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January 09, 1969 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1969-01-09

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Thursday, January 9, 1969
By RON LANDSMAN sity officials felt the shortag
The University s resuming its so severe they would have tc
apprenticeship program for skill- their own workers.
ed tradesmen a n d black appli- The skilled trades union
cants will be given priority. been a target of civil
The program w a s halted last groups because of alleged
spring pending negotiations with crimination against black
the campus unions and comple- Ann Arbor, blacks compris
tion of administrative details. It than one per cent of the
aims at filling some 50 to 60 pro- skilled 'trades - plumbers
Jected vacancies in spilled jobs at' electricians.
the plant department. and else- Commenting on why the
where over the next five years. versity was now seekingt
The University began the pro- especially for the openingsi
gram when faced with a shortage program, personnel officer
of men available through the sel Reister explained, "I'd l
skilled trades union. The union think that every once in a
tends to limit the supply of work- the University can respondc
ers to protect wages, but Univer- own to social needs without



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ge was side pressures. We're willing todures, and the issue may be rais- that showed greater uccess with
otrainj take 'affirmative action,"' _._ theI ed again when testing for the new workers who did, not go
catch-phrase of liberals in t h e program is resumed, through the normal testing pro-
h a s labor movement who want special Two civil rights leaders con- cedures - largely hard-core un-
rights programs initiated to help blacks. tacted yesterday were both less employed ghetto dwellers -- than
d dis- But Elden Brigham, who runs than enthusiastic about the Uni- with employes hired through the
s, In the apprenticeship program, lays versity's program. Although not traditional process.
se less at least part of the blame for the disapproving of the move, neither "We must have departures from
'elite" delays and the responsibility for seemed too impressed. fixed attitudes about how people
a n d thehnewpriorities on "local civil "The tendency to hold to un- get into the job market," he add-
rights groups." realistic tnuaificationsa nd stn ed.


sition to testing such as that used I n t e r n a t ional Correspondence
by the unions on their "unavoid-I School, and thirty-six to thirty-
able cultural bias." He cited a re- eight hours of on-the-job training.
port of the Psychological Corpcr- Its structure is similar to that
ation of America which concluded, usdtbycthe i tra uons
in part, that "discrimination used by the skilled tradeshunions
against disadvantaged g r o u p s in their own apprenticeship pro-
won't be improved by psychomet- grams, which have about a half-
rics alone." day of class work in a month of
on-the-job training, The classes
} "We will accept no testing at are taught by teachers hired by
all because of the inherent cul- the state.
tural bias," Hunter said. Brigham warns that the cur-
Although plans for the program rent projections are subject to
are far from clear, the Univer- change. He cites as impediments
sity will probably begin training the possible lack of qualified jour-
about a dozen to 15 men within neymen or their equivalents to
the next month. The program in- train the new men, lack of offi-
cludes two to four hours a week cial requisition for the new posi-
in class, using materials from the tions so the men can be hired,

and some foul-ups in screening
that must be compensated for in
the next month.
The University's Bureau of Psy-
chological Services may take over
at least some of the responsibility
for testing, some sources indicate.
However, Reister said it would
not be the bureau, although he
declined to specify what group
will. He did say it would be a Uni-
versity unit.
The problem of testing appli-
cants for programs such as these
has plagued both unions and civil
rights groups for a few years now.
Unions have often used the tests
as barriers to keep blacks out, and
few blacks interested in the trades
have been able 'to penetrate it.

Uni- Neither the local chapter of the dards for testing procedures has
blacks NAACP nor the city Human Re- hampered progress here," Dr. Al-
in the lations Commission, t h e major bert Wheeler, chairman of the
Rus- civil rights groups in the area, state NAACP said.
ike to have pressed the University on He cited a. report of the ,New
while its program lately. However, the Detroit Committee, formed in
on. its HRC has clashed with the per- 1967 following the July riot, from
w out- sonnel office over testing proce- the two largest auto companiesl

Bob Hunter of the HRC was not1
too overjoyed, however, HRC had.
asked the University to stop all
such testing last spring; and that;
seemed to be complied wit,'t. They
have not consulted with HRC on1
their latest decision, however.
Hunter bases his absolute oppo-i

Prices Effective Thru Sat., Jan. 11, 1969. Rights Reserved To Limit Quantities.


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SDS denies
Caucus bid
for charter
(Continued from Page 1)
ing the invitation of Ann Arbor
SDS to rejoin the organization.
"We're going to go back to
what we were doing before the
convention" he said. He explained
that the Radical Caucus will con-
tinue to press for an end to dis-
tribution and language require-
ments, and take up interest in the
refusal of the sociology depart-
ment to grant tenure to Prof.
Thomas Mayer,
"We're assuming the Radcal
Caucus is going to grow," said Le-
The five-day convention, held
in the dining hall at South Quad.
produced action on a number of
resolutions concerning the fu-
ture activities of the movement.
Most prominent of these was a
proposed march on Washington,
D.C. on the weekend of Richard
Nixon's presidential inauguration.
The proposal drafted by a group
of eight SDS members f ro m
across the country, including Ay-
ers and Mark Rudd of Columbia
was overwhelmingly defeated for
a number of reasons.
The key to the defeat of the
proposal was an anti-march state-
ment issued by a caucus of blacks
attending the convention. The
statement, which basically warned
that any disturbance resulting
from a march would be an excuse
for repression and reprisal by po-
lice in the black community of the
city, carried a lot of weight with
the delegates.
"We've got to ask ourselves
whose heads are going to be bust-
ed," said Leonard Williams of
Flint, SDS'er and self-proclaimed
leader of the black caucus. e
quoted from the statement, "If
you do go down, and do indeed
cause such reprisals in the Black
community, any dreams you have
of a black-white alliance will be
deader than shit."
Others voting against the pro-
posal did so for political reasons.
These delegates did not want SD
to join officially in any effort
sponsored by the National Mobil-
ization Committee to End the War
in Vietnam (Mobe).
Mobe has issued a call to st-;
dents across the country to par-
ticipate in an inaugural weekend
march on Washington.
Still other students felt it im-
practical to call for a national
gathering during the middle of
January, and on a weekend that is
in the midst of semester exams at
many colleges and universities.
Other positions taken by the na-
tional body at the convention in-
-support for a resoluton to ex-
pand SDS beyond the scope of
purely a student movement and
into a total youth movement.
--support for a resolution to op-
pose racism nationally and with-
in the organization itself by build-
ing a student-worker alliance to
fight the institutions that pro-
mote racism in the country.
-support for a statement on
women's "liberation" from "op-
pressive" social structures.
Guild strikes
against AP
this morning
NEW YORK (P) - The Wire
Service Guild announced early to-
day that it would strike The As-
sociated Press at 8 a.m. EST.
The: announcement- was made

by Malcolm Barr, Wire Service
Guild strike strategy chairman.
Wes Gallagher, general manager
of The Associated Press, said the
AP will "continue its essential and
basic news services-specifically,
the general news wires, photos,
financial and sports," with super-
visory and non-union personal.
The Commercial Telegraphers
Union, whose members operate
AP's teletype transmitting equip-
ment, is expected to honor Guild
picket lines.
Main issues in the disnute were

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