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January 09, 1969 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-01-09

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Thursday, January 9, 1969

ayoral candidates announce; eleven to vie for five council

! seats

(Continued from Page 1)r
ndidacies for the five city ccxn-
. seats available.-
Three Republican incumbentsC
e not seeking re-election.
The most controversial of thef
cumbents to step down will be
aird Ward Councilman John C.
eldkamp. Feldkamp is also Uni-!
rsity Housing Director.3
Feldkamp says the decision notI
run was a hard one to make.'
owever, he decided his "growing!
immitment to the University wasE
ore important.
University officials had been re-{
)rtedly concerned about a pos-'
ble conflict of interest.
However, Feldkamp praised the
(Continued from Page 1)
e know better where to locate
teir schools," he added.
Yet two proposals for the fin-
icing of community colleges
'ew even a greater concern. The
an calls for a "kickback" pol-
y in which the local school dis-
-jct of a' non-resident student
ays the extra non-resident's tui-
on fees. The second proposal
ates that in determining state
>propriations only students car-
'ing at least 15.5 credit hours will
considered as full-time stu-

University administration f d r the city's Human Relations Com- Americans for Democratic Action, Civil Liberties Union Board, of
being "most understanding" and mission, and has served on the and chairman of the Ann Arbor which he is past chairman.
for allowing him to make the de- council since 1965. He is a member Citizen's School Committee. A Richard H. Emmons, Repub-
cision entirely on his own. of the NAACP and the AFL-CIO, local merchant, Faber has run un- lican. Emlmons is the managing'
"I know that was a hard choice and -is currently the only black successfully for council twice be- editor of the Michigan Alumnus1
for him to make," says Vice Pres- member of the council. fore in the city's Third Ward. magazine and former city editor
ident for Student Affairs Barbara Adtric Gillespie, Republican. Mrs. Ruth Hobbs, Republican, of the Ann Arbor NeWs.
Newell. "John got deep personal Gillespie is an active party worker Mrs. Hobbs, a past president of the FOURTH WARD
satisfaction from the job." in the first ward, and a member Ann Arbor Board of Realtors, is a Mrs. Doris Caddell, Democrat.
Incumbents Douglas D. Crary, of the AFL-CIO. Also a Negro, Gil- member of the Human Relations Mrs. Caddella em ocrthe
Second Ward, and John R. Hath- lespie says he will speak out before Commission and vice-chairman of Mrs. Caddell is a member of the
,away Fourth Ward, have also allowing the Model Cities and the Republican State Central League of Women Voters, serving
chosen not to seek re-election. code-enforcement programs to be Committee. as secretary and finance officer of
Here is the lineup of the coun- "pressed upon the people of Ann the organization. A University
cil races: Arbor." THIRD WARD graduate, she has been a resident
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff, Demo- of the city since 1950, and was a
FIRST WARD SECOND WARD crat. Kazarinoff is a University social studies teacher in the pub-
H. C. Curry, incumbent Demo- Robert G. Faber, Democrat. professor of mathematics and a lie school system for eight years.
crat. Curry is a former member of Faber is a board member of the member of the local American Roy E. Weber. Republican.

Weber is the executive vice presi-is scheduled for Feb. 17. He is a

dent and treasurer of the Ann
Arbor Federal Savings and Loan
Association. He has served as a'
member of the city's Zoning Board
of Appeals, and in the county
chapters of the American Red
Cross and United Fund.I
Incumbent Brian R. Connelly
will face Augustine J. Lalonde for
the GOP nomination in this ward.
Connelly was appointed to fill
the term of Balzhiser when he
left for Washington. He is expect-
ed to receive the official endorse-
ment of the party for the primary
race against Lalonde. The primary'

former member of the Human Re-
lations Commission.
Lalonde is an employe of an
electronics supply firm and a for.
mer owner and operator of a taxi-
cab company. He has made wo
unsuccessful attempts at obtaining
a council seat, one as a Democrat
and one as a Republican.

Henry L. Stadler, Democrat.
Stadler. a scientist and research
en ineer with the Ford Motor Co.,
has taugh. physics at the Univer-
sity. He is a former Democratic
Fifth Ward chairman, and a for-
mer member of the party's execu-
tive board. He has also been active
in local school millage and bond-
ing campaigns.

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Prices Effective Thru Sat., Jan. It, 1969. Rights Reserved To Limit Quantities.




The kickback plan was termed
"ipnpractical" and "impossible to
operate" by Bradner.
.Community college administra-
tors fear that because of the large
number of part-time students at-
tending their school, the 15.5
credit hour limitation may reduce
the amount of their state appro-
"Community colleges must be
assessed according to contact
hours," said a spokesman for the
Washtenaw community college."
The rationale of one hour in
class equalling one credit hour
was criticized as not applicable td
occupational programs in com-
munity colleges since much of the
work is done outside of the class-
room. The spokesman suggested
that a "functional rather than a
traditional approach" be adopted
for tabulating credits.
The suggestions brought forth
by the University and by repre-
sentatives of the other colleges
throughout the state will be con-
sidered in adding minor changes
to the plan before it is submitted
to the board of education for ap-
proval early this year. Once the
board approves of the plan, it will
be sent to the Legislature and to
the governor.
As the plan stands now, it is
only advisory and neither the state
board of education nor the Legis-
lature is bound by its recom-
' Prior to 1963, 'the Board of
Education was limited to primary
and secondary education, and
each institution of higher learn-
ing dealt indirectly with the Le-
gislature. However, the 1963 con-
stitutions expanded the powers of
the .state board to cover higher
education. The master plan is an
attempt to define their jurisdic-
City lives
'SELMA, Ala. (CPS) - L a s t
summer, hundreds of blacks, Mex-
ican-Americans, Indians and poor
whites spent three months in
Washington's Lincoln Park. They
built their own city-Resurrection
City U.S.A.
Now, just outside Selma in
Booker Childrey, a small group of
whites and blacks have set up the
second Resurrection City, this
time a permanent one. It is being
built on ten acres of land donated
to a group called Refugees of Re-
surrection City.
The Refugees are people who
were left homeless after police
closed Resurrection City in July.
Many of the Poor People's C a m -
paigners had been sharecroppe's
or tenant farmers before they
went to Washington or demon-
strated in their own towns in the
South. Many landlords would not
allow these workers to return to
their "homes" after they had par-
ticipated in the Campaign, so they
were left homeless.
The land designated for the
city is nearly surrounded by a
black community of about 5000
people. Ray Robinson-a spokes-
man for the group-says he is con-
fident the Refugees (who have
dropped that title since they have
a new homesite) will win the sup-
port of the community.
"The city will be a city of love,"
he said, "open to the whole com-
munity-all races, creeds and col-
The group has suffered many
setbacks-snubs and roadblocks

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