel-
Whitehorn, who is chal-
he present federal law
ovides that a minor (her
in this case) can be
without consent of h i s
has received an unusual
m Sen. Edmund Muskie's
ter, a part of which deals
relationship of a con-
minor to his country,
not be said that the par-
ve the final authority
ir children since their
y must conform to pub-
y. If parental acts con-
public policy, the State,
pate guardian of the
nd welfare of its citi-
y intervene and entrust
dren to the care of an-
Vhitehorn, her friends,
er that the word another
the military.
asize that the comments
neither 1984 nor one of
peeches. During the two
ince Muskie's letter was
Mrs. Whitehorn has sent
s to theasenator asking
ome mistake has b e en
e letter was sent via cer-
il. I have a roommate
sent a letter to Muskie
ame subject. They have
o reply as of today.
Senator Muskie so re-
o confirm or repudiate
on articulated in the let-
do' his public and pri-
es about dissent and the
er so markedly?

Mrs. Whitehorn and I are un-
able to answer these questions. We
believe that two months is a bit
long to wait for the senator's re-
ply. Perhaps the public ought to
know something about his tact,
if not the deeper question of why
he chooses to be so secretive on a
vital issue. Would the true Sen-
ator Muskie please step forward?
I write as an alumnus, hoping
to enlist aid in smoking out Sen-
ator Muskie. Could anyone help?
--Howard Landsman, 167E
Jan. 18
To the Kitor:
less of anyone's else's opin-
ion, I say the yellow press has
distorted truth beyond measure,
Crime, SDS, and anti-Nixon writ-
ing is all I read. Wht' don't you
write about the tens of thousands
of good boys and girls at U of M
who are dedicated to truth and
the pursuit of knowledge? (I work
at a sorority house and the only
bad thing is that the girls use
their huge exam files to get good
grades from others work.. But this
can be overlooked). Do I have to
demonstrate to be newsworthy? It
seems like the worse a guy is
(beard, leftist) the more he is
placed in the public eye. I don't
like this.
Truth and virtue are every-
where. But. you won't print about
it. Therefore if I stop reading your
paper you will have no one to
blame but yourself. Stop fiddle-
faddling with the truth! Yes, this
may be hard to swallow but it is
true. You are guilty of this and
this is wrong.
I SUGGEST stirring educational
essays to begin with. These would
be good and stimulate interest.
This is by no means number one.
I'm openminded if some student
has a better idea. I could write
this first essay on truth and free-
dom. Meanwhile please rid youry
paper of its omissions, lies, libel,
leftist, wicked, corrupt, base,
wrong journalism! You know
what's right. Both me and the
lady I live with dislike your paper
very much.
I love this great University and
that is why I would like to see
one of its organs bettered.
-Keith LeGrand, '69
Jan. 22




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